Fast unto Death against corruption 3 Citizens Arrested by Police –
An 80-year-old man and his two sons, on a fast-unto-death protest against corruption at mini secretariat here were today arrested, police said.
According to police, DSP Rajeshwar Singh had gone to meet Jit Ram and his sons -- Mohan and Sohan, and inquire their grievances.
When police tried to remove them from the government property, they allegedly scuffled with them after which the trio was arrested, they said.
This is the reason we need to support Anna Hazare, we common Indian citizens have no rights, no backup and no Indian will come to save us.
We are all selfish or Coward or afraid of Police Danda that is Stick.
In my last post I have said that if we common citizens try to do fast against corruption we will get arrested or we may end up getting danda on our every part.
As still we are the slaves of our political system.
Reality Views by sm –
Sunday, May 01, 2011
Keyword Tag – Fast unto death arrested
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Know 11 Important things about NASA's Voyager Mission NASA Voyager I Space Craft reached at the Edge of our Solar System
Know 11 Important things about NASA's Voyager Mission
NASA Voyager I Space Craft reached at the Edge of our Solar System
The 33-year odyssey of NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft has reached a distant point at the edge of our solar system where there is no outward motion of solar wind.
The Voyagers were built by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., which continues to operate both spacecraft.
Our sun gives off a stream of charged particles that form a bubble known as the heliosphere around our solar system. The solar wind travels at supersonic speed until it crosses a shockwave called the termination shock. At this point, the solar wind dramatically slows down and heats up in the heliosheath.
Now hurtling toward interstellar space some 17.4 billion kilometers (10.8 billion miles) from the sun, Voyager 1 has crossed into an area where the velocity of the hot ionized gas, or plasma, emanating directly outward from the sun has slowed to zero. Scientists suspect the solar wind has been turned sideways by the pressure from the interstellar wind in the region between stars.
The event is a major milestone in Voyager 1's passage through the heliosheath, the turbulent outer shell of the sun's sphere of influence, and the spacecraft's upcoming departure from our solar system.
Launched on Sept. 5, 1977, Voyager 1 crossed the termination shock in December 2004 into the heliosheath. Scientists have used data from Voyager 1's Low-Energy Charged Particle Instrument to deduce the solar wind's velocity. When the speed of the charged particles hitting the outward face of Voyager 1 matched the spacecraft's speed, researchers knew that the net outward speed of the solar wind was zero. This occurred in June, when Voyager 1 was about 17 billion kilometers (10.6 billion miles) from the sun.
Both spacecraft are still sending scientific information about their surroundings through NASA's Deep Space Network. A signal from the ground, traveling at the speed of light, takes about 13 hours one way to reach Voyager 2, and 16 hours one way to reach Voyager 1.
The primary five-year mission of the Voyagers included the close-up exploration of Jupiter and Saturn, Saturn's rings and the larger moons of the two planets. The mission was extended after a succession of discoveries, and between them, the two spacecraft have explored all the giant outer planets of our solar system -- Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, 49 moons, and the systems of rings and magnetic fields those planets possess.
The Golden Record - Both Voyager spacecraft carry recorded messages from Earth on golden phonograph records – 12-inch, gold-plated copper disks. A committee chaired by the late astronomer Carl Sagan selected the contents of the records for NASA. The records are cultural time capsules that the Voyagers carry with them to other star systems. They contain images and natural sounds, spoken greetings in 55 languages and musical selections from different cultures and eras.
The current mission, the Voyager Interstellar Mission, was planned to explore the outermost edge of our solar system and eventually leave our sun's sphere of influence and enter interstellar space – the space between the stars.
Where No Spacecraft Has Gone Before - Voyager 1 has reached a distant point at the edge of our solar system, where the outward motion of solar wind ceases. The event is the latest milestone in Voyager 1's passage through the heliosheath, the outer shell of the sun's sphere of influence, before entering interstellar space. Interstellar space begins at the heliopause, and scientists estimate Voyager 1 will cross this frontier around 2015.
Watch the video Voyager Probe
Reality Views by sm –
Sunday, May 01, 2011
Keyword Tag – Nasa Voyager reach edge of solar system
Source -
NASA Voyager I Space Craft reached at the Edge of our Solar System
The 33-year odyssey of NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft has reached a distant point at the edge of our solar system where there is no outward motion of solar wind.
The Voyagers were built by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., which continues to operate both spacecraft.
Our sun gives off a stream of charged particles that form a bubble known as the heliosphere around our solar system. The solar wind travels at supersonic speed until it crosses a shockwave called the termination shock. At this point, the solar wind dramatically slows down and heats up in the heliosheath.
Now hurtling toward interstellar space some 17.4 billion kilometers (10.8 billion miles) from the sun, Voyager 1 has crossed into an area where the velocity of the hot ionized gas, or plasma, emanating directly outward from the sun has slowed to zero. Scientists suspect the solar wind has been turned sideways by the pressure from the interstellar wind in the region between stars.
The event is a major milestone in Voyager 1's passage through the heliosheath, the turbulent outer shell of the sun's sphere of influence, and the spacecraft's upcoming departure from our solar system.
Launched on Sept. 5, 1977, Voyager 1 crossed the termination shock in December 2004 into the heliosheath. Scientists have used data from Voyager 1's Low-Energy Charged Particle Instrument to deduce the solar wind's velocity. When the speed of the charged particles hitting the outward face of Voyager 1 matched the spacecraft's speed, researchers knew that the net outward speed of the solar wind was zero. This occurred in June, when Voyager 1 was about 17 billion kilometers (10.6 billion miles) from the sun.
Both spacecraft are still sending scientific information about their surroundings through NASA's Deep Space Network. A signal from the ground, traveling at the speed of light, takes about 13 hours one way to reach Voyager 2, and 16 hours one way to reach Voyager 1.
The primary five-year mission of the Voyagers included the close-up exploration of Jupiter and Saturn, Saturn's rings and the larger moons of the two planets. The mission was extended after a succession of discoveries, and between them, the two spacecraft have explored all the giant outer planets of our solar system -- Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, 49 moons, and the systems of rings and magnetic fields those planets possess.
The Golden Record - Both Voyager spacecraft carry recorded messages from Earth on golden phonograph records – 12-inch, gold-plated copper disks. A committee chaired by the late astronomer Carl Sagan selected the contents of the records for NASA. The records are cultural time capsules that the Voyagers carry with them to other star systems. They contain images and natural sounds, spoken greetings in 55 languages and musical selections from different cultures and eras.
The current mission, the Voyager Interstellar Mission, was planned to explore the outermost edge of our solar system and eventually leave our sun's sphere of influence and enter interstellar space – the space between the stars.
Where No Spacecraft Has Gone Before - Voyager 1 has reached a distant point at the edge of our solar system, where the outward motion of solar wind ceases. The event is the latest milestone in Voyager 1's passage through the heliosheath, the outer shell of the sun's sphere of influence, before entering interstellar space. Interstellar space begins at the heliopause, and scientists estimate Voyager 1 will cross this frontier around 2015.
Watch the video Voyager Probe
Reality Views by sm –
Sunday, May 01, 2011
Keyword Tag – Nasa Voyager reach edge of solar system
Source -
Horse dream interpretation meaning of Animal Dream Horse Dream Part 5
Horse dream interpretation meaning of Animal Dream
Horse Dream Part 5
Horse is a noble and powerful animal.
What is the meaning of dream when you see Horse in your dream?
When you see a Horse in your dream it means or shows strength, power, endurance, virility, sexual power and abilities and strong, physical energy.
To dream of a sea horse signifies the power of your unconscious.
What is the meaning of dream when you see black or dark color horse?
To see a black or dark horse in dream means or it shows that mystery, wildness, and you are entering into unknown business or something in which you are not expert. You are gambling.
To mount a horse bareback means you will gain wealth
When you see a herd of wild horses it shows that you do not have any responsibility you are free bird, you have not found your Lakshya or your aim of life.
To dream you are looking for a carriage means in future you will be required to do hard work in your life.
To dream that you see yourself riding a fine bay horse this shows fortune.
To dream of a horse running away with someone else on its back it indicates that you will receive the news about someone is sick may be your friend sick.
In a dream if you see white horse then it means that purity, prosperity and good fortunes.
If in this dream you see that white horse is chasing you then it means that you are having problems in intimacy and sexuality or sexual relations with your partner.
To dream of a galloping horse means ecstasy
In a dream if you see you are riding a horse then it means that you got unlimited sexual power, desire, unrestrained sexual desires. This also shows that you are having a good position in life and you got unlimited choices and opportunities.
To dream of fine stallions is a sign of success
But in a dream if you see you are riding horse and you have lost control and Horse is in the control then it shows that in your life you are not on right track, you are acting accordingly your passions without thinking about right or wrong path.
To dream of spotted horses means increase in profits.
If you see armored horse in your dream then it means that you are ready to tackle your business enemies and you are full of energy to defeat them.
In your dream if you see you are bathing or washing horse this means that you are again gaining power which you have lost, again you are preparing and moving towards achieving your goals.
If you see a dead horse in your dream it shows that you are losing your powers, you are losing your money, you are losing very important thing which gave you power.
Example Money, Political Chair Position, Job etc
1. In a dream if you see black horse it shows delay or danger awaits.
2. In a dream if you see white horse it shows increase in positive thinking. Spiritual enlightment.
3. In a dream if you see gray horse it shows difficulties.
4. In a dream if you see sorrel or piebald it shows you are in confusion.
5. In a dream if you see brown horse it shows mental pursuits. Down to earth.
6. In a dream if you see if you see tan or palomino it shows it’s related to love affairs.
7. Winged horse = the soul's ability to heal.
Horse equals to Horse indicates
• Power
• Grace
• Beauty
• Nobility
• Strength
• Freedom
A horse represents our instinctual side; animal or sexual impulses arising from the lower part of the body; sexual libido or energy; male prowess; the ability to be fleet or swift; the daily grind or horse race.
White horse is believed to be the last incarnation of Vishnu.
Buddha is said to have left this physical plane riding a white horse.
Also in Buddhism a winged horse is often depicted carrying the Book of Law.
China Horse is related with Gemini and indicates love, devotion and endurance and stability.
In a dream if you see mare or say baby horse then it shows that in your life you need someone who will guide you, who will love you, you need someone who can show you right direction.
Reality Views by sm –
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Keyword Tag – Dream Meaning Horse, Horse dream interpretation Dream and Animal meaning
Warning -
Dream Interpretation series is written for fun and entertainment purpose only.
Interpretation may or may not be right, if it is right then also it is right by chance.
Or you can say right guess.
Do not spend money on astrology and dreams and rings etc.
Horse Dream Part 5
Horse is a noble and powerful animal.
What is the meaning of dream when you see Horse in your dream?
When you see a Horse in your dream it means or shows strength, power, endurance, virility, sexual power and abilities and strong, physical energy.
To dream of a sea horse signifies the power of your unconscious.
What is the meaning of dream when you see black or dark color horse?
To see a black or dark horse in dream means or it shows that mystery, wildness, and you are entering into unknown business or something in which you are not expert. You are gambling.
To mount a horse bareback means you will gain wealth
When you see a herd of wild horses it shows that you do not have any responsibility you are free bird, you have not found your Lakshya or your aim of life.
To dream you are looking for a carriage means in future you will be required to do hard work in your life.
To dream that you see yourself riding a fine bay horse this shows fortune.
To dream of a horse running away with someone else on its back it indicates that you will receive the news about someone is sick may be your friend sick.
In a dream if you see white horse then it means that purity, prosperity and good fortunes.
If in this dream you see that white horse is chasing you then it means that you are having problems in intimacy and sexuality or sexual relations with your partner.
To dream of a galloping horse means ecstasy
In a dream if you see you are riding a horse then it means that you got unlimited sexual power, desire, unrestrained sexual desires. This also shows that you are having a good position in life and you got unlimited choices and opportunities.
To dream of fine stallions is a sign of success
But in a dream if you see you are riding horse and you have lost control and Horse is in the control then it shows that in your life you are not on right track, you are acting accordingly your passions without thinking about right or wrong path.
To dream of spotted horses means increase in profits.
If you see armored horse in your dream then it means that you are ready to tackle your business enemies and you are full of energy to defeat them.
In your dream if you see you are bathing or washing horse this means that you are again gaining power which you have lost, again you are preparing and moving towards achieving your goals.
If you see a dead horse in your dream it shows that you are losing your powers, you are losing your money, you are losing very important thing which gave you power.
Example Money, Political Chair Position, Job etc
1. In a dream if you see black horse it shows delay or danger awaits.
2. In a dream if you see white horse it shows increase in positive thinking. Spiritual enlightment.
3. In a dream if you see gray horse it shows difficulties.
4. In a dream if you see sorrel or piebald it shows you are in confusion.
5. In a dream if you see brown horse it shows mental pursuits. Down to earth.
6. In a dream if you see if you see tan or palomino it shows it’s related to love affairs.
7. Winged horse = the soul's ability to heal.
Horse equals to Horse indicates
• Power
• Grace
• Beauty
• Nobility
• Strength
• Freedom
A horse represents our instinctual side; animal or sexual impulses arising from the lower part of the body; sexual libido or energy; male prowess; the ability to be fleet or swift; the daily grind or horse race.
White horse is believed to be the last incarnation of Vishnu.
Buddha is said to have left this physical plane riding a white horse.
Also in Buddhism a winged horse is often depicted carrying the Book of Law.
China Horse is related with Gemini and indicates love, devotion and endurance and stability.
In a dream if you see mare or say baby horse then it shows that in your life you need someone who will guide you, who will love you, you need someone who can show you right direction.
Reality Views by sm –
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Keyword Tag – Dream Meaning Horse, Horse dream interpretation Dream and Animal meaning
Warning -
Dream Interpretation series is written for fun and entertainment purpose only.
Interpretation may or may not be right, if it is right then also it is right by chance.
Or you can say right guess.
Do not spend money on astrology and dreams and rings etc.
Friday, April 29, 2011
No Funds SETI Shuts down search for alien life
No Funds SETI Shuts down search for alien life
The name SETI has become synonymous with search for extraterrestrial life.
The Allen Telescope Array (ATA), a set of 42 radio telescopes near Hat Creek, California, has been searching for alien signals and simultaneously conducting astronomical research since it began operating in 2007.
The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute operates the Allen Telescope Array, the field of dish-like scopes some 300 miles north of San Francisco
The Allen Telescope Array (ATA) is a "Large Number of Small Dishes" (LNSD) array designed to be highly effective for “commensal” (simultaneous) surveys of conventional radio astronomy projects and SETI (search for extraterrestrial intelligence) observations at centimeter wavelengths.

The idea for the ATA emerged in a series of workshops convened by the SETI Institute in 1997 to define the path for future development of technology and search strategies for SETI. The advance of computer and communications technology made it clear that LNSD arrays were more efficient and less expensive than traditional large antennas. The final report of the workshop, “SETI 2020,” recommended the construction of the One Hectare Telescope. (1HT) (A hectare is an area equivalent to a square 100 meters on a side.)
The SETI Institute sought private funds for the 1HT and in 2001 Paul Allen (co-founder of Microsoft) agreed to fund the technology development and first phase of construction (42 antennas). In October 2007 the array began commissioning tests and initial observations.
The array is now being used for radio astronomy observations of our galaxy and other galaxies, gamma ray bursts and transient radio sources, and SETI.
The array is a partnership between the SETI Institute, based in Mountainview, California, and the University of California, Berkeley.
SETI has been forced to put the Allen Telescope Array into “hibernation” due to a drastic reduction in outside funding.
In simple language Allen Telescope Array that scans the skies, universe for extraterrestrial signals has suspended operations because of lack of funding
Karen Randall, SETI's director of special projects said that The Allen Telescope Array will resume operations by 2013, when SETI's new round of funding goes into effect.
She also said that the funding will cover the project until 2018, she said. In the meantime, SETI is searching for quick cash.
Below is the link to donate to the SETI
Reality Views by sm-
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Keyword Tag – SETI stop working SETI NO FUND DONATE TO SETI
The name SETI has become synonymous with search for extraterrestrial life.
The Allen Telescope Array (ATA), a set of 42 radio telescopes near Hat Creek, California, has been searching for alien signals and simultaneously conducting astronomical research since it began operating in 2007.
The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute operates the Allen Telescope Array, the field of dish-like scopes some 300 miles north of San Francisco
The Allen Telescope Array (ATA) is a "Large Number of Small Dishes" (LNSD) array designed to be highly effective for “commensal” (simultaneous) surveys of conventional radio astronomy projects and SETI (search for extraterrestrial intelligence) observations at centimeter wavelengths.

The idea for the ATA emerged in a series of workshops convened by the SETI Institute in 1997 to define the path for future development of technology and search strategies for SETI. The advance of computer and communications technology made it clear that LNSD arrays were more efficient and less expensive than traditional large antennas. The final report of the workshop, “SETI 2020,” recommended the construction of the One Hectare Telescope. (1HT) (A hectare is an area equivalent to a square 100 meters on a side.)
The SETI Institute sought private funds for the 1HT and in 2001 Paul Allen (co-founder of Microsoft) agreed to fund the technology development and first phase of construction (42 antennas). In October 2007 the array began commissioning tests and initial observations.
The array is now being used for radio astronomy observations of our galaxy and other galaxies, gamma ray bursts and transient radio sources, and SETI.
