Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Real Face and Representation of Indian Politicians:

Real Face and Representation of Indian Politicians:
Fast with Air cooler: a new innovative way
Did you hear or read about this that person can go on fast with 2 jumbo air coolers
If no then you can see this pics and decide it .I will like to congratulate Tamilnadu electricity department for making them available electricity in so less time.
This is best advertisement of jumbo air coolers .So if you want or planning to buy cooler you should buy only these jumbo air coolers. Indian villages can wait for electricity for 50 years, but for our politicians electricity will be made available anywhere

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Simple and Effective solution to deal with problem of Black money.

Simple and Effective solution to deal with problem of Black money:

What is black money?

Black money is unaccounted money, on which tax is not paid and it is not shown to tax department. In simple terms we can define black money as “money which is used to do black deeds and money which is created, earned by doing unlawful business and activities.

How the black money is created?
Following are the few examples of how black money is created.

To get favors from government the bribe is given.

To get government subsidies the gifts are given to government officials or politicians.

Political parties collect money/funds in cash which is used for elections so they do not need to show these expenses to election commission.

After this, the powerful houses that fund get the orders and subsidies from state or central government, or they get relief from tax department one or other way.

How black money is stored?

Black money is stored by purchasing lands and flats in proxy name, benami transactions.

Black money is stored in currency notes of 1000, 500 and 100 rupee notes.

Sometimes I feel that the purpose and need of 1000 and 500 rupee notes is nothing but to store and keep black money .Do you know any use for this notes of 1000 and 500,

Just think in a year how many times we common people use notes of 500 and 1000, if currency notes of 1000 and 500 are banned permanently? Will it make any difference to our day to day life and spending in the era of Debit and Credit Cards?

Do you think they will create problems for Indians?

Black money is given to terror groups; black money is invested in tax free nations which do not ask the source of income to the investor.

Simple and Effective solution to deal with problem of Black money.

We don’t need notes currency of face value more than 100 rupees.

We can even sustain economy in a currency of 50 rupees , So bank transactions will become compulsory for big transactions and with pan numbers attach to the bank accounts it will become very easy to track the every person who does big transactions or suspicious transactions.

Every bank should get right to investigate ,audit on each account and suspicious accounts information be given to special independent body of retired judges who will monitor those account transactions and further investigate the accounts and file cases against those directly, in the police stations without permission from government of India.

Today what is happening is CBI and police department has to take permission from Govt.of India, to file criminal cases against government babus which delays the matter , which helps and gives time to the criminals to destroy evidence, furthermore majority times they don’t get permission to file the complaints against government babus.

Last more than 25 years I am listening and reading about this Swiss black money?

The political parties who failed to send the request to the Swiss government. Are making us fools by again making this promise of bringing money from Swiss bank.

They say USA got the information from Swiss banks so we will also get the information.
But they are telling us half truth, USA has given the full details and source and proof regarding that accounts which were suspicious to the Swiss bank, when Swiss officials found that there is scope and usa government is right they provided them information.

Even Nepal and Bangladesh do not fear India, do you think Swiss banks will pay attention to Indian government.

They just need to make a simple rule; law and India will get freedom from local as well as international black money, Swiss money permanently.

A simple rule not to use notes with the value of more than 50 or 100 rupees.

A time frame should be fix for all the Indians to get there notes of 100, 500 and 1000 rupees be exchanged from all the banks.

After the time limit is finished government should not extend time limit, just declare that all notes with the value of more than 50 rupees are and should not be used as currency.

They are permanently banned and they don’t have status of Indian currency.

A permanent full stop to the black money .

Monday, April 27, 2009

Manu and His Laws And Views on Females

Manu and His Laws And Views on Females:

Know what rules Manu made for Females:

Manu says that:

It is the nature of women to seduce all males so good males never stay alone in the company of female’s .Females will seduce fool as well as intelligent males easily,
And make him the slave of desire and anger.

Males should not sit alone in the company of mother or sister also as senses are powerful and it can give him thoughts and desires.

Women do not think about male’s beauty or intelligent they will give themselves to any available man.

Because of passion for men’s, mutable temper and greed they become disloyal towards their husbands however they may be guarded by family.

When god created females he has given them love of their bed, status, ornament, impure desires, dishonesty and bad conduct.

Manu gives females’ lower or equal status to Shudras.

