Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Know about Y. S. Jagan Mohan Reddy son of Y.S. Rajsekhar Reddy – YSR congress

Know about Y. S. Jagan Mohan Reddy
son of Y.S. Rajsekhar Reddy – YSR congress

Updated on Friday, April 15, 2011 - 10.20 PM IST

Name - Shri Y. S. Jagan Mohan Reddy

Constituency - from which I am elected Kadapa

State Name - Andhra Pradesh

Father's Name - Late Shri Y.S. Rajsekhar Reddy

Mother's Name - Smt. Vijaylakshmi

Date of Birth -1972-12-21

Birth Place - Vill. Jammalamadugu, Distt. Kadapa , Andhra Pradesh

Maritial Status – Married

Date of Marriage - 1996-08-28

Spouse Name - Smt.Bharathi Reddy

No. of Children -No. of Sons: 0 No. of Daughters: 2

Permanent Address -
177/1 Kattiganahalli (V), Bangaluru, Main Road next to Brindavan
College,Yelhanka, Bangaluru-500064,Tels.(080) 28478910,
9740002925 (M) Fax.(080) 2847814

Present Address -
26, Lodhi Estate,New Delhi-110003,Tels. 9013180093 (M)

Educational Qualifications - B.Com.

Profession - Politician

Positions Held -
Elected to 15th Lok Sabha( 2009)Member,
Committee on Finance,
Lok Sabha( 31 August 2009)

Political Party - He was the EX. member of Indian National Congress (INC).
Now he has started his own political party YSR congress.

His relationship with INC (Indian National Congress) continuously degraded after his father's death.

Mr. Jagan has resigned from INC(Indian National Congress)and to the Kadapa MP seat on 29th November 2010.

Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy popularly called as Jagan Anna.

Mr. Jagan Mohan Reddy received his early education in Pulivendula
And later obtained his Master’s degree in Business Administration in Hyderabad.

He founded the daily Telugu news paper saakshi and he is the owner of Saakshi TV.
Saakshi news paper became the first newspaper to publish all the pages in colors.

He has established Jagan Seva Samithi

After his father’s death as per congress and all other Indian parties working style, Jagan thought that he will be made Chief Minister but something different happened.
And someone else became the Chief Minister.

Thus the fight started in congress .

Later Jagan started 'Odarpu Yatra' (Condolence Tour) as promised previously, to go and meet each of the families who lost a member after hearing the death of his father.
Excellent idea to become as popular as his father , but congress High command did not like this. He was ordered to stop the tour.

Later Jagan owned Saakshi TV started to criticize the Congress High command Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi .

Thus it ended the friendship of Jagan and Congress party.

To break the YSR family , congress used the idea and made Jagan's uncle Y.S. Vivekananda Reddy a minister in congress government.

I feel that there is lot of scope of for Mr. Jagan to win next elections on the name of his father , we should never forget the Win of Rajiv Gandhi.

To win elections Mr. Jagan should just follow the Rajiv Gandhi and do what he has done to win the elections.

Jagan Mohan has now floated his own party by the name of YSR Congress.

Jaganmohan's decision to part ways with the Congress had his mother Vijayalakshmi's full support.
She too resigned as Congress MLA from Pulivendula, a seat she had won in last year's by poll following the death of Y.S.R. in a helicopter crash.

Y. S. Jagan Mohan Reddy and Controversies -

He is in possession of Rs. 70 , 000 crore. [ No Proof ]

Few people said that Jagan has amassed thousands of crores by utilizing the name of his father YSR when he was the chief minister.
So, the people and small time leaders are attracted to Jagan's money in anticipation of getting benefited by his riches

I did not find any mention of Police complaint or FIR registered against him.

Reality Views by sm –
Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Update – Thursday, January 06, 2011

Jagan Mohan Reddy has submitted an application to register his new party, to be called YSR Party.
The application to register the YSR Party was handed over to the Election Commission by Jagan's uncle, YV Subba Reddy.

Updated on Friday, April 15, 2011 - 10.20 PM IST

Former MP and president of newly-floated YSR Congress Party YS Jaganmohan Reddy is perhaps one of the richest politicians in India, with declared assets of Rs 365 crore.

He declared movable and immovable assets of Rs 365 crore while filing his nomination for the May 8 by-election to Kadapa Lok Sabha seat.

Jagan submitted an affidavit to the returning officer declaring his assets.
Jagan's wife Bharati owns assets worth Rs 41.33 crore.

He owns houses, land and other property in Hyderabad, Kadapa and Bangalore
Jagan has no vehicle.

Jagan's assets are in the form of bonds and shares in various private firms, including Bharati Cements and Sandur Power Project company.

What is Astrobiology? Let’s Understand Astrobiology –

What is Astrobiology? Let’s Understand Astrobiology –

Astrobiology is the study of the origin, evolution, distribution, and future of life in the universe.

This multidisciplinary field encompasses the Search for habitable environments in our Solar System and habitable planets outside our Solar System,
The search for evidence of prebiotic chemistry And life on Mars and other bodies in our Solar System, Laboratory and field research into the origins and early evolution of life on Earth, and studies of the potential for life to adapt to challenges on Earth and in space.

NASA and Astrobiology –

The Astrobiology Program is managed by the Planetary Science Division of the Science Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters.

Mary Voytek is Senior Scientist for Astrobiology in the Planetary Science Division.

The Astrobiology Program is closely coordinated with NASA’s Mars Exploration and Planetary Protection Programs.

NASA established the Astrobiology Program in 1996.
However, NASA studies in the field of exobiology – a predecessor to astrobiology – date back to the beginning of the U.S. space program.

NASA funded its first exobiology project in 1959 and established an Exobiology Program in 1960.
NASA’s Viking missions to Mars, launched in 1976, included three biology experiments designed to look for possible signs of life.

Now exobiology research is an element of the Astrobiology Program.
Exobiology research is now one of four elements of NASA's current Astrobiology Program

In 1971, NASA funded the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) to search radio frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum for signals being transmitted by extraterrestrial life outside the Solar System.

A particular focus of current astrobiology research is the search for life on Mars due to its proximity to Earth and geological history.

In 2011, NASA plans to launch the Mars Science Laboratory rover which will continue the search for past or present life on Mars using a variety of scientific instruments.

The European Space Agency has been developing the ExoMars astrobiology rover, which is to be launched in 2018.

NASA’s Astrobiology Program addresses three fundamental questions:

1. How does life begin and evolve?

2. Is there life beyond Earth and, if so, how can we detect it?

3. What is the future of life on Earth and in the universe?

In striving to answer these questions and improve understanding of biological, planetary, and cosmic phenomena and relationships among them,
Experts in astronomy and astrophysics,
Earth and planetary sciences,
Microbiology and evolutionary biology,
Cosmo chemistry and other relevant disciplines are participating in astrobiology research and helping to advance the enterprise of space exploration.

Accordingly, the discipline of astrobiology embraces the search for potentially inhabited planets beyond our Solar System, the exploration of Mars and the outer planets,
Lab-oratory and field investigations of the origins and early evolution of life, and studies of the potential of life to adapt to future challenges, both on Earth and in space.

Reality views by sm –
Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Common Wealth Games - CBI Raids - CBI files case against Bhanot, Verma

Common Wealth Games - CBI Raids -
CBI files case against Bhanot, Verma

Common wealth games CBI raids on

1.Additional Director General Sangeeta Welinkar

2.Residence of former Games organising committee joint director general RK Sacheti.

3.Organising Committee (OC) Secretary General Lalit Bhanot

4.Director General VK Verma

CBI filed a case against Commonwealth Games Organising Committee Secretary General Lalit Bhanot and Director General V K Verma in connection with alleged irregularities in a contract for the CWG result update system regard to a Rs. 107 crore deal struck with a firm for results update system for the Commonwealth Games.
Premises of both Bhanot and Verma were searched by CBI.

CBI had named Patel, Mahendroo, Darbari and others under
Sections 420 (cheating), 120-B (criminal conspiracy) of IPC
And Prevention of Corruption Act.

Another shameful story –

Australian contractors complained that they have not received their payments still and
Now The Australian government has asked the Govt of India to ensure the companies are paid their dues which will go up to 20 Million dollars.

Is it another corruption making in CWG luxury flats not to be auctioned?
No Auction = Corruption
Make a law and forbid such deals and transactions.
Open auction = Honesty
No Auction = dishonesty, fraud, cheating

The Delhi Development Authority (DDA) is planning to give away 90 per cent of the CWG flats to the same bureaucrats who could have been involved in corruption.

At present, the DDA owns over 700 flats out of the total of 1,168 flats.

As per media, only 100 flats will be auctioned to the public.
Remaining flats will be sold to Delhi Government.

Please pay attention.

Using whose money Delhi Government will purchase remaining flats?
Answer is Indian Tax payer’s money.

Once Delhi Government becomes owner of these flats what will happen ?

Is it not possible Delhi government will sell these flats to politicians at a nominal value or with the discount of 90% or 99%.

If DDA is honest they should auction all the flats for public if politicians want flat then can also bid with the public.

Jai Ho corruption Jai Ho India

Reality views by sm –
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Monday, November 29, 2010

Know 44 Important Facts about India

Know 44 Important Facts about India -

India covers an area of 32, 87,263 sq. km.

Read more »

Saudi Arabia – Muslim Females Pain – The custom of ADHL and guardian ship

Saudi Arabia – Muslim Females Pain –
The custom of ADHL and guardian ship

A custom or tradition of ADHL –
Customs of female slavery –

What is ADHL custom ?

A male guardian do not allow the daughter or female get marry and enjoys her money, salary or single female funds given by government.

Normally father gets rights under ADHI – if father is dead the 2nd in command guardian male guardian enjoys this status elder male of the family .

On which reason he or any male guardian denies right of marriage to daughter –
The boy belongs to other tribe
The boy is poor
The boy is not suitable

Honestly I will tell you as per my understanding any reason is accepted, they just want the money of daughter forever.

The concept of guardianship is interpreted in conservative Islam as meaning that men are superior to women.

Intelligent males to fool the females say that
This protection means or is an order for men to protect women, financially, emotionally and physically.

In Saudi Arabia females can not marry without the permission of a male guardian.

“A Saudi woman can’t even buy a phone without the guardian’s permission,”

But now a days few educated females are filing cases in the court of law against this custom.

Saudi feminist Wajeha al-Hawaidar describes male guardianship as “a form of slavery.”

In Saudi Arabia girls above age 20 are considered as old. Not fit for marriage.

Quran, warns Muslim men not to prevent their daughters, sisters or female relatives from getting married.

For this crime by a male what is the punishment ?

As per Saudi law only the guardian ship is removed nothing else.
And the end female is punished for disobeying father.

In one adhl case, a young single mother, Samar Badawi, sued her father and demanded he be stripped of his guardianship.
She fled her house in March 2008 and spent around two years in a women protection house in Jeddah, waiting for the court ruling.

