Tuesday, March 31, 2009
India:One day 2 great judgements by Supreme court of india
India: One day 2 great judgments by Supreme court of India
Supreme Court does not permit talibinisation of India.
SC rejected Muslim's plea to sport beard, says no 'Talibanisation of India'
This is one of the greatest achievements of our Supreme Court and judiciary.
But like shahbano case our politicians will change the law or they will try to change the law.
A Muslim student’s plea that he should be permitted to sport beard in his convent school,
The Supreme Court observed secularism cannot be overstretched and that "Talibanisation" of the country
Cannot be permitted.
"We don't want to have Taliban’s in the country. Tomorrow a girl student may come and say that she wants to wear a burqa, can we allow it," Justice Markandeya Katju speaking for a bench headed by Justice Raveendran observed.
Asserting that he was a secularist to the core, Justice Katju however said religious beliefs cannot be overstretched.
"You can join some other institution if you do not want to observe the rules. But you can't ask the school to change the rules for you,” Justice Katju observed.
Reality views by sm
This is very rare correct, thoughtful, timely decision taken by our honorable Supreme Court judges.
It should be the right of schools to decide dress code for school studants, before taking admission to school every parent and studant knows the rules and dress code of school. If beard is so important, one should go to school where beard is permitted. And if such schools are not found in India then govt should start such schools .But no one should force the school to change dress for any religion.
2nd great judgment by our supreme court of India is that sanjay dutt was denied the permission to stand for elections as he is convicted for more than 2 years.
India :Know which are Bailable offences
India :Know which are Bailable offences -
Bailable offence means an offence which is made bailable by law for the time being in force.
Bailable offences are those offences in which the accused is having a matter of right to be released on bail.
Following are the few bailable offences in India:
• section 144: joining an unlawful assembly armed with any deadly weapon
• section 147: Rioting
• Section 148: Rioting with carrying arms and deadly weapons.
• section 167:public servant framing an incorrect document with intent to cause injury
• section 171:bribery
• section 216:harbouring robbers and dacoits
• section 259: having possession of counterfeit govt stamp
• section 272:adulterating food or drink intended for sale
• section 284:dealing with any poisonous substance so as to endanger human life etc
• section 285: dealing with fire or any combustible matter so as to endanger human life etc
• section 304: causing death by rash or negligent act
• section 312: causing miscarriage
• section 323:voluntarily causing hurt
• section 324:voluntarily causing hurt by dangerous weapons or means
• section 325:voluntarily causing grievous hurt
• section 336:doing any act which endangers human life or the personal safety of others
• section 337:causing hurt by an act which endangers human life
• section 341: wrongfully restraining any person
• section 342:wrongfully confining any person
• section 356: assault or criminal force in attempt to commit theft of property
• section 363: kidnapping
• section 370:buying or disposing of any person as a slave
• section 376:intercourse by public servant with women in his custody
• section 385:attempting to commit extortion
• section 417:cheating
• section 447: criminal trespass
• section 448:house trespass
• section 465: forgery
• section 477:falsification of accounts
• section 489:possession of forged or counterfeit currency or bank notes
• section 500:defamation
• section 504: insult intended to provoke breach of the peace
• section 506:criminal intimidation to cause death
Pirated DVDs Buyers and Mpda provision: a deep analysis –
Pirated DVDs Buyers and Mpda provision: a deep analysis –
Reason to write this post is that I came to understand that majority Indians do not understand the seriousness of these new provisions.
Selling and buying pirated DVDs and cds is already crime and tried under Indian Penal code and Copy right act,
What is bailable offence?
In short the accused person does not stay in jail more than 24 hours, if he is able to give surety and bond amount.
Non bailable offence means an offence in which accused is kept in jail so police can investigate more normally dangerous crimes like murder are non bailable
The judicial system and courts do not work as you see in the Hindi movies.
I have not found any Hindi movie or television serial which shows court proceedings
The Maharashtra govt. has recently made few changes, added new provisions to
Maharashtra Prevention of Dangerous Activities of slum-lords, bootleggers,
Drug offenders and dangerous persons Act, 1981 in short this act is known as
Mpda Act. Under this act now Buyers of pirated DVDs and sellers will be tried and punished if found guilty.
To understand the seriousness we will start with an example.
If 18 year old bunty and babli are arrested by police for purchasing a pirated DVDs.
Under this new law, so what will happen, next stage is they may be send to Nashik jail
As normally accused persons arrested under Mpda act are send to Nashik Jail.
As this law prohibit bail for 3 months, bunty and babli both have to stay in jail for 3 months.
Next stage is after 3 months they will get bail and will not stay in jail but there case will start ,to finish there case it may take 1 year to 10 years.
Suppose after 2 years the honorable judge founds that bunty and babli both are innocent
And sets them free...
For just buying DVD for 80 rupees both land up in jail for 3 months, they are denied bail.
After staying in jail for 3 months does society will accept them, will they even show face to there parents.
Will they commit suicide after staying in jail for 3 months. Or will they become professional criminals?
What is reason they are not given bail, this should be bailable offence, and will the buyer run away from police and court.
Do you think buyer of pirated DVD is so rich that he will run away and stay in Europe?
Normally bail is not given to persons whose crime is dangerous and there is possibility that he will run away from law and cause more damage to society.
The buyers of DVDs are young innocent boys and girls. In jail they will come to know that if he would have used the force or cheated and got the DVD forcefully then also he would have got the bail .He will realize that it is better to rob or cheat than buy a DVD.
Surely message will go that if you want DVD go and rob the shop keepers who sell the original DVDs. If you are found by police you will get the bail, the accused person does not require to stay in jail for forcefully taking the DVD from shopkeepers.
But if you purchase DVD by paying 80 rupees or 100 rupees and police booked you under this Mpda act , surely the buyer will land up in jail for 3 months, it does not matter he is guilty or not guilty.
A person arrested under IPC provisions can obtain bail, a detainee, accused under MPDA cannot resort to bail and has to challenge the act in court As per new provisions a buyer of DVD who is booked by police under this act ,can not get bail for 3 months. He can file for bail. Only after 3 months.
For buying a DVD of 80 rupees he has to stay in jail for 3 months, after that the case will be tried and the buyer will be punished.
The correct approach would have been that, make such a law that in market there will be no pirated DVDs available.