Manu says that day and night family males should keep watch on females, and should be kept under controls.

Her father should protect her in childhood, her husband protects her in her youth and her sons protect her in old age.

A female should never be given independence.

If females get independence they will bring sorrow to the families. Women should not have right to divorce.

Once a woman is married to husband, husband becomes her lord, her god forever. But Manu gives right to husband to Deseret his wife or sell her.

Manu gives right to husband to beat his wife, give her corporal punishments. The study of Veda was forbidden for females.

Manu says that care should be taken that females do not listen Veda mantra also. Females have no right to study or hear Veda mantras like shudras.

If any female tries to perform the Pujas, say mantras she will go to hell as her service and saying of mantras is not acceptable to god.

As a good girl she should obey her father, after her marriage she should obey her husband ,husband may not possess good qualities but she should obey him and treat him like her god until her death.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Understand; Know The Truth and Story Behind Varna And Caste System:

Understand; Know The Truth and Story Behind Varna And Caste System:

One of our readers Kiran has posted, written article about caste system saying British people created caste system this is totally wrong

Let’s understand the caste system and Varna:

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Friday, April 24, 2009

Know How to nominate your blog for bloggerschoice awards.

Know How to nominate your blog for bloggerschoice awards:
Few Steps to nominate your blog for Bloggerchoice Awards 2009.
Nominating your blog in bloggerschoiceawards will help your blog to get introduced in a bigger platform and bloggers community.
You may invite your friends to vote for you by using a badge or link in your blog and thereby widen your audience and as well as readership of your blog.

Following is the Procedure to nominate your blog to bloggers choice awards and vote for it and then invite your friends to vote for you.
1- Type in your browser window and click on SIGNUP. .Provide a valid email. After filling up, save and submit. Don’t forget to put the two CAPTCHA words with space between them.
2- After save and submit, you will get an email immediately with a verification link ,that gives you username, password and a link to sign in again.
3- When you click the link from your email, then you will reach a page that shows you have successfully confirmed you account. You may go to “My Account” in that page.
4- Please see the tab “Nominate” in the top of that page.
5- When you nominate your site or blog enter some details in “Step one: Info”. Under the heading of “Nominate a Site”, you had to enter your blog name, blog description and check boxes if it is written in other languages or contain any adult content. Then click on save and continue to step two.
6- In step two, you had to select the appropriate categories of your blog and enter tags for your blog. You may select up to four categories for a single blog
7- Then save and continue to step three
8- In step three, you can see the details you enter in step two then verify it, save and submit.
9- If you have done everything perfectly, then you will get a message of Thank you for Nomination.
10-how to brab/grab a Badge for your site. I will explain
11- Type your blog name in the search box on the top left corner of the site
12- In the search result you can see the blog you searched and details of that. Now choose a category in the box.
13- After selecting the category (Best political blog ) you will reach a page where you can Vote and will get the details of the blog you searched.
14- In this page you can see an option called Grab Badge where you will get HTML for a badge in your blog.( in order to get badge for your blog,
15- You may vote for me by clicking on this link, after voting inform me and I will also do it same for you.
17-How you will know who has voted for you ? Daily once or twice go to the site bloggerschoice awards and log in,after that you will see who has voted for you, 2nd easy option is you should just click on the badge which you have placed on your site,and it will open new window showing the number of votes ,there you will see the voters username, if you want more information on user who has voted ,you should just click on the name of that user and you will get information.
If you got any more questions please ask me ?
Ty hope you will like my blog and vote for me .

Know About The Mahabharat Few Important Facts

Know About The Mahabharat Few Important Facts :
The Mahabharat has undergone three editions and with each editor
the title and subject matter has changed. In its original form it was known as
'Jaya', Triumph.

This original name occurs even in the third edition both in the beginning as
well as in the end. The original edition of the book known as 'Jaya' was
composed by one Vyas.

After his death, In its second edition it was known as Bharat. The Editor of this second edition was one Vaishampayana. Vaishampayan's edition was not the only second edition of the Bharata.
Vyas had many pupils besides Vaishampayana ; Sumantu, Jaimini, Paila and Shuka were his other four pupils.
They all had learned at the feet of Vyas.
Each one of them produced his own. Thus there were four other editions of Bharata.
Vaishampayana recast the whole and brought out his own version.
After there era death The third editor is Sauti.