In April, she got it — she was sentenced to six months in prison for disobedience.

The judge transferred guardianship to her uncle, and it is not yet clear if her uncle will let her get married.

Didn’t you felt that possession, ownership rights of cow got changed from one hand to another hand.

Where is the wish of Girl ?

In Saudi Arabia, no woman can travel, gain admittance to a public hospital or live independently without a “mahram,” or guardian.

Remember Guardian means male , a female can never be a guardian. Males got right to beat females if they disobey males. [She is just an animal . ]

In the Saudi public school curriculum, boys are taught how to use their guardianship rights.

Be jealous, beat her hands, protect her and achieve superiority over her,” reads page 212 of the Prophet Sayings textbook for 11th grade.

Reality Views by sm –
Monday, November 29, 2010

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Know Wikileaks cables ,documents expose Pakistan, Iran , Russia and other nations WikiLeaks USA Embassy Cables: New Documents Released –

Know Wikileaks cables ,documents expose Pakistan, Iran , Russia and other nations WikiLeaks USA Embassy Cables: New Documents Released –

WikiLeaks is an organization which tells the people about the government or secret documents which governments or politicians do not want public to know.

More than 250,000 dispatches reveal US foreign strategies
Diplomats ordered to spy on allies as well as enemies

On its Twitter feed Wikileaks said: "We are currently under a mass distributed denial of service attack."

Wikileaks added that several newspapers would go ahead and publish secret United States documents even if the website crashed.

The latest leak is expected to publish US embassy reports on other countries and the website said it would be bigger than recent leaks on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Below are a selection of the documents cables that WikiLeaks has released through some of the leading newspapers and publications in the world.

Below are the important and current wikileak cables documents

The New York Times and The Guardian have published classified State Department documents provided to them by the online website WikiLeaks.
WikiLeaks also provided the documents to Spain's El Pais, France's Le Monde, and Germany's Der Spiegel.

It is reported by huffingtonpost that WikiLeaks said in its Twitter feed that it was experiencing a denial of service attack.

The New York Times reported that –

The cables, a huge sampling of the daily traffic between the State Department and some 270 embassies and consulates, amount to a secret chronicle of the United States’ relations with the world in an age of war and terrorism.

A dangerous standoff with Pakistan over nuclear fuel: Since 2007, the United States has mounted a highly secret effort, so far unsuccessful; to remove from a Pakistani research reactor highly enriched uranium that American officials fear could be diverted for use in an illicit nuclear device.

In May 2009, Ambassador Anne W. Patterson reported that Pakistan was refusing to schedule a visit by American technical experts because, as a Pakistani official said, “if the local media got word of the fuel removal, ‘they certainly would portray it as the United States taking Pakistan’s nuclear weapons,’ he argued.”

Suspicions of corruption in the Afghan government: When Afghanistan’s vice president visited the United Arab Emirates last year; local authorities working with the Drug Enforcement Administration discovered that he was carrying $52 million in cash. With wry understatement, a cable from the American Embassy in Kabul called the money “a significant amount” that the official, Ahmed Zia Massoud, “was ultimately allowed to keep without revealing the money’s origin or destination.”

A global computer hacking effort: China’s Politburo directed the intrusion into Google’s computer systems in that country, a Chinese contact told the American Embassy in Beijing in January, one cable reported. The Google hacking was part of a coordinated campaign of computer sabotage carried out by government operatives, private security experts and Internet outlaws recruited by the Chinese government. They have broken into American government computers and those of Western allies, the Dalai Lama and American businesses since 2002, cables said.

5 -
Monarch of Saudi Arabia, King Abdullah said that President Asif Ali Zardari of Pakistan the greatest obstacle to that country’s progress. “When the head is rotten,” he said, “it affects the whole body.”

Ahmed Wali Karzai, the half brother of the Afghan president and a power broker in the Taliban’s home turf of Kandahar.
Cable Note: While we must deal with AWK as the head of the Provincial Council, he is widely understood to be corrupt and a narcotics trafficker.”

The cables also contain American intelligence assessment of Iran’s missile program. They reveal for the first time that the United States believes that Iran has obtained advanced missiles from North Korea that could let it strike at Western European capitals and Moscow and help it develop more formidable long-range ballistic missiles

In December 2005, the Saudi king expressed his anger that the Bush administration had ignored his advice against going to war.
According to a cable from the American Embassy in Riyadh, the king argued “that whereas in the past the U.S., Saudi Arabia and Saddam Hussein had agreed on the need to contain Iran, U.S. policy had now given Iraq to Iran as a ‘gift on a golden platter.’ ”

Iran obtained 19 of the missiles from North Korea, according to a cable dated Feb. 24 of this year.
BM-25 is longer and heavier, and carries more fuel, giving it a range of up to 2,000 miles.
The missiles could for the first time give Iran the capacity to strike at capitals in Western Europe or at Moscow, and American officials warned that their advanced propulsion could speed Iran’s development of intercontinental ballistic missiles.

One cable provides an assessment of President Obama.
"Thank God for bringing Obama to the presidency," Saudi Arabia's King Abdulluh told White House counterterrorism adviser John Brennan in March 2009.
Obama's victory has created "great hope" in the Muslim world, he continued. "May God grant him strength and patience.
May God protect him. I'm concerned about his personal safety.
America and the world need such a president."

11- USA, UK, Pakistan
Grave fears in Washington and London over the security of Pakistan's nuclear weapons programme, with officials warning that as the country faces economic collapse, government employees could smuggle out enough nuclear material for terrorists to build a bomb.

12- USA, China, Google
How the hacker attacks which forced Google to quit China in January were orchestrated by a senior member of the Politburo who typed his own name into the global version of the search engine and found articles criticizing him personally.

13- USA, Russia
Allegations that Russia and its intelligence agencies are using mafia bosses to carry out criminal operations, with one cable reporting that the relationship is so close that the country has become a "virtual mafia state".

14 – UK, USA
One cable speaks about political criticisms of David Cameron to requests for specific intelligence about individual MPs.

15 – USA , Yemen
One cable reveals that Yemeni president Abdullah Saleh said: "We'll continue saying they are our bombs, not yours."

16- USA, Libya
One cable reveals that Libya's Muammar Gaddafi, is accompanied everywhere by a "voluptuous blonde" Ukrainian nurse.

17- Iran and USA
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is referred to as "Hitler" while President Nicolas Sarkozy of France is called a "naked emperor"
The documents also say that North Korean leader Kim Jong -il suffers from epilepsy

18 - USA and Germany
The German Chancellor is referred to as Angela "Teflon" Merkel and Afghan President Hamid Karzai is "driven by paranoia"

19- USA and Russia
US officials referred to Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin as an "Alpha Male," while President Dmitry Medvedev is "afraid, hesitant."

20 – USA and President Obama
Der Spiegel also quoteed the State Department as saying that President Barack Obama "prefers to look East rather than West," and "has no feelings for Europe".

2,278 cables are from the US mission in Kathmandu, 3,325 from Colombo, and 2,220 from Islamabad.

22 - USA and India
there are more than 3000 classified cables are from the US Embassy in New Delhi.
This will be released in the next leak.
American government has already informed, warned to Indian Government.

Reality views by sm –
Monday, November 29, 2010

Sources –

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Delhi Court Orders Registration of Police Complaint, FIR against Arundhati Roy and Hurriyat Leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani

The Patiala House Court in New Delhi directed Delhi Police to register FIR against Hurriyat Conference leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani, writer-activist Arundhati Roy and five other accused on charge of sedition for their alleged anti-India statements.
A complaint was filed by Sushil Pandit seeking registration of FIR against Roy and Geelani and others.

According to the complaint, the accused made the comments at a convention in New Delhi in October on ''Azadi--The Only Way''.

Hurriyat leader Geelani shared the dais with Roy and pro-Maoist leader Vara Vara Rao among others. The audience had heckled Geelani at that seminar.

The complaint filed under Section 156 (3) of the Criminal Procedure Code with the court on November one alleged that the government had miserably failed to initiate any action against the "culprits of the anti-India seminar so a private complaint against them has been filed".

What is section 156 [3] of the criminal procedure code?

Section 156- Police officer's power to investigate cognizable cases
Sub Section (1)

Any officer in charge of a police station may, without the order of a Magistrate, investigate any cognizable case which a court having jurisdiction over the local area within the limits of such station would have power to inquire into or try under the provisions of Chapter XIII.

Sub Section (2)

No proceeding of a police officer in any such case shall at any stage be called in question on the ground that the case was one, which such officer was not empowered under this section to investigate.

Sub Section (3)

Any Magistrate empowered under section 190 may order such an investigation as above mentioned.

A Delhi metropolitan magistrate's court ordered registration of FIR against Hurriyat leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani, writer Arundhati Roy and five others for allegedly making anti-India speeches.

Besides Geelani and Roy, the complaint sought prosecution of five others, including Delhi University professor S A R Geelani, and Sheikh Showkat Hussain, a professor of Jammu and Kashmir University.

"The Delhi police is hereby directed to lodge an FIR under relevant provisions of the Indian Penal Code and file a report in this regard on January 6, 2011 the next date of hearing," Metropolitan Magistrate Navita Kumari Bagha said.

The court rejected the status report submitted by the Delhi Police which said no offence relating to sedition and other charges were made out against Geelani and others.

It said there were prime facie cogent evidence against the accused and asked the police to further investigate the allegations and file a compliance report.

The cases will be registered under following sections against Hurriyat Conference leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani, writer-activist Arundhati Roy and five other accused

1.Indian Penal Code Section 124 (A) (sedition),
2.Section 121 (raising war against India), Section 153 (A),
3.Section 153 (B)
4.and Section 295 (spreading hatred and animosity between communities and groups).

The sections invoked are non-bailable and if arrested, they have to approach court for bail.
The maximum punishment, if convicted, is life imprisonment for the offence.

I do not know what policy is there but they should immediately file the appeal against filing of FIR.

Please do not forget before them many people have said this, and many Indians have done more dangerous acts than this, they are enjoying freedom speech

Reality Views by sm –
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Friday, November 26, 2010

Know and understand what is Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC)?

Know and understand what is Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC)?
Let us understand what is Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC)?

In India we got many types of inquires, methods are good but final aim of this committees is that
No Punishment but these inquires are good to expose corrupt people or for entertainment.

Joint Parliamentary Committee is appointed to look, inquire into particular matter or subject or fraud, something which is important for nation.

How Joint Parliamentary Committee is formed?
What is the procedure to form Joint Parliamentary Committee?

Joint Parliamentary Committee is formed when motion is adopted by one house and it is supported or agreed by the other house.

Another way to form a Joint Parliamentary committee is that two presiding chiefs of both houses can write to each other, communicate with each other and form the joint parliamentary committee.

How many persons can be members of Joint Parliamentary committee?

