Sunday, May 31, 2009
India : Know about the Rajya Sabha ,The Upper House
India : Know about the Rajya Sabha ,the Upper House
Rajya Sabha The upper house of the parliament of India.
Maximum number of upper house members is only 250 which are half of the Lok Sabha that is the lower house.
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Sunday, May 24, 2009
India: Know about Lok Sabha - the lower house

India: Know about Lok Sabha - the lower house:
Reality views: by sm
Lok Sabha is also called as Lower house or House of the People.
The members of the lok sabha are directly elected by citizens of India by voting.
The term of each lok sabha is for 5 years after that it automatically dissolves.
Currently maximum 552 members are elected for lower house.
Membership Qualification Required For Lok sabha:
Person must be a citizen of India.
Age should be 25 or above and mentally sound.
He should not be bankrupt.
The person should not have criminal procedures against him or her.
Session or working hours of Lok sabha:
Lower house assembles between 11 am to 1 pm then there is a brake and again
From 2 pm to 6 pm.
What is Question hour?
The First hour of the lower house in that questions are asked so first hour of lower house is called as question hour.
In this question hours members ask the questions on national as well as international policies, administration and problems.
Question hour and types of question:
In the question hour there are 4 types of questions can be asked.
Questions are divided in 4 categories.
1. Starred
2. Unstarred
3. Short Notice Questions
4. Questions addressed to private Members.
A starred question is a one which has an asterisk mark.
Every day maximum 20 starred question can be allowed
.Starred questions are where oral answers are given to questions.
An unstarred question is one where written answer is given to the member.
Per day only 230 maximum questions are allowed to be asked.
If there is Presidential rule on any state then more 25 unstarred questions can be added asked. So questions maximum limit is 255 questions per day.
A short notice question is of urgent nature where prior notice of question is not required .For ordinary question minimum 10 days notice is given to parliament.
The Question to a Private Member is addressed to the Member himself/herself and it is asked when the subject matter of it pertains to any Bill, Resolution or any matter relating to the Business of the House for which that Member is responsible.
For such Questions, the same procedure is followed as in the case of Questions addressed to a Minister with such variations as the Speaker may consider necessary or convenient.
A member gives notice in writing addressed to the Secretary-General, Lok Sabha, informing his intention to ask a question.
The normal period of notice of a question is not more than twenty-one and not less than ten clear days.
A short notice question can be asked with a notice shorter than ten days, but the member has to state briefly the reasons for asking the question at short notice.
Lok sabha shares its legislative powers with Rajya Sabha exception is money bills.
But Rajya sabha members are very less in numbers than lok sabha members automatically lok sabha rules and Rajya sabha becomes useless as it can not make laws or rules which are in conflict with Lok sabha members views and
This reason sometimes I feel we don’t need Rajya sabha it’s a waste of Indian tax payer’s money.
Rajya Sabha is powerless.
Lok sabha and types of sessions:
Every year there 3 sessions of Lok Sabha are held.
Budget session: February to May.
Monsoon session: July to September.
Winter session: November to December.
Powers of Lok Sabha:
Motion of no confidence can be introduced only in lok sabha.
Can not be introduced in Rajya Sabha.
The Rajya Sabha has no power over such a motion, and hence no real power over the executive.
Money bills and Budget is introduced in Lok Sabha .The money bills are send to Rajya Sabha for consent but reality is that in 14 days Rajya Sabha accept it or reject it .
Lok Sabha passes that bill without accepting Rajya Sabha recommendations .
So in short Rajya Sabha is powerless .A house without weapon and rights .
Ordinary bills are passed by lower house and send to upper house.
If upper house rejects it then a joint session is called and voting is done to pass the bill.
And as the Lok Sabha members are nearly double so automatically Upper house that is Rajya Sabha loses proving it is powerless.
Ordinary bill means bills which are not money bills.

Friday, May 22, 2009
Complete List of Prime Ministers of India:
Complete List of Prime Ministers of India:
1. Jawaharlal Nehru: pm office duration- 15 Aug 1947 to 27 May 1964
2. Gulzarilal Nanda: pm office duration- 27 May 1964 to 9 Jun 1964
3. Lal Bahadur Shastri: pm office duration- 9 Jun 1964 to 11 Jan 1966
4. Gulzarilal Nanda: pm office duration- 11 Jan 1966 to 24 Jan 1966
5. Indira Gandhi: pm office duration- 24 Jan 1966 to 24 Mar 1977
6. Morarji Desai: pm office duration- 24 Mar 1977 to 28 Jul 1979
7. Charan Singh: pm office duration- 28 Jul 1979 to 14 Jan 1980
8. Indira Gandhi: pm office duration- 14 Jan 1980 to 31 Oct 1984
9. Rajiv Gandhi: pm office duration- 31 Oct 1984 to 2 Dec 1989
10. Vishwanath Pratap Singh: pm office duration- 2 Dec 1989 to 10 Nov 1990
11. Chandra Shekhar: pm office duration- 10 Nov 1990 to 21 Jun 1991
12. P. V. Narasimha Rao: pm office duration- 21 Jun 1991 to 16 May 1996
13. Atal Bihari Vajpayee: pm office duration- 16 May 1996 to 1 Jun 1996
14. H. D. Deve Gowda: pm office duration- 1 Jun 1996 to 21 Apr 1997
15. Inder Kumar Gujral: pm office duration- 21 Apr 1997 to 19 Mar 1998
16. Atal Bihari Vajpayee: pm office duration- 19 Mar 1998 to 22 May 2004
17. Dr. Manmohan Singh: pm office duration- 22 May 2004 to 2009
18. Dr. Manmohan Singh: pm office duration- 22 May 2009 to Incumbent
Indian constitution does not have provision of acting prime minister this is reason
Gulzarilal nanda is stated as the prime minister of India.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
India: Know About Manmohan Singh – The Prime Minister of India

Reality Views by sm:
India: Know About Manmohan Singh – The Prime Minister of India
Name - Manmohan Singh
Born - 26 September 1932 (age 76) Gah, Punjab, British India now in Pakistan
Political party- Indian National Congress.