The array is a partnership between the SETI Institute, based in Mountainview, California, and the University of California, Berkeley.
SETI has been forced to put the Allen Telescope Array into “hibernation” due to a drastic reduction in outside funding.
In simple language Allen Telescope Array that scans the skies, universe for extraterrestrial signals has suspended operations because of lack of funding
Karen Randall, SETI's director of special projects said that The Allen Telescope Array will resume operations by 2013, when SETI's new round of funding goes into effect.
She also said that the funding will cover the project until 2018, she said. In the meantime, SETI is searching for quick cash.
Below is the link to donate to the SETI
Reality Views by sm-
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Keyword Tag – SETI stop working SETI NO FUND DONATE TO SETI
Ashok Chavan Got Loan of Rs. 65 Lakh from IPS officer Sanjay Barve in exchange Barve Got Flat in Aadarsh illegal Building
Ex Chief Minister Ashok Chavan Got Loan of Rs. 65 Lakh from
IPS officer Sanjay Barve in exchange Barve Got Flat
in Aadarsh illegal Building
Currently Everyone Knows that CBI is probing the Adarsh Scam.
In 2009 Ex Chief Minister Ashok Chavan was Revenue Minister.
In 2009 IPS Officer Sanjay Barve was joint commissioner police (traffic).
While Probing the Aadarsh Building Scam the Central Bureau of Investigation CBI
Found that in 2009 Chavan borrowed Rest 65 lakh from IPS officer Sanjay Barve
To pay for the Adarsh flat allotted to his mother-in-law Bhagwati Sharma.
To return this favor CBI found that Ex CM Ashok Chavan helped IPS officer Sanjay Barves father get an apartment in the building.
Barve Paid Rs.65 Lakh by way of Cheque but CBI suspects that its only for name sake, it was bribe or money was launder and in exchange Sanjay Barve got flat in Adarsh Scam building.
Now questions arise?
From where Sanjay Barve got Rs.65 Lakh Money, Source of Money?
Why Ex Minister Ashok Chavan took the loan from an IPS officer Sanjay Barve?
Reality Views by sm-
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Keyword Tag – Ashok Chavan 65 Lakh Loan Sanjay Barve IPS officer Bribe Aadarsh Flat
IPS officer Sanjay Barve in exchange Barve Got Flat
in Aadarsh illegal Building
Currently Everyone Knows that CBI is probing the Adarsh Scam.
In 2009 Ex Chief Minister Ashok Chavan was Revenue Minister.
In 2009 IPS Officer Sanjay Barve was joint commissioner police (traffic).
While Probing the Aadarsh Building Scam the Central Bureau of Investigation CBI
Found that in 2009 Chavan borrowed Rest 65 lakh from IPS officer Sanjay Barve
To pay for the Adarsh flat allotted to his mother-in-law Bhagwati Sharma.
To return this favor CBI found that Ex CM Ashok Chavan helped IPS officer Sanjay Barves father get an apartment in the building.
Barve Paid Rs.65 Lakh by way of Cheque but CBI suspects that its only for name sake, it was bribe or money was launder and in exchange Sanjay Barve got flat in Adarsh Scam building.
Now questions arise?
From where Sanjay Barve got Rs.65 Lakh Money, Source of Money?
Why Ex Minister Ashok Chavan took the loan from an IPS officer Sanjay Barve?
Reality Views by sm-
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Keyword Tag – Ashok Chavan 65 Lakh Loan Sanjay Barve IPS officer Bribe Aadarsh Flat
Endosulfan Ban India agreed and accepted in Stockholm world convention
Endosulfan Ban India agreed and accepted in Stockholm world convention
In past India was not ready to ban Endosulfan even after knowing the bad effects,
side effects of Endosulfan pesticide.
Now India accepted in Stockholm world convention that the pesticide Endosulfan is a health hazard.
India also agreed to a phased out ban with an exemption for some crops.
In next 10 Years Slowly India will phase out the use of health hazard pesticide Endosulfan.
Before this Indian Government always said that there is no proof that the Endosulfan is health hazard even after knowing it.
But in this convention China also supported the ban on Endosulfan.
Food and Agriculture Association of the UN stated it is hazardous.
Currently 84 countries have banned the Endosulfan drug.
Money is not important, important is human health.
Suggested Reading –
What is Endosulfan pesticide? Ban Endosulfan Pesticide.
Under Stockholm Convention Endosulfan will get globally banned.
Reality Views by sm-
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Keyword Tag – Endosulfan Ban Side Effects India UN Ban China Ban
In past India was not ready to ban Endosulfan even after knowing the bad effects,
side effects of Endosulfan pesticide.
Now India accepted in Stockholm world convention that the pesticide Endosulfan is a health hazard.
India also agreed to a phased out ban with an exemption for some crops.
In next 10 Years Slowly India will phase out the use of health hazard pesticide Endosulfan.
Before this Indian Government always said that there is no proof that the Endosulfan is health hazard even after knowing it.
But in this convention China also supported the ban on Endosulfan.
Food and Agriculture Association of the UN stated it is hazardous.
Currently 84 countries have banned the Endosulfan drug.
Money is not important, important is human health.
Suggested Reading –
What is Endosulfan pesticide? Ban Endosulfan Pesticide.
Under Stockholm Convention Endosulfan will get globally banned.
Reality Views by sm-
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Keyword Tag – Endosulfan Ban Side Effects India UN Ban China Ban
Miley Cyrus Bottom Of The Ocean lyrics with Video
Miley Cyrus Bottom Of The Ocean lyrics with Video
Bottom Of The Ocean lyrics
Lyrics to Bottom Of The Ocean: watch the lyrics video of the song bottom of the heart below the lyrics
It's been in the past for a while
I get a flash and I smile
Am I crazy?
Still miss you, baby
It was real
It was right
But it burned too hot to survive
All that's left is,
All these ashes
Where does the love go?
I don't know
When it's all set and done
How could I be losing you forever?
After all the time we spent together
I have to know why I had to lose you
Now you've just become like everything
I'll never find again
At the bottom of the ocean
Dodo dodo………..
In a dream, you appear
For a while, you were here
So I keep sleeping,
Just to keep you with me
I'll draw a map,
Connect the dots
With all the memories that I got
What I'm missing,
I'll keep reliving
Where does the love go?
I don't know
When it's all set and done
How could I be losing you forever?
After all the time we spent together
I have to know why I had to lose you
Now you've just become like everything
I'll never find again,
At the bottom of the ocean
This is it
Let go
You don't have to love me for me
To baby ever understand
Just know I love the time we both had
And I don't ever want to see you sad
Be happy
And I don't wanna hold you
If you don't wanna tell me you love me babe
Just know I'm gonna have to walk away
I'll be big enough for both of us to say
Be happy
Be happy
Watch the lyrics video of the song Bottom Of The Ocean, am I Crazy by Miley Cyrus
Reality Views by sm-
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Keyword Tag – Miley Cyrus am I crazy miss you baby
Bottom Of The Ocean lyrics
Lyrics to Bottom Of The Ocean: watch the lyrics video of the song bottom of the heart below the lyrics
It's been in the past for a while
I get a flash and I smile
Am I crazy?
Still miss you, baby
It was real
It was right
But it burned too hot to survive
All that's left is,
All these ashes
Where does the love go?
I don't know
When it's all set and done
How could I be losing you forever?
After all the time we spent together
I have to know why I had to lose you
Now you've just become like everything
I'll never find again
At the bottom of the ocean
Dodo dodo………..
In a dream, you appear
For a while, you were here
So I keep sleeping,
Just to keep you with me
I'll draw a map,
Connect the dots
With all the memories that I got
What I'm missing,
I'll keep reliving
Where does the love go?
I don't know
When it's all set and done
How could I be losing you forever?
After all the time we spent together
I have to know why I had to lose you
Now you've just become like everything
I'll never find again,
At the bottom of the ocean
This is it
Let go
You don't have to love me for me
To baby ever understand
Just know I love the time we both had
And I don't ever want to see you sad
Be happy
And I don't wanna hold you
If you don't wanna tell me you love me babe
Just know I'm gonna have to walk away
I'll be big enough for both of us to say
Be happy
Be happy
Watch the lyrics video of the song Bottom Of The Ocean, am I Crazy by Miley Cyrus
Reality Views by sm-
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Keyword Tag – Miley Cyrus am I crazy miss you baby
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Know About Dassault Rafale Multirole Fighter – Contender for $10.4-billion tender for 126 advanced combat aircraft
Know About Dassault Rafale Multirole Fighter –
Contender for $10.4-billion tender for 126 advanced combat aircraft
The Dassault Rafale is a French twin-engine delta-wing agile multi-role 4.5th-generation jet fighter aircraft designed and built by Dassault Aviation.
Since 2006, the French Air Force and Navy RAFALE fighters have been engaged in countless combat missions in Afghanistan

1.Role - Multirole fighter aircraft
2.National origin - France
3.Manufacturer - Dassault Aviation
4.First flight - 4 July 1986
5.Introduced - 4 December 2000
6.Status - Active
7.Primary users - French Air Force,French Navy
Aircraft Characteristics –
1.Dimensions :
2.Span.........10,80 m (35.4 ft)
3.Wing area..........45,70 m² (492 sq ft)
4.Length...............15,27 m (33.8 ft)
5.Height................5,34 m (17,4 ft)
6.Weight :
7.Empty................10-tonne class
8.Max...................24 500 kg (54,000 lb)
9.Fuel (internal)....4 700 kg (10,350 lb)
10.Fuel (external).....7 500 kg (16,500 lb)
11.Max external capability...........9 500 kg (20,950 lb)
12.External store stations :
14.Heavy stores & fuel "wet" stations..................5
15.Performance :
16.Load factor............+9g/-3.2g
17.Max speed...............M 1.8+/750 kts
18.Approach speed.......120 knots
19.Landing distance.......450 m (1,475 ft)
20.Max climb rate...........Over 1.000 ft/sec
21.Operational ceiling...........55 000 ft
Radius of action (penetration mission).....More than 1.000 nautical miles
Combat air patrol loiter time.......................................Over 3 hours
June 1982 –
Dassault announced it was developing a successor to the Mirage 2000.
On 13 April 1983, France awarded Dassault a contract for two Avion de Combat experimental (ACX) demonstrators later revised down to one.
The resultant Rafale A technology demonstrator was a large-delta winged fighter, with all-moving foreplanes, embodying fly-by-wire (FBW) flight control system.
December 1985 – The technology demonstrator was rolled out
The Rafale was first unveiled at the St. Cloud plant, in 1985
December 1992 – Production of Aircraft started
December 2004 –
The Armee de l'Air received its first three Rafale Bs
Rafale the aircraft can operate from 400-metre (1,300 ft) runways.
The Rafale entered into service with French Navy in December 2000, and with the French Air Force in 2004
Rafale B and C entered service with the French Air Force in June 2006
"Rafale C", with C standing for chasseur (fighter)
"Rafale B" , with B standing for biplace, or two-seater.
The RAFALE, a fully “omnirole” fighter, is available in three distinct variants:
1.Single-seat RAFALE C for combat operations from land bases
2.Single-seat RAFALE M for carrier operations
3.Two-seat RAFALE B for combat operations from land bases
These three variants all share a common airframe and a common weapon / mission system, the differences between naval and land versions being mainly limited to the undercarriage and to the arresting hook, at the rear of the fuselage.
The RAFALE features a delta wing with close-coupled canards.
Advanced weapons –
The RAFALE has been cleared to operate with the following weapons:
MICA, air-to-air interception, combat and self-defence BVR missiles (“beyond visual range”), in their IR (heat-seeking) and EM (active radar homing) versions,
AASM stand-off, modular & propelled, air-to-ground precision guided weapons, with inertial/GPS & inertial/GPS/infra-red guidance kits, or with the future inertial/GPS/laser guidance variant.
SCALP long-range stand-off missiles,
EXOCET anti-ship missiles,
Laser-guided bombs,
Conventional air-to-ground ordnance,
An internal gun,
The upcoming METEOR extreme long-range air-to-air missile,
Customer-selected weapons.
The RAFALE's stores management system is Mil-Std-1760 compliant and interoperable. As such, it considerably facilitates the integration of customer-selected weapons.
With its ten tonne empty weight, the RAFALE is fitted with 14 hard points (13 on the RAFALE M).
Five of them are capable of drop tanks and heavy ordnance.
Total external load capacity is more than nine tonnes (20,000 lbs.).
Buddy-buddy refuelling missions can be carried out into portions of the airspace out of reach of dedicated and vulnerable tanker aircraft.
All versions of the RAFALE are fitted with the Nexter 30 M 791 high-power 30-mm gun, capable of firing 2,500 rounds per minute.
With its outstanding load-carrying capability and its state-of-the-art weapon / mission system, the RAFALE can carry out both ground attacks and air-to-air combats and interceptions during the same sortie.
It is also capable of performing multiple functions at the same time, such as “beyond visual range” (BVR) air-to-air firings during the very-low-altitude, terrain-following penetration phase.
This gives the RAFALE impressively broad “omnirole” capabilities, along with an extremely high degree of survivability.
An advanced digital fly-by-wire (FBW) control system controls longitudinal stability. The FBW system is quadruple redundant with three digital channels and one separately designed analog channel. Design independence between channels is pivotal in preventing anomalies simultaneously affecting several channels.
The M88-2 turbofan is a new-generation engine featuring state-of-the-art technologies, including non-polluting combustion chamber, single-crystal turbine blades and powder metallurgy disks, etc. It also features the latest advances in reducing electromagnetic and infrared signatures.
The RBE2 / AESA radar - Active Electronically Scanned Array
The RAFALE is the first operational - and, so far, the only - European combat aircraft to use an electronic scanning radar. Developed by Thales, the RBE2 radar has benefited from a massive research effort and from Thales’ unmatched know-how based on past experience. Compared to radars with conventional antennas, unprecedented levels of situational awareness are attained with earlier detection and tracking of multiple targets.
With its superior beam agility and its enormous computing power, the RBE2 offers outstanding performance that cannot be replicated by mechanical scanning radars.
With the advent of “Tranche 4”, aircraft which are due to enter service from 2013, the RAFALE fighters will be fitted with an active electronic scanning array (AESA) which will provide a wide range of functions:
All-aspect look-down and look-up detection and tracking of multiple air targets for close combat and long-range interception, in all weathers and in jammed environment.
The RBE2 also has ability to track targets in or out of the search domain, the ultimate advantage in air combat.
Real time generation of three-dimensional maps for terrain-following above uncharted terrain in blind conditions. The RAFALE is the sole aircraft to currently propose such a function.
Real time generation of high resolution 2D ground maps for navigation updates and detection, identification and designation of ground targets.
Detection and tracking of multiple naval targets.
In those circumstances when absolute discretion is the most relevant tactical factor, the RAFALE can rely on several other sensor systems:
2 - The Front-Sector Optronics (FSO)
Developed by Thales and Sagem, the Front Sector Optronics (FSO) system is fully integrated into the aircraft. Operating in the optronic wavelengths, it is immune to radar jamming and it provides covert long-range detection and identification, high resolution multi-target angular tracking and laser range-finding for air, sea and ground targets.
With its narrow field, the visible waveband capability is truly valuable to identify targets in situations where visual contact is required by the rules of engagement.
3 - The SPECTRA - internal electronic warfare suite
Jointly developed by Thales and MBDA, the internal SPECTRA electronic warfare system provides the aircraft with the highest survivability asset against the latest airborne and ground threats. The SPECTRA EW system provides a multi-spectral threat warning capability against hostile radars, missiles and lasers.
It is fully integrated into the aircraft, giving it excellent survivability against both air and ground threats.
The SPECTRA system carries out reliable long-range detection, identification and localisation of threats, allowing the pilot to instantly select the most effective defensive measures based on combinations of radar jamming, infrared or radar decoying and evasive manoeuvres.
The angular localisation performance of the SPECTRA sensors makes it possible to accurately locate ground threats to either avoid them, or target them for destruction with precision guided munitions.
With its outstanding localisation capabilities of airborne threats, the SPECTRA suite is a key system used to ameliorate situational awareness.
Instrumental in SPECTRA's performance is a threat library that can be easily defined, integrated and updated on short notice by users in their own country.
4 - The real-time Data-Link
A secure high-rate Data-Link is provided to share data in combined air operations with other friendly assets, i.e. other aircraft in the formation, airborne and surface command and control centres, forward air controllers, etc.
The RAFALE’s interoperability as part of a multinational operation has been demonstrated on countless occasions, and NATO (L16) as well as non-NATO solutions can be provided to meet various customers' requirements.
5 - The DAMOCLES - new generation laser designation pod
The new generation DAMOCLES laser designator pod designed by Thales, brings full day and night laser designation capability to the RAFALE, with metric precision.
The IR sensor of the DAMOCLES pod operates in the mid-wave infrared band, allowing it to retain its effectiveness in warm and / or humid conditions. DAMOCLES is interoperable with all existing laser-guided weapons.
6 - The AREOS - Recce pod - with in real-time transmission
The AREOS reconnaissance pod developed by Thales allows day and night photography at all altitudes, with the capability of instantaneous transmission in flight of the photos to a ground station.
The remarkable overall performance of its sensors for stand-off reconnaissance at extreme ranges means that AREOS can be considered as a pre-strategic asset.