Find the persons and punish them who are manufacturing the pirated DVDs and cds.
Law should punish the sellers; law should close down the chor bazaars which are present in every Indian city and village. Many times you will find that chor bazaar is situated behind or near the police station.
Chor bazaar means thief market.
Few questions to think?
Will it be good if Indian musicians are charged under this act for copying Hollywood music?
Will it be good if Indian movie makers, producers are charged under Mpda act for copying Hollywood movies?
Will it be good if writers of movies are found copying other writers stories are tried under Mpda act?
Think on what is achieved by sending buyer for 3 months in jail.
Think do you use Windows xp or Vista legal copy?
Using illegal, pirated copy of windows xp or vista is also piracy
If not?
Are you ready to stay in jail for 3 months without bail and after that, the case will be tried in court and you may or may not be punished by honorable court. you may be set free and declared innocent by court or may be send to jail for 1 year or 5 year. If you are set free and declared innocent by court then also you will have spend 3 months in jail as you do not have right to bail for first 3 months.
Monday, March 30, 2009
India: Buying DVD becomes dangerous act than beating someone
India: Buying DVD becomes dangerous act than beating someone
The Maharashtra state government’s proposal of booking both buyers and sellers, of pirated cds and DVDs, under the stringent Maharashtra Prevention of Dangerous Activities (MPDA) Act has been Okayed passed by President Pratibha Patil.
That makes Maharashtra the first state where selling and buying pirated CDs and DVDs can land one behind bars without bail for 3 months.
Most important and dangerous provision is that, the buyer will not get bail for 3 months.
Who are the buyers? Normally buyers are young collagians, school kids, and poor persons, who can not afford to visit multiplex, nor do they afford to purchase a legal DVD which cost 500 rupees or 300 rupees because after doing hard work daily for 8 to 12 hours, then also they are not able earn to earn more than 20 rupees. 1 dollar is equal to 50 rupees.
This amendment do not seem correct, it is not required, Indian penal code has many provisions.
Just for example I will discuss one ipc section, section 323 deals with beating to someone, if you break someone’s leg, hand, this offence is bailabale and in 24 hours you are outside of the jail.
For buying a DVD you are send to jail for 3 months, a non bailable offence.
This does not seem correct.
Now suppose this youth goes to jail and stays in jail for 3 months, what will happen, will he become a real gunda or criminal, a terrorist
Normally Mpda act is used for slumlords and dangerous activities, like forcefully taking another’s land etc.
How can buying a DVD become dangerous act?
Yes I agree pirated DVD buying is crime, but govt can make it a civil wrong, impose fines
Mah.govt is directly sending an innocent buyer of pirated DVDs to jail for 3 months.
There are ample provisions in the IPC and the Copyright Act to tackle piracy but most of these laws are bailable.
Many times I hear that this piracy DVD sellers pay hafta to police to sell pirated DVDs and cds ,I am not sure about this, suppose if they are paying hafta,now does it make possible buyers will also pay hafta to police or concerned authority to purchase a pirated DVD and cds.
Hafta means weekly or monthly bribe to do illegal activity.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Does Obama copies indian politicians
Does Obama copies indian politicians ?
Indians we should be proud or should we be sad.
Indian politics is like gutter, indian politics is like rotten mango.
Did you realise what we have exported to usa,
usa politicians are copying
our style of politics.
Recently like our honourbale politicians President Obama appeared on television and made fun and comments,That same week when President obama appeared on televison, AIG has given bonus . AIG is a company who got bailout package, paid millions in bonus . when america is moving towards bankruptacy if same policies are used by america for next 50 to 100 years , america will be one of poorest nation on earth.
It was expected from President Obama that he will speak on AIG bonus problem, he will prapose new law or do something to stop AIG bonus or policies that in future this type of mistakes will not happen,but like our indian politicians, he was smileing on television and was making jokes like Our honourbale politicians.
In India ,Indian politicians always say india is shining, india is going to become superpower, when in india farmers commit suicide our politicians are busy watching music shows or discussing which language is important.In India also our parliament saw a bag full of 1000 rupee notes ,alleged to be somekind of bribe,what happend to that case, as usual nothing.
We expected that our politicians will learn something from usa politicias,but
it is very sad that rotten mango has courrupted the good mango.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Indian political parties and manifesto: a Farce ?
Indian political parties and manifesto: is it a farce ?
what is the meaning of manifesto,
Read more »
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Mary Wells - My Guy Lyrics with video
Watch the video below lyrics-
Lyrics of the song My Guy
Nothing you can say,
Can tear me away,
From my guy.
Nothing you could do,
'cause I'm stuck like glue,
To my guy.
I'm sticking to my guy,
Like a stamp to a letter,
Like birds to there feathers,
We, stick together,
I'm tellin you from the start,
I can't be torn apart from my guy.
Nothing you could do,
Could make me be untrue,
To my guy.
(My Guy)
Nothing you could buy,
Could make me tell a lie,
To my guy
(My Guy)
I gave my guy,
My word of honor,
To be faithful,
And I'm gonna,
You'd best be believing,
I won't be deceiving,
My guy.
As a matter of opinion,
I think he's tops,
My opinion is,
He's the cream of the crop,
As a matter of taste,
To be exact,
He's my ideal,
As a matter of fact.
No muscle bound man,
Could take my hand,
From my guy.
(My guy)
No handsome face,
Could ever take the place,
Of my guy,
(My guy)
He may not be a movie star,
But when it comes to being happy,
We are,
There's not a man today,
Who can take me away,
From my guy.
No muscle bound man,
Could take my hand,
From my guy.
(My guy)
No handsome face,
Could ever take the place,
Of my guy,
(My guy)
He may not be a movie star,
But when it comes to being happy,
We are,
There's not a man today,
Who can take me away,
From my guy.
(what'cha say?)
There's not a man today,
Who could take me away,
From my guy.
(Tell me more!)
There's not a man today,
Who could take me away,
From my guy.
Watch Mary Wells video singing - My Guy
Watch the video miley cyrus and oliver featuring song My guy
Disco Remake of the 1964 Hit by Mary Wells
Watch the video Carolyne Berneir - My Guy 1978
Sun Sign Capricorn: Know all about Capricorn :
Capricorn BirthdaysDecember 22 - January 19
capricorn are very serious minded .Capricorn sign is practical minded.