Spouse: Gursharan Kaur
Children: Upinder Singh, Daman Singh, Amrit Singh
Alma mater: Punjab University, Chandigarh,St John's College, Cambridge, Cambridge University, Nuffield College, Oxford University
BA (Hons) in Economics 1952; MA First Class in Economics, 1954 Punjab University, Chandigarh, India.
First Class Honors degree in Economics, University of Cambridge, St John's College, Cambridge (1957).
D. Phil in Economics, Nuffield College at University of Oxford, (1962)
Work Experience:
Senior Lecturer, Economics (1957-1959)
Reader (1959-1963)
Professor (1963-1965)
Professor of International Trade (1969-1971)
Economic Advisor, Ministry of Foreign Trade, India (1971-1972)
Director, Reserve Bank of India (1976-1980)
Director, Industrial Development Bank of India (1976-1980)
Governor, Reserve Bank of India (1982-1985)
Finance Minister of India, (21 June 1991 - 15 May 1996)
Prime Minister of India (22 May 2004 - Present)
Prime Minister of India (2009 May - Present)
Personal Life of Manmohan Singh:
Singh married Gursharan Kaur in 1958 and they have three daughters. His eldest daughter, Upinder Singh is a professor of history at St. Stephen's College and author of six books including, Ancient Delhi (1999) and A History of Ancient and Early Medieval India (2008). His second daughter, Daman Singh, is a graduate of St. Stephen's College, New Delhi and Institute of Rural Management, Anand, Gujarat, and author of The Last Frontier: People and Forests in Mizoram and a novel Nine by Nine. Singh's youngest daughter Amrit Singh is a staff attorney at American Civil Liberties Union and is married to Barton Beebe, an Associate Professor of Law who specializes in intellectual property law.
Singh has a history of heart ailment and underwent coronary bypass surgery in 1990 and angioplasty in 2004. Singh also underwent a second bypass surgery at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) on January 24, 2009, in which doctors replaced three older grafts. A team of doctors led by surgeon Ramakant Panda and assisted by AIIMS doctors successfully performed a redo (repeat) bypass. Singh resumed his duties on March 4, 2009.
During his tenure as the Finance Minister, he was widely credited for initiating economic reforms in India in 1991 which resulted in the end of the infamous License Raj system.
Under his Prime minister ship Indians received the Right to Information Act.
This is helping Indians to dig out the corruption made by government babus.
Babus mean government officials.
Reality Views by sm:
Manmohan Singh is the one of the honest alive politician of India.
Normally he does not talk much, he believes in action and he shows it with his actions.
Mms is a common mans representation, he has worked as a professor, reader he knows the problems of middleclass as well as lower-class of India.
He can solve all the problems but main problem is that he does not have much support.
And expectations are high from him, but good thing is very slowly he is trying to change India. If he will try to change anything very ghastly he will be thrown away by congress as well as other political parties.
India is a nation where corruption is religion, so we must realize how it must be difficult for Mms to work with more than 90% corrupt or greedy or selfish politicians and leaders and government babus, employees of India.
We Indians can not even handle our own cooperative housing societies so think he has to[ Dr Manmohan Singh ] has to perform for India.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Know all about LTTE, Velupillai Prabhakaran: Prabhakarn killed

Reality Views by sm :-
Know all about LTTE, Velupillai Prabhakaran: Prabhakarn killed:
Prabhakarn commits suicide .
Velupillai Prabhakaran is killed , The end of big terror organization .
In 2009 Sri Lanka army has nearly destroyed the LTTE, there are rumors that Prabhakar has been killed but still it is not confirmed.
LTTE Chief Velupillai Prabhakaran is reportedly killed. According to the media reports, Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) leader Prabhakaran’s dead body has been found by the Sri Lankan army.
The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam commonly known as the LTTE or the Tamil Tigers) is a militant organization based in northern Sri Lanka. Founded in May 1976,
Is headed by its founder Velupillai Prabhakaran.
This organization is recognized as a terrorist organization by 32 countries.
The LTTE invented the suicide belt and pioneered the use of suicide bombing as a tactic
Using this they have killed many high profile leaders of India and Srilanka.
They also pioneered the use of women in suicide attacks. The Tamil Tigers have also used aircraft in some attacks.
The LTTE carried out their first major attack on July 23, 1983 when they ambushed a Sri Lanka Army troop transport outside Jaffna. 13 Sri Lankan soldiers were killed in the attack. Every LTTEs member wears a cyanide capsule for consumption if captured by enemy.
Black Tigers a unit dedicated to suicide attacks against politicians, military was established by the LTTE in 1987.
In first successful attack on Srilankan army camp this unit killed 40 soldiers.
After this India tried to establish peace in Srilanka by signing contract with Srilanka government. after that a certain degree of regional autonomy in the Tamil area was given to EPRLF, and called for the Tamil militant groups to surrender and lay down weapons and to achieve this India send a peacekeeping force IPKF to Sri lanka to enforce and watch this accord .
