Monday, December 28, 2009

India – Know Where and How to File a complaint against False, Dishonest, misleading advertisement.

India – Know Where and How to File a complaint against False, Dishonest, misleading advertisement.
We need to send just one mail one phone call
Remember - Don't react. Act. Together we will set it right
Does a complainant have to pay to register a complaint against advertisement ?
No. Registering a complaint is free of cost.

Many times we see the advertisement on television which is making fool to me and you, and we want to take the action, we want to report that, but we do not know where to report about this type of advertisement which is misleading, and dishonest with its claims.
Do False, Misleading, Unfair Ads make you Offended? Outraged? Appalled? The next time you come across an Ad that offends your sensibilities, don't just let off steam.
We can make complaint to ASCI against such advertisements. ASCI ensure that each complaint receives a prompt and objective consideration by an impartial committee Consumer Complaints Council (CCC) which takes into account the view point of the advertiser.
As a policy ASCI do not disclose the identity of the Complainant to the Advertiser appropriate decision is communicated to all concerned.
How to file a complaint?
Download the below form which is just nearly 20 kb PDF form.

Fill this form and send it this email address - E-mail:
Send through Post the complaint to the following address.
Write to –
Mr. Alan Collaco, Secretary General
The Advertising Standards Council of India,
219, Bombay Market,
78 Tardeo Road,
Mumbai 400 034
Tel: (022) 23521066/23516863,
Fax: 23516863,
You can even register your complaint by a telephone call.
[022] – 23513982
The good point is that complainants are not required to reveal there identity.
Even if you do not want to fill the form, please just send the complaint to ASCI on the following email address -
Email should include following information.
1. Advertisement for Product/Service (name):____ of Company (name)________________________
2. Appeared in Publication(name):________________ date (on):____________ in (City):______ in Language:________
3. Appeared on TV/Radio: __________________ channel (name)________________________ date (on)_____________
4. during (time/programme):____________________________________ in (language)___________________________
5. Other promotion:____________________ Printed material:______________________ Poster:__________________
6. Leaflet:________________________________________ Mailing (from) :____________________________________
7. Promotion message on product pack :__________________________________________________________________
8. Advertisement/promotion on internet/website/other electronic media:_______________________________________
9. Name of Server____________________________________________________________
10. Address (url/website)________date observed_____________________________
11. Outdoor hoarding:_______location:___________________city:___________
12. Describe TV/Radio commercial visual/voice:________________
13. Mention specific claims/description of visuals made in print Ad/promotional material : ______
14. Your reasons / objections:_________________
15. Your full name: ___Signature ________________________Date__________
16. Postal address:__
17. Pin code_______________ Phone______________________ e-mail______

Once we complain to the ASCI after that as I consumer we do not need to do anything, ASCI will do all the needful.
What will happen once we send,report the complaint to the ASCI –?
1. Complaint Received by ASCI
2. Advertiser is ask to comment ,clarify
3. Advertiser sends reply
4. Reply not satisfactory or advertisers breach the dispute.
5. Consumer complaints Council which is part of ASCI, considers complaint and reply
6. Consumer complaints Council orders investigation
7. Investigation report received by CCC.
8. CCC finds truth in complaint upheld by CCC.
9. Advertiser contacted he assures to change or modify advertisement.
10. CCC follows up and is informed to the complainant as well as advertiser.

Following are the just few examples of advertisements which are modified or removed from television or market.
Because of the ASCI following advertisements were withdrawn or modified.
1. Videocon Washing machines - Claims - “Eco-Friendly washing machines”, “Designed to not just care for your clothes, but conserve water, save energy. – Claims not fulfilled so this advertisement was removed.
2. Surya Tube light- Surya Roshni Limited - advertisement claimed - “Surya Tube light lasts 3 times longer than others. “Surya lamps are brighter and last longer than others. – The following ad is now modified.
3. Sanjeevan Retinopathy Clinic (Diabetic Eye Problem) - Claim - “Our researched treatment not only cures the symptoms (blindness, blurred vision, black spots or floaters in the vision) but also cures it root cause successfully”. -- Ad appears to be misleading and is in contravention of the Drugs & Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisements) Act, 1954. – Result The ad is modified.
4. Eureka Forbes LTD, (Aquaguard Total) - Claim - “Only Aquaguard Total water purification systems guards the liver, bones and digestive systems.- Result – ad is modified.
5. Coca-Cola India Pvt. Ltd. (Thums Up) = Claim = Visuals - “an actor with a lady occupant driving a car in a very rash and negligent manner for a `Thums Up bottle’. He then meets with an accident and is shown in the hospital, with a fractured leg and sipping a bottle of `Thums Up’. = Result – Ad prohibited.
6. Nestle India Ltd (Maggie Healthy Soups – Soup powder) = Claims = Claims – “Happy Heart” “Healthy Soups” - Result - This creates an impression that consumption of Maggi soups lead to better heart health. On an independent testing, the product has been found to contain high levels of salt which releases sodium into the body. Sodium is well known for direct link to hypertension / high blood pressure which are not desirable for a healthy heart. – Result = Modified, withdrawn.
7. Suzuki Motorcycle India Pvt Ltd (Suzuki Zeus Motorcycle) – claim visuals = Visuals - “a biker driving the motorcycle on the lane dividing the white line, then overtaking dangerously between 2 trucks and rashly cutting the lane”. – Result – ad modified
8. Cadbury India Ltd - (Cadbury Bournvita) - Headline - “Real Achievers grow up on Bournvita”. Claim - “With Super Chargers”. – Result – Misleading = Ad discontinued.
9. McDowell & Company Ltd (*) (now United Spirits Ltd) (DSP Black) – claim = Ad states - “Night Young. Night is Black”, “Come Alive”, “DSP Black – Black Nights CDs” (in fine print). = Result ad discontinued.
10. Shree Baidyanath Ayurved Bhawan P. ltd - (Baidyanath sugarfree Chyawanprash = Claims - “Sugarfree Chyawanprash Granules, need of diabetic patients” etc – Result = ad modified
11. Vanity Gold (Zodiac Power Rings) = Claims - “Zodiac Power Rings, made out of Pacnhadhatu, are creating “My Zodiac Power Ring is behind my new found confidence – Result - withdraw the Ad.
12. Goodcare Pharma (EziSlim Natural Slimming Capsules) = Claims - “An Ezi way to Slim”, “Natural Slimming Capsules”. = Result ad is withdrawn

Suggested Reading – Know more about ASCI

ASCI website address-

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Know about Advertising Standards Council of India [ASCI]

Know about Advertising Standards Council of India [ASCI]

Advertising Standards Council of India is a self regulatory Voluntary organization of the advertising industry.

The Advertising Standards Council of India was set up in October 1985- by the advertising industry itself consisting of advertisers, advertising agencies, media owners and allied professionals like consumer researchers, processors, film makers, etc to regulate the content of advertising with the primary purpose of protecting consumer interest, but also to ensure fairness in competition.

What type of Company is ASCI? Who are its members?

ASCI is a voluntary self-regulatory organization, registered as a not-for-profit Company under section 25 of the Indian Cos. Act.

The sponsors of the ASCI, who are its principal members, are firms of considerable repute within Industry in India, and comprise Advertisers, Media, and Ad. Agencies and other professional /ancillary services connected with advertising practice.

ASCI is Registered in Oct. 1985, u/s 25, as a Not-For-Profit Co., under the Companies Act 1956 The advertisers' association, namely the Indian Society of Advertisers, the advertising agencies' association, namely The Advertising Agencies Association of India, the media owner's association, namely The Indian Newspapers Society, came together and took the initiative to form the ASCI (the council). From July 1, 2007 ASCI Become the EASA Member
Member of the European Advertising Standards Alliance (EASA),

Role and Functions of ASCI

The Role and Functioning of the ASCI & its CCC in dealing with Complaints received from Consumers and Industry, against Advertisements which are considered as False, Misleading, Indecent, Illegal, leading to Unsafe practices, or Unfair to competition, and consequently in contravention of the ASCI Code for Self-Regulation in Advertising.