He recast Vaishampayana's version of Bharata. Sauti's version ultimately came to have the name of Mahabharata. The book has grown both in size and in the subject matter aswell. The 'Jaya' of Vyas was amall work having not more than 8800 Shlokas. In the hands of Vaishampayana it grew into 24000 verses.

Sauti expanded it to contain 96836 Shlokas.

As to subject matter the original as composed by Vyas was only a story of the war between
the Kauravas and the Pandavas.

In the hands of Vaishyampayana the subject
became two-fold, war and religious ,social rules.

Epic Mahabharata - Do you think Yudhishtra the husband of Draupadi was a Dharmaraj or Most Righteous Person?

Thursday, April 23, 2009

After 26/11 Visit to Taj Mahal Hotel Room No. 630

After 26/11 Visit to Taj Mahal Hotel Room No. 630:
Yesterday I started to read the news paper Times of India, and then suddenly I felt sleepy
And I went to Taj Mahal hotel
Kasab and his terror gang had destroyed the hotel, but again Taj was standing smiling at me, in the protection of Nsg commandoes, as I was looking the beauty of Taj Mahal hotel, I came to room no. 630, I heard the sounds of foot steps so I went near to the door,
Suddenly someone grabbed me and pulled me inside the Room.

I was freighted I thought ghost has pulled me inside, when I opened my eyes
I saw 6 foot tall man having gold on his body everywhere, gold ear rings, gold chains,
He was looking at me, as I was afraid, the man asks me what is your name?
His personality was so strong I said to him, Sir I am Sm. May I know your name please?
He told me you foolish man, don’t you recognize me I am The Lankapati Dashanand, Ravana; I came to visit earth from heaven. And as he saw I didn’t believed he showed me his ten heads, he was friendly, assured me he won’t hurt me, so we started to talk.
I asked him again sir if you are really Ravana what you feel about today’s situation of India,
And What Ravana told me next half hour I become speechless, surprised. He told me
You know Sm, after thousands of years I came to India, felt so happy, he said where ever he goes he sees Ravana is enjoying the fruits, Ravana is having all the milk and important positions. He said Sm , Thousands of years back I kidnapped Sita that time Ram killed me , In that yuga my brother betrayed me and I got killed, in that yuga everyone said I am bad person, but In today’s yuga everywhere Ravana is worshipped, ravana is having and controlling all important positions.
He said he has made mistake he should have borne in this yuga, he would have been the Prime Minister of India, ruling India for thousands of years with Sita .As today’s Ram is alone no one will come to help him, he even said in today’s world even he doubt will ram come to rescue sita or he will go and bring Gita. Does Laxmana will go to jungle with Ram?
I tried to argue with the Ravana,but he said look you got elections ,every family of ram is sitting in homes and watching movies on DVD,they don’t even go to vote or talk about chooseing the king that is todays Primeminister, the Ravans are standing for elections, and people are voting for the Ravana because he belongs to his caste and religion, they don’t vote for the ram ,don’t help the ram As in today’s yuga caste and religion has become more important than Ram, He said why in that yuga he did not got this idea of dividing Ram sena on the name of caste and religion , How he allowed caste of ram and caste of hanuman unite and fight and he ask me do you think I am not intelligent,
I said after meeting you ,Ravana I think you will be better Prime Minister for India because you will not divide us on the name of caste and religion , what you promise you will fulfill it you are really great King, you gave your people the city of gold ,Why don’t I born in that yuga .Again Ravana smiled and said ty, Suddenly Ravana said he has to leave ,I ask him why he said today’s ravana is coming to check in this room ,so he has to leave , again I ask him when I can meet him or see him
Ravana said, whenever you want to see me start the TV and you will see me, whenever you want to see me watch the Loksabha and Rajyasabha, Upper house and lower house sessions and I can see him.
Then suddenly my mobile started to ring and I came into this world again,
I started to think about my dream , and started to think ,
Ravna is better or todays political parties and leaders ,who change there views and friends every now and then

Monday, April 20, 2009

Racism and caste system are the two sides of a same coin

Racism and caste system are the two sides of a same coin:

Racism is found in USA and Europe and caste system is found in India, even in Muslim community they got Shia and Sunni types and others.

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India: More analysis on caste system

India: More analysis on caste system:

The effect of caste on the ethics of the Hindus is simply deplorable.
Caste hasKilled public spirit. Caste has destroyed the sense of public charity.
Caste hasMade public opinion impossible.