After this majority Tamil groups accepted it but LTTE rejected this accord and kept fighting and during this LTTE killed Indian army IPKF people.
Thus LTTE found it engaged in military conflict with the Indian Army, and launched its first attack on an Indian army rations truck on October 8, killing five Indian Para-commandos who were on board by strapping burning tires around their necks
After this Indian army started operation pawan to get control on Jaffana .up to year 1990
IPKF stayed in Sri Lanka In 1990, Sri Lanka government told IPKF to leave the country.
This way that contract, treaty accord failed.
In 1991 LTTE killed Rajiv Gandhi and in 1993 again LTTE killed Sri Lankan President Ranasinghe Premadasa.
In 1995 LTTE sunk two Sri Lankan navy ships.
Between 2001 and 2003 Srilanka and LTTE tried to establish peace with the help of
Norway and the other Nordic countries. But these talks also failed.
While this peace talks were going on both parties kept breaking this peace treaty.
In 2006 again they tried to sign and talk peace treaty but again they failed.
Reasons are not important, important is failed.
LTTE used navy, air, suicide bombers. The were called as sea tigers, air tigers and black tigers, rarely black tigers failed any mission which they were given.
The Sea Tigers has destroyed 35%-50% of the Sri Lankan Navy's coastal craft
LTTE is the first organization who got there own air force.
LTTE also runs its own radio and television stations. These entities are named the Voice of Tigers and National Tamil Eelam Television respectively. Both the radio and television channel are aired from the areas under LTTE control. It is said that LTTE was recruiting and using child soldiers and they got 5794 child soldiers since 2001.
Between 1980 and 2000, the LTTE carried out 168 suicide attacks causing heavy damage on economic and military targets.
LTTE fought with Sri Lankan Government from 1975, but at last they are defeated permanently .The war is over.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
British Raj Was It A Boon on India? :-
British Raj Was It A Boon on India? :-
I came to read this post on this blog,
British Rule in India and Nazi rule. What is the difference?
This inspired me to write this post.
The above post discusses about British raj there atrocities on Indians and compares it with Nazi rule.
First of all let me clear that the comparison between Nazi rule and British rule on India is totally wrong,
Nazi and Hitler were the citizens of Germany, they grew up there and they ruled there own country, there own people, that time it was Germany and not an area divided and occupied and ruled by small different nations, countries and kings.
When British people came to India, there was no India at all .
India was a large area ruled by many small kingdoms .
India was controlled by Muslims and Arab people and some other kings .
So when there was no India at all how can you compare that?
British people conquered India and ruled it on the other hand Nazi people were the citizens of Germany, they didn’t go outside Germany and ruled.
Ruling your own people and ruling other country are two totally different topics ,they can not be compared .Can you compare murders done by Kasab with the murder of gulshan kumar .
Can you compare murder of Rajiv Gandhi with the murder of gulshan kumar . No you can not compare them .
What was India before British people came to India ?
There was no India ,there were small kingdoms ruled by kings and many were ruled and controlled by Arabs and Muslims who were outsiders, who came to loot these small kingdoms from Kabul ,Afghanistan ,and slowly become the rules of India .
After this British people came to India, they saw the opportunity and slowly captured India ..As they owned the India ,this the time they started to give birth to today’s India .
They started to give shape to India ,they are birth givers to India as well as Pakistan.
If British people didn’t visited or came to India , I doubt there would have been no India at all . Mughal Empire did survive till 1857, its heyday can be considered to have come to an end in 1707, with the death of Aurangzeb,
For a brief period of 3 years from 1756 to 1759, the Marathas ruled Punjab and the Mughal emperor was a pensioner of the Marathas receiving an annual pension of as. 60,000 from Mahadji Shinde, the Maratha Sardar of Gwalior .
Before British people came here , what was in India ?
a caste system which robed there owned brothers and sisters .
They say in a last battle of plassy which established total british rule in India was won by british people because there army was full of dalit and untouchable people of India .
Did you ever given thought what is reason dalit people fought from the side of British army.
Before the arrival of British people to India ,do you see there any movement in the past of creation of one India .
Before British came to India ,we got large kingdoms ,but they were large but these kingdoms were not intended to be one India .
British people gave us this feeling of One India , They gave us parliamentary system ,democratic system ,ports, railways etc.
Most important gift British people gave to India is the English Language ,the language of science ,the language which will make India one day super power.
If very carefully you will see you will understand that British people taught Indians how to do business and make money .
If today you will ask old people they will say that British raj was better than this Indian raj.
British rulers banned the sati system ,made a law against it .
Why today in India females are educated ?
This credit also goes to British people indirectly .
When our educated people saw the educated British females , they also decided to teach there females , British educated females gave inspiration .Otherwise today also our Indian females would have been uneducated .
When British people came here ,they fought with local people, Arab people, French people,
Portuguese people and they defeated them all .and became rulers of India.
Even our judicial system is established by British people .
First court was started by British rulers .In 1727 company started Mayors court for civil litigation .
In 1772 an elaborate judicial system, known as adalat , established civil and criminal jurisdictions along with a complex set of codes or rules of procedure and evidence.
British rule gave us telegraph and post service and news paper also.
Today also in independent India we got cases like Dr.Binayak sen , and Gujarat riots etc.
One has to see the positive points in everything and not negative .
Its human nature, if you got power you will rob or beat others this is Jungle raj.
From that beginning we are today living in a society with rules and laws .
How many rulers and kings you know who after winning the other state has not robbed that state you may find exceptions to this .