Is ASCI a Govt. Body?

The ASCI is not a Govt. body.
It is a voluntary Self Regulatory Organization. However, ASCI is represented in all committees working on advertising content in every Ministry of the Government of India.

What is the power of ASCI?

ASCI's role has been acclaimed by various agencies including the Government. However, it lacked the force of legal recognition.

The Government of India has at last, taken note of this and by one stroke on 2nd August 2006 vide a notification in The Gazette of India: Extraordinary {Part II –sec. 3(i)}, made sure that at least as far as TV Commercials go, they abide by the ASCI code.

The amendment made in Cable Television Networks Rules, 1994 through a Notification dated August 2nd, 2006 now states:

“(9) No advertisement which violates the Code for Self-Regulation in Advertising, as adopted by the Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI), Mumbai for public exhibition in India, from time to time, shall be carried in the cable service".

Who complains against Ads to the ASCI? What are the no. of complaints received annually?
The ASCI receives and processes 120-140 complaints against advertisements, from a cross section of consumers and the general public, and this covers individuals, practitioners in advertising, advertiser firms, media, and ad. Agencies and ancillary services connected with advertising.

How long does it take for a decision on a Complaint to be taken?

It takes 4 to 6 weeks from the date we receive a "complete" complaint. This should include full particulars of the Print Ad, the name and date of Publication, and clipping or copy of the print Ad .In case of a TVC airing, we require the Channel, date and time of the TVC. Reasonable description of an A/V, specific claims or visual depictions which are considered to be false, misleading or objectionable and the reasons for the same.

How does ASCI protect the confidentiality of the Complainant?

As a policy the ASCI does not disclose the identity of the complainant to the Advertiser or anyone other than the members of the CCC, at the time of their meeting, which is usually held once a month.

Do Advertisers abide by the decisions of ASCI?

In the case of complaints which were upheld by the CCC, during the past year, it may interest you to know that 85 to 90 % of such Ads have been withdrawn or modified appropriately by the Advertisers/Agencies involved. The concerned Media have also confirmed that they would not carry such offending Ads/TVC.

Does a complainant have to pay to register a complaint?
No. Registering a complaint is free of cost.

Does ASCI have any guidelines or rules which agencies have to follow?
Yes, The ASCI has a Code for Self Regulation in Advertising which covers the following principles:

I. To ensure the truthfulness and honesty of representations and claims made by advertisements and to safeguard against misleading advertisements.

II. To ensure that advertisements are not offensive to generally accepted standards of public decency.

III. To safeguard against the indiscriminate use of advertising for the promotion of products which are regarded as hazardous to society or to individuals to a degree or of a type which is unacceptable to society at large?

IV. To ensure that advertisements observe fairness in competition so that the consumer’s need to be informed on choices in the market-place and the canons of generally accepted competitive behaviour in business are both served.

How does ASCI usually take action with regards to complaints? How far is its power?

The ASCI Board consists of 16 members, 4 each from each of the 4 sectors. The Board appoints a CCC to deliberate on complaints.

The CCC consists of 21 members, only 9 from within the industry and 12 from outside, consisting of educationists, lawyers, doctors, technologists, consumer activists and the like. The CCC meets once a month to deliberate on complaints that are ready for deliberations, ie both the complaint and the defendant's response is available. The decision of the CCC is final although there is a provision for a review.

The CCC decision has no legal sanction although compliance is generally as high as 88%.

Suggested Reading –
Know Where and How to File a complaint against False, Dishonest, misleading advertisement.

Reality views by sm –
Saturday, June 11, 2011

Friday, December 25, 2009

India - How can I Vote in Elections If I stay outside my city or state

India - How can I Vote in Elections If I stay outside my city or state
Kuppan, Thanks for Putting the Question –
Our one of the friend Kuppan, had ask the question on my post

Regarding the voting right He ask me following question

Can someone please enlighten me? Most of the time I am unable to Vote because I work in a different state and am not in a position to travel for a day just to find that someone else had done it on behalf of me! I am sure there are thousands of such eligible voters in Gujarat. How are they handled? Is there a postal ballot or something for such voters?

So here is the answer –
The vote through post or proxy vote facility is available for armed forces and few important persons who are not residing in India are working abroad.
Currently as per my reading, ordinary citizens are not allowed to vote through post.
I will suggest you please you cancel your name from electoral roll, Gujarat registration and get your name registered in the state where you are residing.
To exercise your vote franchise, the first and foremost requirement is that
Your name should be in the electoral roll. Without your name registered in the relevant part for the area where you ordinarily reside in the Assembly Constituency, you will not be allowed to exercise your franchise or vote. Therefore, it is your duty to find out whether your name has been registered or not. After this it is also expected from you to get your name deleted from the place where you earlier resided, and get it included at new place in case you have shifted.
For this, on your part, it is sufficient that you file claim application in Form 6 before the Electoral Registration Officer of the new place and in that application give the full address of your earlier place of residence. Short absence from place of residence does not debar one to continue his/her name in electoral roll. His or any other person's name in Form No. 7. Similarly if any particulars in the electoral roll are to be modified such as name, house number, middle name, last name, age, sex, epic number etc. a claim in Form No. 8 can be filed. In case any elector has changed his house from the polling area of one booth to other booth in the same Assembly Constituency he can file application in Form No. 8A for change/transposition from one electoral part to
Other part.

Now I will come to your 2nd question.
What happens if someone else has cast the vote in your name?
When you will go for vote and there you are told by the polling officer that someone else has already voted on your place.
In this case first of all you should tell this to the Presiding officer.
After this you can cast Tendered Vote.
The law allows you to cast a Tendered Vote.
A Tendered Ballot Paper, as per Rule 49P of the Conduct of Elections Rules, will be given to you and you will be required to sign your name on the list of tendered votes. A tendered ballot paper is the same as the ballot paper displayed on the balloting unit, except that it shall be endorsed on the back, with the words, “Tendered Ballot Paper” either stamped by the Returning or written by the Presiding Officer at the time of issuing it.
After marking your choice of candidate with the help of Arrow Cross
Mark rubber stamp you should hand over the tendered ballot paper to the
Presiding Officer, who will keep it in a separate cover. Please note that in
Such case, you will not cast your vote on the EVM.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Ruchika Molestation and Suicide Case – A complete Case Study – A national shame

Ruchika Molestation and Suicide Case – A complete Case Study – A national shame
Justice Delayed is Justice Denied.

Read more »

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Watch Narendra Modi interview on compulsory voting in Gujarat.

Watch Narendra Modi interview on compulsory voting in Gujarat.
Narendra Modi Say's Voting must in Gujarat as well as India and says in future congress party will also support this compulsory voting law.
After listening this interview now i can confirm that Narendra Modi government will give first time in the history of India, a right to common man to reject the politician.They are planning to give option on ballot paper.
Lets hope Narendra Modi becomes successful in implimenting this compulsory vote law in Gujarat.

Watch Narendra Modi Interview regarding compulsory voting in Gujarat.

Suggested Reading – Why we need compulsory Voting in India ?

Suggested Reading - option none of above candidate

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Gujarat Narendra Modi Creates History in India –

Gujarat Narendra Modi Creates History in India –
BJP – Chief Minister Narendra Modi has created history in India.
Gujarat Assembly passed a landmark bill which makes, for the first time in the country, voting mandatory in local body polls.