Friends and Family:
capricorns love holidays, they are honest and they have very few friends but they are also honest, it is very difficult to become friend of capricorn,once you are friend its life long friendship full of fun ,honesty and help.
Capricorn people belive in doing real help not in showing or saying, if they want to help you they wil really help you and later you will come to know, your friend has helped you without your knowledge.
Career and Money:
nothing is impossible for capricorns,they will start as a junior in company and end up as the Ceo of company. they will touch the sky once the goal is fix. they have dedication,honesty,hardwork towards job, they are excellent manager.when capirocorns spend money they will spend money lot but all the items will be pratical,multipurpose use.
ColorsThe color of choice for Capricorn is brown. In fact, most dark colors do well for this sign.
GemstoneCapricorn’s star stone is the Black Onyx.
Lucky NumbersCapricorn's lucky numbers are 6, 8, and 9.
Most compatible signCapricorns are most compatible with Taurus and Virgo.
Opposite SignThe Opposite Sign for Capricorn is Cancer.
The Perfect GiftThe best gift for a Capricorn is something practical or multi-functional.
LikesFamily events, music, work, traditions
HouseNatural sign of the Tenth House. This house focuses on reputation, profession, authorities, and status.
Famous Capricorns
Andy Rooney, Joan of Arc, Janis Joplin, Martin Luther King, and Elvis Presley.
Monday, March 23, 2009
india : Child labour policy change:
In Maharashtra now on its no longer crime to give job to boys and girls
who are age 14 or above, it is legal to give them job. as per new defination only boys and girls below age 14 will be termed as child labour.
if at age 14 if boys and girls can do job then why do not give them right to vote.
We hope maharashtra governemnt will make it legal and give right of vote to all boys and girls who are above age 14.
If boys and girls can do job at the age of 14 we appeal to the maharashtra govt, make 14 year old marriage legal and even encourage child marriage.
Before planning to vote for congress and ncp think on this point.
if you do not support child labour then do not vote for congress and ncp.
currently all boys and girls working below age 18 were termed as child labour.
but now maharashtra govt of congress and ncp has reduced the age to 14 .
Be ready to see child labour now .
Jai ho child labour.
child labours demand voting right and right to marry now.
Political parties and Corruption
Can we say its different kind of corruption by political parties?
After elections opposit parties become friends and share the govt .
In every election there are 5 or 10 or less or more candidates stand for elections few belong to political parties like bjp ,congress and others and few are independant candidates.
when we vote to someone,we consider that to which political party a candidate belongs, and then we vote for him. sometimes some people do not like him,but still vote for him because he is candidate of party which he likes and in which party he belives.
But after elections we see that the parties who fought elections against each other have become friends, forgot there policies there agenda,there oppostion for each other and they formulate goverment only to form the governemnt.
i think we need a new law that only highest election sits winning party should form the governemnt with help of others but other parties should not be given any kind of place in the governemnt they can support this party ,just to save the expenses of another election, or they can support this party on cause basis. without participating or sharing the government.
Today what is happening is that,once party wins hightest sits in election,
that party just to formulate the govt starts to purchase other smaller parties ,independant candidates by offering them ministries or somekind of
is this not one kind of corruption to form the government ,the party is giving gifts to others in form of place in government or offering them
ministries,makeing them cabinet minister etc.
when some company want loan from bank, if bank manager demands or receives a gold ring or job for his son in that company to give loan to that company,this bank manager becomes criminal it is called as courruption.
same way to formulate govt,the party offers cabinet ministry ?
what is your opinion ?
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Sun sign Pisces : Know all about pisces
Pisces people are very understanding, gentle,loveing,caring,easygoing,
they make friends eaisly, pisces are not leaders but there presence can not be ignored by anyone,everyone knows he or she is there firmly standing for cause.
Friends and Family:
pisceans are loyal,dedicated,supportive and compassionate. For every problem faced by friend or family, pisceans will be on front side to fight the problem to help the friend and family.pisceans are open minded and hearted they do not hide anything.pisceans are best poets.
Career and Money:
suitbale careers for piscean are lawyer,architect,muscian,poet,social worker,and designers. pisceans very eaisly understand the problems and root cause of problems which help them to help others rightly.
pisceans do not run behind money and wealth,they like to chase there dreams and goals. Pisceans when spend they do not think much just go on spending like
live life to the fullest.
Compatibility Pisceans are most compatible with Cancer and Scorpio.
Color: The lucky color for Pisces is sea green.
Gemstone Pisces' star stone is the Moon Stone.
Lucky Numbers Pisces' lucky numbers are 1, 3, 4, and 9.
Famous Pisceans
Bruce Willis, Dr. Seuss, Cindy Crawford, Jerry Lewis and Buffalo Bill Cody
Google Earth and Ban:
Now and then we here the demand that ban google earth,
but it is not solution to ban google earth,
they say because of google earth our country is in danger,before the invention of google earth there we saw pearl harbour happend,
world wars happend, the armed forces carried out full plans with knowledge of enemy.
If google earth is so powerful as they claim then why al quida and other terror organisations are failing there attempts to destroy usa or uk
after one attack they were not able to carry out 2nd attack on usa.
every invention has good side as well as bad side,example is television set,
mobile phone,black berry, does anyone claim that they be banned as they are used by terrorist.mobile phones are more dangerous than google earth, just by doing few changes to mobile phone it can become mobile bomb.
everytool can be use for good purpose or bad puropose.example is knife, knife can be used to cut fruits or knife can be used to cut the head of a human or animal Just depends on how one person use the tool.google earth is a just tool.Before evolution of google earth there were crimies and terror attack.when you say google earth is bad should be banned it is like saying i can not dance becasue the floor,land is not proper straight.when one person decides to do a crime ,he will do the crime anyway with or without the help of google earth If google earth is banned then first of all we have to banned the ships ,airplanes, buses as terrorist people come to other country using this vehicles then you can ban the google earth when someone opposes google earth, we as a global society should undersand that,the person is opposing google earth because he wants to become famous. or he is educated but uneducated.Do not oppose google earth but see that intelligence,police, politicians are doing there duties.when you oppose google earth ,it means you do not trust your army, your airforce, your police department. what information google earth can give to terror organisations only location of our security base, before arrival of google earth that time also enemy knew the places of security. We should strethen our army, airforce and police department so even if terror groups attack our nation our forces will destroy them ,kill them.Google earth is a wonderful tool.Google earth is a virtual globe,if you can not travel you can travel using google eath, google earth can be used in schools to teach kids about our earth.its great tool.