The core of these enhanced capabilities of the RAFALE lies in a new Modular Data Processing Unit (MDPU). It is composed of up to 19 flight line-replaceable modules (LRUs), 18 of them providing each a processing power 50 times higher than that of the fighters of previous generation.
The MDPU, which is composed of commercial-off-the-shelf elements, is the cornerstone of the avionics / weapon upgradeability of the RAFALE.
Sensor data fusion provides a link between the global battlespace surrounding the aircraft and the pilot's brain with its unique ability to grasp the outcome of tactical situations and make sensible decisions.
It hinges on the computing power of the MDPU to process data from the RBE2 AESA radar, the front sector optronic system, the SPECTRA EW system, the IFF, the infrared missile seekers and the Data-Link (L16 or custom).
1- Multi-sensor data fusion
Implementation of the multi-sensor data fusion on the RAFALE translates into accurate, reliable and strong tracks, uncluttered displays, reduced pilot workload, quicker pilot response, and eventually into increased situational awareness.
It is automatically carried out in three steps:
1. Establishing consolidated trackfiles and refining primary information provided by the sensors.
2. Overcoming individual sensor limitations related to wavelength / frequency, field of regard, angular and distance resolution, etc, by sharing track information received from the sensors.
3. Assessing the confidence level of consolidated tracks, suppressing redundant track symbols and decluttering the displays
Watch the video showing and performing Dassault Rafale - Multi-role Fighter of France
Suggested Reading –
MMRCA Deal Timeline of India's $10.4-billion tender for 126 advanced combat aircraft.
Reality Views by sm-
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Source -
Keyword Tag – Rafale Multirole Fighter MMRCA Contender Fighter
Contender for $10.4-billion tender for 126 advanced combat aircraft
The Dassault Rafale is a French twin-engine delta-wing agile multi-role 4.5th-generation jet fighter aircraft designed and built by Dassault Aviation.
Since 2006, the French Air Force and Navy RAFALE fighters have been engaged in countless combat missions in Afghanistan

1.Role - Multirole fighter aircraft
2.National origin - France
3.Manufacturer - Dassault Aviation
4.First flight - 4 July 1986
5.Introduced - 4 December 2000
6.Status - Active
7.Primary users - French Air Force,French Navy
Aircraft Characteristics –
1.Dimensions :
2.Span.........10,80 m (35.4 ft)
3.Wing area..........45,70 m² (492 sq ft)
4.Length...............15,27 m (33.8 ft)
5.Height................5,34 m (17,4 ft)
6.Weight :
7.Empty................10-tonne class
8.Max...................24 500 kg (54,000 lb)
9.Fuel (internal)....4 700 kg (10,350 lb)
10.Fuel (external).....7 500 kg (16,500 lb)
11.Max external capability...........9 500 kg (20,950 lb)
12.External store stations :
14.Heavy stores & fuel "wet" stations..................5
15.Performance :
16.Load factor............+9g/-3.2g
17.Max speed...............M 1.8+/750 kts
18.Approach speed.......120 knots
19.Landing distance.......450 m (1,475 ft)
20.Max climb rate...........Over 1.000 ft/sec
21.Operational ceiling...........55 000 ft
Radius of action (penetration mission).....More than 1.000 nautical miles
Combat air patrol loiter time.......................................Over 3 hours
June 1982 –
Dassault announced it was developing a successor to the Mirage 2000.
On 13 April 1983, France awarded Dassault a contract for two Avion de Combat experimental (ACX) demonstrators later revised down to one.
The resultant Rafale A technology demonstrator was a large-delta winged fighter, with all-moving foreplanes, embodying fly-by-wire (FBW) flight control system.
December 1985 – The technology demonstrator was rolled out
The Rafale was first unveiled at the St. Cloud plant, in 1985
December 1992 – Production of Aircraft started
December 2004 –
The Armee de l'Air received its first three Rafale Bs
Rafale the aircraft can operate from 400-metre (1,300 ft) runways.
The Rafale entered into service with French Navy in December 2000, and with the French Air Force in 2004
Rafale B and C entered service with the French Air Force in June 2006
"Rafale C", with C standing for chasseur (fighter)
"Rafale B" , with B standing for biplace, or two-seater.
The RAFALE, a fully “omnirole” fighter, is available in three distinct variants:
1.Single-seat RAFALE C for combat operations from land bases
2.Single-seat RAFALE M for carrier operations
3.Two-seat RAFALE B for combat operations from land bases
These three variants all share a common airframe and a common weapon / mission system, the differences between naval and land versions being mainly limited to the undercarriage and to the arresting hook, at the rear of the fuselage.
The RAFALE features a delta wing with close-coupled canards.
Advanced weapons –
The RAFALE has been cleared to operate with the following weapons:
MICA, air-to-air interception, combat and self-defence BVR missiles (“beyond visual range”), in their IR (heat-seeking) and EM (active radar homing) versions,
AASM stand-off, modular & propelled, air-to-ground precision guided weapons, with inertial/GPS & inertial/GPS/infra-red guidance kits, or with the future inertial/GPS/laser guidance variant.
SCALP long-range stand-off missiles,
EXOCET anti-ship missiles,
Laser-guided bombs,
Conventional air-to-ground ordnance,
An internal gun,
The upcoming METEOR extreme long-range air-to-air missile,
Customer-selected weapons.
The RAFALE's stores management system is Mil-Std-1760 compliant and interoperable. As such, it considerably facilitates the integration of customer-selected weapons.
With its ten tonne empty weight, the RAFALE is fitted with 14 hard points (13 on the RAFALE M).
Five of them are capable of drop tanks and heavy ordnance.
Total external load capacity is more than nine tonnes (20,000 lbs.).
Buddy-buddy refuelling missions can be carried out into portions of the airspace out of reach of dedicated and vulnerable tanker aircraft.
All versions of the RAFALE are fitted with the Nexter 30 M 791 high-power 30-mm gun, capable of firing 2,500 rounds per minute.
With its outstanding load-carrying capability and its state-of-the-art weapon / mission system, the RAFALE can carry out both ground attacks and air-to-air combats and interceptions during the same sortie.
It is also capable of performing multiple functions at the same time, such as “beyond visual range” (BVR) air-to-air firings during the very-low-altitude, terrain-following penetration phase.
This gives the RAFALE impressively broad “omnirole” capabilities, along with an extremely high degree of survivability.
An advanced digital fly-by-wire (FBW) control system controls longitudinal stability. The FBW system is quadruple redundant with three digital channels and one separately designed analog channel. Design independence between channels is pivotal in preventing anomalies simultaneously affecting several channels.
The M88-2 turbofan is a new-generation engine featuring state-of-the-art technologies, including non-polluting combustion chamber, single-crystal turbine blades and powder metallurgy disks, etc. It also features the latest advances in reducing electromagnetic and infrared signatures.
The RBE2 / AESA radar - Active Electronically Scanned Array
The RAFALE is the first operational - and, so far, the only - European combat aircraft to use an electronic scanning radar. Developed by Thales, the RBE2 radar has benefited from a massive research effort and from Thales’ unmatched know-how based on past experience. Compared to radars with conventional antennas, unprecedented levels of situational awareness are attained with earlier detection and tracking of multiple targets.
With its superior beam agility and its enormous computing power, the RBE2 offers outstanding performance that cannot be replicated by mechanical scanning radars.
With the advent of “Tranche 4”, aircraft which are due to enter service from 2013, the RAFALE fighters will be fitted with an active electronic scanning array (AESA) which will provide a wide range of functions:
All-aspect look-down and look-up detection and tracking of multiple air targets for close combat and long-range interception, in all weathers and in jammed environment.
The RBE2 also has ability to track targets in or out of the search domain, the ultimate advantage in air combat.
Real time generation of three-dimensional maps for terrain-following above uncharted terrain in blind conditions. The RAFALE is the sole aircraft to currently propose such a function.
Real time generation of high resolution 2D ground maps for navigation updates and detection, identification and designation of ground targets.
Detection and tracking of multiple naval targets.
In those circumstances when absolute discretion is the most relevant tactical factor, the RAFALE can rely on several other sensor systems:
2 - The Front-Sector Optronics (FSO)
Developed by Thales and Sagem, the Front Sector Optronics (FSO) system is fully integrated into the aircraft. Operating in the optronic wavelengths, it is immune to radar jamming and it provides covert long-range detection and identification, high resolution multi-target angular tracking and laser range-finding for air, sea and ground targets.
With its narrow field, the visible waveband capability is truly valuable to identify targets in situations where visual contact is required by the rules of engagement.
3 - The SPECTRA - internal electronic warfare suite
Jointly developed by Thales and MBDA, the internal SPECTRA electronic warfare system provides the aircraft with the highest survivability asset against the latest airborne and ground threats. The SPECTRA EW system provides a multi-spectral threat warning capability against hostile radars, missiles and lasers.
It is fully integrated into the aircraft, giving it excellent survivability against both air and ground threats.
The SPECTRA system carries out reliable long-range detection, identification and localisation of threats, allowing the pilot to instantly select the most effective defensive measures based on combinations of radar jamming, infrared or radar decoying and evasive manoeuvres.
The angular localisation performance of the SPECTRA sensors makes it possible to accurately locate ground threats to either avoid them, or target them for destruction with precision guided munitions.
With its outstanding localisation capabilities of airborne threats, the SPECTRA suite is a key system used to ameliorate situational awareness.
Instrumental in SPECTRA's performance is a threat library that can be easily defined, integrated and updated on short notice by users in their own country.
4 - The real-time Data-Link
A secure high-rate Data-Link is provided to share data in combined air operations with other friendly assets, i.e. other aircraft in the formation, airborne and surface command and control centres, forward air controllers, etc.
The RAFALE’s interoperability as part of a multinational operation has been demonstrated on countless occasions, and NATO (L16) as well as non-NATO solutions can be provided to meet various customers' requirements.
5 - The DAMOCLES - new generation laser designation pod
The new generation DAMOCLES laser designator pod designed by Thales, brings full day and night laser designation capability to the RAFALE, with metric precision.
The IR sensor of the DAMOCLES pod operates in the mid-wave infrared band, allowing it to retain its effectiveness in warm and / or humid conditions. DAMOCLES is interoperable with all existing laser-guided weapons.
6 - The AREOS - Recce pod - with in real-time transmission
The AREOS reconnaissance pod developed by Thales allows day and night photography at all altitudes, with the capability of instantaneous transmission in flight of the photos to a ground station.
The remarkable overall performance of its sensors for stand-off reconnaissance at extreme ranges means that AREOS can be considered as a pre-strategic asset.
The core of these enhanced capabilities of the RAFALE lies in a new Modular Data Processing Unit (MDPU). It is composed of up to 19 flight line-replaceable modules (LRUs), 18 of them providing each a processing power 50 times higher than that of the fighters of previous generation.
The MDPU, which is composed of commercial-off-the-shelf elements, is the cornerstone of the avionics / weapon upgradeability of the RAFALE.
Sensor data fusion provides a link between the global battlespace surrounding the aircraft and the pilot's brain with its unique ability to grasp the outcome of tactical situations and make sensible decisions.
It hinges on the computing power of the MDPU to process data from the RBE2 AESA radar, the front sector optronic system, the SPECTRA EW system, the IFF, the infrared missile seekers and the Data-Link (L16 or custom).
1- Multi-sensor data fusion
Implementation of the multi-sensor data fusion on the RAFALE translates into accurate, reliable and strong tracks, uncluttered displays, reduced pilot workload, quicker pilot response, and eventually into increased situational awareness.
It is automatically carried out in three steps:
1. Establishing consolidated trackfiles and refining primary information provided by the sensors.
2. Overcoming individual sensor limitations related to wavelength / frequency, field of regard, angular and distance resolution, etc, by sharing track information received from the sensors.
3. Assessing the confidence level of consolidated tracks, suppressing redundant track symbols and decluttering the displays
Watch the video showing and performing Dassault Rafale - Multi-role Fighter of France
Suggested Reading –
MMRCA Deal Timeline of India's $10.4-billion tender for 126 advanced combat aircraft.
Reality Views by sm-
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Source -
Keyword Tag – Rafale Multirole Fighter MMRCA Contender Fighter
MMRCA Deal Timeline of India's $10.4-billion tender for 126 advanced combat aircraft.
MMRCA Deal Timeline of India's $10.4-billion tender
for 126 advanced combat aircraft.
Following is the timeline of India's $10.4-billion tender for 126 advanced combat aircraft, a proposal originally mooted in 2000:
2000: Indian Air Force (IAF) conveys to defence ministry its interest in acquiring medium multi-role combat aircraft (MMRCA) to replace its ageing fleet of Soviet-era MiG-21s and because of delays in developing the indigenous light combat aircraft (LCA).
2001: IAF issues request for information (RFI) for 126 combat jets.
2003: IAF seeks defence ministry's permission to buy 50 more French Mirage-2000s to shore up the only MMRCAs in its fleet as a stopgap arrangement. The aircraft had been acquired in the mid-1980s.
2004: Defence ministry asks IAF to instead issue a larger MMRCA tender.
2005: Defence ministry issues initial MMRCA tender but withdraws it quickly even as it starts receiving responses from vendors.
2006: The then IAF chief, Air Chief Marshal S.P. Tyagi, flags the dwindling squadron strength of the force. From a sanctioned strength of 39.5 combat squadrons, the IAF is down to 33 squadrons.
August 2007: India issues the tender for 126 MMRCAs at an estimated cost of $10.4 billion (Rs 46,000 crore).
February 2008: US majors Boeing and Lockheed Martin, Russia's United Aircraft Corporation, France's Dassault, European consortium EADS and Sweden's SAAB submit their bids.
April 2009: Rumours afloat that Dassault and SAAB are out of the race.
May 2009: Defence ministry says Dassault and SAAB still in contention.
April 2010: IAF completes its flight and weapons evaluation of the six contenders on the basis of 643 parameters.
December 2010: An offset proposal of contenders goes missing; later found on the roadside in south Delhi. The incident threatened to derail the tendering process.
April 2011: India down-selects EADS and Dassault for the final leg of the contest, rejecting the other four contenders.
The deal is expected to be awarded to either EADS or Dassault by the end of this fiscal March 31, 2012.
Under the terms of purchase, the first 18 aircraft will come in a "fly-away" condition, with the remaining 108 to be manufactured by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited under a transfer of technology agreement. The size of the contract could eventually go up to 200 aircraft as there is a provision for increasing the order by 50 percent without any price hike.
The contract includes an offsets clause under which the winning vendor will plough back 50 percent ($5 billion) of the deal amount back in India to energise its defence industry.
Suggested Reading -
Know About Dassault Rafale Multirole Fighter –
Reality Views by sm –
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Source - IANS
for 126 advanced combat aircraft.
Following is the timeline of India's $10.4-billion tender for 126 advanced combat aircraft, a proposal originally mooted in 2000:
2000: Indian Air Force (IAF) conveys to defence ministry its interest in acquiring medium multi-role combat aircraft (MMRCA) to replace its ageing fleet of Soviet-era MiG-21s and because of delays in developing the indigenous light combat aircraft (LCA).
2001: IAF issues request for information (RFI) for 126 combat jets.
2003: IAF seeks defence ministry's permission to buy 50 more French Mirage-2000s to shore up the only MMRCAs in its fleet as a stopgap arrangement. The aircraft had been acquired in the mid-1980s.
2004: Defence ministry asks IAF to instead issue a larger MMRCA tender.
2005: Defence ministry issues initial MMRCA tender but withdraws it quickly even as it starts receiving responses from vendors.
2006: The then IAF chief, Air Chief Marshal S.P. Tyagi, flags the dwindling squadron strength of the force. From a sanctioned strength of 39.5 combat squadrons, the IAF is down to 33 squadrons.
August 2007: India issues the tender for 126 MMRCAs at an estimated cost of $10.4 billion (Rs 46,000 crore).
February 2008: US majors Boeing and Lockheed Martin, Russia's United Aircraft Corporation, France's Dassault, European consortium EADS and Sweden's SAAB submit their bids.
April 2009: Rumours afloat that Dassault and SAAB are out of the race.
May 2009: Defence ministry says Dassault and SAAB still in contention.
April 2010: IAF completes its flight and weapons evaluation of the six contenders on the basis of 643 parameters.
December 2010: An offset proposal of contenders goes missing; later found on the roadside in south Delhi. The incident threatened to derail the tendering process.
April 2011: India down-selects EADS and Dassault for the final leg of the contest, rejecting the other four contenders.
The deal is expected to be awarded to either EADS or Dassault by the end of this fiscal March 31, 2012.
Under the terms of purchase, the first 18 aircraft will come in a "fly-away" condition, with the remaining 108 to be manufactured by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited under a transfer of technology agreement. The size of the contract could eventually go up to 200 aircraft as there is a provision for increasing the order by 50 percent without any price hike.
The contract includes an offsets clause under which the winning vendor will plough back 50 percent ($5 billion) of the deal amount back in India to energise its defence industry.
Suggested Reading -
Know About Dassault Rafale Multirole Fighter –
Reality Views by sm –
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Source - IANS
Suresh Kalmadi Time Score Contract Approved by Jarnail Singh Prime Ministers representative
Suresh Kalmadi Time Score Contract Approved by Jarnail Singh
Prime Ministers representative
Updated – Saturday, May 21, 2011
Suresh Kalmadi was arrested in relation with time scoring contract.
Jarnail Singh also approved the contract.