The Gujarat Local Authorities Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2009, which also seeks to raise the reservation of seats for
Women in local self governance bodies from 33 to 50 per cent, was passed by voice vote.
Under the bill, if a voter fails to vote for the reasons other than prescribed in the rules, he may be declared a
“Defaulter voter” and would face consequences for which rules will be framed and placed before the Assembly for its approval later.
It proposes to make voting compulsory in all seven municipal corporations, 159 municipalities, 26 district panchayats, 223 taluka panchayats and in 13,713 village panchayats of the state.
Every political party who will oppose this bill ,will show to the nation that ,for that party important is not India and progress of India.
So I will suggest remember this and in the next elections do not vote for the parties and persons who will oppose the compulsory voting bill.

Reality Views by sm –
After 26/11 also we saw people enjoyed television and holidays, they did not come to vote on the Election Day same happened with the other cities in India.Compulsory voting is the only one way where we uneducated Indians will learn to vote.
No vote is like murdering our democracy.
Suggested Reading – why voting should be compulsory in India?

Friday, December 18, 2009

India – Creation Of Small States – Need of the Hour For INDIA

India – Creation Of Small States – Need of the Hour For INDIA
Small states means Better Administration – Better Government – Participation of common man in the administration
Creation of small state is one of the answers to Reduce corruption or At least corruption amount.
Know – Why we should support the creation of small states?

Reality Views by sm -

In India, when congress declared that a new state Telangana will be created from AP.
Everyone in India started to discuss about the creation of small state, is creation of small state is good for India ? or is creation of small state is bad for India?

Many Indians opposed this creation of small states in India by giving many reasons.
Following are the few reasons why people oppose the creation of small states.

• Creation of small state will divide India

• Creation of small state will take the India to pre British era

• Danger from China, china wants to divide India.

• Small states in India are not making progress , Chattisgarh and Jharkhand

• Small states Depend on Central Government

• What is the guarantee that small states will make the progress?

• Politicians want to become the chief Minister or for the political power.

• Hatred Among state will increase

• Election vote should be counted who is defeated

Like these I am sure there are many more reasons to oppose creation of small states.

But I still I say and insist that Creation of small state is good for India.
Let’s understand and know why creation of small states is good for India?

Before Arrival of British people in India, there was no India.There were small kingdoms and big kingdoms.

Today when we say India, there is feeling, My India, in olden times there was no such feeling, all those feelings were for there king or god. I will fight for my king, my God.

Today our army when fights it fights for the India, not for Prime Minister of India.
If Prime Minister of India will try to sell the India I am sure our army will not hesitate to arrest the Prime Minister or any other leader.

Today nothing is superior than India , Olden times everything was king, if he wanted to donate his kingdom to someone without asking anyone he donated that, and foolish population of that state accepted that willingly as their all feelings were for there king.

If you read the history carefully you will understand, and find that xyz warrior died for his king, today when any army man dies he dies for his mother land, for our India.

After the arrival of British People in India, they started the real formation of India,
Under there influence and rule, we got the feeling of oneness among us, one India.

In olden times, before the arrival of British, for the people of small states for whom there king, there caste and religion was more important, everyone always obeyed the family of king.

Remember the battle of Plessey, Robert Clive with the help of just 300 white soldiers won the battle by giving bribe. And he won the battle by defeating more than 50000 Indian soldiers. They surrendered because there army head said that I surrender, today if in India one head says that he will surrender to small enemy , drop your weapons ,do you think Indian forces will drop the guns or they will arrest that head and will fight for the nation.

In that times when outsiders came fought with the small states, that time neighboring states did not help that state, when Arab people looted the small kingdoms and become the rulers of that state.

Other kings kept enjoying there life and kingdom, they did not thought about the safety of neighbor state.

Today if Pakistan attacks on Kargil, we hear the voice from every corner of India that destroy enemy.After 26/11 we heard voices from every corner of India to Punish Kasab,this never happend in old asian kingdoms.

So now I think you got the point that today when we create the small state, the feeling of one India, oneness will not go. Creating small states will not take us back to the pre British era, as before the arrival of India there was no India.

Mere creation of small state will not destroy the feeling of one ness , the feeling of Indian on the contrary will increase this feeling and love towards India and will reduce the feeling of love towards there language or state. For small states love for India will grow.

And also small state will be created from the big state so there will be 2 states or more states which will speak same language. In this way we will solve the problem of language also.

On the contrary in the future when states will become rich, there is a possibility and chance that these big states will make there police force very strong and will demand the independence from India.

When we divided India on basis of language we made mistake, and today you may not agree with me, but when States will make progress and will make money and other states will not make money, these money making states will demand the independence and because of finance and big nature of state, they will do this very easily by purchasing arms from china.

So remember big states will divide the India in future not the small states. A small state is the only one solution which can keep us integrated as India.

As India is divided on the basis of language, In one state all same language speaking population is staying which encourages more love for state than India the hatred is rising as few states are making progress and others come to this state, this gives rise to hatred.

This is not gift of small state. And we do not see language problem in small states, if media will stop giving importance to this problem automatically this language problem will go to dustbin, Anyways after 25 or 30 years I am sure they will not find language problem takers... Today power of knowledge is with Indian youth and no one can make them fool for a long time.

Few Facts about our Indian states –

1. Uttar Pradesh with population of more than 167 million is bigger than Germany + France or Russia ,Pakistan

2. China, America, Brazil and Indonesia are the only few nations who are bigger than Uttar Pradesh.

3. TamilNadu (62.2 million) is bigger than Britain and Italy

4. Andhra Pradesh (76.4 million) is little bigger than Germany and Vietnam

5. Bihar is bigger than Mexico

6. Maharashtra with 92.1 million is bigger state than Germany. Maharashtra has ten million more than Germany.

7. Bengal is bigger than the Philippines

If the big states means progress then why India has not made progress like America, Germany, France or Hong Kong or England.
America, Hong Kong both were ruled by England just like India.
Do small states suffer? Not if one views Punjab , Haryana and Himachal Pradesh.

This shows that there is no guarantee that big state will make progress or small state will make progress.

Remember it does not matter state is small or state is big, most important thing is who is our law maker and how honest he is with his job and nation.

If law maker, politician is not good then small or big it does not matter, he will do the corruption and he will take the wrong decisions.

When law maker, politician is corrupt no one can save the nation.

But when law maker is good he can take the small state to such heights that the small nation can rule the world.

Once England ruled the world and today we can see the progress made by the USA or Hong Kong or Taiwan.

Our democracy works like this - one head of the state, then other elected members, run the state with the help of IAS officers and bureaucrats.

When the state is big, those officers and elected politicians, law makers are not able to watch carefully every project and how the money is utilized by everyone in every project.

Today budget of Government is becoming so big that common people find it difficult to understand, and even studied accountants find it very difficult to understand and find out the mistakes.

If common man does not understand the budget How he can participate and keep watch on the politician to stop the frauds and mistakes done by politician

When state is small, if any government employee or law maker or politician will do the fraud, immediately it will show the effect on the other projects as it will become very difficult for that chief minister to bring new funds or hide his black deeds.

Just take the example of classroom of 100 students and classroom of 25 students, so in this case which classroom will be easy to manage and give the results.

Today as our states are big, many times villagers from remote places even find it difficult to reach the place of district court, forget about the High court of state.

When small state will be created it will give easy access to high court.

Small state means small government, small budget, and small departments, very less chance to show fingers on each other by saying that, that department is not doing the work so file is pending.

Small states will create competition among each other; this competition will be with the same mother tongue speaking language population.

Because of big nature of states today indirectly the law maker, politician has become the king of that particular area.

Because of this honest people will rarely get chance to rule the state or to get elected.
Small states will not give chance to politician or law maker to hide his failure or fool the people by saying that this time we have given funds to west or north, as small state means the population will know in real what is happening in every part of his state.

Big states does not benefit towards saving money ,but the nature of big states help to waste the money as well as it gives unlimited scope to do corruption which benefits to the law maker or politician.

In small state if any politician will amass wealth, the people of that state can easily notice that and will know how he is earning and making the money, this will help to expose the wrong contracts and his hidden property.