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Saturday, April 18, 2009

Caste system, India and Females

Caste system, India and Females

What is the meaning of Caste?

Dr. Ketkar defines caste as " a social group having two characteristics: (i)

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Friday, April 17, 2009

World Recession: A different type of danger for India.

Reality Views by sm
World Recession: A different type of danger for India.
India : Culture of Saving , last 50 years in India , one generation is giving to the next generation a gift which is called as an Art of saving money.
Our economy is in recession from last 50 years, but we did not realize it because of our tradition of saving money first and then buying the article, products which we need really.

But today America, West is facing recession and one of the most important and simple reason is that American people, British people do not save money, they purchase the products on loans that is also on the future salary, earning.
Now as American people will have to stop this luxury, those companies will come to India and will use the same policies and will encourage all the Indians to purchase products on loans.
Before arrival of those policies and companies, our own Indian companies have already started those policies, tricks and many Indians have already got this ill habit of purchasing products without need or requirement of replacement of product.
Today if you visit shops and see around you, you will see that people are without requirement, purchasing new washing machine, when there old washing machine is in good condition.
Another example is Television there 29 inch LCD is new brand, but they are buying new 32 inches Lcd TV, because companies are giving them zero percent loans, or with good advertisements and promotion ads, they are making them fools.
When you purchase a product without need, when your home product is in good condition still you are buying new product, replacing it, then you are fool.
Remember we do not have social security or pension system like USA and UK.
If today you don’t save, in old age you will have to live in a village and have to rent your city flat to survive.
So learn and keep and follow our traditional system of saving money and purchasing products which are really necessary for your home, just some film star and cricket star is saying on TV ,don’t purchase the product
Beware from Indian as well as multinational companies they will lure you into the traps of loans, No one will make you aware about this, even politicians will support them by reducing the interest rates on your fix deposits and PPF or EPF accounts, so you will stop saving money.
Beware your money is in danger, Think about old age, retirement.
Your kid’s education expenses.

Otherwise be ready to stay in slum or old house by renting your posh flat to stay alive in old age and to support your medicine.
Currently I don’t see any way we will get any type of social security like USA from our Indian politicians.
I always listened old people proudly saying to there kids and friends that , son I don’t have to pay any loans so after my death you don’t have to pay anybody. All property is safe.
I am sure as an Indian you also must have listened such dialogues from your grandparents or neighbors even many times you can hear this type of dialogues in movies also.
So learn to save, learn to spend don’t be fool
It is easy to earn money, but it is more difficult to save and spend money wisely.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

India: Do we pay to Television companies to watch advertisements

Reality views: by sm
India: Do we pay to Television companies to watch advertisements

If someone pays to Television Company to watch advertisements what you will call him?

A fool person
A mad person
An intelligent person.
Helpless Indian person
When we daily receive newspaper at our doorstep, do we pay extra to read and see the advertisement from the newspapers.
Answer is no
What is the reason today in India television channels are pay channels, still they are showing advertisements also. Without giving any benefit to customers who are paying premium charge.
When you watch a serial or news for 30 minutes you end up watching 15 minutes of advertisement, which is waste of your time, my time.
Furthermore if you are a member of Dish service then have to pay more and become more fools because these dish services has a rule that you must purchase bunch of channels to see your favorite channel .Give you example
It is like saying if you want to purchase a Nano tata will make a rule that you must purchase a 5 two wheelers only then you can purchase Nano.
This is the same situation with our dish TV service so I will suggest if you got cable television at home please do not change to dish service you will end up paying more with same channels.
If you want to see xyz popular channel then you must pay for other five channels which you will never watch in your life time.
What is the reason government of India is not making a law that pay channel can show advertisement only before and after the end of show .No advertisements in between a serial or show.
2nd required law is that these television channels should not be allowed to sell group of channels, bunch of channels. They must offer individual channels with price to pay without clubbing any channels.
I don’t pay to watch advertisements on television?
But as an Indian man I don’t have choice.
What about you do you pay to watch advertisement?
Pay channel means you are paying extra bucks, you are paying premium
As a customer what we get in that return from Television Company

Friday, April 10, 2009

Answer to India’s Electricity Problem: Solar Energy A new Vision

Reality views by sm :
Answer to India’s Electricity Problem: Solar Energy A new Vision
Today world as well as India is facing power, electricity problems.
Solar energy is a one energy which can help us humans to solve
These problems which today we are facing.