How many kingdoms you know who robed as well as given and done some good things to that state also.
Before arrival of British rule on India, already Arab kings have destroyed our many books and education houses .
Today also in independent India we now and then hear that police beat teachers ,atrocities done by police or rich people .This is human nature with power the great responsibility comes .
What is SEZ in India ,is it not robbing of farmers his land ,making a owner a servant
Few people will say that British people don’t allow us learn language Sanskrit, I will tell them British rulers are not responsible for this ,for this our caste system is responsible,
Sanskrit was a language of upper-class people only. Other Indians were forbidden to learn it .
Even after independence our own rulers didn’t make it compulsory for Indians to learn Sanskrit .
The real time has come that we Indian as well as British people should forget what happened in the past .
The time has come Indian boys and girls should study History of India only from 1948.
In this global village there is no need to learn and know what happened in 18th century.
For science and medicine, technology its necessary they should know that history,
But we don’t need to argue and talk what happened in 18th century or what happened in British Raj the world is changing we have to concentrate on what has happend after independance .
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Know all about: Democracy vs. Monarchy
Know all about: Democracy vs. Monarchy
Lets Try to Understand Which Government Form is good: Democracy vs. Monarchy
A monarchy is a form of government in which supreme power is held by an individual, who is the head of state; normally he is called as King of the state. His son becomes the king of the state after his death or he can put his father king in jail and declare himself as king.
Justice system in monarchy: Normally what king thinks right is the right justice.
No one is allowed to go against the wishes of king, its indirect rule that if you go against the king, you will get death punishment.
Only religious head and Gurus can guide the king.
In monarchy if king is good and educated, smart a state sees the progress.
If king is not good or if king is good but addicted to wines and other things he will not be able to do justice to his job.
In ancient times kingdoms were small, when kingdoms were small, kings paid attention to there state and this small state started to do progress.
After this a period came when this kings started to capture the other kingdoms,
Expansion of kingdom, his state.
After this expansion kings started to remain busy in there programs and politics of
Capturing other kingdoms, in this way they neglected there population and state.
The people who can influence the king started to rob the people of the state with or without the knowledge of the king.
Monarchy reached its height of doing wrongs to the population and this encouraged
Educated people to think and find new type of government system.
And this gave birth to democracy, system of government where principles of liberty equality and justice will prevail.
So in monarchy in short we know that now that there is only one king, he is supreme,
What king says is right, people population has to just obey the king, and people have no say in the government or any matter, any policy, without reason people have to obey the king. As well as his supporters .In a monarchy if king is good everything is good ,if king is bad everything is bad .Most important point is that in a monarchy people can never throw the king from his thrown .Generation after generation one family rules the kingdom forever . Hereditary rule is often a common characteristic.
In a monarchy people have very limited freedoms, if king likes gambling then gambling becomes legal, if don’t like then gambling becomes illegal.
If king don’t like garlic then whole state may be banned to eat garlic.
In monarchy everything depends on the mood of the king.
In monarchy, religious leaders, gurus enjoy best life and status, and people have to follow there views also otherwise there is death punishment.
In every successful monarchy you can find religious leaders and gurus and kings walk side by side in everything .What kings says is supported by church or mosque or temple and what church or mosque or temple says is supported by king .
People of the state have no say in the government. King is god, one and only one person who has right to think, everything depends on his mood. Rule by dictator also comes under the Monarch. In monarchy normally females are forbidden to rule the state there are exceptions to this rule but they are limited.
In monarchy from dressing to eating habits, science everything is decided by king.
Monarchy looks very attractive but I will say just for a moment think, will you like to obey your father 100% without reason?
Will you like to obey your father’s religious guru 100% without reason?
If no, then you should think how you support the monarchy, if you can not obey your father how are you going to obey the king.
Let’s Understand Democracy:
Until now I am sure you understood how the democracy took the birth.
Currently also democracy is growing it has not reach its peak,
One day it will reach to its peak may be after 100 years or 1000 years.
Biggest problem with the democracy is that it is very slow form of government, this is reason I think people without thinking anything say that they like and prefer monarchy.
Democracy means where a state ruler is chosen by people of the start by way of voting system .There are different types of democracies .But finally people choose the state rulers whatever form of democracy they have.
Democracy is the best form of government but it is in a beta state, it’s growing.
Today if you see Indian democracy, I will say it is not democracy but it is just a mob rule that is learning very slowly what democracy .India is is a country where 50% Indians don’t know importance of voting.
So a country where there is no 100% voting, is a baby form of democracy.
About democracy I think we know all so I will not go into details but will change topic here little bit.
I feel democracy is the best form of government today it is in a beta form of government where lot of experiments will be done by coming generations after generations.
When I was 18, there was no Right to Information law .But today we got this Right to information law .This is because of democracy.
More the people are educated more progress we will see.
What should be real democracy?
A real democracy will be one when every individual will be protected by state for keeping his views and acts which are against state, religion which he will be able to say in the public or publish with the help of state.
There will be no banning of books what so ever reason, but there will be debates on those topics and the writer will be challenged by others, this is democracy.
If you ban the book I will say there is no democracy what so ever reason.
Democracy is not the law of the majority but the protection of the minority. This is where Indian democracy is fully defeated .In India we got mobocracy, familycracy and religiocracy.
Today Indian democracy is baby democracy if our politicians take it right directions we will have good democracy, which will evolve.
For American democracy I will say it is in a teen age democracy.
Today all the democracies are baby or teen democracies which are growing; where people are learning and improving there state government.
Why democracy is good than Monarchy?