Who is Jarnail Singh?
Jarnail Singh is the Prime Minister's appointee Jarnail Singh to the Sports Ministry.
He is the CEO of the Commonwealth Games Organizing Committee.
But CNN IBN got the letters which show that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's representative on the Commonwealth Games Organizing Committee, Jarnail Singh, knew and approved of the time scoring contract.
The letter shows Mike Hooper and Michael Fennell agreeing with the choice of Swiss Timing for the time scoring deal.
Jarnail Singh in letter said that "Selection of Swiss Timing was done by putting every stage through the highest level of scrutiny not only by the Organizing Committee Finance Committee which has Sanjeev Mittal, Joint Secretary, Rahul Bhatnagar from the Ministry of Sports but also by the empowered finance sub-committee set up by the government, which is chaired by Secretary, Urban Development,"
He further said that "The deal was approved by senior IAS officers in the Commonwealth Games Organising Committee. The deal was also approved by the finance sub-committee set up by the Government. The Organising Committee even managed to get a discount of Rs 26.35 crore from Swiss Timing in the deal,"
Now the question arises is that why Only Suresh Kalmadi was arrested in time scoring contract and not others who helped directly or indirectly to Suresh Kalmadi in this contract.
Update – Saturday, May 21, 2011
Suresh Kalmadi and eight others have been chargesheeted by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) in Time Scoring and Results scam.
In the 50-page chargesheet two companies, AKR Constructions and Swiss Timing Omega, have also been named.
They have been charged under Indian Penal Code sections
120(b) (criminal conspiracy),
420 (cheating)
And Section 13 of Prevention of Corruption Act (for giving bribe).
An overall loss of Rs 90 crore was incurred to India and Indian citizens due to awarding the contract to Swiss Timing.
Reality Views by sm –
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Keyword Tag – CNN IBN expose Time Score Contract PMO office CWG SCAM CORRUPTION
Prime Ministers representative
Updated – Saturday, May 21, 2011
Suresh Kalmadi was arrested in relation with time scoring contract.
Jarnail Singh also approved the contract.
Who is Jarnail Singh?
Jarnail Singh is the Prime Minister's appointee Jarnail Singh to the Sports Ministry.
He is the CEO of the Commonwealth Games Organizing Committee.
But CNN IBN got the letters which show that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's representative on the Commonwealth Games Organizing Committee, Jarnail Singh, knew and approved of the time scoring contract.
The letter shows Mike Hooper and Michael Fennell agreeing with the choice of Swiss Timing for the time scoring deal.
Jarnail Singh in letter said that "Selection of Swiss Timing was done by putting every stage through the highest level of scrutiny not only by the Organizing Committee Finance Committee which has Sanjeev Mittal, Joint Secretary, Rahul Bhatnagar from the Ministry of Sports but also by the empowered finance sub-committee set up by the government, which is chaired by Secretary, Urban Development,"
He further said that "The deal was approved by senior IAS officers in the Commonwealth Games Organising Committee. The deal was also approved by the finance sub-committee set up by the Government. The Organising Committee even managed to get a discount of Rs 26.35 crore from Swiss Timing in the deal,"
Now the question arises is that why Only Suresh Kalmadi was arrested in time scoring contract and not others who helped directly or indirectly to Suresh Kalmadi in this contract.
Update – Saturday, May 21, 2011
Suresh Kalmadi and eight others have been chargesheeted by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) in Time Scoring and Results scam.
In the 50-page chargesheet two companies, AKR Constructions and Swiss Timing Omega, have also been named.
They have been charged under Indian Penal Code sections
120(b) (criminal conspiracy),
420 (cheating)
And Section 13 of Prevention of Corruption Act (for giving bribe).
An overall loss of Rs 90 crore was incurred to India and Indian citizens due to awarding the contract to Swiss Timing.
Reality Views by sm –
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Keyword Tag – CNN IBN expose Time Score Contract PMO office CWG SCAM CORRUPTION
PAC Chairman Murli Manohar Joshi Removed PAC Report on 2G Scam Rejected
PAC Chairman Murli Manohar Joshi Removed PAC Report on 2G Scam Rejected
Updated Sunday, May 01, 2011 – 2.20 PM –
Thursday –
The PAC has 22 members but at present there is one vacancy.
PAC members from Lok Sabha include
1.Dr Murli Manohar Joshi (BJP)
2.Anandrao Adsul (Shiv Sena)
3.Dr Baliram (Bahujan Samaj Party)
4.Ramen Deka (BJP)
5.Naveen Jindal (Congress)
6.Satpal Maharaj (Congress)
7.Bhartruhari Mahtab (Biju Janata Dal)
8.Dr Kavuri Samba Siva Rao (Congress)
9.Kunwar Rewati Raman Singh (Samajwadi Party)
10.Jitendra Singh (Congress),
11.Yashwant Sinha (BJP)
12.Kumbakudi Sudhakaran (Congress)
13.Dr Munisamy Thambidurai (All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam), Dhanapal Venugopal (DMK)
14.Aruna Kumar Vundavalli (Congress)
PAC members from Rajya Sabha include –
1.N Balaganga (All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam),
2.Prasanta Chatterjee (Communist Party of India-Marxist)
3.Kalraj Mishra (BJP)
4.NK Singh (Janata Dal United)
5.Tiruchi Siva (DMK)
6.Prof SaifudDin Soz (Congress)
The Public Account Committee (PAC) meeting over the 2G spectrum scam report did not go smoothly.
Congress, Samajwadi Party and Bahujan Samaj Party demanded a division and vote on the report.
committee Chairman Murli Manohar Joshi, a Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP
insisted on speaking on the issue but the members started shouting and did not allow him to continue. Joshi then adjourned the meeting and walked out without voting on the 2G scam report that he had prepared.
the 11 members belonging to the Congress, Samajwadi Party and Bahujan Samaj Party elected Congress MP Saifuddin Soz as the new PAC Chairman.
2G spectrum scam report prepared by PAC was rejected as 11 of the 21 members submitted written notes casting their votes against it.
The members wanted to how the people of India , citizens of India got the report,
How the report got leaked in advance?
The members demanded an enquiry into it.
Congress spokesperson Jayanthi Natarajan said that "BJP wasted the time and money of the people and disrupted Parliament. I want to ask Murli Manohar Joshi how was the report leaked and who will take the responsibility of the leaked report. BJP has destroyed the institution of PAC,"
This is the one reform we Indians need to make in our political system.
We need a law that every committee report should be first placed on the internet, then it should be given to High Court or SC, then it should be given to Government of India or concert government of India authority.
Updated Sunday, May 01, 2011 – 2.20 PM –
Today BJP leader Murli Manohar Joshi re-appointed as the Public Accounts Committee chairman for another term.
The Lok Sabha Speaker followed the convention of allowing the Leader of Opposition to pick a person of her choice after the term of the previous PAC ended yesterday.
Mr Joshi submitted his report to Lok Sabha Speaker Meira Kumar on the last day of his term as head of the Committee yesterday.
BJP Leader Joshi said that "I have dispatched the report to the Lok Sabha Speaker's office. The Speaker should accept the report and table it in Parliament. The government should be accountable to the people as they have a right to know where and how the money was spent. It is the job if the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) job to find out where the money went."
Again here the problem is that law is not clear and got loopholes.
Good law is one which has simple language and which do not keep the scope of saying and using to be or not to be.
Reality Views by sm –
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Keywords Tag – PAC Report on 2G scam rejected Pac Chief Joshi Removed
Updated Sunday, May 01, 2011 – 2.20 PM –
Thursday –
The PAC has 22 members but at present there is one vacancy.
PAC members from Lok Sabha include
1.Dr Murli Manohar Joshi (BJP)
2.Anandrao Adsul (Shiv Sena)
3.Dr Baliram (Bahujan Samaj Party)
4.Ramen Deka (BJP)
5.Naveen Jindal (Congress)
6.Satpal Maharaj (Congress)
7.Bhartruhari Mahtab (Biju Janata Dal)
8.Dr Kavuri Samba Siva Rao (Congress)
9.Kunwar Rewati Raman Singh (Samajwadi Party)
10.Jitendra Singh (Congress),
11.Yashwant Sinha (BJP)
12.Kumbakudi Sudhakaran (Congress)
13.Dr Munisamy Thambidurai (All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam), Dhanapal Venugopal (DMK)
14.Aruna Kumar Vundavalli (Congress)
PAC members from Rajya Sabha include –
1.N Balaganga (All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam),
2.Prasanta Chatterjee (Communist Party of India-Marxist)
3.Kalraj Mishra (BJP)
4.NK Singh (Janata Dal United)
5.Tiruchi Siva (DMK)
6.Prof SaifudDin Soz (Congress)
The Public Account Committee (PAC) meeting over the 2G spectrum scam report did not go smoothly.
Congress, Samajwadi Party and Bahujan Samaj Party demanded a division and vote on the report.
committee Chairman Murli Manohar Joshi, a Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP
insisted on speaking on the issue but the members started shouting and did not allow him to continue. Joshi then adjourned the meeting and walked out without voting on the 2G scam report that he had prepared.
the 11 members belonging to the Congress, Samajwadi Party and Bahujan Samaj Party elected Congress MP Saifuddin Soz as the new PAC Chairman.
2G spectrum scam report prepared by PAC was rejected as 11 of the 21 members submitted written notes casting their votes against it.
The members wanted to how the people of India , citizens of India got the report,
How the report got leaked in advance?
The members demanded an enquiry into it.
Congress spokesperson Jayanthi Natarajan said that "BJP wasted the time and money of the people and disrupted Parliament. I want to ask Murli Manohar Joshi how was the report leaked and who will take the responsibility of the leaked report. BJP has destroyed the institution of PAC,"
This is the one reform we Indians need to make in our political system.
We need a law that every committee report should be first placed on the internet, then it should be given to High Court or SC, then it should be given to Government of India or concert government of India authority.
Updated Sunday, May 01, 2011 – 2.20 PM –
Today BJP leader Murli Manohar Joshi re-appointed as the Public Accounts Committee chairman for another term.
The Lok Sabha Speaker followed the convention of allowing the Leader of Opposition to pick a person of her choice after the term of the previous PAC ended yesterday.
Mr Joshi submitted his report to Lok Sabha Speaker Meira Kumar on the last day of his term as head of the Committee yesterday.
BJP Leader Joshi said that "I have dispatched the report to the Lok Sabha Speaker's office. The Speaker should accept the report and table it in Parliament. The government should be accountable to the people as they have a right to know where and how the money was spent. It is the job if the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) job to find out where the money went."
Again here the problem is that law is not clear and got loopholes.
Good law is one which has simple language and which do not keep the scope of saying and using to be or not to be.
Reality Views by sm –
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Keywords Tag – PAC Report on 2G scam rejected Pac Chief Joshi Removed
Times Now Expose interviews Kim Davy and Peter Understand Purulia Arms Drop Case in Depth
Times Now Expose interviews Kim Davy and Peter
Understand Purulia Arms Drop Case in Depth
Now in short I will again tell what happened –
Suggested Reading –
Part One –
Understand Purulia Arms Drop Case in Depth Time Line – Enemy inside India – Kim Davy and Peter the arm drop accused expose Times Now
Who were the seven members’s who dropped illegal arms in India in Purulia District.
Below are the names of accused that dropped illegal arms in India in Purulia District.
Kim Davy – Danish Citizen
Peter Bleach - British citizen
Alexander klichine, - Latvian citizen
Oleg gaidash – Latvian citizen
Igor moskvitine - Latvian citizen
Igor timmerman - Latvian citizen
Evgueni antimenko - Latvian citizen
Seven persons brought the arms and ammunition in India and dropped them in Purulia.
British Government or British Spy Agency or British authorities before this incident already informed the Indian Government.
But sill the arms Consignment was dropped.
And criminals flew away and again they came into India and they got arrested.
But this time also mastermind Kim Davy the Danish citizen ran away by paying bribe to officials.
After this case later all the criminals total six criminals were arrested and convicted and given life imprisonment. Kim Davy ran away thus he was not punished in this case.
Indian Government tried to bring him from Denmark but still the proceedings are going on.
But later they were released using the loopholes which our Indian law system got.
This created lot of questions unanswered.
Now Times Now has brought Peter and Kim davy.
Kim Davy revealed about the arms drop and everything to Times Now interview
In this interview Kim Davy Said following –
1. I have not done anything wrong. Indian Government is trying to get me so I am here to and I feel its time to set the record straight.
2. Kim said that British Agency MI5 Inform about this to the Raw it is mentioned on their website.
3. The arms were meant for self-protection. It is my complete conviction that if I was tried in a court of law about the legality of dropping arms to protect people against state sponsored Communist terror, I would clear my name because it was legal defense against decades of murder, torture, rape by the CPI (M) in West Bengal.
4. Davy: Of course there were Indians involved. There were political forces at the centre. There have been for years MPs who had seen the atrocities committed against the people of Purulia district and 24 MPs had signed the petition to the President to intervene to try to protect these people, nothing happened. And finally central government saw and approved the plans to arm the defense of these innocent people.
5. Davy: The communication was between the British intelligence MI5 and RAW. There was a British ex-intelligence officer on board the plane. The Indian authorities knew the flight plan, the people on board, the cargo, the drop zone -- everything was known well in advance and approved well in advance.
6. It is a matter of public record that RAW was informed on three defined dates by MI5 about the arms drop, the people on board the plane, the drop zone everything was informed. This is a matter of public record. I don't know who in their right mind would fly a plane from the arch enemy of Pakistan into Indian airspace with a load of clandestine weapons without having it cleared by with the Indian authorities. It is unthinkable to do that.
7. Davy: Well, I was in direct contact with an MP who told me that he was in further contact with the Prime Minister's office and on the 16th of December I was called in Karachi by these people who told me that I had to finish the job within 48 hours otherwise the window that they had opened for me would be closed down again. So it was very clear that the communication was on time and clearly it was also defined. It was proven in the court case that the radar station concerned, the Military radar that could have detected this was turned off, was switched off and the order for this came from RAW. So don't take my word for it is what I am saying
8. these 15 years that has passed since, three Parliamentary Commissions in India have been commissioned regarding this but Nobody has ever seen the result of those.
9. Kim Davy - Davy: Well, first I was helped out of the airport in Mumbai and after that I was smuggled out of India to Nepal on the backseat of an MP's car. I can give you the full details and the latest dates when we talk again there was a car in front, a car behind with AK-47 holding guard, the whole way.
Now the Government of India has to answer all the questions which this interview has created.
Who was the Member of Parliament who helped Kim Davy?
What Government did in these 15 years?
What happened in this case?
For whom Kim Davy brought the arms in India?
When Kim Davy will be brought to India to punish him for his crime?
Like this every Indian has many questions.
But without this interview also we Indians in Heart know the truth and how it works.
Source -
Understand Purulia Arms Drop Case in Depth Time Line – Enemy inside India – Kim Davy and Peter the arm drop accused expose Times Now
Reality Views by sm –
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Keyword Tag – Kim Davy Interview question answer Times Now
Understand Purulia Arms Drop Case in Depth
Now in short I will again tell what happened –
Suggested Reading –
Part One –
Understand Purulia Arms Drop Case in Depth Time Line – Enemy inside India – Kim Davy and Peter the arm drop accused expose Times Now
Who were the seven members’s who dropped illegal arms in India in Purulia District.
Below are the names of accused that dropped illegal arms in India in Purulia District.
Kim Davy – Danish Citizen
Peter Bleach - British citizen
Alexander klichine, - Latvian citizen
Oleg gaidash – Latvian citizen
Igor moskvitine - Latvian citizen
Igor timmerman - Latvian citizen
Evgueni antimenko - Latvian citizen
Seven persons brought the arms and ammunition in India and dropped them in Purulia.
British Government or British Spy Agency or British authorities before this incident already informed the Indian Government.
But sill the arms Consignment was dropped.
And criminals flew away and again they came into India and they got arrested.
But this time also mastermind Kim Davy the Danish citizen ran away by paying bribe to officials.
After this case later all the criminals total six criminals were arrested and convicted and given life imprisonment. Kim Davy ran away thus he was not punished in this case.
Indian Government tried to bring him from Denmark but still the proceedings are going on.
But later they were released using the loopholes which our Indian law system got.
This created lot of questions unanswered.
Now Times Now has brought Peter and Kim davy.
Kim Davy revealed about the arms drop and everything to Times Now interview
In this interview Kim Davy Said following –
1. I have not done anything wrong. Indian Government is trying to get me so I am here to and I feel its time to set the record straight.
2. Kim said that British Agency MI5 Inform about this to the Raw it is mentioned on their website.
3. The arms were meant for self-protection. It is my complete conviction that if I was tried in a court of law about the legality of dropping arms to protect people against state sponsored Communist terror, I would clear my name because it was legal defense against decades of murder, torture, rape by the CPI (M) in West Bengal.
4. Davy: Of course there were Indians involved. There were political forces at the centre. There have been for years MPs who had seen the atrocities committed against the people of Purulia district and 24 MPs had signed the petition to the President to intervene to try to protect these people, nothing happened. And finally central government saw and approved the plans to arm the defense of these innocent people.
5. Davy: The communication was between the British intelligence MI5 and RAW. There was a British ex-intelligence officer on board the plane. The Indian authorities knew the flight plan, the people on board, the cargo, the drop zone -- everything was known well in advance and approved well in advance.