Even Indian constitution has article 3 which favors and talks about the creation of new state. It states that -
. Parliament may by law admit into the Union, or establish, new States on such terms and conditions as it thinks fit.
If party who support the creation of small state does not win the election this does not mean that the people of that district do not want separate state. The election is held to choose leader ,MP or MLA and they do not vote for the creation of state. Even if when there is not 100% voting how can it become the will of that district ?

Our constitution of India does not have this provision, to get the peoples vote to decide regarding the creation of small state . The ball is ,power is with the parliament.

Again I will come to the point that Small states will divide India, one of the best parts of our Constitution is that the duties between state and central government are divided.
Central government is in charge of our army, naval and air force.

The heads of these forces do not report to the chief minister, further more brilliant clause, is that our forces do not have common one head of all the forces.

This means we got 3 heads, Army head, Naval Head and Air Force Head, and all these 3 heads report to the Prime Minister and President.

We do not have one head of all these 3 forces, if there is one head then he will become so powerful that he can with the help of few states can form the new nation, but as we do not have one head, army forces will not obey the head of the naval force, each one has there own ranking.
So when you say that small states will divide India, think again now?

When there is no money, no big budget, no big police force, and no big coastal guards how can small state will become Independent and will think about waging war against India.
USA is smaller than India but they got more than fifty states.

Remember big states are good for political parties and corrupt leaders or uneducated leaders.
Big states are good for the government servants.

Our complete Indian working system has become rotten and dirty and these corrupt people have become so rich and powerful that honest common man will not be able to fight with them and win

We will need another civil war to repair this corrupt system or to repair this corrupt Indian system we need creation of small states which will help us to break this nexus, friendship of government servants and businessmen and politicians and political parties.

Today in India we got different political parties, but do we see any difference between there political vision.

Every party has only one vision, win the election, get the chair and make money.
Regarding our political situation in India I am not dreamer, No politician will make changes in this system, a system which makes them as well as there future generations the king of India.

To change this we need civil war in India or reforms like creation of small states which will give chance to common Indian to know and understand how the chief minister and his office is working. Small state will give chance to participate in the administration of government, we can monitor them.

With small states there are unlimited benefits and with big states benefits are less and finally everything depends on Good law maker.

When small state will get corrupt law maker or politician we can have satisfaction that the corruption amount is not big which will be also in millions.

Let’s hope that in future States Reorganization Commission (SRC) will not give more importance to language when dividing or creating new states. States should be created only after consultation with scientists, engineers and taking consideration of geographic area and advantages.

Suggested Reading –

Thursday, December 17, 2009

USA – NYC - Fresh Air Fund – Half Marathon Race

USA – NYC - Fresh Air Fund – Half Marathon Race
This coming March 21st, the Fresh Air Fund-Racers will take to the streets at the NYC Half-Marathon.
All the money raised will go toward providing New York inner-city children with memorable and enriching summer vacations. I encourage you to join in running this exciting race!

Last year the NYC Half-Marathon was a huge success, raising $125,000 which goes to programs for NYC children.
If you want to run and participate in this Marathon Race below is the link to register.

Brief Fund Facts
The Fresh Air Fund…
• is an independent, not-for-profit agency founded in 1877
• has provided free summer vacations to more than 1.7 million New York City children from low-income communities
• enrolls volunteer host families in more than 300 suburban, small-town and rural communities across 13 states, from Virginia to Maine, as well as Canada
• operates five Fresh Air camps on a 2,300-acre site in
• Fishkill, New York
• offers a year-round camping program
• enlists the help of more than 100 volunteer tutors and mentors
• changes the lives of nearly 10,000 New York City children
• each year

Read More about Fresh Air Friend –

Know the story of Brandon Mendoza
Brandon Mendoza was just a young child when he first visited the McKnight family in Cape Cod, Massachusetts through The Fresh Air Fund's Friendly Town program.
Little did anyone know that the relationship formed that first summer would blossom into a lifelong friendship.
To this day, the McKnight’s remain a constant source of support and love for Brandon and feel that he is now just another member of the family.

Below is the Video

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

India: Can We Dare To Expose the Corruption – Become Whistleblowers

Do we know the meaning of Whistleblowers ?
India: Can We Dare To Expose the Corruption – Become Whistleblowers
Reality Views by sm -
Whistleblower is a person who exposes corruption of his company or his public office or his superiors by endangering his own life as well as his family members.

"If you must sin, sin against God, not against the bureaucracy. God may forgive you, but the bureaucracy never will!"
— U.S. Admiral Hyman Rickover
Currently In India we do not have any law to protect the Whistleblowers.
It seems that Corruption is the religion of India , Moral and values everything is corruption so no one is interested in India to make a law regarding this or demand the law regarding this to protect the Whistleblowers.
Corruption is widespread in India. India is ranked 84 out of a 179 countries in Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index..
Less the Rank means more honesty , so if one country has rank of 83 then that country is more honest than India. As India is ranked at 84.
The organization defines corruption as "the abuse of entrusted power for private gain"
Still if you do not understand the meaning I will give examples to make it simpler.
• Selling government land or property without auction
• Giving purchase orders ignoring reports or to the same company who is under investigation for corruption.
• Giving the contracts to family members or friends without giving chance to others causing losses to state.

Following are the top ten rank holder’s nations where honesty is more and corruption is less, where morality and values are present and people do less corruption.
1. New Zealand
2. Denmark
3. Singapore
4. Sweden
5. Switzerland
6. Finland
7. Netherlands
8. Australia
9. Canada
10. Iceland and USA rank is 19

Few facts about India –
• A 2005 study done by Transparency International (TI) in India found that more than 50% people had experienced of paying bribe to get a job done in public office.
• Transparency International estimates that truckers pay annually $5 billion in bribes

In the United States, more than US $8 billion has been recovered as a direct result of whistleblowers’ actions. How much in India we have recovered ?
Do we know in India how much money is recovered through whistleblowers’ actions.
As per my information and knowledge no data is available ,India do not have such data ,so if you know about this amount please let me know.
Do we know what happens to the persons who expose the corruption , and corrupt officials.
After exposing corruption if he gets murdered as an Indian Do we see that exposed corruption is investigated and the corrupt officials are punished.
Answer is No.
Do we know what happened to the cases and corruption opened by Satendra dubey ,or Shanmugam Manjunath, like them many more , what happened to those cases.
Who is Satendra Dubey ?
Satyendra Kumar Dubey, former Deputy General Manager of the National Highway Authority in India, was overseeing a road project worth billions of dollars when he was killed on 27 November 2003, at the age of 31. He was murdered after his name was leaked in connection with a complaint about corruption he had sent to the prime minister's office.
So what happened to this case ?
According to an Indian Express report in 2006, India’s Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) testified before the Supreme Court that there was no evidence linking Dubey’s murder with local contractor mafia, attributing his death instead to a robbery.
Parivartan, a local NGO involved in anti-corruption, however, disputed the claim, stating that there had been no progress and a “lack of political will to unearth the truth,” and that the CBI ignored evidence contrary to the official findings.
UK , USA, CANADA and many more countries got the laws regarding Whistleblowers
Safety and protection act.
The U.K.'s Public Interest Disclosure Act of 1998 is a unique piece of legislation providing protection to employees in the public, private and non-profit sectors, including those working outside the U.K. Under the law, employment tribunals have power to `freeze' a dismissal and make unlimited compensation awards.
India needs to adopt this law for our nation.
But we will not adopt it and we will not talk about it .
If someone exposes corruption in the India one has to face the following problems:
• Transfer from the place of job
• Murder
• Mental harassment
• Assassination of character
• Wrong charges will be framed and permanently on one or other excuse he will be punished
• No Promotions and corrupt, junior officer will be made boss to make the life miserable of honest person.
• He will be tortured mentally so much that he will commit suicide or he will resign from his job.
• An example will be set in the department so that new officers will never dare to go against the corrupt superiors and will become the part of corrupt system.