The rule is simple -
The Lok Sabha members are double compared to Rajya Sabha.
Example –

If Joint Parliamentary committee has 10 Lok Sabha Members then 5 members will be from Rajya Sabha and total member of JPC will be 15.

The strength of a JPC may be different each time.

When the first Joint Parliamentary committee was established?

On August 6, 1987 the first JPC was instituted to inquire into the Bofors contract
on a motion moved by then defence minister K C Pant in the Lok Sabha.
The JPC submitted its report on – 26 April 1988
India got nothing after JPC in this case.
In this JPC inquiry opposition parties boycotted this inquiry and report was tables but again opposition parities rejected the JPC committee report.
Indian tax payer’s money and time was wasted.

The 2nd JPC was formed to inquiry into Harshad Mehta scandal.
The recommendations of the JPC were neither accepted in full nor implemented by the government of India.
Again 2nd time Indian tax payer’s money was wasted and time was wasted.

3rd JPC was set up to inquire into Stock Market Scam.
Chairman of this committee – BJP member Lt Gen Prakash Mani Tripathi
Report Submitted on – 19 December 2002
What happened after this JPC report?
Report was not implemented
Again tax payer’s time and money was wasted.

4th last JPC was formed to inquire into pesticide residues in soft drinks, fruit juice and other beverages and to set safety standards.
Committee Head was NCP chief Sharad Pawar
Submitted Report on 4th February 2004
Committee found soft drinks got, contain pesticides.

But again we Indians got nothing again waste of time and waste of money and again we demand JPC without demanding changes in JPC working and JPC powers.

Please remember the laws are made in such a way that today or tomorrow or day after tomorrow any JPC or PAC may be formed we Indians will get nothing.
The rules are made in such a way that criminals should enjoy them.
And honest people should fear them, without doing anything land up in jail.

What are the powers of Joint Parliamentary committee?

1.JPC can collect oral or written evidence from the experts.

2.The proceedings of parliamentary committees are confidential. Please note in majority nations this type of committees work in open and day to day there work is available for public. Only corrupt nations need confidentiality.

3.Normally ministers are not called to give evidence

4.SM – Ministers are gods how can they cheat the nation? Even if they cheat it is there birth right to cheat the nation.

5.JPC can inspect all documents related with the inquiry.

6.JPC can invite interested parties for inquiry.

7.JPC can send summons to people to appear before them, if person does not obey summons it is considered as contempt of House.

8.The Speaker has the final word on any dispute over calling for evidence

9.Against any individual or production of a document, even government can deny access to documents if government feels it is related with safety of state. What is safety of state? Only God knows.

I feel that following new powers should be given Joint Parliamentary Committee
Following new laws or amendments or sections should be added to the powers of JPC.

1.JPC should work openly

2.JPC should put all documents and evidence daily on internet.

3.JPC should finish inquiry in 1 month.

4.It should be compulsory on government to follow recommendations given by JPC.
If government wants they can approach to Supreme Court. It should be compulsory for SC to give judgment in 1 week in this type of cases.

5.JPC should get power to arrest any Minister exception should be Prime Minister.

6.During JPC probe no political party should be allowed to withdraw support of Government if they do so the party should get automatically banned forever without any appeal and they should be debar to contest any public or private elections for next 25 years.

Reality Views by sm –
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Lyrics, Video and English Translation of song - Ek Musafir Hoon Main from movie Gunaah

Lyrics, Video and English Translation of song - Ek Musafir Hoon Main
from movie Gunaah
Song Title: Ek Musafir Hoon Main

Movie Name: Gunaah - 1993

Actor(s)/Actress (es): Sunny Deol, Dimple Kapadia, Sumeet Saigal, Sujata Mehta, Raza Murad

Singer(s) : : Manhar Udhas, Sadhna Sargam

Music Director(s) : Rajesh Roshan

Lyricist(s) : Neeraj

Below are the lyrics of the song Ek Musafir Hoon Main
English translation of the song Ek Musafir Hoon Main from Movie Gunaah is in Red Color.
Video song Ek Musafir Hoon Main is below the lyrics.

Ek Musafir Hoon Main, Ek Musafir Hai Tu
I am a wonderer , traveler you are also one wonderer , traveler

Apna Ghar Hai Kahan
Where is our home

Humko Jaana Kahan, Kaun Jaane Yahan
Where, in which direction we have to go , who knows it in this world

Humko Jaana Kahan, Kaun Jaane Yahan
Where, in which direction we have to go , who knows it in this world

Ek Musafir Hoon Main, Ek Musafir Hai Tu
I am a wonderer , traveler you are also one wonderer , traveler

Apna Ghar Hai Kahan
Where is our home

Humko Jaana Kahan, Kaun Jaane Yahan
Where, in which direction we have to go , who knows it in this world

Humko Jaana Kahan, Kaun Jaane Yahan
Where, in which direction we have to go , who knows it in this world

Aaj to Geet Gaa Le, Kal Ki Kisko Khabar
Let’s sing a song today , who knows about tomorrow

Aaj to Geet Gaa Le, Kal Ki Kisko Khabar
Let’s sing a song today , who knows about tomorrow

Kuchh Bhi Maaloom Nahin, Khatm Ho Kab Safar
We do not know about future, we do not know when death will come

Ek Parinda Hoon Main, Ek Parinda Hai Tu
I am a bird and you are also a bird

Hai Baseraa Kahan
Where we are staying today

Hai Saveraa Kahan, Kaun Jaane Yahan
Who knows in this world tomorrow morning at which place we will be

Hai Saveraa Kahan, Kaun Jaane Yahan
Who knows in this world tomorrow morning at which place we will be

Yeh Madhur Chandni, Aake Pee Le Zaraa
I am as beautiful as moon light , come near and enjoy, drink the moon light

Yeh Madhur Chandni, Aake Pee Le Zaraa
I am as beautiful as moon light, come near and enjoy, drink the moon light

Roop Ke Gaaon Mein, Aake Jee Le Zaraa
In this village, every one is beautiful come here and enjoy life

Ek Dhaara Hoon Main, Ek Dhaara Hai Tu
I am like a constant flow of water and you are also like a constant flow of water

Apna Udgam Kahan
Where we started , at which point we started to flow

Apna Sangam Kahan, Kaun Jaane Yahan
And where, at which place, location we will meet , who knows it in this world

Apna Sangam Kahan, Kaun Jaane Yahan
And where, at which place, location we will meet , who knows it in this world

Kal Mile the Yahin, Aaj Hum Kho Gaye
Yesterday we met here at this place, and today we are lost

Kal Mile the Yahin, Aaj Hum Kho Gaye
Yesterday we met here at this place, and today we are lost

Haadse Yoon Huey, Kya Se Kya Ho Gaye
Accident happened in such way that it changed everything in our life

Ek Khilona Hoon Main, Ek Khilona Hai Tu
I am a one toy and you are also a one toy

Tootna Hai Kahan
Where we will break , where we will meet death

Hai Bikharna Kahan, Kaun Jaane Yahan
At which place we will face death or become apart who knows it in this world

Hai Bikharna Kahan, Kaun Jaane Yahan
At which place we will face death or become apart who knows it in this world

Ek Musafir Hoon Main, Ek Musafir Hai Tu
I am a wonderer , traveler you are also one wonderer , traveler

Apna Ghar Hai Kahan
Where is our home

Humko Jaana Kahan, Kaun Jaane Yahan
Where, in which direction we have to go , who knows it in this world

Humko Jaana Kahan, Kaun Jaane Yahan
Where, in which direction we have to go, who knows it in this world

Watch Video Song from Movie - Gunaah - Ek Musafir Hoon Main

Reality Views by sm –

Friday , November 26, 2010

Tags - Gunaah Hindi Song English Translation Ek Musafir Hoon Main

What is mobile number portability (MNP)? Know how one can change his Mobile Company without changing mobile number?

What is mobile number portability (MNP)?
Know how one can change his Mobile Company without changing mobile number?

What is mobile number portability (MNP)?

The mobile number portability (MNP) service is set to start in Haryana from today.

Mobile users will have the option of changing their service provider without changing their mobile numbers.

Mobile number portability (MNP) is the process of transferring (porting) your mobile phone number from one mobile phone network [that is mobile company] provider to another mobile phone company.

In this process customer does not lose his mobile phone number, only his mobile company is changed.

This is beneficial as we do not need to change our phone number
This way if you are unsatisfied with your mobile company one can easily change the mobile company and keep the same phone number.

In USA MNP started on 24 – 11 – 2003
Shifting time – Just 2 hours
MNP service Free -

Australia MNP started on 25-09-2001
Shifting time - 1 day
MNP service is free.

Now in India this MNP service is started in Haryana only
Still it is not available in other states.

This service will be started in other states in phased manner.
It is expected that Up to March – April 2011 MNP service will start all over India.

India has been divided into two zones with Syniverse Technologies managing Zone 1 comprising of North and West while an Indo-US joint venture called MNP Interconnection Telecom Solutions India Pvt Ltd handling Zone 2 comprising of South and East.

For now, MNP will be allowed only within circles.
Both pre-paid and post-paid consumers can use MNP.

The customer has to pay a maximum of Rs. 19 to new operator to change network and the new operator has the option to waive off the fee

But the minimum stay period with one operator for consumer is three months.

Post-paid subscribers – Last bill payment should not be pending it must be paid only then he can change the mobile company.

In the case of pre-paid subscriber any balance amount left will not be carried forward when the number is transferred to the new service provider.

Understand again your balance amount will not carried forward, so before changing the mobile phone number finish the balance amount and then make change in the mobile phone number.

Maximum time for porting or changing mobile phone company will be 7 days.
Except in Jammu & Kashmir, Assam and North East licensed service areas, wherein it would be 15 working days

How customer can change his mobile phone company, mobile network?

1.Send an SMS from their phone to 1900

2.Send an SMS to 1900 in following format: PORT - eg. PORT 9999999999.

3.After this customer will get unique porting code as SMS from the existing service provider.

4.The customer can then make an application in the prescribed form mentioning the code to the selected new service provider for porting of number.

5.The new service provider will then take action to get the required processes completed to enable the subscriber get connected to his network.

6.MNP request can be cancelled within 24 hours

7.A period of seven days has been prescribed for completion of porting (transfer) of the mobile number to the network of the new service provider.

8.Rules mandate that process be completed within 4 days of applying, few sites mentioned 7 days.

9.Post-paid subscribers, before making the porting request, have to make sure that their last bill has been paid failing which the request for change to new service provider shall be rejected.

10.TRAI has fixed a ceiling of Rs 19 on porting charges which the new service provider may collect from the subscriber.

11.After porting is complete, wait for an SMS from your new operator confirming the switch. Your phone may be dead for about 2 hours when the porting takes place.

12.In the case of pre-paid subscriber, any balance amount left will not be carried forward when the number is transferred to the new service provider.