In India this solar energy can become a boon for us.
As in India normally we have sun for all 12 months in the sky.
In a rainy season also we can see sun for few hours daily.
We just need to make a one law and our power problem will be reduced
Up to 50% or more.
Already in USA they are utilizing solar power successfully, they are even planning full cities which will utilize only solar energy.
I think our politicians are too intelligent may be solar energy is dangerous for Indians.
I am uneducated person let me know why we don’t promote solar energy in India.
USA Florida, they have started to build solar cities also.
USA Chicago, they are using electric cars with solar energy.
So I was suggesting one simple law we need to introduce and our 75% power electricity problem will be solved.
Today people in metro cities are buying flats, apartments at a cost of 1 crore, or 10 million or 1 million.
The builders are building very costly apartments without the solar energy panel roofs.
The government of India should make a law that new buildings should have compulsory
Solar tiles or panels be installed otherwise the building will be considered illegal.
After that slowly this rule is applied to all old buildings.
In each city we all know how many building are there if there are 1000 buildings just see how much electricity and power will be saved.
More ever solar energy is freely available, good for environment.
Solar energy panels, roof titles are easy to repair, they are reliable they can be used for more than 20 years.
To install the solar panels on the roof of building is very easy and simple process any one can do it with little experience.
Do you think our any political party has this vision; they are still fighting on same 100 year old problems.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Whom To Vote How To Vote a poem

Reality Views by sm
Whom To Vote How To Vote a poem
how to vote ? whom to vote
these few lines will be give us idea how to vote ?

vote for whom
who eats with you
vote for whom
who never travelled
with criminals
vote for whom
whose education is
more than you
vote for whom
who is not older
than your father
vote for whom
who travels with
you in bus
vote for whom
whose children
study with your kids
vote for whom
whose brothers study
in a collage where your
younger brothers study
vote for whom
who support economic reservation
vote for whom
who is not relative
of political leader
vote for whom
who belives in India
vote for whom
who do not mix dharma and religion
with progress of india
vote for whom
whom you never see on television
vote for whom
who is like you

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

India : why change only names of cities why not the laws ?

  • Reality Views by sm
    India : why change only names of cities why not the laws ?
    Are we still citizens of colony called India, controlled by indians for indians.

    Our politicians always tell us that this city name is given by british people ,so we change it
    then why our politicians dont change the laws made by the british empire for the slave colony called india.
    Mejority indian laws are made by british people in india and we are still following them.
    Please take the bare acts,law books and you will know it.
    I will give you few examples :
    Payment of Wages Act, 1936
    Aircraft Act, 1934 along with allied Rules
    Bankers's Books Evidence Act, 1891
    Cantonments Act, 1924
    Carriers Act,1865
    Cattle Trespass Act,1871
    Central Excise Act, 1944 as amended by The Finance Act 2005
    Charitable and Religious Trusts Act, 1920 along with Charitable Endowments Act, 1890 and Religious Endowments Act, 1863
    Child Marriage Restraint Act, 1929
    Christian Marriage Act, 1872 with State Amendments
    Code of Civil Procedure,1908 along with CPC (Amendment) Bill, 2000
    Contract Act, 1872
    Court Fees Act,1870
    Divorce Act,1869
    Drugs & Cosmetics Act,1940
    Drugs & Cosmetics Act,1940 along with Rules, 1945
    Easements Act,1882
    Evidence Act,1872
    Explosives Act,1884 along with The Explosive Substances Act 1908 and The Explosives Rules,1983
    General Clauses Act, 1897
    Guardians and Wards Act,1890
    Identification of Prisoners Act,1920
    Indian Penal Code ,1860 with Classifications of Offences and State Amendment
    Indian Stamp Act, 1899 as amended by the Registration and other Related Laws (Amendment) Act 2001
    Land Acquisition Act, 1894
    Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application Act, 1937
    Post Office Act, 1898
    Powers of Attorney Act,1882
    Press & Registration of Books Act,1867 along with Rules & Order
    Public Gambling Act,1867
    Public Servants (Inquiries) Act, 1850
    Reserve Bank of India Act,1934 as amended by the Reserve Bank of India (Amendment)Act,1997
    Societies Registration Act, 1860
    Stamp Act,1899
    Succession Act, 1925
    Suits Valuation Act, 1887
    telegraph Act,1885 along with The Indian Wireless Telegraphy Act,1933
    Transfer of Property Act, 1882 as amended by the Registration and other Related Laws (Amendment Act, 2001
    Trusts Act,1882
    Employers' Liability Act, 1938
    Payment of Wages Act, 1936 along with (Procedure) Rules, 1937
    Weekly Holidays Act, 1942
    Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923 along with Rules, 1924 (Transfer of Money) Rules, 1935 and (Venue of Proceedings) Rules, 1996