SiGN Aquarius : Know all about Aquarius Persons :
Auarians are energetic as well as shy and quiet. they are very deep thinkers.
and great neighbours as they love to help all. aqurians are good judges of problems,good solution givers, they are intelligent.when people think there is no hope , aqurians see the hope and light.
Friend and Family relationship with aqarians:
aquarias have very few close friends,if they have friendship then its lifelong friendship,if you are friend or love for aquarians they be sure before you call for help aquarian will be there with help by your side
all this same applies to family members also,they expect same qualities from you also.
Career and Money:
careers for aquarians are acting,writing,photography,travel relted,teaching,
Lucky colour for aquarius is turquoise.
lucky numbers for quarius 2,3 and 7
Aquarius are most compatible with gemini,libra .
Famous Aquarians:
John Travolta, Charles Dickens, James Hoffa, Ronald Reagan, and Gertrude Stein.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Signs and Diseases
Aries (20 March-20 April) -
Aries illness and problems are fevers,eye infections,weight gain,skin problems and rashes.
Taurus (21 April-21 May) -
Taurus illness and problems are respiratory or can say ENT. Problems.
Gemini (22 May-21 June) -
Gemini problems and illness are disturbed sleep,brain, respiratory, arthritis etc.
Cancer (22 June-22 July) -
cancer problems are digestive and emotional.
Leo (23 July-20 August) -
leo problems are heart and back pain.
Virgo (21 August-22 September) -
virgo problems are constipation,digestion,mental stress,abdominal etc.
Libra (22 October-23 November) -
Libra problems are kidney and back pain and leg pain.
Scorpio (22 October-23November) -
scropio problems are urinary and reproduction.
Sagittarius (24 November-21 December) -
sagittarius illness problems are back pain,leg pain
Capricorn (22 December-20 January) -
capricorn illness and problems are aches,bones, arthritis,sprains..
Aquarius (21 January- 20 February) -
aquarius illness and problems are veins problems.
Pisces (21 February-19 March) -
pisces illness and problems are aches ,pains and emotinal problems.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Media News with Caste and Religion
Whenver we read the newspaper or hear, listen news on television
one thing we always see and hear is that " Dalit boy killed"
Dalit girl raped, muslim girl raped, hindu boy murdered by muslim boys,
muslim boy is murdered by hindu boys.
Do you think this is right apporach to report the news.
I feel that print media as well as television media should stop using caste and religion while reporting any kind of news.
Reporting news by declaring the caste and religion just increases hatred among communities.
what is the need of saying dalit boy murdered or hindu or muslim boy murdered.
what benefits are achived by declaring the caste and religion of the people who are victims or who has committed crime.
Does it mean that for that day that whole community is against other community.
Media should stop using this style of reporting news with the caste and religion
But today media is unknowingly or knowingly spreading the hatred among communites by reporting news with caste and religion.
what is your opinion about this problem .
Is it the mistake made by print as well as audio video media ?
Sun signs and Diet and exercises to stay fit and young
Aries:(March 20 - April 18):
Aries have high rate of metabolism so go do jogging
Taurus:(April 19 - May 19):
Taurus people you love sweets so try to keep away from sweet .You can join yoga, tai chi or just do daily 30 minutes brisk walking.
Gemini:(May 20 - June 20):
Gemini you should go for weight training.
Cancer:(June 21 - July 21):
Do yoga and aerobics at home , you like to work alone so find a personal trainer or get dvds and do it at home with precautions .
Leo:(July 22 - August 21):
Leo go and o running and swimming and be patient.
Virgo: (August 22 - September 22):
virgo you dont have weight problems much so you can join weight training.
Libra:(September 23 - October 22):
Libra go slow and stedy and you will achive fitness.Dont be in rush.
Scorpio:(October 23 - November 21):
scorpio join martial arts.dont keep your body on starvation.
Sagittarius:(November 22 - December 20):
sagittarius people go do runnning and join swimming ,go for fruits and salads.
Capricorn:(December 21 - January 18):
You never do exercise,just find excuses and sometimes you are really too busy. unlimately you found yourself without exercise.
so try to walk, use office stairs and home staris. go to beaches .
Aquarius:(January 19 - February 17):
aquarius you should join group exercises.
Pisces:(February 18 - March 19):
pisces avoid salty foods, drink water, go on vegetables and fruits .join yoga
do walking .
How to make your kids successful in school of life.
Now a days every parent is worried about his kids education and his or her success in his or her school and collage.So parents try everything to make it happen.
so lets see how astrology can help kids to get success in schools.
Dont forget only hard work gives success.
Sun Signs are divided into 4 elements of life that are
Aries,Leo and Sagittarus represent fire.Fire sign kids are athletic,love sports,they have inheret leadership qualities. So help your kid develope these qualities.Tell them importance of kindness and diplomacy also.
Taurus,Virgo and Capricorn signs are earth signs.
these kids are bestbehaved in school as well as homes.Rarely they will cause problems.They can achive impossible things, but as a parent you have to motivate them ,let them understand the importance of each thing ,how that will help them in future.
Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius - are air sign .
These kids are smart and popular everywhere.Finish school work and all duties quickly.this is where problem starts they can disturb others as others can not finish as fast as they do.So keep them busy in activities,keep them new challenges or they will become lazy and bored.
Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces are water signs.
Very quieter in school as well as home.They are good story tellers.
They will help everyone even enemies without there request.
These kids have to face the bully boys and this make these kids to say i wont go to school tomorrow. So as a parent you should make them strong enough so they can face bully boys.Send water sign kids to art and music classes ,training which will make them strong and confident.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
How to Win Moms Heart ?
Every human being has a special place for his mom.
so if you keep your boyfriends or girlfriends mom happy,
your relationship will be great.
sometimes you commit mistake because of office pressure or any other problems and you make your mom angree and now you want to make her happy ,so how you will do it . Lets make use of astrology and try to make your mom happy or try to win your girl friends mom ,so you can go on date.