In a one line again will say that in democracy I got say but in monarchy no rights.
If you support monarchy, then just think on these 3 questions?
1- Are you ready to obey your father 100% without reason and revolt?
2- Are you ready to obey religious guru or leader 100% without reason and revolt?
3- Are you ready to deny females all there rights? Will you support gender in equality?
Disobedience means and results into death punishment or equal to that punishment when you do not obey the king and religious leaders.
Hope you got the answer which form of government is best and good for humans.
Hope you can now decide which form of government is good.
Monday, May 11, 2009
the lyrics of song 'Do Jasoos Kare Mehsoos' from movie 'Do Jasoos'.
Do Jasoos (1975)
Actors : Aruna Irani, Asit Sen, Bhavana Bhatt, Prem Chopra, Raj Kapoor, Rajendra Kumar, Shailendra
Director : Naresh Kumar
Lyrics : Hasrat Jaipuri, Ravindra Jain
Music Director : Ravindra Jain
Producer : Narayan, Naresh Kumar
Theme : Suspense
Following are the lyrics of song 'Do Jasoos Kare Mehsoos' from movie 'Do Jasoos'.
One of the very realistic songs in this year 2009 also.Read English Translation below hindi lyrics.
do jasoos kare mehsoos, ke duniya badi kharab hai
kaun hai sachcha, kaun hai jhoota, har chehare pe naqaab hai
jara socho, jara samajho, jara sambhalake rahio ji - (2)
do jasoos kare mehsoos, ke duniya badi kharab hai
pyaas lage toh doodh piyo, doodh mein paani milata hai
mandir mein bhi aaj diya nakali ghee ka milata hai
na asali mithaayi hai, na asali malaayi hai
maava hai sinhgaade ka, kya jaalim halwaayi hai
aate mein mitti, chaawal mein kankar behisaab hai
kaun hai sachcha, kaun hai jhoota, har chehare pe naqaab hai
jara socho, jara samajho, jara sambhalake rahio ji - (2)
do jasoos kare mehsoos, ke duniya badi kharab hai
jehar dawa mein shaamil hai, jeher dawa se behtar hai
jehar bhi nakali milata hai, marana bhi abb dubar hai
desh ke sachche dushman hai, yeh jo milavat karate hai
inaki badaulat kitane log maut se pehale marate hai
aise logon ko pakadaana sabse bada sawaab hai
kaun hai sachcha, kaun hai jhoota, har chehare pe naqaab hai
jara socho socho, jara samajho samajho, jara sambhalake rahio ji
do jasoos kare mehsoos, ke duniya badi kharab hai
jab dekho hadtaale hai, jaane kisaki chaale hai
samjhaute ka naam nahi, agni mein ghee daale hai
deewaane tufaan kare, logon ko hairaan kare
neharu ji ko bhool gaye, baapu ka apmaan kare - (2)
apna hi ghar phoonk rahe hai kaisa inqlaab hai
kaun hai sachcha, kaun hai jhoota, har chehare pe naqaab hai
jara socho, jara samajho, jara sambhalake rahio ji - (2)
do jasoos kare mehsoos, ke duniya badi kharab hai
kaun hai sachcha, kaun hai jhoota, har chehare pe naqaab hai
jara socho, jara samajho, jara sambhalake rahio ji
do jasoos kare mehsoos, ke (duniya badi kharab hai -2)
English Translation of song 'Do Jasoos Kare Mehsoos' from movie 'Do Jasoos'.
two detectives feels that the world is bad
who is true, who is false/fraud, every face has a mask
think little, understand little, live with care
if u r thirsty, drink milk, u will get water in milk
the lamps burning in the temples also contain duplicate/fake ghee
neither the sweat is real/original, nor the butter is original
this is the extract of water chestnut (not sure what it means), how cruel the sweat maker is?
there is dust in flour and tiny stones in rice, which are uncountable
poison is included in medicine, poison is better than the medicine
the poison is also duplicate that its difficult to die as well
these are the true enemies of country who are fraud (who makes such mixtures)
b'z of these people many people die before their death,everyday
to catch such people is the biggest reward
many times there are strikes, don't know who's plans are these
there is no sign of understating, these people are just adding oil to the fire
such people create storms and make people confused/disturbed
people have forgotten Neharuji and also are insulting Gandhiji
they are blowing up fire in their own home, what kind of revolution/change is this?
Saturday, May 9, 2009
India – Caste System -Know 21 prohibitions for Untouchables, Dalit
India – Caste System -Know 21 prohibitions for Untouchables, Dalit
In June 1931, the incident has occurred in the Ramnad District of the Madras Presidency. The superior class people the Kallar met together and framed eleven prohibitions for untouchables, exterior class.
These eleven prohibitions were:—
Read more »
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
India: Come May 31 and we will see pictorial warning on Cigarette Packages

India: Come May 31 and we will see pictorial warning on Cigarette Packages:
One more time, Supreme Court of India has given good judgment by directing to the government that cigarette packages must have pictorial warning like skull and cross bones on cigarette packs.
The sad part is that for this good cause also NGO has to file a case to get this order from Supreme Court of India.
Did you hear about this that any media channel has reported that this type of case is going on in supreme court of India .When there is case like Aarushi rape and murder this media shows it for 24 hours daily but when such a cause arise our media do not give more than few minutes . "Since the 2006 act (mandating pictorial warnings) was passed, the issue was being diluted or delayed for one reason or another by government of India
Even now, had the Supreme Court not stepped in, there would have been further delay."