6. It is a matter of public record that RAW was informed on three defined dates by MI5 about the arms drop, the people on board the plane, the drop zone everything was informed. This is a matter of public record. I don't know who in their right mind would fly a plane from the arch enemy of Pakistan into Indian airspace with a load of clandestine weapons without having it cleared by with the Indian authorities. It is unthinkable to do that.
7. Davy: Well, I was in direct contact with an MP who told me that he was in further contact with the Prime Minister's office and on the 16th of December I was called in Karachi by these people who told me that I had to finish the job within 48 hours otherwise the window that they had opened for me would be closed down again. So it was very clear that the communication was on time and clearly it was also defined. It was proven in the court case that the radar station concerned, the Military radar that could have detected this was turned off, was switched off and the order for this came from RAW. So don't take my word for it is what I am saying
8. these 15 years that has passed since, three Parliamentary Commissions in India have been commissioned regarding this but Nobody has ever seen the result of those.
9. Kim Davy - Davy: Well, first I was helped out of the airport in Mumbai and after that I was smuggled out of India to Nepal on the backseat of an MP's car. I can give you the full details and the latest dates when we talk again there was a car in front, a car behind with AK-47 holding guard, the whole way.
Now the Government of India has to answer all the questions which this interview has created.
Who was the Member of Parliament who helped Kim Davy?
What Government did in these 15 years?
What happened in this case?
For whom Kim Davy brought the arms in India?
When Kim Davy will be brought to India to punish him for his crime?
Like this every Indian has many questions.
But without this interview also we Indians in Heart know the truth and how it works.
Source -
Understand Purulia Arms Drop Case in Depth Time Line – Enemy inside India – Kim Davy and Peter the arm drop accused expose Times Now
Reality Views by sm –
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Keyword Tag – Kim Davy Interview question answer Times Now
Understand Purulia Arms Drop Case in Depth Time Line – Enemy inside India – Kim Davy and Peter the arm drop accused expose
Understand Purulia Arms Drop Case in Depth Time Line – Enemy inside India – Kim Davy and Peter the arm drop accused expose Times Now
18 December 1995 –
A weapon consignment was dropped by the Kim Davy and his team from the sky over Joupur Jhalda area under Purulia District of west Bengal.
Next morning consignment of arms was found.
What is the real of Kim Davy?
The real name of the Kim Davy is Niels Christian Nielsen
Who were the seven members’s who dropped illegal arms in India in Purulia District.
Below are the names of accused that dropped illegal arms in India in Purulia District.
Kim Davy – Danish Citizen
Peter Bleach - British citizen
Alexander klichine, - Latvian citizen
Oleg gaidash – Latvian citizen
Igor moskvitine - Latvian citizen
Igor timmerman - Latvian citizen
Evgueni antimenko - Latvian citizen
Below is the photo of Peter Bleach and other accused in Jail.

All the seven accused person who dropped illegal arms in India were arrested except Kim Davy
who escaped from airport.
The Court found all of them Guilty and gave them Life Imprisonment.
Peter Bleach - British citizen – was a Special Air Service operative turned mercenary who was based in Yorkshire and involved in arms dealing
Mr Bleach, who ran an arms supply company called Aeroserve UK.
Antonov An-26 aircraft a Latvian aircraft dropped a large consignment of arms including several hundred AK-47 rifles and more than a million rounds of ammunition over a large area in Jhalda, Ghatanga, Belamu, Maramu villages of Purulia district
After few days again the same plane reentered into the Indian Territory airspace it was intercepted by the Indian Air Force MiG-21 and forced to land in Mumbai.
Then he was arrested. He was accused of parachuting crates of assault rifles, rocket launchers and grenades from a cargo plane.
Mr Bleach says he told his local North Yorkshire Police Special Branch about the planned delivery in August 1995 - as soon as he discovered it was illegal.
That time it was said that arms were intended for the socio-spiritual organization Ananda Marga (Sanskrit for "The Path of Bliss").
December 17, 1995
An Antonov AN 26 Latvian Aircraft carrying Peter Bleach, Kim Peter Davy, a five-member Latvian crew and a still-at-large South African - Daya M. Anand alias Deepak, flies into India from Karachi. The plane lands at Varanasi airport and refuels.
The Aircraft stays parked at Varanasi Airport for over seven hours while Davy, Deepak and Latvian cargo handler tie the crates containing weapons to cargo parachutes.
Mysteriously there is no move to seize the plane despite intelligence from Britain on three occasions of an imminent arms drop
December 18 1995 –
The plane digresses from an approved flight path and drops its deadly cargo over Jhalda in Purulia district.
Strangely the Radar at a local IAF air base doesn’t catch the straying plane. Some say the radar was switched off. The Plane then rejoins the approved flight path and lands for refueling at Calcutta Airport. Mysteriously there is no move to seize it despite prior information
1995 - British authorities informed to the Indian authorities in November 1995, five weeks before the arms drop took place.
December 19-21, 1995 –
Sahar Airport ATC is alerted by the Air Force in Delhi that a plane is flying over its territory without authorization. Fear of collision with incoming aircraft prompts ATC Sahar to ask the AN-26B to land.
The Customs, ignorant of the Purulia case, nab Bleach and five others on charges of hiding the seventh person - Kim Davy, who is named in the flight manifest but is already missing. Davy claims he had jumped the wall of the airport and made a break.
Over the next three days Kim Davy and the others stay in Puket in Thailand. While there they get approval for return flight to Karachi flying over Indian Air space touching at Calcutta. This despite an IB Alert at all Indian Airports detailing call sign and description of the aircraft
July 1993 – BBC news reported that In Delhi there was a Congress government and in West Bengal there was a Communist government and the two are not the best of friends.
"And I think somebody saw this report from the British and I think it's possible somebody decided to take advantage of this."
An armed insurgency in West Bengal would have allowed Delhi to have impose direct rule on the state and oust the ruling Communists.
Peter Bleach and the aircrew - two of whom are seriously ill - face a trial that experts say could last for ten years, since there are hundreds of witnesses to be heard.
After six months of sporadic hearings, the trial has heard from just six witnesses.
Mr Bleach tells the programme: "I'm not guilty. I've seen it said in the newspapers that it would be a shame if I hang for my naivety.
"I don't think it should be naive to report a terrorist incident and expect the police to do something about it. But apparently it is.
"I think it's extraordinary that you can obey the law and end up in jail for reporting a terrorist incident."
The programme also says the man behind the plot, Niels Christian Nielson, used the stolen identity of Kim Davy throughout his dealings with Peter Bleach.
He also forced Mr Bleach onto the plane which dropped the arms.
Nielson, a Dane, is a 'monk' in the Ananda Marga, and is one of Interpol's most wanted men.
The international force says he has 46 known aliases, and is wanted for questioning in a number of countries about smuggling, money laundering and forgery.
Investigations by the BBC have revealed that the arms were on their way to a religious sect called Ananda Marga.
The organisation carries out humanitarian aid in some of the world's poorest areas, but has a darker side. It is based in West Bengal and for years has been at odds with the Communist government there.
The programme also says the man behind the plot, Niels Christian Nielson, used the stolen identity of Kim Davy throughout his dealings with Peter Bleach.
He also forced Mr Bleach onto the plane which dropped the arms.
Nielson, a Dane, is a 'monk' in the Ananda Marga, and is one of Interpol's most wanted men.
What exactly happened in this case is no one knows.
July 22 2000 –
The Latvians were released on July 22, 2000, following an order of the president of India granting remission of the sentence of imprisonment and fine, so far not paid.
The Latvians were convicted on February 2 last year but released on a presidential pardon on July 22, the same year.
June 21, 2003 –
Union home minister L.K.Advani's statement at a press conference in London last Tuesday that there are certain "legal difficulties" in the way of release of British convict Peter Bleach has raised questions. Bleach is now lodged in the Alipore Central Jail in Kolkata Advani had stated that he would have to talk to the Union law ministry to find a way out.
January 31, 2004 - By TNN –
The West Bengal government indicated that it might take till February 5 for formal withdrawal of the cases pending against Bleach. The Presidential order remitting Bleach's remaining sentence in the Purulia arms drop case was received by the state government on Friday evening.
August 11, 2010 - TNN –
NEW DELHI: CBI is finally all set to extradite Danish national Niels Holks alias Kim Davy (47), who is the main accused in the 1995 Purulia arms drop case. Davy, who has been on the run since the incident on December 17 in 1995, was arrested by the Danish authorities on April 9, based on the red corner notice issued by Interpol. CBI officials said once Davy is extradited, he would face trial in the case, where a Calcutta court had already convicted six people for life in 2000.
December 10, 2010 - By TNN
KOLKATA: The Bengal home department has submitted an undertaking to the Union home ministry, assuring that its prisons would be safe and secure and free from human rights violations if Kim Davy, one of the accused in the Purulia arms drop case of 1995, is to be housed in a prison here.
The Centre had asked the Bengal government to explain the condition in the state's prisons. The undertaking would be handed over to the CBI which is handling the case. The assurance was submitted by state home secretary G D Gautama and AGD Prisons BD Sharma who attended a meeting in Delhi on Wednesday at the Union home ministry.
June 17, 2007 - By PTI
NEW DELHI: The Ministry of External Affairs is in the process of sending a note to Denmark seeking extradition of Kim Davy, the main accused in the 1995 Purulia arms drop case, with an assurance that he will be repatriated to that country to serve any prison term following his possible conviction in India. Relenting to pressure from Danish authorities, New Delhi may give an executive assurance to Copenhagen that Davy will not be sentenced to death for any offence committed by him in India and that he will be repatriated to Denmark to serve any prison sentence after his trial, official sources said.
2004 –
All the accused persons in this case are free only remaining accused is only Kim Davy.
Davy was allegedly the mastermind in dropping arms and ammunition over Purulia on the night of December 17, 1995 from an AN-26 Aircraft. Although Davy managed to flee by bribing officials at Mumbai airport, six others including Peter Bleach of England and five Latvians were arrested. Their sentences were, however, remitted following diplomatic pressure.
Interrogation of the accused had revealed that Kim Davy was the mastermind behind the entire operation but had managed to flee.
Suggesting Reading -
Part 2 Last Part
Times Now Expose interviews Kim Davy and Peter Understand Purulia Arms Drop Case in Depth
Reality Views by sm –
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Keyword Tags – Times Now expose Purulia Arms Drop Case Kim Davy Peter Bleach
MI5 RAW Indian MP Government
Sources –
18 December 1995 –
A weapon consignment was dropped by the Kim Davy and his team from the sky over Joupur Jhalda area under Purulia District of west Bengal.
Next morning consignment of arms was found.
What is the real of Kim Davy?
The real name of the Kim Davy is Niels Christian Nielsen
Who were the seven members’s who dropped illegal arms in India in Purulia District.
Below are the names of accused that dropped illegal arms in India in Purulia District.
Kim Davy – Danish Citizen
Peter Bleach - British citizen
Alexander klichine, - Latvian citizen
Oleg gaidash – Latvian citizen
Igor moskvitine - Latvian citizen
Igor timmerman - Latvian citizen
Evgueni antimenko - Latvian citizen
Below is the photo of Peter Bleach and other accused in Jail.

All the seven accused person who dropped illegal arms in India were arrested except Kim Davy
who escaped from airport.
The Court found all of them Guilty and gave them Life Imprisonment.
Peter Bleach - British citizen – was a Special Air Service operative turned mercenary who was based in Yorkshire and involved in arms dealing
Mr Bleach, who ran an arms supply company called Aeroserve UK.
Antonov An-26 aircraft a Latvian aircraft dropped a large consignment of arms including several hundred AK-47 rifles and more than a million rounds of ammunition over a large area in Jhalda, Ghatanga, Belamu, Maramu villages of Purulia district
After few days again the same plane reentered into the Indian Territory airspace it was intercepted by the Indian Air Force MiG-21 and forced to land in Mumbai.
Then he was arrested. He was accused of parachuting crates of assault rifles, rocket launchers and grenades from a cargo plane.
Mr Bleach says he told his local North Yorkshire Police Special Branch about the planned delivery in August 1995 - as soon as he discovered it was illegal.
That time it was said that arms were intended for the socio-spiritual organization Ananda Marga (Sanskrit for "The Path of Bliss").
December 17, 1995
An Antonov AN 26 Latvian Aircraft carrying Peter Bleach, Kim Peter Davy, a five-member Latvian crew and a still-at-large South African - Daya M. Anand alias Deepak, flies into India from Karachi. The plane lands at Varanasi airport and refuels.
The Aircraft stays parked at Varanasi Airport for over seven hours while Davy, Deepak and Latvian cargo handler tie the crates containing weapons to cargo parachutes.
Mysteriously there is no move to seize the plane despite intelligence from Britain on three occasions of an imminent arms drop
December 18 1995 –
The plane digresses from an approved flight path and drops its deadly cargo over Jhalda in Purulia district.
Strangely the Radar at a local IAF air base doesn’t catch the straying plane. Some say the radar was switched off. The Plane then rejoins the approved flight path and lands for refueling at Calcutta Airport. Mysteriously there is no move to seize it despite prior information
1995 - British authorities informed to the Indian authorities in November 1995, five weeks before the arms drop took place.
December 19-21, 1995 –
Sahar Airport ATC is alerted by the Air Force in Delhi that a plane is flying over its territory without authorization. Fear of collision with incoming aircraft prompts ATC Sahar to ask the AN-26B to land.
The Customs, ignorant of the Purulia case, nab Bleach and five others on charges of hiding the seventh person - Kim Davy, who is named in the flight manifest but is already missing. Davy claims he had jumped the wall of the airport and made a break.
Over the next three days Kim Davy and the others stay in Puket in Thailand. While there they get approval for return flight to Karachi flying over Indian Air space touching at Calcutta. This despite an IB Alert at all Indian Airports detailing call sign and description of the aircraft
July 1993 – BBC news reported that In Delhi there was a Congress government and in West Bengal there was a Communist government and the two are not the best of friends.
"And I think somebody saw this report from the British and I think it's possible somebody decided to take advantage of this."
An armed insurgency in West Bengal would have allowed Delhi to have impose direct rule on the state and oust the ruling Communists.
Peter Bleach and the aircrew - two of whom are seriously ill - face a trial that experts say could last for ten years, since there are hundreds of witnesses to be heard.
After six months of sporadic hearings, the trial has heard from just six witnesses.
Mr Bleach tells the programme: "I'm not guilty. I've seen it said in the newspapers that it would be a shame if I hang for my naivety.
"I don't think it should be naive to report a terrorist incident and expect the police to do something about it. But apparently it is.
"I think it's extraordinary that you can obey the law and end up in jail for reporting a terrorist incident."
The programme also says the man behind the plot, Niels Christian Nielson, used the stolen identity of Kim Davy throughout his dealings with Peter Bleach.
He also forced Mr Bleach onto the plane which dropped the arms.
Nielson, a Dane, is a 'monk' in the Ananda Marga, and is one of Interpol's most wanted men.
The international force says he has 46 known aliases, and is wanted for questioning in a number of countries about smuggling, money laundering and forgery.
Investigations by the BBC have revealed that the arms were on their way to a religious sect called Ananda Marga.
The organisation carries out humanitarian aid in some of the world's poorest areas, but has a darker side. It is based in West Bengal and for years has been at odds with the Communist government there.
The programme also says the man behind the plot, Niels Christian Nielson, used the stolen identity of Kim Davy throughout his dealings with Peter Bleach.
He also forced Mr Bleach onto the plane which dropped the arms.
Nielson, a Dane, is a 'monk' in the Ananda Marga, and is one of Interpol's most wanted men.
What exactly happened in this case is no one knows.
July 22 2000 –
The Latvians were released on July 22, 2000, following an order of the president of India granting remission of the sentence of imprisonment and fine, so far not paid.
The Latvians were convicted on February 2 last year but released on a presidential pardon on July 22, the same year.
June 21, 2003 –
Union home minister L.K.Advani's statement at a press conference in London last Tuesday that there are certain "legal difficulties" in the way of release of British convict Peter Bleach has raised questions. Bleach is now lodged in the Alipore Central Jail in Kolkata Advani had stated that he would have to talk to the Union law ministry to find a way out.
January 31, 2004 - By TNN –
The West Bengal government indicated that it might take till February 5 for formal withdrawal of the cases pending against Bleach. The Presidential order remitting Bleach's remaining sentence in the Purulia arms drop case was received by the state government on Friday evening.
August 11, 2010 - TNN –
NEW DELHI: CBI is finally all set to extradite Danish national Niels Holks alias Kim Davy (47), who is the main accused in the 1995 Purulia arms drop case. Davy, who has been on the run since the incident on December 17 in 1995, was arrested by the Danish authorities on April 9, based on the red corner notice issued by Interpol. CBI officials said once Davy is extradited, he would face trial in the case, where a Calcutta court had already convicted six people for life in 2000.
December 10, 2010 - By TNN
KOLKATA: The Bengal home department has submitted an undertaking to the Union home ministry, assuring that its prisons would be safe and secure and free from human rights violations if Kim Davy, one of the accused in the Purulia arms drop case of 1995, is to be housed in a prison here.
The Centre had asked the Bengal government to explain the condition in the state's prisons. The undertaking would be handed over to the CBI which is handling the case. The assurance was submitted by state home secretary G D Gautama and AGD Prisons BD Sharma who attended a meeting in Delhi on Wednesday at the Union home ministry.