My request to every person, every Whistleblower who want to expose the corruption should come out in the media from the first day and he should send emails and maintain the blog about his experience and correspondence with government officials ,his company officials so Indians will know what is happening with him and even government of India and others will know that you are becoming hero of the nation. So you will not end up like Dubey or Manjunath.
When society will not protect them why then public officers ,police officers or any human will give or expose the corruption.
I am sure to pass the law to protect Whistleblowers India will need more than 50 years .or international pressure. Even they will make the law I am sure the law will have so many loopholes it will become useless. A good law is a law which sets example and deter other future criminals.
The Whistleblowers law should contain
• Award to Whistleblowers
• 100 years imprisonment to corrupt officials with no right to president or any one to pardon that corrupt official
• No right of Parole
• Corruption should be treated as equal as waging a war against the India.
Currently government is trying to amend the right to information act making it useless and cutting the wings of common Indian citizens to get the information which is helping us to curb the corruption.
So for the murder of Whistleblowers like Satendra Dubey every Indian is responsible .
Which national award we should give him ?
Bravest Indian or No.1 Indian of the year or No. 1 Fool of the India . A fool who does not know corruption is the religion of India.
Next time when you meet your friend please ask him the meaning of
Whistleblowers ?

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Know How Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) will assign the unique identification number (UID) to Billion Indians

India - Know How Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) will assign the unique identification number (UID) to Billion Indians

Know everything about the unique identification number (UID)

How we Indians will enroll and get the UID number? What will be the process to get this number?

1. Today in India we do not have one identity card which can be used everywhere and valid. Every time we deal with government or private every agency and company demands different identity card, few will want residence proof, few will want telephone bill or ration card and many more, and this creates lot of trouble for all Indians and we waste lot of time, energy and money on this very simple problem of proving our identity, so this card will be unique card and accepted nationally. The UID will become the single source of identity verification.

2. It is expected that from august 2010 (UIDAI) will start to give the numbers the numbers will be issued through various ‘registrar’ agencies across the country.

3. The UID will also give migrants mobility of identity.

4. It will also provide governments with accurate data on residents, enable direct benefit programs, and allow government departments to coordinate investments and share information. This will help to provide the government social benefits to the exact and eligible poor families not duplicate or fraud or non existent families.

5. The UID number will only guarantee identity, not rights, benefits or entitlements.

6. The UIDAI’s job will be limited to the issue of unique identification numbers linked to a person’s demographic and biometric information.

7. The UID will prove identity, not citizenship

8. What is CIDR?

9. The UIDAI will create a Central ID Data Repository (CIDR), which will manage the central system, and a network of Registrars who will establish resident touch points through Enrolling Agencies.

10. The CIDR will be the central data repository, and will function as a Managed Service Provider. It will implement the core services around the UID – it will store resident records, issue unique identification numbers, and verify, authenticate and amend resident data.

11. The UIDAI will be the regulatory authority managing a Central ID Data Repository (CIDR), which will issue UID numbers, update resident information, and authenticate the identity of residents as required

12. CIDR will see that The Unique ID or UID will be a numeric that is unique across all residents in India.

13. Registrars and service providers will also be able to charge for the cards they issue residents with the UID number. Such pricing will be within UIDAI guidelines.

14. The UIDAI will take help of government departments as well as private partnership to collect the information of the given person as well as update his data.

15. The UIDAI will give the UIDAI number and these agencies, the Registrars will issue the card, as per the standards fix and set by the UIDAI authority.

16. The UIDAI will issue a number, not a card: The Authority’s role is limited to issuing the number. This number may be printed on the document/card that is issued by the Registrar.

17. UIDAI AND CIDR will check that no duplicate accounts are created.

18. The Authority will also enter into contracts with Registrars to ensure the confidentiality of information they collect and store.

19. The UID database will be stored on a central server. Enrolment of the resident will be computerized, and information exchange between Registrars and the CIDR will be over a network. Authentication of the resident will be online. The Authority will also put systems in place for the security and safety of information.
20. How we Indians will enroll and get the UID number? What will be the process to get this number?

21. It will not be mandatory for the Indians to get this number but it will be made so useful that every Indian will demand this UID number. The enrolment of each resident may cost between Rs. 20 and Rs. 25

22. The enrolment process for the UID number will begin with a resident submitting his/her information to the enrolling agency with supporting documents. UIDAI will also prescribe guidelines for applicants without documents. This information will be verified according to established Know Your Resident (KYR) standards.

23. The UIDAI will see and demand the following information from the resident who will want the UIDAI number - Name, Date of birth, Gender, Fathers Name and may be his UIDAI number, Mothers name and her UIDAI number, address, photograph and finger print. Individuals with both parents deceased can provide a Guardian’s name and UID number.

24. Once the enroller verifies the resident’s information, it will submit the application request – either singly or in batches – through the Registrar to the CIDR.

25. The CIDR will then run a de- duplication check, comparing the resident’s biometric and demographic information to the records in the database to ensure that the resident is not already enrolled. The check will be done locally as well as nationally.

26. Once the UID number is assigned, the Authority will forward the resident a letter which contains his/her registered demographic and biometric details.

27. This letter will also have a tear away portion which has the UID number, name, photograph and a 2D barcode of the finger print minutiae digest. If there are any mistakes in the demographic details, the resident can contact the relevant Registrar/enrolling agency within 15 days.

28. The letter the UIDAI sends the resident will consequently contain all demographic details in English as well as the local language of the state in which the resident resides.

29. The card will contain the basic information like UID number, name and photograph. And any other information relevant with the card.

30. All data entry that the enrolling agencies take up on behalf of the Registrars will be done in English. It can then be converted into the local language using standard transliteration software, and verified for accuracy by the Registrar.

31. In Future who will or which agencies will work as the Registrar for the UID?

32. The following companies and agencies may work as Registrar - LPG (Oil PSU) , LIC (Life Insurance) ,Passport office ,Pan Card .BPL or APL ration cards, RGI , Financial institutions and NGO and many more .

33. The UID number is a lifetime number, but the biometric information contained in the central database will have to be regularly updated. Children may have to update their biometric information every five years, while adults update their information every ten years.

34. The UIDAI will employ a GIS internet-based visual reporting system to track enrolment trends and patterns across India, as the project is rolled out across various Registrars and states.

35. The GIS system will show all UID enrolments by state, as well as by Registrar. The system will also be able to drill down within states and into districts.

36. At birth and once name is given to baby, baby will be eligible to get the UID number.

37. The UID system will not remove a record upon the person’s death; it will simply mark it as ‘deceased’ and hence will render it inactive for the purposes of authentication.

38. UID will provide online as well as offline authentication processes.

39. The UIDAI will offer resident authentication services for a fee to governments and private sector firms.

40. Now Lets move to UID and Technology : Technology architecture of the UIDAI

41. The Central ID Data Repository will be the central database of all residents

42. UID services could work over secure WAN networks, the vanilla internet or over mobile SMS channels. It could also potentially work over existing networks such as credit-card POS (point-of-service) devices.

43. Legal - All offences under the Information Technology Act shall be deemed to be offences under the UIDAI if directed against the UIDAI or its database.

Reality Views by sm –
Everything is excellent and must for the Indians, but UIDAI will need the government support, state government support and as an Indian I know UIDAI will find no takers for this plan. We have seen what happened to the Ration Cards, Election Cards and Even Pan Cards.

No state government will without force or compulsion will go for this project.
So appeal to the UIDAI is the please see that this number is made mandatory and compulsory for every Indian.
Starting from metro cities and which will slowly cover and make it compulsory for every Indian. Like it should be made mandatory to fill and write this number on every form. Or selected organizations like Bank, LIC, Hospital, Schools, Collages and Stock Market and Passport.
Simple Mantra to make this Project Huge success I Will suggest
It should be made compulsory to write this UIDAI number on the every form from school form to legal cases otherwise that form will be considered incomplete.