You can use below tips on mothers day also or on womens day also.
Aries Mom is busy ,active type . so you can take her to lunch or if she likes games you can take her to watch game.
you can gift her diamond.
Gift Emerald to Taurus mom, you can gift her fragrances, luxry exclusive items.
Gemini moms gift them cell phone,laptop,pda or gift her moss agate stone.
Gift pearl to cancer mom , or give her pearl traditinal mothers ring,
for cancer mom home is heaven on earth , so gift her something which reletes to home or happy memories of past.
Gift leo mom ruby, make her happy by giving her holiday package trip as leo moms always only give to kids ,never enjoy for themselved so make her spend few days on good trip.
Gift virgo moms onyx or its different kinds. gift her peace of art ,scents
and anything which is beautiful.
Gift sapphire to Libra mom, take her to adventure or excitement trips or locations.
Gift Opal to scorpio moms. Gift them gift certificates so she can enjoy what she likes all around the year.
Gift Topaz to Sagittarius moms. Gift her something which can encourge her to develope her hobby her creativity.
Gift black onyx.Give her How to books?
Gift turquoise to aquarius mom. gift her novels and set of dvds
Gift pisces mom moonstone. she likes musci so take her to rock or pop concert or classical concert what ever she likes, gift her music cds set.
Varun Gandhi Speech a different View
Recently i heard on television that someone named Varun Gandhi said something,
untill this time i knew only about Rahul Gandhi, a son of Rajiv Gandhi.
Before going to write on his speech
i wanted to know something,
who is Varun Gandhi ?
please dont tell me about his grandparents or something be in present.
what is the qualification of Varun Gandhi ?
What social service he has done for our motherland India ?
What he has done for the poor indians ?
Now lets move to our point, i am sorry i dont know who is Vaurn Gandhi so please forgive me for this.
Once I was travelling and i saw one man shouting in crowd and there were lot of people standing and listening to him.
i thought he may be a mad man then thought may be he is depressed or he has got wine . He was talking about india i think ,i didnt listen or hear it.
Then my friend told me about that, it was interesting but i didnt write it what
he has said. I thought why to give him importance, If i want to write i can write on our sceintist, our army men, .
So i didnt write his speech if we stand and listen him give him importance he may get habit of talking in public which is not important for India
as well as global peace. We donot want to repeat mistakes made by Pakistan.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Office romance and signs:
In todays hectic lifestyle there is little chance that you will get time to have a love story.only chance is that you have found your love in your office.so if you find love in your office what will happen
just get the insight with the use of astrology.
If you fall in love with the aries then be sure that your office will become home, as aries dont care and dont fear others they are straightforward.
if one day your dress is not good your love will tell you that openly and if he feels you are flitering with others he may show you big eyes.
If your love is taurus be sure that whole office will know that you are having affair, as taurus wil love you deeply and it will show it on his face and actions. Suppose if taurus loves you one sided then also you will not able to reject her or him as its to difficult to reject them as they wont give you chance to say it. and this will keep stories spreading in office.
loves to talk , and they will do what they feel ,like going to sweethearts table and talking with her or him, but they are so childish you wont observe it and even if you observe it you will supprt them because of there innoncent behaviour.
cancer people will not openly say i love you but there actions will say it
always, like if he or she needs coffee cancer will do it without asking you, before asking it ,you will have your coffee, cancer people will keep loved once like king and queens.so if your boyfriend is cancer then you will get treatment of queen ,princess and if your girl friend is cancer you are going to enjoy life as a king.
If you love leo ,then there is only one way you have to declare your love and always praise leos good quality more you praise him more he will listen you. what you will give he or she will give you double of that immidiatly or whenever you will need it you will find him or her standing for you like real leo and fighting for you.
If your love in office is virgo, then avoid talking about love in office, virgo loves to keep business and love sepearte, if he or she is your boss, you may get scolded for your office mistakes and after office hour same person will make you happy or may say you sorry. if you want to win her or his heart try only outside office.
if your love interest is libra then you will not eaisly know if he or she loves you. only you will get idea if she or he sits with you for lunch or you get invitations for his or her home.
If your love interest is scorpio you will have to be leader but be aware that he or she may reject you openly .
If your love interest is sagittarius then try to show intelligence do not try to impress with romanitic ideas.
Do not like to mix business and love. its very difficult to crack them ,win them,but once you win them , they can give there life without thinking to just protect you.
Friendship with aquarius ,may make them belive you are in love with them,they are very emotional people, so if you do not love aquarius as soon as possible you should make them aware you see brother or sister in him.
Pisces are most romantic people as soon as you fall for him or he fall for you ,whole office will know that love is flying in the air.
Signs and Best movies
Planning to take your loved onces to movies ,
so read the list of signs and which movies they like , so you can get idea to take dearones to movies which will make them happy.
Aries:(March 20 - April 18):
aries ruling planet is mars.
Aries love war movies,gangster movies, fast cars, Aries will love the movies like rambo,rockey,
godfather, pearl harbour ,commando, independance day, etc.
Taurus:(April 19 - May 19):
Taurus people like the quality of movie, movies like when harry met sally, gone with the wind,
titanic etc
Gemini:(May 20 - June 20):
gemini people love movies with suspence, thrill, sherlock holmes, remember gemini people do not like if you whisper in ears about the suspence. they love suspence with fast action or fast moving story.
Cancer:(June 21 - July 21):
Cancer people love family oriented movies and drama where family is the main subject of story involving family ,movies like Places in the heart, and terms of endearment.
Leo:(July 22 - August 21):
leo people love the movies with bravery like robocop, k9, clint eastwood movies etc
Virgo:(August 22 - September 22):
Virgo people are like archeologist of movies they will try to understand every aspect of movie from direction to where the film has been shot, they will scrutinize everything , virgo people like the movie types of steven spielberg.
Libra:(September 23 - October 22):
Libra people love the love stories, any amout of love movies you show them they will demand more. they love movies like The piono, sweet november, ghost, angels, preety women, etc.
Scorpio:(October 23 - November 21):
scorpio people love horror movies, or suspence movies like body heat and 9 and half weeks , omen etc.
Sagittarius:(November 22 - December 20):
sagittarius people love to watch comedy movies or movies who won the oscar awards . they also like movies that show larger than life stories like brave heart.