13.Once a subscriber ports his number to the new operator, then, he will have to wait for at least 90 days before he can change his operator again.

Do you think MNP will be successful in India and we customers will benefit from this?

We know that what happened in case of Advertisement calls and SMS after register for No ad then also we receive daily calls and sms regarding advertisements on our mobile phones.

It may happen that after applying for changing mobile company network, your mobile will go dead for a week or a month, and you have to get the new mobile number.

I tried to find information regarding if mobile company fails to start new service or old mobile company does not send our data to new mobile company and thus new mobile company does not start our phone number
what will be punishment for mobile companies in this case .

What will be fine amount for failure to provide information to new mobile company?

How much money as a customer I can claim for mental harassment by first company.

If you want guaranteed mental satisfaction, spend few hours,

Get new mobile number from new company
As now a day’s new sim card, new mobile phone number is given free of cost
After this change sim card, and inform all friends about new mobile number.

This will be faster, more satisfying.

Let’s see what happens in case of MNP.

Reality Views by sm –
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

China and Russia Agree to use own currencies either the ruble or the Yuan not to use American dollar. What will be effect on India and world?

China and Russia Agree to use own currencies either
the ruble or the Yuan not to use American dollar.
What will be effect on India and world?

The two countries were accustomed to using the dollar for trade.

China and Russia have announced that they will no longer use the dollar for bi-lateral trade. Instead they will use either the ruble or the Yuan.

The announcement came as the leaders of both countries met in St. Petersburg to expand bilateral trade and energy-cooperation between the countries, according to an AFP report

"We agreed to expand the possibilities for application of national currencies during trade and economic contacts," said Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin after holding talks with the Chinese premier Wen Jiabao.

Both parties signed 12 documents or say contracts.
The documents covered cooperation on aviation, railroad construction, customs, protecting intellectual property, culture and a joint communiqué. And energy cooperation.

Putin said one of the pacts between the two countries is about the purchase of two nuclear reactors from Russia by China's Tianwan nuclear power plant, the most advanced nuclear power complex in China.

Wen said at the press conference that the partnership between Beijing and Moscow has "reached an unprecedented level" and pledged the two countries will "never become each other’s enemies".

Sm – Remember no one can trust china, we are brothers

Russian ruble already trading on the Chinese exchange, Yuan trade in Moscow is expected to begin in early December.

According to Russian government the bilateral trade between the two countries is estimated to reach above $50 billion by the end of 2010

This was going to happen – Beginning of cold war between china and USA

Once there was a cold war between super power America and USSR, which finished in defeat of USSR.

currently China is another super power, and we will see the rise of cold war between America and China.

Our Indian leaders may tell you we are super power but educated people know we are zero exception is computers.

One example –
We are purchasing war planes from America on other hand same quality, same standard and same generation war planes are manufactured by china in their own country by their own scientist.

As an India do we need to fear the friendship between China and Russia?

Yes we as Indians have to fear this friendship, as our military technology originated or came from Russia so in future this will create problems for India to get spare parts of war planes.

Regarding economic situation do we need to fear?

No we do not need to fear, if rate of dollar is reduced is good for honest poor Indians.
As we will pay less money to buy same planes.

A good Indian will always dream that 1 dollar is equal to 1 Indian Rupee.
And corrupt will never think this way and will never act in this direction.

This pact of Russia and China will create more problems for President Obama and am sure one day America will again turn to policy of war ,
Policy of war is necessary to be a super power always.

Reality views by sm –
November 25, 2010

Fake Loan Housing, Corporate Scam – CBI arrested LIC CEO and Bank Officials - Scam Amount May Be More than 1000 crore

Fake Loan Housing, Corporate Scam –
CBI arrested LIC CEO and Bank Officials -
Scam Amount May Be More than 1000 crore

The The economic offences wing of the Central Bureau of Investigation has arrested 8
persons regarding fake housing loan scam or racket on graft,corruption ,bribe charges.

List ,Names of the people whom CBI arrested - in Fake Loan Housing, Corporate Scam

1. CEO of LIC Housing Finance Ramachandran Nair

2. Naresh K Chopra, Secretary (Investment), LIC

3. R N Tayal, General Manager of Bank of India (Delhi)

4. Maninder Singh Johar, Director (Chartered Accountant) of Central Bank of India

5. Gujjal and Dy General Manager of Punjab National Bank (Delhi)

6. Rajesh Sharma, CMD of Mumbai-based firm Money Matters Ltd and two of its employees -- Suresh Gattani and Sanjay Sharma-- were among those arrested.

The CBI registered five separate cases and may register more cases as investigation is going on.

What happened in this case -
the bank officials broke the laws while giving loans , accepted bribes or given loans ,sanctioned loans when people were not eligible for that loans.

The CBI said that it had busted a racket wherein "a private financial services company, its CMD and other associates were allegedly bribing senior officials of public sector banks and financial institutions for facilitating large scale corporate loans."

Regarding this scam please do not worry all Banks are safe.
these are crimes done by officials by taking bribes or sanctioning illegal loans.

Reality views by sm -
24 November 2010

Bihar Election Result 2010 – for 243 seats -

Bihar Election Result 2010 – for 243 seats -

Bihar – Creates History – Nitish Kumar Wins -

this is the changing face of India and
sign for congress that congress may not win 2014 elections that Youth is not with Congress or corruption anyone can beat congress with Honesty.

Bihar Election Result 2010 – for 243 seats -

Bharatiya Janata Party - won – 55 – Leading – 36 – Total – 91

Communist Party of India – won - 1 – Leading - 0 – Total - 1

Indian National Congress – won - 4 – Leading – 1 – Total - 5

Janata Dal [United ] – won - 66 – Leading – 48 – Total - 114

Lok Jan Shakti Party – won - 2 – Leading – 2 – Total – 4

Rashtriya Janata Dal – won - 13 – Leading – 9 – Total – 22

others - won 2 – Leading – 4 – Total - 6

Updated upto 5. 35 pm

Reality views by sm -
24 November 2010

Suggested Reading -

Short biography of Nitish Kumar Chief Minister of Bihar –


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Advertisements , Television, Censor Board and Few Thoughts

Advertisements , Television, Censor Board
and Few Thoughts -

Printing of magazines started in 16th century in Europe.
Advertising began in 17th century.
‘To advertise’ originally meant, ‘to take note of ’ or ‘to mark’. By the beginning of the 18th century, the meaning had changed to ‘persuade’.
Advertising started with oral or drawings etc in beginning.

India’s first news paper a weekly called the Bengal Gazette which was started by James Augustus Hicky on January 29, 1780, had a sub-title Or Calcutta General Advertiser.

In America Penny Press started in 19th century.
In year 1833 The New york sun circulated 1000 copies daily.
In year 1837 the circulation reach to 30 000 copies daily.
For them source of the income was only advertisement which local shop keepers gave and other people.

Volney Palmer of Philadelphia was the first man in the America to start the practice of selling newspaper space to prospective advertisers in 1841, he bought the space from the newspaper and resold it to advertisers and newspapers paid him commission

Advertisement is paid for for photos and sound and music and publicity is free of cost, but now a days in India publicity is also paid for
example is
if producer or director fear that his movie will fail, he will suffer loss , then he will make a phone call to political or social organization and order a riot regarding that movie, so people rush to watch that movie thinking there is adult shot or sensational dialogues.
Later those producers and directors directly or indirectly pay to that organization by giving gifts of happy birthday or giving advertisements in their newspapers or arranging them foreign trips.

My request is be intelligent if Producer of Movie do not go to High court for Justice
then please do not watch that movie , be intelligent and understand that it is publicity stunt.
You will not die if u do not watch one movie.

As per my view advertisement is nothing but a trick to make you aware about something and then make you purchase that thing. The thing may or may not be good for your family.
This does not apply to social service message like reduce population and use condoms.

in France, children are not permitted to endorse products. Children’s products are advertised on TV; nor would there be any child actor to promote the product.
There would not be any singing or speaking that was endorsed by children. Adults may do the promotion.

In India we have rules regarding only sexual activities not allowed On television
and activities which political parties do not like.

Regarding this our judiciary is also same I think.
When movie is passed by Censor Board of India, then how can the act done by Rakhi Sawant or any movie artist in a movie becomes vulgar and court sends her a warrant.

The case should be filed against Censor board not female artist Rakhi or Mamta or Madhuri.

In America they got the Television channels which are free and do not have advertisements.
There is a public service channel, PBS (Public Broadcasting System) wholly free of commercials, besides other pay TV channels without advertising.

In India we are so uneducated that we pay extra for watching television channels, but Indians are not ready to talk,discuss or demand
Pay Television equals to no advertisements.
About Government I have no hope.

Just Hope one day party like MNS will write the letter to television channels then if do not obey then beat the people and then we can watch the advertisement free television channels.

Do you think in India it is possible that good law will be passed and then properly implemented ?

But this happens when political parties like MNS go on road and beat the concern people.
Reason is people have no hope from judiciary.
This is not good for India.
Hope One day judiciary will issue the arrest warrant against top most Indian executive for non performance or corruption or to be mum and chup and silent when someone was robbing our motherland and we suffered lakhs, crores of loss.

actually wanted to use word what happened with Phoolan devi.

Phoolan devi was a female who was raped in India.

Reality views by sm -
24 November 2010

Classification of Missiles – Understanding Missiles

Classification of Missiles –
Understanding Missiles

Missiles are classified on the basis of their Type, Launch Mode, Range, Propulsion, Warhead and Guidance Systems.

Mainly there are 2 types of missiles -

1. Cruise Missile

2. Ballistic Missile

Launch Mode: There are 8 types of missiles
Launch Mode can be defined as how and in which way the Missile will be fired

1. Surface-to-Surface Missile

2. Surface-to-Air Missile

3. Surface (Coast)-to-Sea Missile

4. Air-to-Air Missile

5. Air-to-Surface Missile

6. Sea-to-Sea Missile

7. Sea-to-Surface (Coast) Missile

8. Anti-Tank Missile

Range: As per Range - there are 4 types of Missiles
Range means how long missile will fly and hit the target, distance.

1. Short Range Missile

2. Medium Range Missile

3. Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile

4. Intercontinental Ballistic Missile

Propulsion: There are 6 types of Missiles as per Propulsion
Propulsion means - The act driving forward or away; the act or process of propelling; as, steam propulsion.

1. Solid Propulsion

2. Liquid Propulsion

3. Hybrid Propulsion

4. Ramjet

5. Scramjet

6. Cryogenic

In simple words Propulsion is a method propelling [ movement ] an object forward and maintaining its motion.
Here in this case it is a missile.
The word is derived from two Latin words: pro meaning before or forwards
and pellere meaning to drive.