Otherwise like the Police Reforms, Black magic bill, Women Reservation Bill .there will be facility of this number but we will not find the takers on the name of caste, religion ,state and non availability of funds one or other excuse.

But we will face the problems but we Indians must see that this time this project will become Success, not just success, Huge Success.

UPDATE on - 20-12-2009
UIDAI would start issuing the 16-digit number to each resident of the country in February 2011.
These numbers would be allotted on the basis of 11 biometrics including 10 fingerprints and iris.
The UIDAI would not allot any card, but 16-digit numbers

UPDATE - 27 FEB 2010
Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee has earmarked Rs 1,900 crore for the Nandan Nilekani-headed Unique Identification Authority of India (UIAI).
strong authentication of the unique number would eliminate duplication under various schemes and save the government Rs 20,000 crore every year.

Suggested Reading - Know about Nandan Nilekani

SCORPIONS - Lonely nights Lyrics and Video –

SCORPIONS - Lonely nights Lyrics and Video –
Watch the Video lonely nights below the lyrics of song Lonely nights.
Music: Rudolf schenker
Lyrics: Klaus meine
Lyrics for song - Lonely Nights
Since you're gone
There is an empty space
Since you're gone

The world is not the same

I go back to the places we've been
It feels like you're still there
I live all those moments again
Wishing you were here

Since you're gone
There is an lonely heart
Since you're gone
Nothing' is like it was

There are memories all over the place
Bringing' it back all so clear
Remember all of those days
Wishing you were here

All those lonely nights
I gotta fight for you, yes I do
Yes I do

Since you're gone
There is a heart that bleeds
Since you're gone
I'm not the man I used to be

I follow your steps in the snow
The traces disappear
We know what we've lost when it's gone
I'm wishing you were here

All those lonely nights
I gotta fight for you, yes I do
Yes I do

Watch the Lonely Night Video with lyrics

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Maharashtra : Towards becoming state of Drunkards

Maharashtra : Towards becoming state of Drunkards
Maharashtra Government allows,gave license to make liquor from grains like maize,jowar and bajra,the food of poor which is already going beyond their purchaseing power.
A state of Shivaji , will become the state of drunkards .
We are sorry our God Shivaji we can not stop them making liquor from grains, when farmers are committing suicides because of ill health, poverty and mal nutrition.
The youth will be drinking liquor on the place of milk .

The mothers will be serving liquor to kids on the place of Jawar, and Bajra.
Maharashtra government gifts us the liquor after the attack of 26/11.
Recently Maharashtra government has permitted and started to give the license to produce the premium liquor from grains like maize, jowar and bajra
Regarding these license 45 persons applied for the license and 23 licenses are already cleared by the state government of Maharashtra .
Do I need to tell you who are the owners and makers of this liquor ?
Majority are the politicians or their family members , relatives and friends.
Who drinks the premium liquor ?
This liquor is drink by rich people as it is said that liquor made from these grains is less harmful for human body.
Here farmers are dying ,committing suicide but the government has no time .
Government has no time to read the Ram Pradhan Report ,a report made after 26/11,
I am simple and mad man will you please tell me does government was busy reading the proposals of this liquor licenses.
This is the same government when poor tribals wanted to make liquor from Mahua flowers , they were not permitted to do that.
But when same thing is done by rich or politician they instantly allow it and all political parties keep silence as well as media.
Even RSS is doing nothing, they are just keeping silence , as per my information even BJP leaders from Maharashtra got the license to make liquor from grains.
The comedy is that One Minister says ban the liquor and others promote it, and this fool population like me keep silence , and I am more fool as I go to vote .
If dancing in the bar is bad, how come drinking liquor is good ?
How can Maharashtra state government allow making liquor from grains.
Why now so called culture protectors are silent ?
May be we will see them on the Valentines Day again doing there terror acts.
I tried to get information regarding this from internet but very less information is available nothing is available only times of India has reported something about it .
Question is Does MNS will do something regarding this ?
I do not have any hope from any political party.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

India – Telangana becomes a reality – a new state

India – Telangana becomes a reality – a new state
Telangana 29th state of India.
Power of people won and the law makers accept the will.
As was going to post this article, I heard the news of creation of Telangana state,
On Dec 9th 2009, 11:30 PM, Mr. P. Chidambaram, Union Minister of Home Affairs, on behalf of the Government of India announced that

a resolution in the Andhra Pradesh assembly for the creation of a separate Telangana state will be passed.
Telangana region is part of Andhra Pradesh state in southern India.
It constitutes
1. Hyderabad,
2. Adilabad,
3. Karimnagar,
4. Khammam,
5. Mahaboobnagar,
6. Medak,
7. Nalgonda,
8. Nizamabad,
9. RangaReddy
10. Warangal districts

History of the Telangana –
The meaning of Telangana literally means "Land of Telugus". The Telugu language originated in Telangana.
In Mahabharata and Ramayana also there are references regarding telangana.
After Independence forcefully India made the Hyderabad part of India which was controlled by Nizam. Indian army successfully carried operation Polo.
When India became Independent Telugu speaking population were distributed in about 22 districts.
• 9 of them in the Telangana region of Nizam's Dominions (Hyderabad State)
• 12 in the Madras Presidency
• And one in French-controlled Yanam.

After Independence India divided states on the basis of language, indirectly on the basis of caste system.
That time in the year 1953 Fazal Ali commission, the states Reorganization Commission was formed by Prime Minister. The commission created a report in 1955 recommending the reorganization of Indian state. This commission said that and recommended that Telangana should not be merged with the Andhra Pradesh. This should be decided by the people of the Telangana.
The strong Congress lobby in Andhra lobbied with central congress leadership for the merger. So, the central government decided to ignore the SRC recommendations and established unified Andhra Pradesh on November 1, 1956.
That time they made a Gentleman’s agreement to the Telangana people and Andhra regarding power, administrative and distribution sharing.
Jai Telangana movement -
Discontent with the Gentlemen’s agreement intensified and in the year 1969 January when the guarantees were supposed to lapse, Student agitation for the continuation of the agreement began at Osmania University in Hyderabad .In this movement nearly 360 students gave their lives.
In the year 1990 BJP promised that if they come into power they will create the separate the Telangana state, but after coming into power BJP failed to do so.
Congress party MLAs from the Telangana region, supported a separate Telangana state and formed the Telangana Congress Legislators Forum.
After this a new development happened Telangana Rashtra Samithi (or TRS) was formed with agenda of creating a separate Telangana state, with Hyderabad as its capital lead by Kalvakuntla Chandrasekhar Rao popularly known as KCR.
In the year 2004 Congress also promised the creation of separate Telangana but after winning the elections they behaved in a Congress Style. We all the know the style, we will do this, we will do that, don’t know when this congress style [We will think and do] will become a reality for India without agitation
In July 2008, Mr. Devender Goud A TDP, Telugu Desam Legislature Party leader along with some other leaders like Mr. E Peddi Reddy formed a new party called Nava Telangana Praja Party.
Because of this Incident TDP the party changed its stand of 26 years and declared that they also support creation of Telangana.
In the elections of 2009 every political party supported the creation of Telangana state.
Again after winning the elections Congress changed its stand and started to delay the process of creation of Telangana state.
In the first week of Dec 2009, the TRS president, K. Chandrashekar Rao (KCR) started a fast-unto-death demanding that the Congress party introduce a Telangana bill in the Parliament.
When congress party saw the huge support and sentiments of people the lords and kings of India agreed to table the bill.

Reality Views by sm -
It’s great that a new state will be created in India.