    After independance our law makers have made very few amendments to these laws.
    Our law makers ,politicians change the names of cities ,Bombay is now Mumbai ,Madras is
    now Chennai ,then why dont they change the laws made by the british empire for india .
    They say by using old names we are insulted, if this is so why then we are still using there law books?
    with few amendments ?
    give you hint:
    If suddenly one day you become owner
    of profit making company or nation will you change the rules of the company when company rules make you god of the company.
    Hope next time when any political leader ask you to change the name of city ?
    hope someone will dare to ask if why not first change the law system and law books given by
    british empire

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Know about Dr. Binayak Sen: Free Dr. Binayak Sen

Know about Dr. Binayak Sen: Free Dr. Binayak Sen:
Short Biography of Dr.Binayak Sen

Updated Friday, April 22, 2011 -

I didn’t hear about Dr, Binayak sen on television channel, I came to know about him
Through blogs. Whatever I read about him, I thought every Indian should know about him.

Since May 15, 2007, Binayak Sen, a distinguished Indian pediatrician and a tireless human rights activist has been imprisoned in a Raipur jail in the state of Chhattisgarh, India.

He has been convicted of no crime but is being held under draconian state laws for his alleged association with the Naxalites—an outlawed Indian communist movement, deemed to be a threat to national security.

In May 2007, he was detained for allegedly violating the provisions of the Chhattisgarh Special Public Security Act 2005 (CSPSA) and the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act 1967

In December 2007; his bail petition was rejected by the Supreme Court of India.

Dr. Sen. is the winner of the tenth annual Jonathan Mann Award 2008 for Global Health and Human Rights, and the first winner from India and South Asia.

Dr Sen. was the recipient in 2004 of the Paul Harrison award for a lifetime of service to the rural poor.

Dr. Sen. was awarded the R.R. Keithan Gold Medal by The Indian Academy of Social Sciences (ISSA) on 31 December 2007

On 16 May 2007, Amnesty International issued a call to the Government of Chhattisgarh to "immediately release Dr. Sen. unless he is charged with a recognizable criminal offence and take urgent steps to end the harassment of the other human rights defenders in the state.

On 31 December 2007, the R.R. Keithan Gold Medal of the Indian Academy of Social Sciences was conferred on Dr. Binayak Sen. (in absentia) at a function chaired by Dr. B. N. Mungekar, Member, Planning Commission of India, and Chairperson of the Indian Academy of Social Sciences.

Dr Sen. is the National Vice-President of the People's Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL) and General Secretary of its Chhattisgarh unit.

I didn’t see anything or hear about Dr Binayak Sen, on Indian television media. I read that NDTV and BBC and radio Australia highlighted about Dr.Sen.

We hope Supreme Court of India will give the justice to Dr. Sen.
Let the honesty and social service and humanity win.
Free Dr.Binayak Sen.

Updated Friday, April 22, 2011

Civil rights activist Binayak Sen has been honoured with the 2011 Gwangju Prize for Human Rights, South Korea's most prestigious award for those working on peace, democracy and justice in Asia.

The award was announced on Thursday by 2011 Gwangju Prize Committee in Seoul.

The prize, which carries a sum of $50,000 is awarded each year on May 18 - on the anniversary of the May 1980 Gwangju democratic uprising to a person or organisation who has made significant contributions in the field of human rights and democracy.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Ministers Politicians Unofficial Interview from Heaven

Ministers Politicians Unofficial Interview from Heaven:
Sir why did not you hang the terrorist whom supreme court of India has given death punishment?
Reply from politician:

Because terrorist didn’t kill my son or family. As per constitution it is not compulsory for government to follow all orders of Supreme Court of India. You know court ordered us police reforms in 2006 but still we are not following them or implementing them fully.