Capricorn:(December 21 - January 18):
capricorn guys prefer love best of best , they prefer classic movies , or the movies which they love are classic movies of future generations so if you confuse which movie to watch get guidance from your capricorn friend for movie guidance capricorn people are best. no.1
Aquarius:(January 19 - February 17):
aqurius people love fight movies as well as suspece drama ,they will even watch the movies which you have never heard of
Pisces:(February 18 - March 19):
Pisces love anything when movie has happy ending like Runaway bride, preety women etc.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
AIG Is it first failure of Mr.President Obama Policy ?
AIG is a american company The American International Group
which has received bailout package from obama adminstraton recently.
bailout package is nothing but american taxpayers money.
Through the bailout package AIG has received more than
170$ billion from the Treasury and Federal Reserve of USA.
Now from this money AIG is paying bonuses to its employee upto 165$ million.
Now it is said that obama govt can not stop this bonus act of AIG legally.
Reality Views by sm:
Now the quesiton is when obama govt paid AIG bailout money,
didnt the usa adminstration saw contract of AIG with its employees to pay bonus which can not be legally cancelled.
if this type of mistakes happen then other companies who received bonus
will do the same trick and enjoy bonus system .
This will result into total failure of obama adminstration.
The best solution will be to fire the staff who is demanding bonus,
before paying them bailout package.
is it the begining of same policies like Bush adminstration in usa.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Lyrics of Bulleh Ki janna mean kaun sung by Rabbi
Rabbi Shergill Bulleh ki janna mean kaun translated in english below hindi lyrics.
Na maen momin vich maseet aan
Na maen vich kufar diyan reet aan
Na maen paakaan vich paleet aan
Na maen moosa na pharaun.
Bulleh! ki jaana maen kaun
Na maen andar ved kitaab aan,
Na vich bhangaan na sharaab aan
Na vich rindaan masat kharaab aan
Na vich jaagan na vich saun.
Bulleh! ki jaana maen kaun.
Na vich shaadi na ghamnaaki
Na maen vich paleeti paaki
Na maen aabi na maen khaki
Na maen aatish na maen paun
Bulleh!, ki jaana maen kaun
Na maen arabi na lahori
Na maen hindi shehar nagauri
Na hindu na turak peshawri
Na maen rehnda vich nadaun
Bulla, ki jaana maen kaun
Na maen bheth mazhab da paaya
Ne maen aadam havva jaaya
Na maen apna naam dharaaya
Na vich baitthan na vich bhaun
Bulleh , ki jaana maen kaun
Avval aakhir aap nu jaana
Na koi dooja hor pehchaana
Maethon hor na koi siyaana
Bulla! ooh khadda hai kaun
Bulla, ki jaana maen kaun
English Meaning of song and lyrics Bulla ki jaana maen kaun
Not a believer inside the mosque, am I
Nor a pagan disciple of false rites
Not the pure amongst the impure
Neither Moses, nor the Pharoh
Bulleh! to me, I am not known
Not in the holy Vedas, am I
Nor in opium, neither in wine
Not in the drunkard`s craze
Niether awake, nor in a sleeping daze
Bulleh! to me, I am not known
In happiness nor in sorrow, am I
Neither clean, nor a filthy mire
Not from water, nor from earth
Neither fire, nor from air, is my birth
Bulleh! to me, I am not known
Not an Arab, nor Lahori
Neither Hindi, nor Nagauri
Hindu, Turk (Muslim), nor Peshawari
Nor do I live in Nadaun
Bulleh! to me, I am not known
Secrets of religion, I have not known
From Adam and Eve, I am not born
I am not the name I assume
Not in stillness, nor on the move
Bulleh! to me, I am not known
I am the first, I am the last
None other, have I ever known
I am the wisest of them all
Bulleh! do I stand alone?
Bulleh! to me, I am not known
India : Reasons Why we need compulsory Voting system in India
Why it should be compulsory to Vote ?
Regarding my post why voting should be compulsory,
hemal has raised few questions below is the link
i agree with him but still i have to clarify why voting should be compulsory ?
compulsory voting is one of the election reforms, this is just begining of reforms.
In india we dont have any party with vision. Need of hour is following things india should do and achive but does any political party has aim to achive this,
population control, economic reservation should be the basis for any kind of reservation, abolition of caste system from india,Free and compulsory education upto 12 th standard for each boy and girl ,if he is street kid then also govt should provide him shelter ,food and education upto 12th std.
this list is neverending.
Now India is changing but progress is very slow .
Now we have got the Power of Right to information act.
many websites have been started by indians to keep watch on this politicians.
i will mention 2 sites www.neverforget.in and www.nocriminals.org neverforget site will keey eye on the promises made by politicians, and nocriminals.org will be giving us information about criminal background.
We must remember that our politicians will never make any law which will effect there status and bring them under accountability so we can achive change through education only.
none of the above vote concept has been rejected by govt.of india
and no other party is supporting this concept where we,the common indian man will get the power to say that no candidate is eligible to be elected.
Govt.do not want our participation in the election process, once voting becomes compulsory people will start to think about election process, they will start to talk about elections and leaders. Today attitude is that i dont care who gets elected, i got my job, i am getting my salary why should i bother,let the gundas become leaders i dont care, and this message is catched by every chintu , pappu, babli ,salim and anthony in each home from there parents. this same attuted is passing from one generation to other generation,In usa Obama got elected as first american black president but we must see that for this process america took 200 years. 200 years back someone started this process and fruites are enjoyed by Generation of obama.
Today in india no one is thinking about the next generation .
Once voting is made compulsory this election process will be discussed in every home, every kid will ask his parents why they can not watch movies and why they are going to vote ?
Did you remember this type of questions asking your parents as per my experience i didnt ask to my parents neither any of my friends discussed about election process and neither our school taught us about election process.
Once we understand election process ,people will start to think .
Voting is just one of the reforms , compulsory voting will not bring you good leaders.
good leaders are created in schools we have to start from schools.
how many schools and collages arrange debate on election process?
how many schools and collages arrange trips to loksabha and rajsabha?
how many parents take there kids to see there cities corporation building and to meet there leader ,corporator .member of parliament.
If once the people become inattentive to the public affairs, you and I, and Congress and Assemblies, Judges and Governors, shall all become wolves. It seems to be the law of our general nature, in spite of individual exceptions.”