June 17, 2007 - By PTI
NEW DELHI: The Ministry of External Affairs is in the process of sending a note to Denmark seeking extradition of Kim Davy, the main accused in the 1995 Purulia arms drop case, with an assurance that he will be repatriated to that country to serve any prison term following his possible conviction in India. Relenting to pressure from Danish authorities, New Delhi may give an executive assurance to Copenhagen that Davy will not be sentenced to death for any offence committed by him in India and that he will be repatriated to Denmark to serve any prison sentence after his trial, official sources said.
2004 –
All the accused persons in this case are free only remaining accused is only Kim Davy.
Davy was allegedly the mastermind in dropping arms and ammunition over Purulia on the night of December 17, 1995 from an AN-26 Aircraft. Although Davy managed to flee by bribing officials at Mumbai airport, six others including Peter Bleach of England and five Latvians were arrested. Their sentences were, however, remitted following diplomatic pressure.
Interrogation of the accused had revealed that Kim Davy was the mastermind behind the entire operation but had managed to flee.
Suggesting Reading -
Part 2 Last Part
Times Now Expose interviews Kim Davy and Peter Understand Purulia Arms Drop Case in Depth
Reality Views by sm –
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Keyword Tags – Times Now expose Purulia Arms Drop Case Kim Davy Peter Bleach
MI5 RAW Indian MP Government
Sources –
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
RIP - Last Typewriter Making Company Godrej and Boyce Closed in Mumbai – Death of Typewriters
RIP - Last Typewriter Making Company Godrej and Boyce
Closed in Mumbai – Death of Typewriters
In India nearly all the typewriter making companies have already closed their business.
Only one company was remaining that was Godrej and Boyce from Mumbai which was making Typewriters in Mumbai India.
Godrej and Boyce have shut down its production plant in Mumbai, India which was manufacturing Typewriters.
The Godrej and Boyce began production in the 1950s
It was still selling 50,000 models annually in the early 1990s, Up to year 2009 Godrej used to sell around 10,000 typewriters but now they do not have orders.
But last year it sold less than 800 machines.
Its said that this was the last company in the world which was making Type writers and but I came to know on internet there is possibility that in china, Indonesia and in Japan few companies are making typewriters.
As those articles did not mention the name of the companies who are still making the Typewriters I assume that the Godrej was the last company of the world.
And confirm that it was the India’s last typewriter making company which closed its business because of lack of orders.
And currently company got only 200 Typewriters in their possession with Arabic language.
Today also in India if you visit in the Courts you will find the people with typewriter and typing affidavits for the poor people.
Another Problem in India is Many government job require the certificate showing that the person knows the typing.
Today also in Pune City there are classes who are teaching English Typing, Marathi Typing.
But death of Typewriter will cause lot of pain to poor people of India as we do not have electricity supply on which we can depend.
A prototype of the typewriter was introduced in 1714 by Henry Mill, but the first mass-produced typewriter came in 1868 when Christopher Latham Sholes, a printer-publisher from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, patented the device.
If you know any company which is manufacturing Typewriters for sell please mention it in the comment.

Image Source –
Reality Views by sm-
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Keyword Tag – Typewriter RIP Company Closed
Closed in Mumbai – Death of Typewriters
In India nearly all the typewriter making companies have already closed their business.
Only one company was remaining that was Godrej and Boyce from Mumbai which was making Typewriters in Mumbai India.
Godrej and Boyce have shut down its production plant in Mumbai, India which was manufacturing Typewriters.
The Godrej and Boyce began production in the 1950s
It was still selling 50,000 models annually in the early 1990s, Up to year 2009 Godrej used to sell around 10,000 typewriters but now they do not have orders.
But last year it sold less than 800 machines.
Its said that this was the last company in the world which was making Type writers and but I came to know on internet there is possibility that in china, Indonesia and in Japan few companies are making typewriters.
As those articles did not mention the name of the companies who are still making the Typewriters I assume that the Godrej was the last company of the world.
And confirm that it was the India’s last typewriter making company which closed its business because of lack of orders.
And currently company got only 200 Typewriters in their possession with Arabic language.
Today also in India if you visit in the Courts you will find the people with typewriter and typing affidavits for the poor people.
Another Problem in India is Many government job require the certificate showing that the person knows the typing.
Today also in Pune City there are classes who are teaching English Typing, Marathi Typing.
But death of Typewriter will cause lot of pain to poor people of India as we do not have electricity supply on which we can depend.
A prototype of the typewriter was introduced in 1714 by Henry Mill, but the first mass-produced typewriter came in 1868 when Christopher Latham Sholes, a printer-publisher from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, patented the device.
If you know any company which is manufacturing Typewriters for sell please mention it in the comment.

Image Source –
Reality Views by sm-
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Keyword Tag – Typewriter RIP Company Closed
Ulhasnagar 200 Illegal mobile towers loss of Revenue or Tax to the tune of Crores Rupees to UMC
Ulhasnagar 200 Illegal mobile towers loss of Revenue or Tax
to the tune of Crores Rupees to UMC
Ulhasnagar civic body has not given permission to the single tower in Ulhasnagar.
Nearly 200 towers are installed in on the terrace of several Ulhasnagar buildings, posing health hazards to lakhs of residents, are illegal.
The civic body officials say that they do not have power to take action against the offenders.
UMC's health department official S Pawar said that "The civic body has not given permission to a single tower situated in Ulhasnagar, so all the towers installed in the area are illegal,"
According to Prem Jha, an RTI official in Ulhasnagar, "If these mobile towers were granted permission as per the rule, the UMC coffers would have been filled from the crores of rupees collected from the service providers.
Ashok Kumar Rankhamb, the UMC commissioner, said, that we have sent a letter to the High Court on April 20 seeking orders to demolish these illegal towers. We are waiting for the reply. As and when we get the order, we will take action immediately."
Reality Views by sm-
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Keywords Tag – UMC ULHASNAGAR loss of tax
to the tune of Crores Rupees to UMC
Ulhasnagar civic body has not given permission to the single tower in Ulhasnagar.
Nearly 200 towers are installed in on the terrace of several Ulhasnagar buildings, posing health hazards to lakhs of residents, are illegal.
The civic body officials say that they do not have power to take action against the offenders.
UMC's health department official S Pawar said that "The civic body has not given permission to a single tower situated in Ulhasnagar, so all the towers installed in the area are illegal,"
According to Prem Jha, an RTI official in Ulhasnagar, "If these mobile towers were granted permission as per the rule, the UMC coffers would have been filled from the crores of rupees collected from the service providers.
Ashok Kumar Rankhamb, the UMC commissioner, said, that we have sent a letter to the High Court on April 20 seeking orders to demolish these illegal towers. We are waiting for the reply. As and when we get the order, we will take action immediately."
Reality Views by sm-
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Keywords Tag – UMC ULHASNAGAR loss of tax
Know details and see the photo copy of President Obama’s birth Certificate President Obama birth certificate released by White House
Know details and see the photo copy of President Obama’s birth
Certificate President Obama birth certificate released by White House
On Wednesday, White House released President Barack Obama’s birth certificate
For which American citizens as well as world was eager to see that.
Below are the details from the President Barack Obama’s birth Certificate –
State Of Hawaii certificate of live birth file number 151
Department of health 61 10641
Childs First Name –
Birth Date
August 4 1961 time 7.24 PM
Name of Hospital –
Kapiolani Maternity and Gynecological Hospital in Honolulu.
Full Name of Father - BARCK HUSSEIN OBAMA
RACE OF Father – African
Age of Father – 25
Birthplace – Kenya East Africa
Full Maiden name of Mother –
Race of Mother – Caucasian
Age of Mother – 18
Birth Place - Wichita
President Barack Obama was born on Aug. 4, 1961 in the Kapiolani Maternity and Gynecological Hospital in Honolulu.
Below is the Photo copy of President Barack Obama’s Birth Certificate –

Reality Views by sm –
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Keyword Tag – Photo copy of President Barack Obama Birth Certificate
Certificate President Obama birth certificate released by White House
On Wednesday, White House released President Barack Obama’s birth certificate
For which American citizens as well as world was eager to see that.
Below are the details from the President Barack Obama’s birth Certificate –
State Of Hawaii certificate of live birth file number 151
Department of health 61 10641
Childs First Name –
Birth Date
August 4 1961 time 7.24 PM
Name of Hospital –
Kapiolani Maternity and Gynecological Hospital in Honolulu.
Full Name of Father - BARCK HUSSEIN OBAMA
RACE OF Father – African
Age of Father – 25
Birthplace – Kenya East Africa
Full Maiden name of Mother –
Race of Mother – Caucasian
Age of Mother – 18
Birth Place - Wichita
President Barack Obama was born on Aug. 4, 1961 in the Kapiolani Maternity and Gynecological Hospital in Honolulu.
Below is the Photo copy of President Barack Obama’s Birth Certificate –

Reality Views by sm –
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Keyword Tag – Photo copy of President Barack Obama Birth Certificate
Under Graduate Mayor for Information Technology Fame Bangalore – Exposing Indian Education Policy Failure
Under Graduate Mayor for Information Technology Fame Bangalore
– Exposing Indian Education Policy Failure
The state government has issued orders to conduct elections to the crucial arms of the civic administration along with that for the mayoral posts.
The order issued by the urban development department in this regard on April 4 applies to all the 12 standing committees. Elections to the posts of the mayor and deputy mayor have been scheduled for April 30.
Under the rotation basis, the BBMP will now have a woman from a Scheduled Caste as its next mayor and the deputy mayor will be from the backward caste (2A) category.
The mayor's post is reserved for a woman from the Scheduled Caste.
The upcoming BBMP council polls to elect mayor and deputy mayor for a one-year term on April 29.
There are 2 contenders for this Post.
Sharadamma, councillor from Shattihalli, has a Secondary School Leaving Certificate (SSLC)
Roopa Ramesh from Bilekahalli has completed her Pre-university College (PUC)
Sharadamma and Roopa are first-time councilors
When MiD DAY tried to call Sharadamma, her husband Ramanjaneya received the call and chose to answer on her behalf.
More Information on other Councilors in Bangalore city the city of Information Technology.
Out of 198 councilors
Only 26 are graduates
60 are not even matriculate
Over 25 have passed SSLC
while the rest hold qualifications like PUC, diplomas and Industrial Training (ITI)
Reality Views by sm-
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Keywords Tag – Bangalore Under graduate Mayor
– Exposing Indian Education Policy Failure
The state government has issued orders to conduct elections to the crucial arms of the civic administration along with that for the mayoral posts.
The order issued by the urban development department in this regard on April 4 applies to all the 12 standing committees. Elections to the posts of the mayor and deputy mayor have been scheduled for April 30.
Under the rotation basis, the BBMP will now have a woman from a Scheduled Caste as its next mayor and the deputy mayor will be from the backward caste (2A) category.
The mayor's post is reserved for a woman from the Scheduled Caste.
The upcoming BBMP council polls to elect mayor and deputy mayor for a one-year term on April 29.
There are 2 contenders for this Post.
Sharadamma, councillor from Shattihalli, has a Secondary School Leaving Certificate (SSLC)
Roopa Ramesh from Bilekahalli has completed her Pre-university College (PUC)
Sharadamma and Roopa are first-time councilors
When MiD DAY tried to call Sharadamma, her husband Ramanjaneya received the call and chose to answer on her behalf.
More Information on other Councilors in Bangalore city the city of Information Technology.
Out of 198 councilors
Only 26 are graduates
60 are not even matriculate
Over 25 have passed SSLC
while the rest hold qualifications like PUC, diplomas and Industrial Training (ITI)
Reality Views by sm-
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Keywords Tag – Bangalore Under graduate Mayor
Know 15 Important Findings of Parliament's Public Account Committee (PAC) Report on 2G Scam –
Know 15 Important Findings of Parliament's Public Account Committee (PAC)
Report on 2G Scam –
Parliament's Public Account Committee (PAC) was headed by Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Murli Manohar Joshi and is investigating the 2G scam
The PAC has 22 members from different political parties
The current Pac’s term expires on April 30. The new PAC will again be headed by Mr. Joshi.
Parliament's Public Account Committee (PAC) has reportedly given a clean chit to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in the 2G spectrum scam.
The committee has also alleged that telecom minister A Raja presented half truths to the Prime Minister.
PAC has recommended that all 2G licenses should be scrapped.
The PAC says the finance minister pleaded with the Prime Minister to treat the matter as closed. Chidambaram was the finance minister from May 23, 2004 to November 30, 2008.
Licenses were issued on 10th January 2008. The file was resubmitted to the Prime Minister on 15th January 2008 with a clarification note. The file was received back by the private secretary to the Prime Minister with the note that "The PM wants this to be informally shared with the department and does not want formal communication and wants PMO to be at arms length".
The report says the Prime Minister on January three, 2008 wanting to keep the PMO at "arm's length" seemed to have given an "indirect green signal" to Raja to go ahead and "execute his unfair, arbitrary and dubious designs".
The PAC has also accepted the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) figure of Rs 1.76 lakh Crore loss to the national exchequer due to the faulty allocation process of 2G spectrum adopted by the Telecom Ministry.
The PAC has also recommended that the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) should be strengthened and all the future licenses to be rolled out through TRAI.
PAC report also said that "The Prime Minister was in fact misled when he was informed by the minister (Raja) that the issue of auction of spectrum was considered but not recommended by the Telecom Commission and also not recommended by TRAI. The minister was saying half truth, concealing the other half, concealing his ulterior design
The PMO was very much aware of law minister's suggestions but the counter view of the communication minister got overriding preference to the law minister's view for some unknown reasons and thus no effort was made by the PMO to initiate the process of constitution of the EGoM.
"The PMO certainly either failed to see the forebodings or was rendered a mute spectator," the report said
The 22 members of the committee are meant to meet tomorrow to discuss this draft report.
Reality Views by sm-
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Suggested Reading –
PAC - Understand functions, powers and constitution of PAC - Public Accounts Committee
Keyword Tag - PAC Report on 2G Scam Joshi PMO Parliament's Public Account Committee (PAC) Report on 2G Scam –
Report on 2G Scam –
Parliament's Public Account Committee (PAC) was headed by Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Murli Manohar Joshi and is investigating the 2G scam
The PAC has 22 members from different political parties
The current Pac’s term expires on April 30. The new PAC will again be headed by Mr. Joshi.
Parliament's Public Account Committee (PAC) has reportedly given a clean chit to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in the 2G spectrum scam.
The committee has also alleged that telecom minister A Raja presented half truths to the Prime Minister.
PAC has recommended that all 2G licenses should be scrapped.
The PAC says the finance minister pleaded with the Prime Minister to treat the matter as closed. Chidambaram was the finance minister from May 23, 2004 to November 30, 2008.
Licenses were issued on 10th January 2008. The file was resubmitted to the Prime Minister on 15th January 2008 with a clarification note. The file was received back by the private secretary to the Prime Minister with the note that "The PM wants this to be informally shared with the department and does not want formal communication and wants PMO to be at arms length".
The report says the Prime Minister on January three, 2008 wanting to keep the PMO at "arm's length" seemed to have given an "indirect green signal" to Raja to go ahead and "execute his unfair, arbitrary and dubious designs".
The PAC has also accepted the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) figure of Rs 1.76 lakh Crore loss to the national exchequer due to the faulty allocation process of 2G spectrum adopted by the Telecom Ministry.
The PAC has also recommended that the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) should be strengthened and all the future licenses to be rolled out through TRAI.
PAC report also said that "The Prime Minister was in fact misled when he was informed by the minister (Raja) that the issue of auction of spectrum was considered but not recommended by the Telecom Commission and also not recommended by TRAI. The minister was saying half truth, concealing the other half, concealing his ulterior design
The PMO was very much aware of law minister's suggestions but the counter view of the communication minister got overriding preference to the law minister's view for some unknown reasons and thus no effort was made by the PMO to initiate the process of constitution of the EGoM.
"The PMO certainly either failed to see the forebodings or was rendered a mute spectator," the report said
The 22 members of the committee are meant to meet tomorrow to discuss this draft report.
Reality Views by sm-
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Suggested Reading –
PAC - Understand functions, powers and constitution of PAC - Public Accounts Committee
Keyword Tag - PAC Report on 2G Scam Joshi PMO Parliament's Public Account Committee (PAC) Report on 2G Scam –
Actor Shiney Ahuja gets bail in Maid Rape Case gets freedom
Actor Shiney Ahuja gets bail in Maid Rape Case gets freedom
The Bombay High Court has granted bail to actor Shiney Ahuja on payment of surety of Rs 50,000 to the session’s court in the rape case of his maid.
Shiney Ahuja was sentenced to seven years in jail by a Mumbai court on March 30, 2011.
High Court Judge AR Joshi while giving bail to the Actor Shiney Ahuja told him not to leave India.
Now let us see after one year or after 50 year the justice will be done.
May be before that the matter will be compromised and Ahuja will get acquitted.
Justice Delayed is Justice Denied.
Reality Views by sm –
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Suggested Reading –
Shiney Ahuja convicted for raping maid Mumbai Court found Shiney Ahuja Guilty of Rape
Keyword Tags – Bollywood Star Shiney Ahuja gets bail and freedom
The Bombay High Court has granted bail to actor Shiney Ahuja on payment of surety of Rs 50,000 to the session’s court in the rape case of his maid.