Sir what about your promises which you made before winning election and how you are going to fulfill them?
Answer from politician:
They are just promises, and promises are never fulfilled, just tell me how many political parties fulfilled there promises .it is not compulsory as per law I should work. I should show results to my country men. I am not accountable to anything .I am a political leader I am not responsible for anything nor do I have any accountability and if ever they try to do using some 50 years old laws or public litigation petitions they are useless I will just pay fines or I will get suspended before I get suspended I would have earned billions of dollars. From jail I can contest the elections as I will delay the judicial process not get convicted by honorable court for 8 to 10 years or more and I will win the elections if any body dares to standup against me I will send him death threats and will win the elections from the jail .Police, CID OR CBI will not do anything as they also know I am going to win elections and going to become there ruler there boss. If today they go against me and don’t give me luxury life in jail they know after elections I will make sure that they get suspended, will they reduce to nothing?

Sir few people say that all police dept, CID and CBI departments are like your personal home servants?
Answer from politician:
Yes its absolutely correct First dept. of police was the servants of British and now they are our servants, as we control there transfers, suspension, promotion and demotion. everything. But please do not call them servants they will be angree so please say sorry now and this is off record ok please do not publish it in your news paper or television otherwise I will cancel your license of news paper as well as television channel understand.

Sir how do you managed to earn so much money in just 5 years? Sir is it true your family, your mother cleaned the houses of other people, and your father was office boy in a govt dept?
Answer from politician:
Yes correct. When I was child I didn’t get to to eat daily food survived on bread and water. But I joined the politics, used my caste power and got elected and today you see what I got. How I earned money? It is easy as a minister I am authorized to give work to companies Make purchases for government, and our armed forces, police and state etc so I do following things and I earn money. First if company is new I tell them make my son 25% or 10% partner in there company. 2nd is tell the company if they want contract give me 100% commission how does it work?
It’s easy I tell them the real price of this arm is 100 dollars per unit I tell them make it 300 or 500 per unit price and send the quotation I will pass the tender and we all will earn billions. Even I told them they can send second hand arms also its ok with our country men. The thing is I am not responsible for anything no body has power to send me to jail for political corruption. even we ask the bribe to ask the questions in upperhouse.if as a politician I have to sell government land or any anything we don’t call auction we just tell the company that the price of this land is 2000 crore I will sell you this land in 200 crore so we save 1800 crore so give me 200 crore commissions and give 200 crore to my political party and few crore to other small parties So party leaders will be happy and ignore the deal, the corruption. Again as a government we will give you guaranteed that if next government cancels this land deal we guarantee you that as damages you will get 2000 crore so you won’t have losses... After all whatever happens I am a politician I don’t have any accuntbility,i can take openly bribes and wont go to jail or wont be prohibited to contest elections. Last 60 years so many big corruptions happened do you see anybody going to jail? forget it just go to your city and check it you can see there is corruption from road to water everywhere, a road which should be build in a year takes 2 to 5 years of time, why corruption. They plan games and installed CCTV do you see them working, friends its corruption we don’t go to jail for anything. I am tired now please go now, I have to get the massage now but tell the people I went to temple or mosque otherwise tomorrow you wont get my interview understand.

thank you sir for interview ,tomorrow when we should come for next interview session, my secretary will inform you.Dont forget to have a lunch before going home its free ok Don’t worry sir we wont say anything about massage ,we will have lunch before we leave your bungalow.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Only Time: Lyrics From Sweet November Movie

Only Time : Lyrics From Sweet November Movie
watch the only time video below lyrics
Artist: Enya
Only time Lyrics:
Who can say where the road goes,
Where the day flows?

Who can say where the road goes,
Where the day flows?
Only time...
And who can say if your love grows,
As your heart chose?
Only time...
Who can say why your heart sighs,
As your love flies?
Only time...
And who can say why your heart cries,
When your love dies?
Only time...
Who can say when the roads meet,
That love might be,
In your heart.
And who can say when the day sleeps,
If the night keeps all your heart?
Night keeps all your heart...
[extended chants]
Who can say if your love grows,
As your heart chose?
Only time...
And who can say where the road goes,
Where the day flows?
Only time...
Who knows?
Only time...
Who knows?
Only time...

Watch the video only time from movie sweet november

How we Indians Can achieve change Be the change ?