P.C. Gupta, director of the Healis Sekhsaria Institute for Public Health, said: "It is most unfortunate that the GoM, since its constitution in early 2007, had delayed the implementation of the law for two whole years, not to mention having diluted the stronger warning for a milder one."
In this order supreme court has added very good note that no other court is permitted to give injunction ,stop, or modify or inconsistent order ,conflicting order with this order this order of supreme court of India ..
Health warning labels on cigarette packages were introduced in the United States in 1965 to inform consumers about the health risks associated with tobacco use. The 1965 Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act required that the statement, Caution: Cigarette smoking may be hazardous to your health.
In 1984, Usa ,Congress enacted the Comprehensive Smoking Education Act, which required rotation of the following four black and white text messages on the side of cigarette packages:
Surgeon General’s warning: Smoking causes lung cancer, heart disease, emphysema, and may complicate pregnancy.
Quitting smoking now greatly reduces serious risks to your health.
Smoking by pregnant women may result in fetal injury, premature birth, and low birth weight.
Cigarette smoke contains carbon monoxide.
Canada has already method of warning through pictures on the cigarette packages .
Pictures warnings are effective and they really work .Just think when 14 year old boy or 20 year old boy first time will take the cigarette packet in his hands and he sees dangerous and real pictures what cigarette can cause him he may put down the cigarette packet forever.
Just think if Cola bottle has such labels or your sweet box has such labels like showing
Lizards will you eat them or drink them, will you enjoy them.
Twelve countries have laws requiring picture-based health warnings, according to the Canadian Cancer Society, including:
• Australia
• Belgium
• Brazil
• Canada
• Chile •
• Jordan
• New Zealand
• Singapore
• Thailand
• Uruguay
• Venezuela
In UK , people choose 15 pictures which should be used on cigarette packets. We hope in India the chosen pictures will be effective in nature showing like Canada .

Taj Mahal the True Story by P.N.Oak : part one
Taj Mahal the True Story by P.N.Oak : part one
Tejo Mahalaya : A Rajput Palace
Just Trying to Understand what Oak has proved in his book as this book is not easily available in India ,Just writing down few important points .
A revolutionary work of historical research by P.N. Oak. In this book, the author tries to prove that Taj Mahal was not built by Shah Jahan but usurped by him from Jai Singh, the king of Jaipur and remodeled before burying Mumtas.Oak gives many proofs to prove his theory that Taj is a ancient Indian palace.
It is a pity that the Taj Mahal is believed to have originated
as a sombre tomb in the 17th century when it was perhaps built in the 4th century to serve as a palace. The author says that claims that far from originating as a mediaeval tomb the Taj was built by a powerful Rajput king as his palace in pre-Muslim times.
the Encyclopedia Britannica states that the Taj Mahal building-complex comprises stables and guest and guard rooms.
the Taj Mahal must have originated as Tejo Mahalaya completed in 1155-56
A corollary is that buildings in India and West Asia
which have a resemblance to the Taj Mahal are products of the Indian architecture (Shilpashastra). People should look Taj Mahal as a palace and not as a tomb then they will realize the beauty of palace with people just go there, see 2 toms and leave the Taj.
Laymen sometimes ask that if the Taj Mahal existed centuries
before Mumtaz's death in 1630-31, could not the radioactive carbon
- 14 test be applied to determine its age? This is a question for
experts to answer. If they have an infallible method they .would
certainly detect the difference in age of the material used in the
cenotaphs and in most other parts of the Taj Mahal. But for any
such test to be useful its margin of error must be precisely known.
A five to ten years’ margin would not matter very much but if
it extends to several centuries the test would be unsuitable to
verify the accuracy of the conclusion drawn from historical evidence
that the Taj Mahal is a Hindu building commandeered for use as
a Muslim tomb.
A carbon-14 test has actually been carried out by a New York-based
laboratory, around 1974 A.D., on a piece of timber from a broken,
softened doorway plank of the rear, river-side, northeast doorway
of the Taj. It proved that the timber doorway pre. dated Shahjahan
by about 300 years.
Taj Mahal alias Tejomahalaya palace complex has existed centuries before
It needs to be realized that Islam originated in Mecca only 1370
years ago. In other lands swept by Islam it is not even that ancient.
the Tajmahal
complex consists of several seven-storied edifices of which only
garden level floors are open to the public while the others are either
sealed with brick and lime by Shahjahan or are kept intriguingly
locked by the Indian Government’s Archaeological Survey of India
Had the ASI been honest to its job it would have dredged
even the water in the seven-storied well to see whether important
articles, idols or inscriptions lie jettisoned there.
The conclusion whether it was Shahjahan who started raising
the Taj Mahal in 1631 A.D. as a sepulcher or it was some Hindu
Maharaja who had built it centuries earlier is not to be considered
as a Hindu-Muslim dispute and therefore to be severely shunned.
It is a question of scientific, academic competence and arriving
at a correct judgment as being able to distinguish between brass
and gold.
Our research has firmly established that the term Taj Mahal
is a popular mispronunciation of the ancient Hindu name
Yet we feel that more research needs to be done by opening
up the thousands of sealed chambers of the several seven-storied
buildings and other multi -storied edifices (such as the Nagar Khanas )
to probe their hidden contents since they could yield a number
of idols, inscriptions, coins, documents etc.
Shahjahan's court chronicle the Badshanama
acknowledges it as 'Manzil-e-Raja Mansingh' (i. e. Raja Mansingh's
mansion). Thus Raja Mansingh was the last Hindu owner in the
chequered and scarred history of the Taj Mahal.