Propulsion means to push forward or drive an object forward.
A propulsion system is a machine that produces thrust to push an object forward.
On airplanes, thrust is usually generated through some application of Newton's third law of action and reaction.
A gas, or working fluid, is accelerated by the engine, and the reaction to this acceleration produces a force on the engine.

Warhead: There are 2 types of warhead
1. Conventional
2. Strategic

warhead means - That part of a missile, projectile, torpedo, rocket, or other munition which contains either the nuclear or thermonuclear system, high explosive system, chemical or biological agents, or inert materials intended to inflict damage.
warhead - the front part of a guided missile or rocket or torpedo that carries the nuclear or explosive charge or the chemical or biological agents

Guidance Systems: As per Guidance there are 8 types

1. Wire Guidance

2. Command Guidance

3. Terrain Comparison Guidance

4. Terrestrial Guidance

5. Inertial Guidance

6. Beam Rider Guidance

7. Laser Guidance

8. RF and GPS Reference

The Guidance system is that part of a missile which decides when, and by how much, the control system must change the trajectory of the missile.

A system which evaluates flight information, correlates it with target data, determines the desired flight path of a missile, and communicates the necessary commands to the missile flight control system.

Reality views by sm -
23 November 2010

Continued -
In Next part I will explain each type in more details.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Know About B.S. Yediyurappa, Chief Minister of Karnataka – Famed for land scam -

Know About B.S. Yediyurappa, Chief Minister of Karnataka
– Famed for land scam -

Name - Bookanakere Siddalingappa Yeddyurappa

Date of Birth - 27.02.1943

Place of Birth - Bookanakere,K.R. Pet Taluk Mandya District

Father's Name : Siddalingappa

Mother's Name : Smt. Puttathayamma

Wife's Name : Smt. Maithra Devi

Children :
Two Sons - B. Y. Raghavendra - Vijayendra
Three Daughters – Arunadevi,Padmavati,Umadevi

Educational Qualification : B.A. And he got, conferred a doctorate degree “Doctor of Laws” by the Saginaw State University, Michigan, U.S .
Reason to give doctorate – Public Service.

Constituency - Shikaripur

Political Party – BJP

Activities -

Functioned as Volunteer, R.S.S. Sheshadripura, Bangalore initially.

During 1972, elected as President, Shikaripura Taluk ]ana Sangha and entered public life.

Functioned as Director and President of Shikaripura Taluk Veerashaiva Society from 1974 to 1976.

Became Secretary of the Janatha Party during 1977

Political Positions Held -

Elected as Municipal Councilor on 16th August 1975.

Elected as President, Shikaripur Municipal Council, on 1 3th February 1977.

Elected as President, B.J.P. Shikaripur Taluk during 1980.

Served as Shimoga District B.J.P. President from 1985 to 1988.

Elected to Karnataka legislative Assembly in 1985 defeating Sri Madegowda Patil of the Congress.

Functioned as Karnataka State B.J.P. President during 1988.

Elected to Karnataka legislative Assembly for the 3rd time in 1989 defeating Shri Nagarada Mahadevappa, a rebel Congress candidate.

Functioned as Secretary, All India B.J.P. during 1992.

Elected to Karnataka legislative Assembly for the 4th time during 1994 and functioned as the Opposition leader in Karnataka legislative Assembly.

Became the State B.J.P. President for the 2nd time during 1998-99.

Led one more Farmers March to Bangalore City from Banavasi.
Successfully fought against the Government and prevented the introduction of the Bill aimed at the eviction of unauthorized cultivators (Late B. Rachaiah as Forest Minister had attempted to introduce the Bill).

Elected to Karnataka Legislative Council in 2000 and remained as M.L.C. till 2004.

Elected to the Karnataka Legislative Assembly for the 5th time in 2004 elections and functioned as the Opposition Leader from May 2004 to January 2006 before becoming the Deputy Chief Minister of Karnataka on 3rd February 2006 in the coalition government led by Chief Minister Shri H.D. Kumaraswamy.

Chief Minister of Karnataka in the coalition government from 12.11.2007 to 19.11.2007

B.S. Yediyurappa and controversies -

It was alleged that his sons B. Y. Raghavendra and Vijayendra, and son-in-law R. N. Sohan Kumar have received Rs 20 crore in a 'murky deal' from a Bellary-based mining firm for selling a six acre plot in a high profile IT park in Bangalore.

Raghavendra, the chief minister's another son B Y Vijendra and his son-in-law Sohan Kumar had Rs 20 crore transferred to their accounts from a mining firm in Toranagallu in Bellary district in August towards the sale of six acres at a tech Park here. Raghavendra received Rs 10 crore, Vijendra and Kumar Rs 5 crore each, Kumaraswamy said.

Raghavendra and his younger brother Vijayendra got huge favours after their father became Karnataka deputy chief minister in 2006.
Going by market rate the brothers are now sitting on land worth Rs 500 crore.

Raghavendra got a Bangalore Development Authority (BDA) plot in the posh RMV extension in Bangalore after he was elected to the Lok Sabha in 2009 under the MP's quota. He paid just Rs 10 lakh but the market value is over Rs 2 crore.

BDA rules say if Raghavendra or his family own property in Bangalore then he is not eligible.
But documents with CNN-IBN clearly show that Raghavendra has lied in an affidavit saying he owns no other property in Bangalore.
He forgot that he already owns a mansion at Manyata in Bangalore.

Yeddyurappa is also accused of favouring his daughter Umadevi in setting up a BPO. She got two acres of land on the outskirts of Bangalore.

There are also allegations of the family members getting over 5 acres of land in their home town Shimoga for a hospital and 2 acres for a factory in Bangalore.
Another 11 acres denotified in favour of his sons in March this year are now worth Rs 181 crore. Interestingly, most of these revelations are coming from Janata Dal (Secular) leader HD Kumaraswamy, who was the chief minister when Yeddyurappa was his deputy.

The Yeddyurappa government in Karnataka has announced a judicial inquiry into the land scam allegedly involving the Chief Minister and his family.

Always learn to ask what are the powers of this judicial committee,
to whom , in how many days report will be given, do they got powers to arrest or file police complaint
Or this is just waste of Indian tax payers money.

What is the use of inquiry if there is no punishment , no time limit regarding inquiry.

Updated on - Sunday, February 06, 2011

Karnataka Chief Minister Yeddyurappa In his affidavit filed in 2008 before the Chief Election Commissioner of Karnataka, Yeddyurappa, declared his total assets at Rs. 1.82 crore.

The break-up of his assets in 2008 is as follows:

1.Cash holdings: Rs. 1.89 lakh
2.Bank deposits: Rs. 8 lakh
3.LIC bonds and shares: Rs. 2.5 lakh
4.Jewellery: Rs. 22 lakh
5.Two cars: Rs. 9.9 lakh
6.Land: 27 acres of agricultural land at Shikaripura worth Rs. 32 lakh
7.Four houses: Rs. 1.05 crore

Total Assets Year 2008 - Rs. 1.82 crore only

Below is the total assests for the year 2011 –

Now 2011 again Karnataka Chief Minister Yeddyurappa declared his assests.

1.Cash and household items worth Rs. 4.38 crore
2.2.5 kilograms of gold worth Rs. 50 lakhs
3.75 kilograms of silver worth nearly Rs. 17 lakhs
4.18 crores of agricultural land in his constituency, Shikaripuram
5.House in Bangalore's posh Raj Mahal Vilas (RMV) Extension
6.Commercial property
7.Bank deposits and shares

Entries No. from 4 to 7 are not evaluated.
The Opposition led by the JD(S) had earlier alleged that the chief minister was worth Rs. 1000 crore.

Suggested Reading -
Know About Yeddyurappa – Chief Minister of Karnataka
Short Autobiography of Chief Minister Yeddyurappa


Below is the photo of CM - B.S. Yediyurappa

Reality views by sm -
Monday,November 22,2010

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Part Two - How Currency Exchange Rate is decided?How Currency exchange rate of Indian Rupee and Dollar is decided?

Part Two - How Currency Exchange Rate is decided?
How Currency exchange rate of Indian Rupee and Dollar is decided?

Suggested Reading -
Part One - How Currency Exchange Rate is decided?
How Currency exchange rate of Indian Rupee and Dollar is decided?


Part Two -

After World War II –
Everything regarding international business changed and very slow America became the No.1 in everything, a Global leader with perfect policies and great intelligence of their politicians.

Bretton Woods system -

Bretton Woods system – regarding international trade and currency,

Bretton Woods system came into existence in year 1944.

This fixed rate system is also known as ‘Bretton Woods system’ or ‘pegged currency’

India also abandoned Fixed Rate system’ in 1975 and moved to the floating rate system.

British proposal of introducing a supranational currency
named as Bancor could not prevail against the interests of the United States, which then at the Bretton Woods conference established the U.S. dollars as world key currency.

That time U.S. dollar was the currency with the most purchasing power and it was the only currency that was backed by gold
Fixed Rate was –
Dollar to gold at the rate of $35 per ounce of gold.

After World war II European nations and United Kingdom required help and American government provided it.
When we take loan or benefits from other nation , we have to indirectly accept the wish of giver.
The government can not go against the wishes of loan giver country.

United States signed an agreement on December 6, 1945 to grant Britain aid of $4.4 billion after that British Parliament ratified the Bretton Woods Agreements (which occurred later in December 1945)

1945 – France took loan from the USA.

730 delegates from all 44 Allied nations gathered at the Mount Washington Hotel in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, United States, for the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference.

The delegates deliberated upon and signed the Bretton Woods Agreements during the first three weeks of July 1944.

Why the Bretton woods system was created ?
What was the Role of the Bretton woods system in world trade ?

To regulate the international monetary system, the planners at Bretton Woods established the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), which today is part of the World Bank Group.

Under this system each country adopted a monetary policy that maintained the exchange rate of its currency within a fixed value—plus or minus one percent—in terms of gold and the ability of the IMF to bridge temporary imbalances of payments.

To promote the growth of world trade and to finance the postwar reconstruction of Europe, the planners at Bretton Woods created another institution, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), World Bank

After this dollar American Dollar became trustworthy like the Gold, and dollar gave interest also.
So majority countries started to keep reserve of American dollar, dollar became the international trade currency.

Power of USA – and Problems of USA - Up to year 1970
Gold was guaranteed in exchange of dollar by government of America.

U.S. produced half of the world's manufactured goods and holding half its reserves but later this became problematic for USA as gold was guaranteed in exchange of dollar .

After world war two honest nations started to work hard towards developing their nations and very slowly japan, France and Russia started to compete with America

But after 1970 other nations started to lose the faith in the Dollar and started to demand gold in exchange of dollar.

U.S. President Richard Nixon changed the History – for the Benefit of America and to save American economy -

Today India needs a leader and Prime Minister like American President Richard Nixon who can take strict policy changing decisions for the benefit of India.

We can say that policies of President Richard Nixon took the world towards floating currency exchange

On 9 August 1971, as the dollar dropped in value against European currencies, Switzerland withdrew the Swiss franc from the Bretton Woods system.