Shiney Ahuja was sentenced to seven years in jail by a Mumbai court on March 30, 2011.
High Court Judge AR Joshi while giving bail to the Actor Shiney Ahuja told him not to leave India.
Now let us see after one year or after 50 year the justice will be done.
May be before that the matter will be compromised and Ahuja will get acquitted.
Justice Delayed is Justice Denied.
Reality Views by sm –
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Suggested Reading –
Shiney Ahuja convicted for raping maid Mumbai Court found Shiney Ahuja Guilty of Rape
Keyword Tags – Bollywood Star Shiney Ahuja gets bail and freedom
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Suresh Kalmadi sent to 8 days Police Custody by Court in Common Wealth Corruption scam case
Suresh Kalmadi sent to 8 days Police Custody by Court in
Common Wealth Corruption scam case
Today Patiala House Court remanded Suresh Kalmadi to eight days of police custody.
The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) had sought 14-day custody of Kalmadi in the Commonwealth Games Time Scoring scam case.
Two other senior officials of the Commonwealth Games Organizing Committee
Surjeet Lal and ASV Prasad have also been sent to police custody for eight days.
The Congress MP Suresh Kalmadi has been accused of awarding illegal contracts to a Swiss firm for Timing-Scoring-Result (TSR) system for the Games causing a loss of Rs 95 Crore to the exchequer that is loss of Rs.95 Crore to Indian Citizens.
"The price paid to the Swiss firm was more than thrice the amount of Rs 46 crore sought by the only other bidder, MSL of Spain."
CBI spokesperson Dharini Mishra said that "It was Kalmadi's role in his then official capacity as chief of the OC's executive board that led to his arrest.
"Investigation has revealed that the OC committee for short-listing prospective bidders for TSR was constituted by selecting handpicked officials who favored the Swiss company while members of the tenders-evaluation committee were coerced and threatened to disqualify other bidders,"
Manoj Sharma a lawyer from Gwalior tried to hit Suresh Kalmadi with a slipper. But he missed and was overpowered by security personnel present at the Patiala House Court complex.
In 2007 he tried to kill a sub-divisional magistrate with a dagger and was jailed for three years.
Manoj Sharma told the Mid Day that I am a messenger of God, and I am here to punish corrupt people
Manoj Sharma said that he has read much about Utsav Sharma, who attacked Rajesh Talwar and SPS Rathore, and is sympathetic towards him. "He is also a crusader like me. He is punishing the guilty of society and I will punish the most corrupt ministers
Manoj said that three years ago he had contested the Lok Sabha elections independently. "I got around 2500 votes and will again contest the election the next time
Reality views by sm-
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Keywords Tags - Suresh Kalmadi Arrested Suresh Kalmadi slipper hit Kapil
Common Wealth Corruption scam case
Today Patiala House Court remanded Suresh Kalmadi to eight days of police custody.
The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) had sought 14-day custody of Kalmadi in the Commonwealth Games Time Scoring scam case.
Two other senior officials of the Commonwealth Games Organizing Committee
Surjeet Lal and ASV Prasad have also been sent to police custody for eight days.
The Congress MP Suresh Kalmadi has been accused of awarding illegal contracts to a Swiss firm for Timing-Scoring-Result (TSR) system for the Games causing a loss of Rs 95 Crore to the exchequer that is loss of Rs.95 Crore to Indian Citizens.
"The price paid to the Swiss firm was more than thrice the amount of Rs 46 crore sought by the only other bidder, MSL of Spain."
CBI spokesperson Dharini Mishra said that "It was Kalmadi's role in his then official capacity as chief of the OC's executive board that led to his arrest.
"Investigation has revealed that the OC committee for short-listing prospective bidders for TSR was constituted by selecting handpicked officials who favored the Swiss company while members of the tenders-evaluation committee were coerced and threatened to disqualify other bidders,"
Manoj Sharma a lawyer from Gwalior tried to hit Suresh Kalmadi with a slipper. But he missed and was overpowered by security personnel present at the Patiala House Court complex.
In 2007 he tried to kill a sub-divisional magistrate with a dagger and was jailed for three years.
Manoj Sharma told the Mid Day that I am a messenger of God, and I am here to punish corrupt people
Manoj Sharma said that he has read much about Utsav Sharma, who attacked Rajesh Talwar and SPS Rathore, and is sympathetic towards him. "He is also a crusader like me. He is punishing the guilty of society and I will punish the most corrupt ministers
Manoj said that three years ago he had contested the Lok Sabha elections independently. "I got around 2500 votes and will again contest the election the next time
Reality views by sm-
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Keywords Tags - Suresh Kalmadi Arrested Suresh Kalmadi slipper hit Kapil
Satya Sai Baba will be buried at Sai Kulwant Hall. Manava seve madava seva (service to man is service to god) will be written on Samadhi.
Satya Sai Baba will be buried at Sai Kulwant Hall.
Manava seve madava seva (service to man is service to god)
will be written on Samadhi.
Till Midnight the devotes of Satya Sai baba will be allowed to take Darshan of their Baba.
The last rites of Sathya Sai Baba will be a private affair; no devotees will be allowed to witness it.
As per Hindu Rites and customs the burial of the body will take place between 9:00 am and 9:30 am on Wednesday
Below is the photo of Satya Sai Baba – Last Darshan of Satya Sai Baba –

Media has reported that administration consulted the Vastu experts and then decided that the funeral will be held at the Sai Kulwant hall.
Sathya Sai Baba will be buried at the exact spot from where he used to give darshan to his devotees. A mausoleum will be erected at the same place following the burial.
Holy water and soil from river beds across the country is being brought down to Puttaparthi.
This would be used when the spiritual leader's body is buried.
Soon the digging process at Sai Kulwant hall will start currently, the area where Sathya Sai Baba will be buried has been covered completely with a white cloth.
After completion of burial process and rites on later date it will be opened up for Devotes.
The administration has also decided that to engrave following lines on the Samadhi of Satya Sai Baba.
Manava seve madava seva (service to man is service to god)
It’s also reported that rich and powerful people are able to reach the very near to the body of Satya Sai Baba and poor devotes are finding it difficult to even get a glimpse of Baba.
The queue lines for the common devotees are blocked at least 30 feet away from the glass casket in which the Baba's body is lying, depriving them of a clear view.
Only Rich people are able to get the last darshan of Baba.
If you think he is your God why you are wasting your time their
Close your eyes and you will find Satya Sai baba in your heart and even in your laptop.
This is the mind game what we wish mind gives that.
When SSB himself is god why to bring soil and water from other places?
In the presence of God how can vastu dosha or negative powers can enter into the house?
Reality Views by sm-
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Keywords Tags - Satya Sai Baba Burial Kulwant Hall Burial Time
Manava seve madava seva (service to man is service to god)
will be written on Samadhi.
Till Midnight the devotes of Satya Sai baba will be allowed to take Darshan of their Baba.
The last rites of Sathya Sai Baba will be a private affair; no devotees will be allowed to witness it.
As per Hindu Rites and customs the burial of the body will take place between 9:00 am and 9:30 am on Wednesday
Below is the photo of Satya Sai Baba – Last Darshan of Satya Sai Baba –

Media has reported that administration consulted the Vastu experts and then decided that the funeral will be held at the Sai Kulwant hall.
Sathya Sai Baba will be buried at the exact spot from where he used to give darshan to his devotees. A mausoleum will be erected at the same place following the burial.
Holy water and soil from river beds across the country is being brought down to Puttaparthi.
This would be used when the spiritual leader's body is buried.
Soon the digging process at Sai Kulwant hall will start currently, the area where Sathya Sai Baba will be buried has been covered completely with a white cloth.
After completion of burial process and rites on later date it will be opened up for Devotes.
The administration has also decided that to engrave following lines on the Samadhi of Satya Sai Baba.
Manava seve madava seva (service to man is service to god)
It’s also reported that rich and powerful people are able to reach the very near to the body of Satya Sai Baba and poor devotes are finding it difficult to even get a glimpse of Baba.
The queue lines for the common devotees are blocked at least 30 feet away from the glass casket in which the Baba's body is lying, depriving them of a clear view.
Only Rich people are able to get the last darshan of Baba.
If you think he is your God why you are wasting your time their
Close your eyes and you will find Satya Sai baba in your heart and even in your laptop.
This is the mind game what we wish mind gives that.
When SSB himself is god why to bring soil and water from other places?
In the presence of God how can vastu dosha or negative powers can enter into the house?
Reality Views by sm-
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Keywords Tags - Satya Sai Baba Burial Kulwant Hall Burial Time
Know about Chinese Jet J-15 Flying Shark a clone of Russian Jet Sukhoi-33 but does it got the power of American jet F18
Know about Chinese Jet J-15 Flying Shark a clone of
Russian Jet Sukhoi-33 but does it got the power of American jet F18
China’s state media on Monday published the first close-up pictures of the J-15.
J-15 jet will start sea trials soon.
The first prototype J-15 was believed to have made its maiden flight on August 31, 2009, a month before the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, according to the Russian Ria Novosti news.
J-15 is the first generation of Chinese shipborne fighter aircraft being developed by both 601 Institute and SAC for PLAN’s first aircraft carrier.
China requested Russia to sell the Sukhoi 33 Soviet fighter capable of landing on carriers. But Russia refused.
But in 2001, the Chinese bought a Su-33 prototype from Ukraine and then china started to study the prototype and learn every secret of Su-33.
Below is the photo showing J15 Chinese Jet and Russian Su-33.

Then developed the J 15 Jet fighter for the Chinese Navy war ship.
When we see the photos one can easily see that J15 jet is the clone of Su-33.
Some key shipborne aircraft technologies such as landing/navigational systems are believed to have been obtained from Russia and Ukraine.
But regarding technology they must have changed and used advanced technology increasing the power of Jet fighter.
After reading on many articles one can understand say that J15 Chinese Jet is similar to Su-33 Russian Jet and inside and regarding the powers and functions J15 Chinese Jet is similar to American fighter plane F-18 a workhorse on Navy carriers.
J-15 Jet Arms Capacity Weapons Capicity-
J15 Jet can fire Chinese designed weapons, including PL-8, PL-12 AAMs and YJ-83K AShM. Overall J-15 is believed to be in the same class of American F/A-18C.
The fighter has distinctive features that enable it to operate on an aircraft carrier, such as folding wings and strengthened landing gear, according to the Chinese Military Aviation (CMA). Missile launch rails and wide-angle holographic Head up Display (HUD) clearly indicated that the fighter is equipped with domestic sensors, avionics and weapon systems
J-15, the new Chinese navy's "flying shark" features enlarged folding wings, twin nose wheels and an arresting hook for use on China's first aircraft carrier.
It’s expected that in year 2015 the J-15, the new Chinese navy's "flying shark" will start to serve the Chinese Navy increasing the power of China.
By hook or crook China has intelligently got the hands on Russian and Ukraine War planes and Ship and after studying them china has modified them.
It’s like reverse engineering. Here the saying fits well everything is fair in love and War.
China’s new carrier, a war ship expected to be named as Shi Lang, is a retrofitted version of a 1988 Soviet aircraft carrier that Chinese interests bought from Ukraine after the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union, supposedly for conversion into a floating casino in Macao.
But the Macao gambling license never materialized, and as many had suspected, the ship wound up elsewhere in Dalian, a city in northeastern China where workers began a decade-long retrofit.
The aircraft is expected first to be stationed onboard the Varyag aircraft carrier currently being fitted in Dalian. China bought the unfinished Admiral Kuznetsov class aircraft carrier from Ukraine in 1998.
The J-15 is credited by the Chinese as indigenous development but I think J15 is a mix of Su-33 and American fighter plane F-18.
Reality views by sm-
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Keyword Tag – J15 China Jet Advance Jet J15 copied Russian Su33 J15 Clone F18 Jet USA
Russian Jet Sukhoi-33 but does it got the power of American jet F18
China’s state media on Monday published the first close-up pictures of the J-15.
J-15 jet will start sea trials soon.
The first prototype J-15 was believed to have made its maiden flight on August 31, 2009, a month before the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, according to the Russian Ria Novosti news.
J-15 is the first generation of Chinese shipborne fighter aircraft being developed by both 601 Institute and SAC for PLAN’s first aircraft carrier.
China requested Russia to sell the Sukhoi 33 Soviet fighter capable of landing on carriers. But Russia refused.
But in 2001, the Chinese bought a Su-33 prototype from Ukraine and then china started to study the prototype and learn every secret of Su-33.
Below is the photo showing J15 Chinese Jet and Russian Su-33.

Then developed the J 15 Jet fighter for the Chinese Navy war ship.
When we see the photos one can easily see that J15 jet is the clone of Su-33.
Some key shipborne aircraft technologies such as landing/navigational systems are believed to have been obtained from Russia and Ukraine.
But regarding technology they must have changed and used advanced technology increasing the power of Jet fighter.
After reading on many articles one can understand say that J15 Chinese Jet is similar to Su-33 Russian Jet and inside and regarding the powers and functions J15 Chinese Jet is similar to American fighter plane F-18 a workhorse on Navy carriers.
J-15 Jet Arms Capacity Weapons Capicity-
J15 Jet can fire Chinese designed weapons, including PL-8, PL-12 AAMs and YJ-83K AShM. Overall J-15 is believed to be in the same class of American F/A-18C.
The fighter has distinctive features that enable it to operate on an aircraft carrier, such as folding wings and strengthened landing gear, according to the Chinese Military Aviation (CMA). Missile launch rails and wide-angle holographic Head up Display (HUD) clearly indicated that the fighter is equipped with domestic sensors, avionics and weapon systems
J-15, the new Chinese navy's "flying shark" features enlarged folding wings, twin nose wheels and an arresting hook for use on China's first aircraft carrier.
It’s expected that in year 2015 the J-15, the new Chinese navy's "flying shark" will start to serve the Chinese Navy increasing the power of China.
By hook or crook China has intelligently got the hands on Russian and Ukraine War planes and Ship and after studying them china has modified them.
It’s like reverse engineering. Here the saying fits well everything is fair in love and War.
China’s new carrier, a war ship expected to be named as Shi Lang, is a retrofitted version of a 1988 Soviet aircraft carrier that Chinese interests bought from Ukraine after the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union, supposedly for conversion into a floating casino in Macao.
But the Macao gambling license never materialized, and as many had suspected, the ship wound up elsewhere in Dalian, a city in northeastern China where workers began a decade-long retrofit.
The aircraft is expected first to be stationed onboard the Varyag aircraft carrier currently being fitted in Dalian. China bought the unfinished Admiral Kuznetsov class aircraft carrier from Ukraine in 1998.
The J-15 is credited by the Chinese as indigenous development but I think J15 is a mix of Su-33 and American fighter plane F-18.
Reality views by sm-
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Keyword Tag – J15 China Jet Advance Jet J15 copied Russian Su33 J15 Clone F18 Jet USA
Monday, April 25, 2011
Supreme Court Cancels Airport Development Fee [ADF] Now Pay less for domestic and international air travel in Delhi and Mumbai
Supreme Court Cancels Airport Development Fee [ADF]
Now Pay less for domestic and international air travel in Delhi and Mumbai
SC Cancels airport development fee (ADF) being charged by private operators in Delhi and Mumbai –
The Supreme Court has stopped the Delhi and Mumbai airports from charging passengers what's known as an "Airport Development Fee."
Earlier, the Delhi High Court had in August 2009 rejected the petition of the NGO, ruling that private airport developers were free to charge ADF from passengers and that barring it would have damaging consequences for the Public Private Partnership Model.
The Supreme Court today quashed the levying of the Airport Development Fee by private airport developers in Delhi and Mumbai on international and domestic passengers.
The bench set aside the Delhi High Court's order which had upheld levying of ADF.
The court passed the order on a petition filed by the NGO, Consumer Online Foundation, contending that the fee was illegal, as it was not approved by Airports Economic Regulatory Authority of India.
The NGO had pleaded that such levy can only be charged by a government body like the Airport Authority of India and not private bodies such as Delhi International Airport Ltd and Mumbai International Airport Ltd that are just managing the Airport.
A bench of Justices Cyriac Joseph and A K Patnaik set aside the policy of airport developers by which passengers departing from Delhi airport had to pay a fee of Rs 200 for domestic flights and Rs 1,300 for international flights.
Fliers departing from Mumbai were charged Rs 100 for domestic and Rs 600 for international flights.
As a result, tickets are likely to become cheaper by Rs.200 for domestic travelers and Rs.1, 300 for international passengers boarding from Delhi. Similarly, tickets from the Mumbai airport are also likely to become cheaper with varying rates.
Airport Ticket Officials at the Mumbai airport say the fees were built into tickets and will be deleted now.
They were charging Rs. 100 as a "departure fee" for domestic travel and Rs. 600 for international travel.
Reality Views by sm –
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Keyword Tag – ADF cancel Mumbai Delhi Air Travelers pay less Air Travel become Cheap
Now Pay less for domestic and international air travel in Delhi and Mumbai
SC Cancels airport development fee (ADF) being charged by private operators in Delhi and Mumbai –
The Supreme Court has stopped the Delhi and Mumbai airports from charging passengers what's known as an "Airport Development Fee."
Earlier, the Delhi High Court had in August 2009 rejected the petition of the NGO, ruling that private airport developers were free to charge ADF from passengers and that barring it would have damaging consequences for the Public Private Partnership Model.