Compulsory voting will encourge participation of all people,
this will lead to debates, and this will put pressure on governemnt to bring reforms.We have seen the power of people after Mumbai 26/11 ,few ministers have to resign from there post. Public pressure made them resign unwillingly.
compulsory voting will not change anything but it will sow the seeds of reforms and next generations will reap the fruits.
All this will not be finished in the first hundred days. Nor will it be finished in the first thousand days, nor in the life of this administration, nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet. But let us begin.”
Lets begin reforms and first be compulsory voting
Saturday, March 14, 2009
India voting should be made compulsory
- India voting should be made compulsory
Today in india we see that the candidate wins elections
because he got 23% votes. In many cities 51% people indians dont vote as they feel it is not important.
they enjoy the holiday by watching the movies.
through voting we are choosing master,king of our lives for next 5 years and you say it is not imp.
voting is the day when we got right,after that next 5 years we are slaves of there opinions,there power, there uneducated thoughts and desires.
they will decide what you can watch on tv ,they will decide what clothes you can wear.
we hope election commission will try and see that not voting should be made crime agaist nation.
if you do not vote
you are not indian
if you do not vote
you do not love india
if you do not vote
you are criminal
if you do not vote
you are animal
if you do not vote
you are shamelss
if you do not vote
you are uneducated
if you do not vote
who are you
ask your heart
Suggested Reading - Reasons- why we need compulsory voting system ?
Friday, March 13, 2009
India:Win Rs.250,000 Design Currency Symbol For Rupee

India:Win Rs.250,000 Design Currency Symbol For Rupee
India:At last Indian Rupee will get currency symbol
You must be aware that usa doller,Euro,Pound and Yen all have currency symbol but our indian rupee does not have any symbol it is always represented as INR.or Rs.
Now Indian Govt has decided to get a symbol for indian rupee.the Indian finance ministry has begun a public competition to select a design for the symbol of the rupee.
The contest, which ends April 15, is open only to residents of India. Five shortlisted entries for the final selection will be awarded a prize of 25,000 rupees ($500), and the winner will take 250,000 rupees ($5,000).
But for this,to participate in this competion you will have to pay Rupees 500 to govt of india and a participant can send a maximum of two entries.
For the detailed circular dated 26-Feb-2009, please visit
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
India is moving to 18th century
India is moving to 18th century
Does India is moving to 18th century ?
In 18th century anybody came to india with weapons and made attack on india.
last year and before that also same happend we have seen what happend on 26/11,Mumbai attack, without fear nine or ten terrorist came to mumbai and made attack, like 18th century we ,mother india faced attack from outsiders and that time also our forces didnt take revenge by going to enemy land and killing real criminal.
Like 18th century, In india still we are facing child marriages, recently one newspaper reported that 40% females in india get married before age 18 and have babies and few miscarriage before age 18.
Like 18th century now we are witnessing rise of hindu talibanies we have witnessed valentine attack,donkey marriage, ban on art, etc.
Like 18th century our politicians became kings of india.
In 18th century we got Jamindars and now we got corporations.
In 18th century also paid entertainment tax and now also we are paying
entertainment tax.
In 18th century also priest was friend of king and jamindars and now also priest is friend of politicians and corporations.
sure you agree with me or not
12th march is a world day against cyber censorship.
12th march is a world day against cyber censorship.Celebrate 12TH March a world day against cyber censorship
Reporters Without Borders and Amnesty International want Google, Yahoo and Microsoft not to censor their search engines for one day this week to, “help protest cyber censorship”.
In india also we have seen the attacks on bloggers and they started control the freedom of speech and expression.
Bloggers are increasingly under threat because they circumvent government censorship and sustain and contribute to a space where people can be outspoken and express their views freely.
Blogging is the present and blogging is the future.
so lets celerbrate 12th march as a day against cyber censorship and write a article on freedom or give comments .
lets unite as bloggers.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Reservation and India after 90 years. part - Two.
Then the Loksabha speaker, announced that the prime ministers helicopter has just landed on the top of the roof, and he will be addressing the Loksabha in next 10 minutes.
In a year 2099, all the political parties has passed the bill that all loksabha members will get 4 helicopters each for personal and official use free of cost, and prime minister of india will get 4 luxry hawks,aeroplanes 24 hours in his service.
Suddently Congress memebrs started to shout Prime Minister Manmeet Singh ki
Jai ho.
and same time other political parties started to say pm to chor hai, [ pm is thief ]
but inteligent Prime minister Manmeet ignored them went to his golden chair and counted the presence of all members in glance. he has become authrority on the finance , he started his journey as a clark in State bank of india and today he has become the prime minister of india.In a year 2099 SBI has become the No.1 world bank giving loans to US and Europeam governments and industries and banks. but still irony was that indian common man was living below poverty lines just earning to purchase his bread ,butter.
India was becoming superpower but indian common man was unable to meet his both ends.
Rich indians earned daily in billions and poor were unable to get ,earn
there livlihood . there daily roti and bhaji
All this happend because of wrong decesions which were taken by politicians ,lawmakers in past. India was facing Hindu talibanies and civil war, which began in year 2060,this was the biggest challenge PM Manmeet has decided to resolve .
Coming soon 3rd part.
Friday, March 6, 2009
what is the price of a baby ? stolen baby case
- what is the price of a baby ?
Mohan and Mohini Nerurkar, parents of the baby boy who went missing from Sion hospital on January 1, 2009 did not know how to react when the Bombay High Court on Wednesday directed the BMC to pay them a compensation of not less than Rs 10 lakh until the baby is found.
its good decesion by bombay highcourt that they ordered to Bmc to pay compensation.In a statement before the division bench,comprising of Justices Bilal Nazki and AR Joshi, city corporation that is Bombay Municipal Corporation (BMC) said as a policy matter it could not enhance the compensation to more than Rs five lakh.
By Sm:Reality Views :
what is the price of a baby ?
do you think for a new born baby a price can be fixed.
is this justified, compensation that is also only 10 lakh.
how much price you will fix for your baby .