On August 15, 1971, the United States declared that dollar will not be directly converted into Gold.
Will be available in open market only and thus Floating exchange rate system started.
1971 it reached $44.20/ounce,
1972 $70.30/ounce
1973 $44/ounce

Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) are international foreign exchange reserve assets created in year 1969 by IMF
SDR is used as a unit of account and is sometimes referred to as a "quasi currency".

Special Drawing Rights are allocated to nations by the IMF.
The SDR interest rate is determined weekly and is related with debt also.

In 1969 one SDR was defined as having a value of 0.888671 grams of gold, the value of one US dollar

Today SDR is a basket of Japanese Yen, US Dollars, British Pounds and Euro
And the proportion each of these four currencies contributes to the nominal value of a SDR
SDR is reevaluated every five years.

The IMF fixes daily the value of one SDR in terms of US dollars

March 2009 Zhou Xiaochuan, governor of the People's Bank of China, proposed using Special Drawing Rights as a worldwide reserve currency in place of the US dollar

In India currently we are using demand and supply based system as well as our central bank RBI also controls the price.This depends on our SDR and gold stock also.

Currently demand and supply is also decided by foreign exchange market –
That is also known as or called as FX market or currency market.

I am sure you know about the share market –
Share market is a place where we sell and buy shares of the companies.

Same way in short currency or FX, Currency market is the place where currencies of the nations are bought, sold and speculated.

When we buy oil from Iran or Iraq what happens?
They demand payment in Dollars, so we need to give those dollars or gold.
Or go to forex, currency market and purchase the dollars or get the loan from America or world bank or from other nation to pay for the goods which India imports from other nations.

This is reason each nation has to keep the stock of gold as well as dollars,
More the stock of gold and American dollar,
More the respect that nation enjoys.

Thus currency keeps changing as per the demand and supply and trade in currency market.

Currently china has saved, purchased lot of American dollars by purchasing American government bonds
this is reason America has to respect china and their leaders talk one to one.

Regarding our Indian currency value one has to consider Indian loans, Spending, RBI policies , government policies and spending.
Only after we can understand how the rate is fixed.

In short we must understand nothing comes free, our politicians do the corruption and become rich, our rich people do the corruption and become rich and
we lower class Indians pay all those debt and loans by staying and living life in a gutter.

Demand and supply, loans, debt = equal currency rate.

The topic is very difficult to explain hope you got the idea regarding how the currency exchange rate is fixed.

Reality views by sm –
20th November 2010

Friday, November 19, 2010

Part One - How Currency Exchange Rate is decided? How Currency exchange rate of Indian Rupee and Dollar is decided?

Part One - How Currency Exchange Rate is decided?
How Currency exchange rate of Indian Rupee and Dollar is decided?

Currently One American Dollar is equal to 40 to 44 Indian Rupees.
This exchange rate keeps changing daily; this exchange rate is not fixed.

How this ratio is fixed. How the value of the currency is decided.
Why Currency rate keeps changing ?

To understand this one has to understand how the dollar became important in world trade?
History of world trade after World War II and international market and financial markets system.

This is decided as per the rule of demand and supply and which currency is trustworthy and which currency is globally accepted by everyone.

The Indian rupee has a market determined exchange rate.
However, the RBI trades actively in the USD/INR currency market to impact effective exchange rates.

The rupee currency is not pegged to any particular foreign currency at a specific exchange rate.
The RBI intervenes in the currency markets to maintain low volatility in exchange rates and remove excess liquidity from the economy.

As per my Reading and Understanding RBI or government of India is not trying and is not interested in making 1 dollar = 1 Indian Rupee and 1 Euro = 1 Pound = 1 Indian Rupee.

Because of corruption, war and wrong policies of our Indian government,
Indian currency was devalued few times between 1960 and 1990.

In International Market when business is done
in advance it is fixed that how one nation will pay the another nation
example - payments will be done in American dollar or gold or currency of one nation.

Thus the demand for currency is created.

All the countries do business with each other, thus every country has to think about future payments while doing business, and how and which which form of currency will be required to do future business

This way the demand for particular currency is created and that currency rules ,
one has to pay more to get that currency as that currency is more trustworthy, has more demand.

If more countries want to use the Indian Rupee when they sell something to other nations
then value of the Indian Rupee will increase and value of the Dollar will decrease.

This is the principal of demand and supply, more the demand for currency more the value for currency.

Now a days majority nations follow the principal of demand and supply based exchange rate system.

Only few nations like china fix there own rate,
showing that china is the next super power, a country which is challenging the global position of America as the No. 1 country in the world.
Somewhat china got success also and is moving towards to become No.1 , it will all depend on American politicians and their intelligence.

History of Exchange Rate in Short -

In following ways from ancient times the payment system kept changing.
Methods of Buying and selling of Goods , services National as well as international

Barter system
Barter system and silver-based
Barter system, silver-based and gold based
silver-based and gold based,
silver-based , gold based and introduction of paper notes,
gold based and paper notes

In beginning international business was done using silver coins or we can say silver-based. But later on Gold became the standard.

Gold exchange standard –

Historically, the Indian rupee was a silver-based currency, while the major economies of the world were following the gold standard.

In the 19th and early 20th centuries gold played a key role in international monetary transactions.

In this system government of one nation agrees with the government of other nations to give gold, paper notes are convertible into pre-set, fixed quantities of gold.

Simple example - is giving for understanding the concept.
34 American dollar equal to 1 kilo gold.
Like this it is fix in advance.

Under this Governments can not pump unlimited money in the hands of citizens.
It all depends on how much gold is in the possession of the nation.
Number or quantity of Printing of notes is decided on
how much gold is possessed by that nation.
Thus central bank has limited function, can not help much to anyone.

But Gold is not available in unlimited quantity.

in 18th and 19th century European, British and American government started to fix standard currency exchange rate regarding international business.

Thus Gold became the standard. As gold is not available unlimited.

Benefit of gold standard is
if any nation has more gold , then that nation dominated the international business.
But this is not good for inventions, without money spending inventions are not possible.

Under this standard the power of politicians and government is limited as everything depends on how much gold is in the possession of nation.
So it becomes very difficult for any nation to take risks regarding any business or spending towards research and finding new medicines or innovations.
Thus in one way we can say politicians as well as government becomes somewhat powerless.

The current global monetary system relies on the U.S. dollar as a reserve currency by which major transactions, such as the price of gold itself, are measured

Every nation keeps reserve currency.
A reserve currency, or anchor currency is a currency which is used by the government for the international transactions that is business related activities.
For doing international business this reserve currency is used by the government, not their own currency.

Example –
When India purchases Oil from Arab Nations India pays them in American dollar.
When India purchase arms from other nations we pay them in dollars and not in Indian currency.

As Indian currency is not globally accepted.

What is devaluation?

Devaluation means -

1 dollar = 4 Indian Rupees

When Indian rupee gets devalued this ratio changes and

1 Dollar equals to 7 Indian Rupees
with wrong policies of politicians this ratio and gap keeps increasing.

Effect of devaluation-
Devaluation means value of currency is decreased comparing to other currency or say gold.

When devaluation of currency happens -
country can sell more but the purchasing capacity is reduced ,is less,
this is reason government needs to keep the policy of never to devalue the currency without proper planning and intelligence.

Export Business = Selling goods or something to other nations
Import Business = Purchasing goods from other nations by paying cash or gold.

Which class of people benefit in export and import business ?
only rich people of the nation benefit in the export and import business.

Fix rate system is good for everyone; even in this global world the time has come to introduce the global one currency.

Continued -
Suggested Reading -

Part Two - How Currency Exchange Rate is decided?How Currency exchange rate of Indian Rupee and Dollar is decided?


Reality views by sm -
20 Saturday 2010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Adarsh Society scam – CBI will Question the Former Chief Minister – Ashok Chavan and 103 members -

Adarsh Society scam – CBI will Question the Former Chief Minister –
Ashok Chavan and 103 members -

CBI will question all the 103 members of the Adarsh housing society
The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is likely to question former Maharashtra Chief Minister Ashok Chavan in connection with the Adarsh Housing Society scam.

The CBI's preliminary inquiry found that the land belongs to the defence.

The CBI, which had on November 15 registered a Preliminary Enquiry (PE) in the scam

CBI officials on Nov 16 met Maharashtra chief secretary JP Dange and asked him to submit all essential documents and papers regarding the housing scam as soon as possible.

Still CBI has not filed the First Information Report in this scam.
This will happen only after filing of FIR.

In Next 1 or 2 weeks it is expected that CBI will file the FIR regarding this scam.

The FIR would be against personnel from the defence and state government (Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA) and The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC).

As per media reports CBI would examine whether Ashok Chavan signed a letter recommending 40 per cent allotment of flats to civilians in the Adarsh Housing Society. When he was Revenue Minister.
Also, if the occupancy certificate (OC) was issued to the society when he was the Chief Minister.

The CBI would also question Chavan on the flats owned in the society by his mother- in-law, sister- in- law and one more relative, on whether he knew about the purchase deals and if he was aware of the correspondence they had with the society.

These members would be questioned on the income tax details submitted by them while purchasing flats, on when and how they bought them and on their correspondence with the society and departments of the state government

Timeline what and when each Chief Minister of Maharashtra did regarding Adarsh housing society scam –

CM Narayan Rane -
1999: Adarsh society proposal received, he asks for it to be looked into

Revenue Minister Ashok Chavan -
2000: recommended 40 per cent civilian allotment

CM Vilasrao Deshmukh
2002: Land located by reducing public road
2003: Letter of intent issued

CM Sushil Kumar Shinde
2003: Dubious CRZ clearance for project
2004: Land allotted to project
2004: Flat-owners increased by 51

CM Vilasrao Deshmukh
2005: Building height increased
2005: Building permission given

CM Ashok Chavan - 2010: Building given occupation certificate

Updated on - Saturday, November 27, 2010

Adarsh Society scam -
4 important documents related with Adarsh Society scam got stolen and A case of theft has been registered and an investigation into the theft is on.
These files were in possession of Urban Development Department in Mumbai.

Central Bureau of Investigation found page numbers 15, 27, 99 and 279 of the file missing and notified the Urban Development Department.

The CBI had received a copy of the file for their probe into the controversy-hit society.

The Urban Development Department then lodged complaint of papers being stolen.

Missing pages contain following -

1.Signatures of 2 ex-Chief Ministers and senior officials
2.Environmental clearance given by the Urban Development Department
3.Clearance to reduce road width
4.Clearance for the building to encroach on road space
5.Clearance for construction of additional floors
source - NDTV

Reality views by sm –
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Last Part 3 – understand the CAG Report on 2G Spectrum Scam in depth don’t Forget it’s your money Scam Amount 1.76 lakh crores

Final Part Three – understand the [Comptroller and Auditor General of India]
CAG Report on 2G Spectrum Scam in depth don’t Forget it’s your money Scam Amount 1.76 lakh crores

1.Azare Properties Limited and Unitech Infrastructures Private Limited (Brand name Uninor) also misrepresented the altered MOA/AOA as the original MOA/AOA along with their applications to the DoT.
Further they suppressed the fact that alterations had not been registered by the ROC as yet on the date of submission of their application.