The author demands that ,
All the locked rooms in all the multi-storied buildings in the Taj Mahal
complex should be open to visitors The ASI should be directed
to open up all the rooms in all the stories of all the buildings
barred by Shahjahan with brick and lime and study the evidence
that may be discovered Free entry on Fridays causing a revenue
loss to the Government should be discontinued because there is
no mosque in the Tejomahalaya premises.
Author says that in ancient times this palace was a Shiva temple then in a period of time it became the palace .
So many concocted accounts of the mythical Shahjahan
authorship of the Taj Mahal have been afloat for the last 350 years
that one wonders how they never aroused anybody's suspicion.
Thus we have scholar after scholar of Indian history from almost
every part of the world rapturously recounting to us how the cost
of the Taj Mahal could be anything between four to ninety million
rupees, the designer could be anybody from a Turk, Persian or
Italian to a Frenchman, the period of construction could be anywhere
between 10 and 22 years, and Mumtaz, the so-called Lady of the
Taj Mahal, could have been buried in its basement or upper floor
at any time from six months to nine years after her death. These
are only a few absurdities, anomalies and inconsistencies of the
Taj Mahal story. There are many more which we propose to expose
in the following pages.
Before believing in the "fabulous mausoleum" theory, two
questions may be asked. Firstly, where are the historical records
describing Shahjahan's romantic attachment to Mumtaz - one of
his 5,000 consorts, prior to her death ? Secondly, how many palaces
did Shahjahan build for his sweetheart Mumtaz while she was alive
before he built one over her dead body ?
Histories are silent on both these points. The answer to the
first is that there are no accounts of the Shahjahan Mumtaz romance
because there never was any. That so called romantic attachment
was a graft to justify the mythical creation of the Taj Mahal as
a wonder tomb. The answer to the second question is that Shahjahan
did not build any palace for Mumtaz alive or dead.
Every Moghul monarch had at least 5,000 consorts in his harem and many more at his
command outside. He had hardly the time or the heart to idolize
only one of his several thousand consorts. The author has in his book states,takes help from following old books .
P. 3 The History of India as Told by its Own Historians. Vol.
VII, The Posthumous Papers of the late Sir H. M. Elliot, K.C.B. edited
by Professor John Dowson, M.R.A.S., published by Kitab Mahal (Private)
Ltd. 56-A Zero Road, Allahabad.
2. Persian text of Mulla Abdul Hamid's Badshahnama, in two volumes,
published by the Asiatic Society of Bengal in the Bibliotheca Indies series.
I obtained the photostat from the copy in the National Archives, Government
of India, in December 1966. Copies of that publication are available in
all important institutional libraries throughout the world, dealing with Indian
mediaeval history. Following are the just few lines which I am here reproducing it .
During the journey countless coins be distributed among the
fakirs and needy, The site covered with a majestic magnificent lush garden, to the south of that great city and Amidst which (garden) the building known as the palace
(Manzil) of Raja Mansingh, at present owned by Raja Jaisingh, Grandson (of Mansingh), was selected for the burial of the Queen whose abode is in heaven Although Raja Jaisingh valued it greatly as his ancestral heritage and property, yet. he would have been agreeable to part with it gratis for the Emperor Shahjahan . (Still) out of sheer scrupulousness so essential in matters of bereavement and religious sanctity (thinking it improper to take his palace gratis) . In exchange of that (aali Manzil) grand palace, he (Jaisingh) was granted a piece of government land.
Emperor Shahjahan's wife Arjumand Banu died in Burhanpur
somewhere between 1629 and 1632 A.D. Her body was buried in
a garden there but is said to have been exhumed after about six
months and transported to Agra. Even this single detail should
have been enough to alert discerning and thoughtful people that
Shahjahan must have come by a handy ready-made mausoleum.
Why else would he disturb and remove a body well laid to rest
and have it carried to Agra, 600 miles away! He wouldn't want
it to be transferred from one open grave to another without some
purpose. Even a commoner's body is not so trifled with, let alone
that of a queen and believed to be a very 'beloved' one at that.
Moreover if Shahjahan had really commisioned the Taj Mahal he
should have raised it at Burhanpur where Mumtaz was already buried.
Such careful checking at every stage, so essential for accurate
historical research has been lacking in the field of Indian history.
On arrival in Agra, Mumtaz's body was buried underneath the
dome of Mansingh's palatial mansion under royal command, says
the Badshahnama. the Badshahnama clearly
asserts that it was Jaisingh who was given land while Shahjahan
got Mansingh's garden palace in exchange. This is one more detail
proving how the entire Shahjahan legend of the Taj Mahal is wholly
fictitious from beginning to end.
The Mumtaz burial story is so confusing ,gives so many different views that
One doubts that and says that Taj Mahal is a ancient Indian palace.
the exchange itself sounds a mere
myth because the location and dimensions of the plot of land given
to Jaisingh are not mentioned.
The palace had a sky-high dome underneath which, the author
of the Badshanama tells us, Mumtaz's body was hidden (i.e. buried)
from the eyes of the world by the officials of the realm at Shahjahan's
command. Such command again was unnecessary unless Mumtaz
had to be buried in somebody else's property. The use of the word
' 'command" is thus significant. We shall show that 104 years earlier
Emperor Babur also refers to this domed palace.
The Badshahnama clearly tells us that the Hindu
palace taken over for Mumtaz's burial had a dome. Incidentally
the edifice is also described as a "sky-high" mansion, though
those adjectives have been also interlinked with Shahjahan's courage
and valour.
