Reality Views by sm –
Part 3 – Germany and German Females
Below is the link for Part I – Important Facts about Germany, Part one deals with Political system of Germany .
Below is the Link for Part 2 - Important Facts about Germany - Part 2 Deals with Social and Invention, General Germany.
Germany and German Females –
1.From ancient times in Germany Females were considered inferior to males , just like India.
2.For centuries, a woman's role in German society was summed up and circumscribed by the three "K" words: Kinder (children), Kirche (church), and Küche (kitchen).
3.This attitude and thinking developed into customs, traditions and laws.
4.In olden times Females were suppose to look after only home and domestic problems.
5.Before marriage German female was under the control of father, after marriage German female was under the control of husband.
6.Female were not give any type of Independence
7.If the husband of female died as per law she was required to acquire a male guardian for their children.
8.Male child was considered more important than female child.
9.Females did not get any share from the property or land of father.
10.In the year 1700 women were not allowed to sing in the church.
11.In the 18th century the German composer Richard Wagner and also by the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. The saying of those days was, "...he who loves his wife too passionately destroys the marriage."
12. Outside home females did not have any value or role.
13.In 19th century females started to demand the equality from male dominated society. That time females were not united and strong or educated. But the educated feminist started to demand the equality. As a result, the messages of many 19th century "feminists" such as Dorothea Schloezer, Caroline Boehmer, and Dorothea Veit went unheard for the most part.
14. In the beginning of 20th century women began to demand equal rights.
15. First time in the German History Weimar Republic gave freedom and rights to females of Germany. The period was (1919-1933) in this period Germany females got the right to vote and right of secondary education.
16. This progress ended when Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933.
17.Hitler thought that it’s the duty of German females to increase the population of Germany; therefore women were forced to give up work and have children.
18.For the success of this policy Hitler praised them, offered rewards to women such as marriage loans, tax allowances and health services.
19.These way females of Germany got fooled by Hitler and Females again choose the traditional role of House wife.
20. As home life and life of household is a simple life, females easily accepted that role of housewife and the traditional role of female.
21.Women have just three duties again Home, kids and church.
22.In the Nazi period very few females enrolled in the Universities for the education.
23. Schools taught the girls that it is the duty of girl to produce babies and look after husband.
24.Girls were told not to smoke or diet and should have no interest in fashion and makeup.
25. In Nazi period the females who oppose the Nazi party were punished such as exile, death in concentration camps, or committing suicide.
26. In the year 1949 Germany Lost world war and Germany was divided into the two states West Germany and East Germany.
27.After this Again German Females got the Opportunities for the progress.
28.In East Germany marriage and family laws were rewritten and working mothers got the rights.
29. Abortion was made legal and was funded by the Government.
30.Because of Government policy and help about 90 percent females of East Germany worked outside the home.
31.In political parties more than fifty percent were the female members.
32.In 1988 slightly more than one-third of the membership of the ruling Socialist Unity Party of Germany (Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands--SED) consisted of women.
33.In contrast, only about 4.4 percent of West German women were members of a political party.
34.Around 1960 half of East Germany females were graduates and by the 1975-76 academic year, they were in the majority (53 percent).
35.To assist women in completing their studies, an extensive support system, including supplementary payments and child care, was provided.
36.In 1977 in West Germany after female’s revolution legislation was passed which gave females equal right in marriage. A woman could work outside the home and file for divorce without her husband's permission. Divorce was permitted when the marriage partners could no longer be reconciled.
37. Basic law of 1949 says that male and female both are equal in status.
38.Females got the right to possess the property after the death or divorce of husband.
39.Europe's top telecommunications group, Deutsche Telekom, has unveiled a quota to give women 30 percent of its management positions by 2015.
40.According to the Federal Statistics Office, German females earned about 23 percent less per hour than their male colleagues in 2008.
41.The average salary of a German is 4600$ a month.
42.In Germany the poverty level is a yearly income of 9,100 euro ($US11, 400) for a single person. If any person has a yearly salary below this then that single person is considered as living below poverty line. Using this measurement, 11 percent of the population lives in poverty.
9100 euro = 5,46,000 Indian Rupees .
43. One Euro = Indian 60 Rupees
44.In India 70 percent Population daily earns Indian 20 Rupees only.
45.There are 372 institutes of higher education in Germany, 102 of them universities, and 167 universities of the applied sciences.937, 000 or 48% of the total of some two million students are women. Tuition for higher education in Germany is largely free, and the tuition fees planned for introduction in various federal states as of 2007 are comparatively low at about EUR 500 per semester These are the real universities not like Indian universities where majority are fraud or doubtful.
46. Below is the information about few German Federal States in short.
47.state name - Baden-Württemberg- Capital: Stuttgart ,Population - 10,693,000, - Surface area in km2 : 35,751.65 , - GDP in billion euro: 319.43
48.State Name - Bavaria, Capital: Munich , Population: 12,423,000,- Surface area in km2 - : 70,549.19, - DP in billion euro: 385.16
49.state name - Hamburg, capital - Hamburg , - Population: 1,734,000,- Surface area in km2 - : 755.16, GDP in billion euro: 78.79
50.state name - Hesse, capital - Wiesbaden , Population: 6,089,000,- Surface area in km2 - : 21,114.72, - GDP in billion euro: 195.17
51.state name - North Rhine- Westphalia, capital- Dusseldorf,- Population: 18,080,000,-Surface area in km2- : 34,083.52,- GDP in billion euro: 481.42
52.state name - Rhineland-Palatinate, capital- Mainz, Population: 4,059,000,- Surface area in km2- : 19,847.39,GDP in billion euro: 95.39
53.state name - Saarland, capital - Saarbrucken, Population: 1,061,000,Surface area in km2-: 2,568.65,GDP in billion euro: 26.05
54.state name - Schleswig-Holstein, capital Kiel , Population: 2,823,000,Surface area in km2-: 15,763.18,GDP in billion euro: 66.51
55.state name - Thuringia, capital - Erfurt, Population: 2,373,000,Surface area in km2-: 16,172.14,GDP in billion euro: 42.27
56.Unemployment insurance - In Germany those with no work can claim support. Anyone who is unemployed and over the past three years has paid contributions to the state unemployment insurance system for at least twelve months is entitled to unemployment benefit (60 to 67 percent of their last net income.
57.The monthly child benefit is EUR 154 for each child (EUR 179 as of the fourth child) until the age of 18. The legal right to up to three years eave from work also makes an important contribution to supporting young parents.
58.The statutory pension insurance is the most important pillar of old-age provisions. Its financing is split: The monthly contributions paid by employees and employers pay the pensions of those currently in retirement
59. Also there is another scheme when old persons are unable to maintain themselves and relatives are also unable they are given full assistance from the Government.
60.Germany has compulsory and free education and has 99 percent literacy rate.
Regarding the Reservation of Females in political parties of Germany I did not get ,find any information.
If you got any links which German party is giving how much reservation for females let me know the link, name of that site.
The End.
Below is the Pic of German Flag