Why do I Support the small states?
In following lines you will get the answer.
• Big money , Big Project ,Big Corruption
• In schools do we want more students in classroom or less, we know the answer and reasons less students. Easy to manage, Easy to find weak student and pay him more attention , same is with state , small state ,easy to manage, easy to find corrupt officials
• Less money, small Budget, Easy to prepare and understand the Budget which results into less corruption amount is less.
• Will create more competition among states to prosper more

Above are the few reasons I support the creation of small states.
Also I know that after creation of the Telangana state then also there life will not improve and nothing will change. But this is the beginning. To understand the need of small states in India please read the following article which explains everything in details.

Suggested Reading - Benefits,Reasons for the creation of small states

Future Map of Telangana state 29th state of India-
anticipated map of Telangana state -
click on the image to see the larger image of the Telangana state Map

Update - Feb 3,2010
Indian central Government constituted a five-member expert committee on Telangana issue headed by former Supreme Court Judge B N Srikrishna.
The other members of the Committee are
1. Prof (Dr) Ranbir Singh, Vice Chancellor, National Law University, Delhi,
2. Dr Abusaleh Shariff, Senior Research Fellow, International Food Policy Research Institute, Delhi,
3. Dr (Ms) Ravinder Kaur, Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT, Delhi
4. Vinod K Duggal, former Home Secretary, who will also function as its Member Secretary.

It’s expected that in next three years committee on Telangana will give their report.
Let’s hope that this time committee will not demand more time, years and delay the process of formation of Telangana state,
committee may need next 10 or 18 years to prepare the report.

Watch the Video - History of Telangana - Part 1

Watch the Video - History of Telangana - Part 2

Watch the Video History of Telangana - Part 3

Watch the video History of Telangana - Part 4

Monday, December 7, 2009

India - What Are The Options After Studying In SSC or HSC

India - What Are The Options After Studying In SSC or HSC
What after 10th or 12th what is the future what are the career options ?
Reality Views by sm -
After passing the SSC one can join the following courses or give competitive exams.

1. MS – CIT Course - job - Data entry Operator
2. Diploma Courses - Fashion ,Interior Design, Front Desk office, Beauty Parlor etc Once you visit the Institute they will tell you more options.
3. MLT - Medical laboratory technician certificate course
4. Diploma in Animal , Farm Management
5. Certified Supervisor
6. Courses in dance and Music
7. Government clerk grade exams
8. Bank clerk exams like SBI
9. Railway clerk exam
10. ITI courses like Fitter, welder
11. Teaching
12. Police Constable , Airmen exams
13. Engineering Diploma if you score more than sixty percent many universities give you admission to degree courses 2nd year after completion of this diploma
14. Merchant Navy
15. AMIE

12TH HSC - is can be divided into 12th commerce, 12th Arts, 12th Science

What are the options after doing studying 12th Commerce?
1. D.ED
2. Call Center
3. CA Foundation
4. CS Foundation
6. BBA
7. MBA
9. CA
10. ICWA
11. CS
12. B.ED., M.ED.
15. MCM
17. IMA, NDA

After studying in 12th Arts following are the options –
1. D.ED
2. BSW, MSW.
4. DTL, DLL.
6. Foreign languages Diplomas
7. MCM
8. BA,MA
11. NSD
13. Advertising Diploma

12th Science with PCMB – Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Biology
The options are
2. B.PHARMACY , Master in Pharmacy
3. B.Tech , M.Tech in Agriculture

12TH Science with PCB - Physics, Chemistry and Biology
Options are
1. BAMS , MD

12th Science with PCM - Physics, chemistry, maths
Options are
1. NDA
3. IES
6. BE,ME

The list is not complete, you will find more options ,paths also.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar – A Brief Biography

Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar – A Brief Biography

Reality Views by sm -

Know the the 22 Vows of Ambedkar

The journey of a talent from untouchable human being to the heights where very few reach.
1. Name - Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar also known as Babasaheb

2. Date of birth: 14 April 1891

3. Place of birth: Mhow, Central Provinces, British India

4. Date of death: 6 December 1956

5. Place of death: Delhi, India

Ambedkar has been honoured with the Bharat Ratna, India's highest civilian award.

Babasaheb belonged to the Hindu Mahar caste, who were treated as untouchables and subjected to intense socio-economic discrimination.

As a Untouchable In his school days he was not allowed to sit inside classroom, not allowed to touch drinking water, have to wait for the superior class person to give him water, normally its said that school peon gave him water, if he is not there Babasaheb has to stay in school all the time without water.

His native village name was "Ambavade" in Ratnagiri District so he changed his name from "Sakpal" to "Ambedkar"

In 1907, Babasaheb passed his matriculation examination and entered the University of Bombay, becoming one of the first persons of untouchable origin to enter a college in India.

As per Hindu traditions Babasaheb married in the year 1906 to Ramabai, a nine-year old girl from Dapoli.

In 1908, he entered Elphinstone College and obtained a scholarship of twenty five rupees a month from the Gayakwad ruler of Baroda, Sahyaji Rao III for higher studies in the USA.

By 1912, he obtained his degree in economics and political science, and prepared to take up employment with the Baroda state government. His wife gave birth to his first son, Yashwant, in the same year.

In September 1920, after accumulating sufficient funds, Ambedkar went back to London to complete his studies. He became a barrister and got a Doctorate in science.

After completing his studies in London, Ambedkar returned to India. In July 1924, he founded the Bahishkrit Hitkaraini Sabha (Outcastes Welfare Association). The aim of the Sabha was to uplift the downtrodden socially

By 1927 Dr. Ambedkar decided to launch active movements against untouchability. He began with public movements and marches to open up and share public drinking water resources; also he began a struggle for the right to enter Hindu temples. He led a Satyagraha in Mahad to fight for the right of the untouchable community to draw water from the main water tank of the town.

He was appointed to the Bombay Presidency Committee to work with the all-European Simon Commission in 1925.

Ambedkar's prominence and popular support amongst the untouchable community had increased, and he was invited to attend the Second Round Table Conference in London in 1931.

Ambedkar was also critical of Islam. He wrote that Muslim society is "even more full of social evils than Hindu Society is" and criticized Muslims for sugarcoating their sectarian caste system with euphemisms like "brotherhood". He also criticized the discrimination against the Arzal classes among Muslims who were regarded as "degraded", as well as the oppression of women in Muslim society through the oppressive purdah system.

He alleged that while purdah was also practiced by Hindus, only among Muslims was it sanctioned by religion. He criticized their fanaticism regarding Islam on the grounds that their literalist interpretations of Islamic doctrine made their society very rigid and impermeable to change.

He further wrote that Indian Muslims have failed to reform their society unlike Muslims in other countries like Turkey
When the British agreed with Ambedkar and announced the awarding of separate electorates, Gandhi began a fast-unto-death while imprisoned in the Yeravada Central Jail of Pune in 1932.

After this Babasaheb and Gandhi agreed on the reservation, Babasaheb got more reservation than offered by British .This pact is known as Poona Pact.

In 1935, Ambedkar was appointed principal of the Government Law College, a position he held for two years.

Babasahebs wife Ramabai wanted to visit to Pandharpur, but Ambedkar had refused to let her go, telling her that he would create a new Pandharpur for her instead of Hinduism's Pandharpur which treated them as untouchables.

In 1936, Ambedkar founded the Independent Labour Party, which won 15 seats in the 1937 elections to the Central Legislative Assembly. He published his book The Annihilation of Caste in the same year

1942= He founded his second political party, the All-India Scheduled Castes Federation, which didn't do so well in the elections of 1946. Dr. Ambedkar was inducted into the Viceroy's Executive Council as Labour Member, a position which he held until his resignation in June 1946.

1946== In June, he founded Siddharth College, in Bombay; it was a project of the People's Education Society, which he had founded in 1945.

The Shastras do not permit a Hindu to accept anyone as his Guru merely because he is well-versed. This is made very clear by Ramdas, a Brahmin saint from Maharashtra. Few lines babasaheb said.