The ROC while certifying the alteration of the main object clauses in the MOA/AOA of these companies on 9th and 5th October 2007 respectively had also directed that the certificate was subject to the change of name of the Company.

The directive of the ROC was complied with only in May 2008 and thus the alteration of the MOA of these Companies became effective in May 2008 only.

As a result thereof, the MOA of these companies did not permit them to operate in the telecom sector on the date of application i.e. 24 September 2007.

Hence, they were also ineligible for the grant of UAS licenses.
Further, the submission of the altered MOA/AOA of the Companies as the original MOA/AOA along with their applications to the DoT without full disclosure of the alteration of the main object clause in the MOA/AOA and their non registration by the ROC was of the nature of a fraudulent act of these two companies for obtaining the UAS licenses for 2 service areas by misleading the DOT

2. Allianz Infratech Private Limited (Merged with Etisalat DB Telecom Private Limited), in their applications to the DoT on 5 September 2007 submitted the MOA/AOA of the company, which didn't include the telecom sector in their main object clause.

Hence the application should have been rejected forthwith. Even the alteration in the main object clause of the MOA of the Company was certified by the ROC on 26 October 2007 only.

Thus they were also not eligible for grant of UAS licence on the date of submission of their application in September 2007.

3. Computer Software Company also misrepresented facts - Shipping Stop Dot Com (India) Private Limited (later on changed to Loop Telecom Private Limited) also submitted their applications for grant of UAS licenses for 21 service areas on 3 September 2007 to the DoT without disclosing the fact of non registration of alteration of the main object clauses in the MOA/AOA with the ROC as on the date of the application.

The company had changed the main object clauses in their MOA/AOA so as to include the telecom sector in their MOA/AOA but these alterations were registered by the ROC on 28 September 2007 only.

Thus they were also not eligible for grant of UAS licence on the date of submission of their application in September 2007.
Further, the submission of the altered MOA of the Company by the Loop Telecom Private Limited suppressing the fact of non registration of the alterations in the main object clause of their MOA/AOA by the ROC on the date of application was also in the nature of a fraudulent act with the intention of fulfilling the eligibility criterion prescribed for UAS licenses.

4. 13 Applicant Companies, which had applied for 123 UAS licenses and were granted 85 UAS licenses, did not have the requisite authorized share capital on the date of submission of the applications.

5. Hence the question of their meeting the eligibility criterion of the Paid up capital as on the date of application did not arise.

6. Of these, eight applicants* belonging to Unitech Group (Brand name Uninor) had been incorporated in August-September 2007 with an authorized share capital of Rs 5 lakh each.

All these eight companies passed the special resolutions for increase in the authorized share capital between 2 PM to 5 PM on 20 September 2007 in the extra-ordinary general meetings of the respective companies and deposited the requisite stamp duties on 3 October 2007 for increase in the authorized share capital.

After they submitted the requisite applications along with the proof of payment of stamp duties on 5 October 2007, the certificate of the registration of the increase in the authorized share capital was issued by the ROC only on 8/11 October 2007.

Thus the claim of the higher paid up capital of these companies on the date of submission i.e. 24 September and the supporting certificates of the company secretaries of these companies submitted along with their applications was false and fictitious.

7. Another Company Allianz Infratech Private Limited, in their applications to the DoT on 5 September 2007 claimed the paid up capital of Rs. 10 crore as on the date of application.

Scrutiny of records by Audit revealed that the paid up share capital of this company as on the date of application was Rs. 5 lakh only.

Though they claimed that they had increased the authorised share capital to ` 10 crore through the special resolution on 1 September 2007 in the extra-ordinary general meetings of the company, verification of the records revealed that they deposited the requisite stamp duties for enhancement in the authorised share capital on 24 December 2007 and Form No 5 along with other papers with the ROC on 27 December 2007 only for registration of increase in the authorised share capital of the company.

They also violated the provisions of the Section 18 (1) of the Companies Act which provides that a certified copy of the order confirming the alterations in the MOA/AOA shall be filed by the Company within three months from the date of the resolution with the ROC. Hence their claim of the paid up capital of ` 10 crore as on 5 September 2007 was false, fictitious and without any basis.

8. Shipping Stop Dot Com (India) Private Limited (later on changed to Loop Telecom Private Limited) also made a patently false claim of the paid up capital of Rs. 130.65 crore through their company secretary V V Chakradeo & Deo while submitting their applications for grant of UAS licenses for 21 service areas on 3 September 2007 to the DoT.

Audit found that the Company had deposited the statutory stamp duties of Rs. 18.87 lakh for increase in the authorised share capital from Rs. 5.20 Crore to Rs. 131 crore on 25 September 2007 and submitted the form 5 along with the proof of payment of stamp duty on 24 October 2007 to the ROC Delhi for registering the increase in the authorised share capital to Rs. 131 crore. The question regarding any increase in the paid up capital beyond Rs. 5.20 crore could therefore arise on or after 24 October 2007 only.

Thus the certificate given by the Company for the claim of the paid up capital of Rs. 130.65 crore through their company secretary V V Chakradeo & Deo at the time of submission of application for UAS licence was a fictitious document submitted to the DoT with a malafide intention to secure the UAS licence.

9. Datacom Solutions Private Limited (later changed to Videocon Telecommunications Limited) while submitting their application for the grant of 22 UAS licenses on 28 August 2007 made a false claim of the paid up capital of Rs. 150 crore through their company secretary although the MOA and AOA attached with the applications indicated that the authorised share capital of the company as Rs. 1.00 lakh only.

Since the requirement of the requisite amount of the paid up capital was an important eligibility criterion, their applications ought to have been rejected forthwith.

However, on 27 November 2007, the company suo-motto submitted a so-called “correct” version of MOA/AOA as on 28 August 2007 stating that they had submitted an old version of MOA/AOA inadvertently along with the application.

The new version of MOA/AOA claimed to have increased the authorised share capital from Rs. 1.00 lakh to Rs. 150 crore through an ordinary resolution passed in the extra-ordinary general meeting on 27 August 2007 i.e. the day preceding the date of submission of applications by the Company.

Since there is a procedure prescribed in the Companies Act for effecting increase in the authorised share capital of a company, the Company could under no circumstances have a paid up capital of Rs. 150 crore on 28 August 2007 and hence the certificate furnished by the Company Secretary of the Company appeared to be false.

The DoT failed miserably to do any due diligence in the examination of claims of the company even when the Company claimed to have passed the resolution enhancing the authorised share capital on the preceding day of the date of application of the applicant company.

10. S Tel Private Limited, a company incorporated on 19 June 2007 with an authorised share capital of Rs 10 lakh, applied for 6 UAS licenses on 7 July 2007 claiming the paid up capital of Rs. 18 crore on the basis of increase in the authorised share capital through a special resolution in the extra ordinary general meeting on 2 July 2007.

Audit found that the company submitted the request to the ROC for registering the resolution only on 3 August 2007.

Hence the question of the paid capital of Rs.18 crore on the date of application did not arise when the ROC had not even registered the special resolution approving the increase in the authorised shares capital as of 3 August 2007. Thus S Tel was ineligible to get the 6 UAS licenses from DOT.

11. Swan Telecom Private Limited (changed to Etisalat DB Telecom Private Limited) applied for grant of UAS licence in 13 service area in March 2007.

In compliance to substantial equity clause the applicant declared from the declaration of the Company for UAS licence, it was evident that at the time of applying for UASL, the equity stakes of Reliance Telecom Ltd in Swan Telecom Private Limited was 10.71%. Since Reliance Telecom Ltd were operating in all the service areas for which Swan Telecom Limited had applied for UASL, the application of Swan Telecom Private Limited was not in conformity with the UASL Guidelines, and hence was not eligible to be considered.

The DoT did not have any mechanism to verify the correctness of the share holding pattern of the applicant and hence the matter should have been referred to the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MoCA) as was advised by the Finance Wing of the Department.

No reference, however, was made to the MoCA and instead Swan Telecom was given an opportunity to resubmit a revised stake holding pattern in December 2007 i.e. 9 months after their date of application which declared that Reliance Telecom Limited had divested their entire stakes.

This was accepted by the DoT and Swan Telecom Private Limited was given the benefit of seniority from the date of their initial application i.e. March 2007.

As Swan Telecom did not meet the eligibility criteria on the date of application, its application should have been rejected by the DoT and the company should have been directed to apply afresh.

Even if it was to be considered eligible on the basis of its old application, the date of priority based on FCFS basis should have been revised from March 2007 to December 2007 in order to ensure fairness.

Had it been so, the company would have been out of the race as the department processed only those applications which were received up to 25.09.2007. if the stake of RTL was considered less than 10%, then the application of Swan Telecom would have been liable to be rejected on the grounds of non-fulfillment of the requirement of the net-worth as the Swan Telecom had claimed the net-worth of the applicant company only on the strength of the RTL (` 314.7 crore ) with the contribution of the major share-holder ( Tigers Traders Private Limited) being ` 1 lakh in their application on 2 March 2007

Audit further found that the basic claim of the paid up capital of ` 110 crore by Swan Telecom Private Limited itself was false as the authorised share capital of the company as on the date of application i.e. 2 March 2007 was ` 4 crore only.

The company had passed a special resolution on the preceding day i.e. 1 March 2007 to increase the authorised share capital from ` 4 crore to ` 125 crore but deposited the statutory stamp duties and submitted the Form 5 to the ROC, Mumbai on 14 March 2007 only for registration of the increase in the authorised share capital of the company.

Only after the registration of the resolution of the Company by the ROC, the increase in the authorised share capital would have come into effect. The question of the increase in the paid up capital would have arisen thereafter only.

Thus the paid up capital of Swan Telecom Pvt. Ltd. was ` 4 crore on the date of application i.e.2 March 2007 and hence they were ineligible on both account i.e. non-fulfillment of the requirement of the net worth as well as paid up capital for grant of UAS licenses for 13 service areas on the date of application if the reply of the DoT is accepted

12. Audit also found that the email ID of the corporate as well as registered office of the Swan Telecom Private Limited in their application dated 2 March 2007 was shown as hari.nair@relianceada.com. The same email ID (hari.nair@ relianceada.com) also was given for the correspondence address and the authorised contact person of the applicant company.