Shahjahan's own court-chronicler admits the Taj Mahal to be a domed Hindu palace
commandeered for queen Mumtaz's burial.
"Jean Baptiste Tavernier, a French jeweler, toured India for
trade between 1641 and 1668 A. D. His travel account is mainly
devoted to commerce. He used to sojourn at Surat and Agra.
Mumtaz had died sometime between
1629 and 1632. Tavernier arrived in India nearly 11 years after
Mumtaz's demise.
according to Tavernier no work was undertaken concerning Mumtaz's tomb at least for 11 years after her death. Muslim and Tavernier's versions. Some of the former say that the Taj Mahal was complete by 1643 while Tavernier tells us that
the work concerning the mausoleum was not even begun by at
least 1641.
Shahjahan had been deposed and
incarcerated by his son Emperor Aurangzeb in 1658. Tavernier also
notes that the work took 22 years to complete. That means that
even if the work began in 1641 it ended only in 1663. This was
impossible since Shahjahan was no longer on the throne after 1658.
From olden times Muslim kings a tradition can be found is that they took readymade palaces and converted them to tomb or converted to Islamic buildings .
We would also like to draw the reader's attention to Tavernier's
words, "Shahjahan purposely made the tomb near the Tasimacan
(which had six large courts) where all foreigners come, so that
the whole world should see and admire it." The word Tasimacan
is Taz-i-macan, i.e. royal residence, which is synonymous with
Taj Mahal. That is to say, the Hindu palace was known as Tasimacan
alias Taj Mahal even before Mumtaz's burial, according to Tavernier.
Tavernier's remark that Shahjahan had to use bricks even to
a support arch is of special significance. It means that the "arches"
existed already. It may be noted that Koranic engravings on the
Taj Mahal are made around the arches. When the original stone
slabs were removed by Shahjahan and were substituted by other
slabs with the Muslim lettering, the arches so tampered with had
to be supported with bricks. So this part of Tavernier's observation
also proves that the Taj Mahal with its arched entrances existed
even before Mumtaz's death.
British Scholar Keene states that Tavernier could
be in India only sometime between the years 1651-1655.
Tavernier's noting makes out four specific points, namely :
1. That Shahjahan purposely buried Mumtaz near a bazaar known
as Tasimacan (i.e. Taj Mahal). 2. That he could not get any timber
for the scaffolding. 3. That the cost of the scaffolding was more
than that of the entire work. 4. That 20,000 laborers worked
incessantly for 22 years.
Of the above the first three points clearly imply that Shahjahan
took over a ready Taj Mahal for Mumtaz's burial. The fourth point
on which traditional historians have banked does not make any
sense when it is considered that a Tavernier staying in India only
for four years (1651-1655) cannot assert that the work which began
and ended in his presence lasted for 22 years.
This shows that Tanvir is not reliable .
Tanvirs statements support Mr.Oak statements as well as what we read in our history books .So he is not reliable.
Continued :
Monday, May 4, 2009
India says goodbye to Voting
India elections 2009 A tragedy or a comedy show:
India says goodbye to voting.
What we learned in this elections as an Indian.
Indian democracy is for rich by rich and a comedy or tragedy show for common Indians.
Salman khan and Pretty Zinta did not vote I don’t know reason I request you when you will support them or watch there movies remember this they didn’t vote for common mans India.
Even Common man of India is shameless, they came they killed us but you slept and enjoyed movies or visited to goa and London to enjoy on the eve of voting day.
Shame on India.
How our parliament will now look?
Now our parliament will look like this all rich people or gundas will be our member of parliament. You will say so what?
Now what happens is that if he is gunda, CBI and police department obey him and they will follow his order and he will continue to do his bad activities and get relief from courts, judiciary as investigating departments will obey and do as he orders.
Now if rich man becomes Member of Parliament what he will do?
He will see that he tax choris , tax cases and frauds be legalized. 2nd is he will get all locations, lands at such a low rate that you can say it is as good as free.
Example is if someone gets land of 1000 crore from government of India in just rupees
200 crore or 40 crore what you will say?
3rd ly he will build the big hotels and malls on the reserved lands of army or reserved land for schools and school grounds, when construction is finished, our government babus will make it legal.
Today you have not voted remember your kids will kick you for this because you have destroyed there life and future by not voting for good candidates.
I wanted to say hey in India we don’t have democracy here, here its mob rule, money rule, power rule .and black mail rules.
What is Indian democracy: A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.
We saw this how many people voted and they like cowards hide in there homes.
I think we don’t need to give the holiday on the day of election on that place companies should see that employee goes and votes then, his manager checks he has voted or not
Then he can go home or work. We don’t deserve holiday on the day of election voting.
Don’t you think when we will get new prime minister he will be like biggest joke, as he is elected by only less than 50% or 45 or 25%?
Indian democracy has become a biggest joke on this earth.
Did you voted? If not Remember you are saying good bye to the good future of your kids .They will say good bye to you one day when you will need there help, why they should live in a corrupt country with corrupt parents.
Corruption is our national religion .I think they need bribes to go to voting booths also.
How much bribe you want corrupt Indians to vote?
What is reason you are not voting if you are not corrupt?
I hope next time Mr. Rich will make such advertisements vote and earn.
Even election commission of India should make bribes legal when they are offered as encouragement to vote, currently they give such notes illegally to uneducated people or slum people .Once it is legal they will give these offers to all Indians, and we will have more than 75% voting in India.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Modern India and caste system effects.
Modern India and caste system effects.
It is not possible to break Caste without annihilating the religious notions on
Which it, the Caste system, is founded."
Read more »