He said that if Muslims demand Pakistan they should be given Pakistan. He wrote that if the Muslims are bent on Pakistan, then it must be conceded to them

The Brahmin systematically preyed on society and profiteered in religion. The Puranas and Shastras which lie manufactured in tons are a treasure trove of sharp practices which the Brahmins employed to befool, beguile and swindle the common mass of poor, illiterate, and superstitious Hindus.

On Ranade - It is impossible in this address to give references to them. I can only refer to the coercive measures which the Brahmins had sanctified as proper to be employed against the Hindus, to the encashment of their rights and privileges. Let those who want to know read the preamble to Regulation XXI of 1795. According to it, whenever a Brahmin wanted to get anything which could not be willingly got from his victim, he resorted to various coercive practices—lacerating his own body with knives and razors, or threatening to swallows some poison, were the usual tricks he practised to carry out his selfish purposes.

There were other ways employed by the Brahmin to coerce the Hindus, which were as extraordinary as they were shameless.

A common practice was the erection in front of the house of his victim of the koorh—a circular enclosure in which a pile of wood was placed; within the enclosure an old woman was placed, ready to be burnt in the koorh if his object was not granted.

The second device of such a kind was the placing of his women and children in the sight of his victim and threatens[ing] to behead them. The third was the dhurna—starving on the doorstep of the victim. This is nothing. Brahmins had started making claims for a right to deflower the women of non-Brahmins. The practice prevailed in the family of the Zamorin of Calicut, and among the Vallabhachari sect of Vaishnavas.

The East India Company had in 1819 to pass a Regulation (VII of 1819) to put a stop to this moral degeneracy. The preamble to the Regulation says that women were employed wholesale to entice and take away the wives or female children for purposes of prostitution, and it was common practice among husbands and fathers to desert their families and children. Public conscience there was none, and in the absence of conscience it was futile to expect moral indignation against the social wrongs.

Indeed the Brahmins were engaged in defending every wrong for the simple reason that they lived on them. They defended Untouchability which condemned millions to the lot of the helot. They defended caste, they defended female child marriage and they defended enforced widowhood—the two great props of the Caste system.

They defended the burning of widows, and they defended the social system of graded inequality with its rule of hypergamy which led the Rajputs to kill in their thousands the daughters that were born to them. What shames! What wrongs!

Can such a Society show its face before civilized nations? Can such a society hope to survive? Such were the questions which Ranade asked. He concluded that on only one condition it could be saved—namely, rigorous social reform.

Babasaheb on Gandhi and Jinnah -
One leads the Hindus, the other leads the Muslims. Politics in the hands of these two Great Men have become a competition in extravaganza. If Mr. Gandhi is known as Mahatma, Mr. Jinnah must be known as Qaid-i-Azim. If Gandhi has the Congress, Mr. Jinnah must have the Muslim League. If the Congress has a Working Committee and the All-India Congress Committee, the Muslim League must have its Working Committee and its Council. The session of the Congress must be followed by a session of the League.

If the Congress issues a statement, the League must also follow suit. If the Congress passes a Resolution of 17,000 words, the Muslim League's Resolution must exceed it by at least a thousand words. If the Congress President has a Press Conference, the Muslim League President must have his. If the Congress must address an: appeal to the United Nations, the Muslim League must not allow itself to be outbidden.

They will not meet, except on preposterous conditions. Jinnah insists that Gandhi should admit that he is a Hindu. Gandhi insists that Jinnah should admit that he is one of the leaders of the Muslims. Never has there been such a deplorable state of bankruptcy of statesmanship as one sees in these two leaders of India.

They are making long and interminable speeches, like lawyers whose trade it is to contest everything, concede nothing, and talk by the hour. Suggest anything by way of solution for the deadlock to either of them, and it is met by an everlasting "Nay." Neither will consider a solution of the problems which is not eternal. Between them Indian politics has become "frozen," to use a well-known Banking phrase and no political action is possible.

Dr. Ambedkar condemned Gandhi's support for the caste system and perpetuating untouchability. Dr.Ambedkar warned people,” Don’t call Gandhi a saint. He is a seasoned politician. When everything else fails, Gandhi will resort to intrigue.” "Don’t fall under Gandhi’s spell, he’s not God... Mahatmas have come and Mahatmas have gone but untouchables have remained untouchables.”

On August 15, 1947, the new Congress-led government invited Ambedkar to serve as the nation's first law minister, which he accepted. On August 29, Ambedkar was appointed Chairman of the Constitution Drafting Committee, charged by the Assembly to write free India's new Constitution.

The Constitution was adopted on November 26, 1949 by the Constituent Assembly.

Ambedkar resigned from the cabinet in 1951 following the stalling in parliament of his draft of the Hindu Code Bill, which sought to expound gender equality in the laws of inheritance, marriage and the economy. 1951. In September, Dr. Ambedkar resigned from the Cabinet, embittered over the failure of Nehru and the Congress to back the Hindu Code Bill as they had earlier pledged to do.

Ambedkar independently contested an election in 1952 to the lower house of parliament, the Lok Sabha, but was defeated. He was appointed to the upper house, of parliament, the Rajya Sabha in March 1952 and would remain a member until his death.

In 1955, he founded the Bharatiya Bauddha Mahasabha, or the Buddhist Society of India. He completed his final work, The Buddha and His Dhamma, in 1956. It was published posthumously.

October 14, 1956.At Deekshabhoomi, Nagpur. He converted to Buddhism He then proceeded to convert an estimated 500,000 of his supporters who were gathered around him. Taking the 22 Vows, Ambedkar and his supporters explicitly condemned and rejected Hinduism and Hindu philosophy.

On December 6, 1956, Baba Saheb Dr. B.R. Ambedkar died peacefully in his sleep. Since the Caste Hindus denied the cremation at Dadar crematorium, A Buddhist-style cremation was organised for him at Chowpatty beach on December 7, attended by hundreds of thousands of supporters, activists and admirers.

His birthdate is celebrated as a public holiday known as Ambedkar Jayanti or Bhim Jayanti.

His message to his followers was " Educate , Agitate, Organize
He did not like when they were regarded as Harijan, children of God, he said then are you the children of Monsters.

He passionately believed in the freedom of the individual and criticized equally both orthodox casteist Hindu society

Do You know any Indian political leader following Dr.Babasaheb in true sense. They are just using the name and making money .Do not forget Mantra – Educate ,Educate and Educate.

Following are the 22 Vows of Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar –
I shall have no faith in Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara nor shall I worship them.

I shall have no faith in Rama and Krishna who are believed to be incarnation of God nor shall I worship them.

I shall have no faith in Gauri, Ganapati and other gods and goddesses of Hindus nor shall I worship them.

I do not believe in the incarnation of God.

I do not and shall not believe that Lord Buddha was the incarnation of Vishnu. I believe this to be sheer madness and false propaganda.

I shall not perform Shraddha nor shall I give pind-dan.

I shall not act in a manner violating the principles and teachings of the Buddha.

I shall not allow any ceremonies to be performed by Brahmins.

I shall believe in the equality of man.

I shall endeavor to establish equality.

I shall follow the noble eightfold path of the Buddha.

I shall follow the ten paramitas prescribed by the Buddha.

I shall have compassion and loving kindness for all living beings and protect them.

I shall not steal.

I shall not tell lies.

I shall not commit carnal sins.

I shall not take intoxicants like liquor, drugs etc.

I shall endeavor to follow the noble eightfold path and practice compassion and loving kindness in every day life.

I renounce Hinduism, which is harmful for humanity and impedes the advancement and development of humanity because it is based on inequality, and adopt Buddhism as my religion.

I firmly believe the Dhamma of the Buddha is the only true religion.

I believe that I am having a re-birth.

I solemnly declare and affirm that I shall hereafter lead my life according to the principles and teachings of the Buddha and his Dhamma.

Watch the Movie Part from – Dr Ambedkar

Photo of B.R.Ambedkar