1 crore or 100 crore.
if that baby is stolen and if monetary help is requried to fix how it can be fix ?
minimum compensation should be 1 crore for a baby . so this will become a landamark judgement and other hospitals will take care that no baby is lost in future.
compensation should be fix in such a way that it will become a landmark.
making every negligent person aware that what can happen to him if he is negligent towards his professional duties.
its very good decesion by the our honourable highcourt that they ordered compensation In india ,kids are the only help and source of parents for medical help or monetary help in there oldage.
this is reason compensation should be in crores like 1 crore or 100 crore.
as baby is priceless.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Terror Hits To Sri lanka Cricket Team in pakistan Lahore
Terror Hits To Sri lanka Cricket Team in pakistan Lahore
A dozen masked gunmen armed with rifles and rocket launchers attacked a vehicle carrying members of Sri Lanka`s national cricket team
Five cricketers, including Mahela Jayawardene, the Sri Lankan captain, and his deputy Kumar Sangakkara, received minor injuries. The attack also left six security men and two civilians dead.
Cricketer Jayawardene received a cut to the ankle while Sangakkara was injured in the shoulder. Thilan Samaraweera and Tharanga Paravitarana were the ones most seriously injured; both received shrapnels in the chest. Ajantha Mendis received a minor injury in the back.
A Pakistani air force helicopter evacuated members of the Sri Lankan team from Gaddafi Stadium, after Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapakse condemned the "cowardly terrorist attack" and ordered the players' immediate evacuation.
Grenades and rocket launchers were found at the site of the incident
Lahore police chief Habib-ur Rehman said 12 gunmen today attacked the convoy near Lahore's Gaddafi stadium with rockets, hand grenades and automatic weapons and were involved in a 25-minute shootout with the security forces...
- Reality Views By Sm:
But from the visuals of tv ,one can say that they were not trained as terroritst
as we have seen in Mumbai terror attact what they can do .
this pakistan terror drama lasted only for 25 minutes proving that they were
half trained terrorist who made attack without planning and purpose, it is reported that they wanted to kidnap sri lankan team .
Now pakistan will say that india or outside forces have planed this attack. But the consquences of this attack are that there will be no internatinal cricket matches in pakistan , pakistan will not have any foregin tourist, and most imp loss pakistan has damaged its reputation and Usa ,obama will find it very difficult to sponsor now pakistan . But we should not forget that taliban wants to see that there is no intervention by outsider forces as slowly taliban is capturing pakistan, we wil not be supriced to see that pakistan is indirectly controlled by taliban in future and pakistan will follow 100% talibani Islamic Laws in Pakistan, nicknamed as Talibinistan.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Reservation and India after 90 years. part - one.
- Reservation and India after 90 years. part - one.
This is a year 2099 month of april
the political parties of india are discussing very imp matter,
the congress and Bjp both parties have formed the coalition goverment
with the condition that every month one person fromeach caste and subcaste will become
prime minister of india,like one month brahmin is prime minister,then one month sikh then one month muslim.
so the intense meeting is going inside our loksabha, the debate is to introduce
reservation on the inhaleing of oxygen, congress and Bjp has put this bill on the table, and left parties are angree, on this as usual they are saying we will not support.
the other parties are demanding first we have to count how much oxygen is available in india , and some other parties are calling for purification of oxygen as they do want oxygen used by other caste people.
this is month of april so the great intelligent powerful Sikh is a prime miniser of india for 1 month.
Lyrics of Tujhse naaraz nahi zindagi - Masoom
- Lyrics and Video of Tujhse naaraz nahi zindagi - Masoom
- Tujhse naraaz nahi jindgi Lyrics:
Movie : Masoom
Actors : Naseruddin Shah, Shabana Azmi, Jugal Hansraj and Urmila Matondkar
Music Director : R. D. Burman
Singers : Anoop Ghoshal
Lyricist : Gulzar
watch the video of song Tujhse naaraz nahi zindagi below the english translation. - Tujhse naaraz nahi zindagi
Hairaan hoon main
Ho..hairaan hoon main
Tere masoom sawalon se
Pareshaan hoon main
Ho..pareshan hoon main
Tujhse naaraz nahi zindagi
Hairaan hoon main
Ho..hairaan hoon main
Tere masoom sawalon se
Pareshaan hoon main
Ho..pareshan hoon main
Jeene ke liye socha hi nahi
Dard sambhalne honge
Jeene ke liye socha hi nahi
Dard sambhalne honge
Muskuraaye to muskuraane ke
Karz utaarne honge
Muskuraun kabhi to lagta hai
Jaise hothon pe karz rakha hai
Ho..tujhse naaraz nahi zindagi
hairaan hoon main
Ho..hairaan hoon main
Tere masoom sawalon se
Pareshan hoon main
Ho..pareshan hoon main
Zindagi tere ghum ne
humein rishte naye samajhaye
Zindagi tere ghum ne
Humein rishte naye samajhaye
Mile jo humein dhoop mein mile
Chhanv ke thande saaye
Ho..tujhse naaraz nahi zindagi
hairaan hoon main
Ho..hairaan hoon main
tere masoom sawalon se
pareshan hoon main
Ho..pareshan hoon main
Aaj agar bhar aayi hai
Boonde baras jaayengi
Aaj agar bhar aayi hai
Boonde baras jaayengi
Kal kya pata inke liye
Aankhe taras jaayengi
Ho..jaane kab ghum hua kahan khoya
Ek aansoo chhupa ke rakha tha
Ho..tujhse naaraz nahi zindagi
hairaan hoon main
Ho..hairaan hoon main
tere masoom sawalon se
pareshan hoon main
Ho..pareshan hoon main
Ho..pareshan hoon main
Ho..pareshan hoon main
- English Meaning of lyrics:Tujhse naaraz nahi zindagi
- i am not unhappy with you life.
i am just surpriced with the life
your innocent quesitons are
touching my heart
making me
feel guilty
never lived life
to fullest
just kept spending days
keeping sorrow
if i ever smiled
just smiled for the people
if i smile now
feel like indebted to you
every smile you give me
my lips make me aware
i am indebted to you
the sadness has
given the new meanings
to our relations
the plesured got in comforts
are getting now in pains
eyes are full of tears
tears will flow away
tomorrow this tears
of happiness
i may not get
i have hidden few drops
dont know where is gone
Watch the video Tujhse Naraaz Nahin Zindagi - Lata Mangeshkar
Watch Video -Tujhse Naraaz Nahi Zindagi - Violin Instrumental