Reality Views: By sm
How we Indians Can achieve change?
Individual Change Do not change society
Now and then, I always here this change yourself and society will change. Be the change which you want to see.
Sorry I do not agree with this statement. .Here we are talking about our nation .Our Society. Suppose you clean your house will it make your neighbors home clean?

Suppose you keep your dog pets and garden clean and in good condition.
Will this your action improve your neighbors habits? Will they start to keep there home and place clean?
It is always said that a rotten fruit destroys all good fruits.
Now let’s go to Ramayana and Mahabharata, in both stories you can find Ravana and Kourava both represent bad people.
Ram, Pandavas and Krishna represent good people.
So as per your theory which says change your self and society will change is correct,
Why then Ravana and Kourava didn’t change.
Krishna told to them that it is duty of Pandavas to go and try to convince kouravas and get yours what is yours rightfully otherwise do a war with them and get what is rightfully yours.
If Krishna and Ram can not change bad humans, how a common man can change his neighbors, his society in which few gonads and criminals live.
we can give them many chances to improve but as our politicians and few educated people say individual change will change country and society, But in reality this will not happen, we want individual change as well as we want change in our nation But today situation is that honest person is fearful of law as well as gonads and criminals. on the other hand in India criminals don’t fear law or police but you may find many people saying that law and police fear gonads and criminals.
Here we are talking about social change, how the social change can be achieved
Only through strict, simple laws and very strict implementation of law, if lawmaker is found law braking then punishment should be 100 times more. And in this cases justice should be given in 1 week which is possible .Justice Delayed is Justice Denied.

We have to amend our constitution making such provisions like accountability for lawmakers, politicians, judiciary, and police department as well as state .Duties of State should be clearly mentioned with fines and punishments for them who are in charge of state.Eg. It is the duty of state to keep stray dogs away from roads, if stray dog is found on road ,or any accident happens on road the collector of the city or police commissioner of the city be suspended immediately and he should be made to pay fines. Like this very simple and effective laws.
Retirement age for politician’s .Next is provisions. laws which will stop mob rule ,provisions which will give more importance to our freedom of speech and profession, and give us security from mob rule so no one will dare to brake your home or shop for name change, or no one will stop you enjoying valentines day with your wife or mom or full family, no one will dare to beat females or males without reason., even if there is reason there are peaceful ways and laws even we need policies where every police action will be recorded , and reviewed by senior citizens and scientists, doctors and lawyers.
Yes we can, yes together we Indians can change our lives, we can change
“Sometimes I wonder if we shall ever grow up in our politics and say definite things which mean something, or whether we shall always go on using generalities to which everyone can subscribe, and which mean very little.”

If today I clean my home my home will become clean , may be after that my friends will clean there home , but our Society will not change for this we need implementation of laws.
To end I will again give one example I do not drink and smoke but I know many friends who drink and smoke
They didn’t change I told them not to smoke and drink, they told me I should drink and smoke neither I change nor they changed
So will it change them?
Gandhi said change yourself and he followed non violence but Gandhi himself got killed by violence, a gun...
No human can change society; society can be changed with laws and implementation of laws.
“The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie - deliberate, contrived and dishonest - but the myth - persistent, persuasive and unrealistic”

“Things do not happen. Things are made to happen.”

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

India change should begin in schools

India change should begin in schools :
Today in India when you take admission of your kid to school
You have to pay bribe in name of school decoration or something; we have to stop this kind of bribe. We have to see that our government schools are as good as private schools.
2nd problem is in school you teach the boys and girls that he is Hindu, he is Muslim, and he is Christian etc.

So first of all we have to stop this asking of religion in the school.
It should be banned to fill the religion, caste in any government forms.
There should be only 2 clauses state where the kid is born, and country where he is born.

Now 3rd is we have to stop teaching history of last 500 years or more.
Now in this global era, we have to teach students only the history of max
150 years old.
History from 1900, will be better if you teach them history from only 1948 and onwards will be excellent, as we can teach them in deep and serious way
How Indian democracy is growing, let them understand in deep how our democracy is working.
4th is schools should arrange trips to Loksabha,Rajsabha, and there own municipalities, government offices .let the school children know and see how it is working.5th is study of Indian constitution be taught to school children as well as collage students irrespective of there stream commerce or science or engg. Or medical the study of constitution should be compulsory with grade system, but our politicians have very skillfully kept us away from that. They will never do any changes.