Though the Company Secretary Hari Nair had given a certificatewhile applying for a UAS licence for J&K Service Area in January 2007 that the Tigers Traders Private Limited held the shares of Swan (then Swan Capital private Limited) as trustees of Indian Telecom Infrastructure fund and these corporate beneficiaries are not part of Reliance ADA Group and neither Shri Anil Ambani nor his family or Reliance ADA Group companies holds any shares in these companies, holding of NCRPS of `1 at a premium of `999 by the RTL in Swan Telecom, a newly incorporated company with no fixed assets (The total equity/ stakes of RTL in the Swan Telecom was of `1002.79 crore as against equity holding of `98.22 crore by the majority share-holder-Tiger Traders Private Ltd.) raises doubts about the intention of the RTL and the control it would exercise in a new company incorporated barely few months ago.

Hence the application of such company to enter telecom sector goes against the intent and spirit behind the UAS guidelines, which state that “A promoter company/ legal person cannot have stakes in more than one Licensee Company for the same service area.

No single company/ legal person, either directly or through its associates, shall have substantial equity holding in more than one Licensee Company in the same service area for the Access Services namely; Basic, Cellular and Unified Access Service. 'Substantial Equity' was defined as equity of 10% or more.”

Thus it would therefore appear that Swan Telecom Private Limited while applying for the UAS licenses in 13 Service Areas was acting as a front company on the behalf of RTL and their application was in effect against the intent and spirit of the UAS licensing guidelines

13. Spectrum under dual technology was allotted to HFCL Infotel Ltd. in Punjab only in September 2008 and Shyam Telelink Ltd.in Rajasthan in December 2008 though these companies also applied for spectrum under dual technology along with Reliance Communications Limited in 2006.

In Delhi service area, Reliance was allocated GSM spectrum in January 2008 while Datacom Solutions Pvt. Ltd, Unitech Wireless Ltd, Spice Communications Ltd, Loop Telecom Pvt. Ltd. and Tata Teleservices Ltd. were not allocated GSM spectrum till September 2010.

14. It was noted that the priority list was adjusted in Punjab, and Maharashtra service areas to give undue advantage to Swan Telecom Pvt. Ltd in allocation of spectrum.

In Punjab service area, 15 MHz GSM spectrum was available in September 2008 which was sufficient to meet the demand of only first three applicants in the priority list i.e. HFCL, Idea Cellular Ltd and Unitech Wireless Pvt. Ltd.

The request of Idea Cellular Ltd who was at the second place in the priority list was, however, not considered on the grounds of its proposed merger with Spice Communications Ltd who were offering service in Punjab service area. By keeping out Idea Cellular Ltd from the priority list, spectrum was allocated to Swan Telecom Pvt. Ltd who was at the 4th position on the priority list.

In identical situation in Maharashtra service area, Spice Communications Ltd was not allocated start-up spectrum citing its proposed merger with Idea Cellular Ltd. Here too, the resultant beneficiary was Swan Telecom Pvt. Ltd.

15. As per DoT guidelines on merger of licenses in a service area, the post merger licensee shall be entitled to the total amount of spectrum held by the merging licensees, subject to the condition that after merger, licensee shall meet, within a period of 3 months from the date of approval of merger by the licensor,
The prevailing spectrum allocation criterion. Hence, non allotment of spectrum to Idea Cellular Ltd and Spice Communications Ltd on the grounds of merger was against the DoT guidelines on the issue. Flouting the rules on both occasions by the DoT benefited Swan Telecom Pvt. Ltd.

16. It was noticed in audit that 9 operators as per the details in the box, were allotted spectrum beyond the upper limit laid down in the UASL agreement.

Thus while the DoT, on one hand, was not processing pending applications for licence due to non availability of spectrum, on the other hand it was allotting spectrum to existing operators beyond the contracted limit without any upfront charges being imposed or without determination of market price of spectrum.

17. TRAI also recommended in May 2010 for charging the additional spectrum held by operators beyond the licensed quantity which is under consideration of the Government.

In the event of these recommendations being accepted, the additional flow of revenue to the Government would come to Rs. 36,993 crore.

18. Out of 122 UAS Licences awarded in 2008, 85 Licences were awarded to the six new entrants (Unitech brand name Uninor, Swan name changed to Etisalat, Allianz since merged with Etisalat, Shipping Stop Dot Com name changed to Loop Telecom, Datacom name changed to Videocon and S Tel) to the telecom sector .

As per the conditions of the UAS Licenses, these licensees were required to roll out the services in the 90 % service area in Metros and 10% District headquarters (DHQ) in other service areas within 12 months of the date of award of Licences.

Audit found that though these 6 new operators obtained the initial 4.4 MHz spectrum in 81 service areas during the period April 2008 to January 2009, none of them had rolled out their services as per the provisions of the UAS Licences in any service area till 31 December 2009.

Since there were many existing telecom UAS Licensees in dire need of this scarce natural resource, it resulted effectively into hoarding of the finite natural resources of the Nation by these operators.

Thus DOT did not earn any revenue from this natural resource during 2008-09 and 2009-10 due to inordinate delay in the commencement of services by these operators.

Further, DoT also failed to recover Liquated Damages and penalty of Rs. 679 crore from these 6 operators for inordinate delay in the rolling out their services till 31 December 2009.

19. Auction of 3G spectrum was recommended by TRAI in its Report submitted to Government in September 2006 in which they had recommended a Reserve Price for one block of 2x5 MHz 3G spectrum pan India at Rs. 1010 crore which was subsequently enhanced to Rs. 3500 crore by the EGoM constituted to consider the issues relating to auction of 3G spectrum.

TRAI in its report of 2010 has observed that 2G services today are actually offering 2.75G services. Therefore “while comparing spectral efficiency and other factors, it is fair to compare existing 2.75G systems with 3G systems”.

20. The fact also remains that the Government got Rs. 1.03 lakh crore from the auction of 3G and BWA spectrum against their own estimate of ` 35,000 crore

21. 122 licenses and 35 dual technology approvals issued in 2008 could have earned the revenue ranging from` 58,000 crore to ` 68,000 crore to the Government against the actual revenues of ` 12,386 crore earned by them.

22. The entire process of allocation of UAS licences lacked transparency and was undertaken in an arbitrary, unfair and inequitable manner .

23. the Department of Telecommunications, in 2008, proceeded to issue 122 new licences for 2G spectrum at 2001 prices, by flouting every cannon of financial propriety, rules and procedures.

The DoT did not follow its own guidelines on eligibility conditions, arbitrarily changed the cut off date for receipt of applications post facto and altered the conditions of the FCFS procedure at crucial junctures without valid and cogent reasons, which gave unfair advantage to certain companies over others.

24. The Department of Telecommunications also did not do the requisite due diligence in the examination of the applications submitted for the UAS licenses, leading to the grant of 85 out of 122 UAS licences to ineligible applicants.

These companies, created barely months ago, deliberately suppressed facts, disclosed incomplete information, submitted fictitious documents and used fraudulent means for getting UAS licences and thereby access to spectrum.

Owners of these licences, obtained at unbelievably low price, have in turn sold significant stakes in their companies to the Indian/foreign companies at high premium within a short period of time.

The premium earned by these new entrants to the telecom sector was nothing but the true value of the spectrum, which should have normally accrued to the public exchequer, had the transparent and fair market mechanism been followed for the allocation of UAS licences

25. Dual Technology was also introduced by the DoT in October 2007 in a hasty and arbitrary manner and in-principle approval was given to 3 operators on a day prior to the announcement of the policy, which gave the perception of discrimination against other players in the field. Further this decision was in contravention of the Cabinet decision of 2003, resulting in additional spectrum being allotted to certain operators at 2001 price.

26. The fact that there has been loss to the national exchequer in the allocation of 2G spectrum cannot be denied. However, the amount of loss could be debated. To ensure that such lapses do not occur in any Ministry or Department of the Government, there is an imperative need to fix responsibility and enforce accountability for the lapses highlighted in the Audit Report.

End of the CAG Report .

Update –
The Supreme Court pulled up Prime Minister Manmohan Singh for delay in taking action on a complaint against former telecom minister A Raja in the 2G spectrum scam.

The apex court questioned the lengthy delay in taking a decision pointing out that the Prime Minister's Office responded 11 months after Janata Party President Subramaniam Swamy filed a complaint and sought sanction for the prosecution of Raja.

A Bench comprising justices GS Singhvi and A K Ganguly said that "the alleged inaction and silence is worrying us
Can the sanctioning authority (Prime Minister) sit on the complaint?"

Though Swamy had sought sanction from the PM seeking for Raja's prosecution under the Prevention of Corruption Act in November 29, 2008, he got reply only after 15 months in March 2010.

The court expressed dissatisfaction over the language used by the PMO in its reply to the Swamy's plea that
The CBI was investigating the case and so it was not appropriate to consider giving sanction then.

Justice Singhvi also said Subramanium should also give response to Swamy's allegations that in spite of Anil Ambani's Reliance Communication holding beyond the stipulated 10% stake in Swan Telecom why was it given licence at a throw away prices.

An SC bench comprising Justices G S Singhvi and A K Ganguly hearing the 2G spectrum case asked solicitor general Gopal Subramaniam to examine relevant files before giving his response on Thursday on why it took the government a month short of a year to tell Swamy that prosecution would be "premature" at this stage.

But the bench left little room for confusion. It put its question based on dates and facts — Swamy had filed a petition before the PM on November 29, 2008 seeking sanction to prosecute Raja; CBI had lodged an FIR on October 21, 2009 against "unknown persons"; and the response to Swamy's petition came on March 19, 2010, from the secretary in the department of personnel and training (DoPT) on behalf of the PMO saying the petition was "premature".

"What happened between November 29, 2008 and October 21, 2010?" the bench wanted to know, adding, "We take it that the sanctioning authority was right in awaiting the outcome of a pending inquiry to defer a decision on a private petition seeking sanction to prosecute a minister.

But why was the authority silent for 11 months preceding the lodging of the FIR."

In view of these questions, the bench had felt it would be proper to issue notice to the government and ask for a response to Swamy's charge of "total inaction and silence" against the sanctioning authority.

"The three months time for grant of sanction laid by the SC is clear for fair and good governance,"

"The court has said clearly that the Prime Minister must answer whether there was a delay in acting against Raja," said Swamy.

As per the law it is possible that the license of the companies who got 2G spectrum can be terminated.
Thus the time has come to show the strictness , honesty and terminate the licence,
File the police complaint , first information report regarding forging of documents. Cheating etc.

Everything is possible , but we are afraid .
Even big shots fear to name the Ministers who demand bribe of 15 crores.

Reality views by sm –
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Suggested Reading –

Part One – understand the [ Comptroller and Auditor General of India ]
CAG Report on 2G Spectrum Scam in depth don’t Forget it’s your money Scam Amount 1.76 lakh crores


Part Two – understand the [Comptroller and Auditor General of India]
CAG Report on 2G Spectrum Scam in depth don’t Forget it’s your money Scam Amount 1.76 lakh crores