The Supreme Court today quashed the levying of the Airport Development Fee by private airport developers in Delhi and Mumbai on international and domestic passengers.
The bench set aside the Delhi High Court's order which had upheld levying of ADF.
The court passed the order on a petition filed by the NGO, Consumer Online Foundation, contending that the fee was illegal, as it was not approved by Airports Economic Regulatory Authority of India.
The NGO had pleaded that such levy can only be charged by a government body like the Airport Authority of India and not private bodies such as Delhi International Airport Ltd and Mumbai International Airport Ltd that are just managing the Airport.
A bench of Justices Cyriac Joseph and A K Patnaik set aside the policy of airport developers by which passengers departing from Delhi airport had to pay a fee of Rs 200 for domestic flights and Rs 1,300 for international flights.
Fliers departing from Mumbai were charged Rs 100 for domestic and Rs 600 for international flights.
As a result, tickets are likely to become cheaper by Rs.200 for domestic travelers and Rs.1, 300 for international passengers boarding from Delhi. Similarly, tickets from the Mumbai airport are also likely to become cheaper with varying rates.
Airport Ticket Officials at the Mumbai airport say the fees were built into tickets and will be deleted now.
They were charging Rs. 100 as a "departure fee" for domestic travel and Rs. 600 for international travel.
Reality Views by sm –
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Keyword Tag – ADF cancel Mumbai Delhi Air Travelers pay less Air Travel become Cheap
God Particle, Higgs boson Found by Scientist. Is it rumour that God Particle Found by scientist?
God Particle, Higgs boson Found by Scientist.
Is it rumour that God Particle Found by scientist?
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Is it rumour that God Particle Found by scientist?
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What is endosulfan pesticide? Ban Endosulfan Pesticide. Under Stockholm Convention Endosulfan will get globally banned.
What is endosulfan pesticide? Ban Endosulfan Pesticide.
Under Stockholm Convention Endosulfan will get globally banned.
Under Stockholm Convention Endosulfan may get banned permanently by saving our Indian farmers and farm workers also.
The POPRC nominated endosulfan to be added to the Stockholm Convention at the Conference of Parties (COP) in April 2011
The EPA announced that the registration of endosulfan in the U.S. will be cancelled
Environmental Protection Agency declared Endosulfan as Unsafe.
Endosulfan is banned in more than 63 countries including European Union, Australia and New Zealand, and other Asian and West African nations
Endosulfan was banned in New Zealand by the Environmental Risk Management Authority effective January 2009
Australia banned endosulfan October 12, 2010
But in India Endosulfan is used and manufactured in large quantities.
It is produced by Bayer CropScience, Makhteshim Agan, and Government-of-India–owned Hindustan Insecticides Limited and other few companies.
India the world's largest user of endosulfan, and a major producer with three companies
1. Excel Crop Care,
2. H.I.L.,
3. Coromandal Fertilizers
Producing 4,500 tonnes annually for domestic use and another 4,000 tonnes for export.
India is strongly opposed to adding endosulfan to the Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions
An organochlorine insecticide first registered in the 1950s,
endosulfan can be used on a variety of vegetables and fruits, on cotton, and on ornamental shrubs, trees, and vines.
Endosulfan has no residential uses.
Crops with the highest use in 2006 – 2008 included tomato, cucurbit, potato, apple, and cotton.
Endosulfan is an organochlorine insecticide that can be used on a wide variety of vegetables and fruits, cotton, and ornamental plants. It has no residential uses.
Household exposure is not of concern because endosulfan is not approved for residential uses in America.
According to Scientific American, endosulfan “is a chlorinated insecticide that is chemically similar to DDT, which was banned nearly 40 years ago in America.
Like DDT, endosulfan builds up in the environment and in the bodies of people and wildlife, and it is transported around the world via winds and currents.
Nearly all other organochlorine pesticides already have been banned in USA.
Endosulfan is used on crops such as vegetables, fruits, and cotton. According to The Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] the use of endosulfan is not harmful to humans through dietary exposure, but new research shows that it poses “unacceptable risks” to farm workers and wildlife due to inhalation and contact with skin.
Data developed since 2002 has shed additional light on the risks faced by workers who apply endosulfan and those who harvest crops and conduct activities in fields after the pesticide is used.
Risks faced by workers are greater than previously known, in many instances exceeding the Agency's levels of concern.
Endosulfan can travel long distances from where it is used.
For example, a 2008 report by the National Parks Service found that endosulfan commonly contaminates air, water, plants and fish of National Parks in the U.S.
Most of these parks are far from areas where endosulfan is used.
People may be exposed to residues of endosulfan through food and drinking water, human milk. Damage will depend how much Endosulfan has been used.
Endosulfan is volatile, persistent, and has a high potential to bio-accumulate in aquatic and terrestrial organisms. A large body of scientific literature documents endosulfan’s medium- and long-range transport on a global scale and subsequent accumulation in nearly all environmental media. Through the process of global distillation, endosulfan is present in air, water, sediment, and biota thousands of miles from use areas.
The human effects are largely unknown but tests on lab animals have shown that endosulfan is toxic to the nervous system and can damage the kidney, liver and male reproductive organs.
Endosulfan is also a xenoestrogen a synthetic substance that imitates or enhances the effect of estrogens and it can act as an endocrine disruptor, causing reproductive and developmental damage in both animals and humans.
Researchers studying children from an isolated village in Kasargod District , Kerala, India have linked endosulfan exposure to delays in sexual maturity among boys
The researchers concluded that "our study results suggest that endosulfan exposure in male children may delay sexual maturity and interfere with sex hormone synthesis
Endosulfan has been banned in Kerala since 2005 in view of the grievous ill-effects of its use in cashew plantations in Kasaragod, including nearly 500 deaths and chronic health problems among the population.
The Pollution Control Board of the Government of Kerala, prohibited the use of Endosulfan in the state of Kerala on 10 November 2010
A 2007 study by the California Department of Public Health found that women who lived near farm fields sprayed with endosulfan and the related organochloride pesticide dicofol during the first eight weeks of pregnancy are several times more likely to give birth to children with autism.
Synonyms – Endosulfan
4.BIO 5,462
14.ENT 23,979
15.FMC 5462
22.HOE 2,671
26.NA 2761
28.NIA 5462
29.NIAGARA 5,462
31.OMS 570
Support and demand ban on endosulfan pesticide in India.
Reality Views by sm –
Monday, April 25, 2011 – 6.50 PM IST
Keyword Tag – Ban endosulfan pesticide
Source –
Under Stockholm Convention Endosulfan will get globally banned.
Under Stockholm Convention Endosulfan may get banned permanently by saving our Indian farmers and farm workers also.
The POPRC nominated endosulfan to be added to the Stockholm Convention at the Conference of Parties (COP) in April 2011
The EPA announced that the registration of endosulfan in the U.S. will be cancelled
Environmental Protection Agency declared Endosulfan as Unsafe.
Endosulfan is banned in more than 63 countries including European Union, Australia and New Zealand, and other Asian and West African nations
Endosulfan was banned in New Zealand by the Environmental Risk Management Authority effective January 2009
Australia banned endosulfan October 12, 2010
But in India Endosulfan is used and manufactured in large quantities.
It is produced by Bayer CropScience, Makhteshim Agan, and Government-of-India–owned Hindustan Insecticides Limited and other few companies.
India the world's largest user of endosulfan, and a major producer with three companies
1. Excel Crop Care,
2. H.I.L.,
3. Coromandal Fertilizers
Producing 4,500 tonnes annually for domestic use and another 4,000 tonnes for export.
India is strongly opposed to adding endosulfan to the Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions
An organochlorine insecticide first registered in the 1950s,
endosulfan can be used on a variety of vegetables and fruits, on cotton, and on ornamental shrubs, trees, and vines.
Endosulfan has no residential uses.
Crops with the highest use in 2006 – 2008 included tomato, cucurbit, potato, apple, and cotton.
Endosulfan is an organochlorine insecticide that can be used on a wide variety of vegetables and fruits, cotton, and ornamental plants. It has no residential uses.
Household exposure is not of concern because endosulfan is not approved for residential uses in America.
According to Scientific American, endosulfan “is a chlorinated insecticide that is chemically similar to DDT, which was banned nearly 40 years ago in America.
Like DDT, endosulfan builds up in the environment and in the bodies of people and wildlife, and it is transported around the world via winds and currents.
Nearly all other organochlorine pesticides already have been banned in USA.
Endosulfan is used on crops such as vegetables, fruits, and cotton. According to The Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] the use of endosulfan is not harmful to humans through dietary exposure, but new research shows that it poses “unacceptable risks” to farm workers and wildlife due to inhalation and contact with skin.
Data developed since 2002 has shed additional light on the risks faced by workers who apply endosulfan and those who harvest crops and conduct activities in fields after the pesticide is used.
Risks faced by workers are greater than previously known, in many instances exceeding the Agency's levels of concern.
Endosulfan can travel long distances from where it is used.
For example, a 2008 report by the National Parks Service found that endosulfan commonly contaminates air, water, plants and fish of National Parks in the U.S.
Most of these parks are far from areas where endosulfan is used.
People may be exposed to residues of endosulfan through food and drinking water, human milk. Damage will depend how much Endosulfan has been used.
Endosulfan is volatile, persistent, and has a high potential to bio-accumulate in aquatic and terrestrial organisms. A large body of scientific literature documents endosulfan’s medium- and long-range transport on a global scale and subsequent accumulation in nearly all environmental media. Through the process of global distillation, endosulfan is present in air, water, sediment, and biota thousands of miles from use areas.
The human effects are largely unknown but tests on lab animals have shown that endosulfan is toxic to the nervous system and can damage the kidney, liver and male reproductive organs.
Endosulfan is also a xenoestrogen a synthetic substance that imitates or enhances the effect of estrogens and it can act as an endocrine disruptor, causing reproductive and developmental damage in both animals and humans.
Researchers studying children from an isolated village in Kasargod District , Kerala, India have linked endosulfan exposure to delays in sexual maturity among boys
The researchers concluded that "our study results suggest that endosulfan exposure in male children may delay sexual maturity and interfere with sex hormone synthesis
Endosulfan has been banned in Kerala since 2005 in view of the grievous ill-effects of its use in cashew plantations in Kasaragod, including nearly 500 deaths and chronic health problems among the population.
The Pollution Control Board of the Government of Kerala, prohibited the use of Endosulfan in the state of Kerala on 10 November 2010
A 2007 study by the California Department of Public Health found that women who lived near farm fields sprayed with endosulfan and the related organochloride pesticide dicofol during the first eight weeks of pregnancy are several times more likely to give birth to children with autism.
Synonyms – Endosulfan
4.BIO 5,462
14.ENT 23,979
15.FMC 5462
22.HOE 2,671
26.NA 2761
28.NIA 5462
29.NIAGARA 5,462
31.OMS 570
Support and demand ban on endosulfan pesticide in India.
Reality Views by sm –
Monday, April 25, 2011 – 6.50 PM IST
Keyword Tag – Ban endosulfan pesticide
Source –
Second Chargesheet Filed in 2G scam – DMK MP Kanimozhi charged but big share holder Dayalu Ammal is not charged
Second Chargesheet Filed in 2G scam – DMK MP Kanimozhi charged but
big share holder Dayalu Ammal is not charged
Today CBI filed second charge sheet in 2G scam case.
According to media reports Tamil Nadu chief minister M Karunanidhi's daughter and DMK MP Kanimozhi has been named as a co-conspirator in the supplementary chargesheet filed by the CBI in connection with the 2G spectrum case
Sharad Kumar, managing director of Kalaignar TV is also charged in the Second Chargesheet.
Asif Balwa, cousin of Shahid Balwa, and Rajeev Agarwal, Directors of Kusegaon Fruits and Vegetables Pvt Ltd, who are presently in judicial custody, are also chargesheet in the supplementary charge sheet.
Karunanidhi's wife Dayalu Ammal has, however, not been named in the 2G case.
Who are the owners and how much shares are hold by whom in Kalaignar TV?
Kanimozhi – Holds 20% shares in Kalaignar TV
Dayalu Ammal – Holds 60% Shares in Kalaignar TV
Sharad Kumar, managing director of Kalaignar TV – Holds 20% shares.
Kalaignar TV is jointly owned by Kanimozhi, Dayalu Ammal and Sharad Kumar.
Kalaignar TV is owned by Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam.
Who is Kanimozhi?
Kanimozhi is the daughter of Tamil Nadu chief minister M Karunanidhi and MP
Party – DMK
Who is Dayalu Ammal?
Dayalu Ammal is the wife of Tamil Nadu chief minister M Karunanidhi.
The CBI had earlier told the court that Rs 200 crore connected with the 2G spectrum scam had travelled from a partnership firm of Swan Telecom Promoter Shahid Usman Balwa to Kalaignar TV Pvt Ltd.
CBI said that the money travelled through a "circuitous route" through Kusegaon Fruits and Vegetables Pvt Ltd, a DB group company and Cineyug Films Pvt Ltd.
Big question is Why 60% owner is not charged?
Ignorance of Law is not allowed and is not valid excuse in the eyes of law.
In Supplementary Chargesheet who is charged?
1. Kanimozhi DMK MP and CM daughter
2. Kalignar TV CEO Sharad Kumar
3. Cineyug Films Karim Morani
4. Kusegaon Realty's Rajeev Agarwal
5. Asif Balwa
Additional charges have been slapped on A Raja for accepting bribes and on Shahid Balwa and Vinod Goenka for paying a bribe.
In its 48 page supplementary chargesheet, CBI has said that Kanimozhi was A Raja's co-conspirator and accepted a bribe of Rs 200 crore along with former telecom minister for awarding the 2G license to Swan Telecom.
How the Bribe money was given or travelled to accused persons.
DB Realty is owned by Shahid Usman Balwa who has a stake in Swan Telecom which is one of the companies named in the 2G scam.
On December 23, 2008, DB group took a loan of Rs 242 crore from a financial service company and Rs 200 crore out of this loan was routed on the same day to Cineyug and Kusegaon Fruits and Vegetables, who in turn transefered the money on the same date to Kalignar.
CBI believes this money was the bribe for Raja and Kanimozhi
The court has summoned Kanimozhi on May 6 and it's on that day that special CBI judge would decide if she would join A Raja in Tihar Jail.
CBI chargesheet says that Amaal, who is Karunanidhi's wife and union minister Alagiri's mother, was a ghost director given that position only to complete the quorum.
Reality Views by sm-
Monday, April 25, 2011
Keyword Tags - CBI 2G spectrum Scam second Chargesheet filed Kanimozhi charged
Who is Dayalu Ammal
big share holder Dayalu Ammal is not charged
Today CBI filed second charge sheet in 2G scam case.
According to media reports Tamil Nadu chief minister M Karunanidhi's daughter and DMK MP Kanimozhi has been named as a co-conspirator in the supplementary chargesheet filed by the CBI in connection with the 2G spectrum case
Sharad Kumar, managing director of Kalaignar TV is also charged in the Second Chargesheet.
Asif Balwa, cousin of Shahid Balwa, and Rajeev Agarwal, Directors of Kusegaon Fruits and Vegetables Pvt Ltd, who are presently in judicial custody, are also chargesheet in the supplementary charge sheet.
Karunanidhi's wife Dayalu Ammal has, however, not been named in the 2G case.
Who are the owners and how much shares are hold by whom in Kalaignar TV?
Kanimozhi – Holds 20% shares in Kalaignar TV
Dayalu Ammal – Holds 60% Shares in Kalaignar TV
Sharad Kumar, managing director of Kalaignar TV – Holds 20% shares.
Kalaignar TV is jointly owned by Kanimozhi, Dayalu Ammal and Sharad Kumar.
Kalaignar TV is owned by Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam.
Who is Kanimozhi?
Kanimozhi is the daughter of Tamil Nadu chief minister M Karunanidhi and MP
Party – DMK
Who is Dayalu Ammal?
Dayalu Ammal is the wife of Tamil Nadu chief minister M Karunanidhi.
The CBI had earlier told the court that Rs 200 crore connected with the 2G spectrum scam had travelled from a partnership firm of Swan Telecom Promoter Shahid Usman Balwa to Kalaignar TV Pvt Ltd.
CBI said that the money travelled through a "circuitous route" through Kusegaon Fruits and Vegetables Pvt Ltd, a DB group company and Cineyug Films Pvt Ltd.
Big question is Why 60% owner is not charged?
Ignorance of Law is not allowed and is not valid excuse in the eyes of law.
In Supplementary Chargesheet who is charged?
1. Kanimozhi DMK MP and CM daughter
2. Kalignar TV CEO Sharad Kumar
3. Cineyug Films Karim Morani
4. Kusegaon Realty's Rajeev Agarwal
5. Asif Balwa
Additional charges have been slapped on A Raja for accepting bribes and on Shahid Balwa and Vinod Goenka for paying a bribe.
In its 48 page supplementary chargesheet, CBI has said that Kanimozhi was A Raja's co-conspirator and accepted a bribe of Rs 200 crore along with former telecom minister for awarding the 2G license to Swan Telecom.
How the Bribe money was given or travelled to accused persons.
DB Realty is owned by Shahid Usman Balwa who has a stake in Swan Telecom which is one of the companies named in the 2G scam.
On December 23, 2008, DB group took a loan of Rs 242 crore from a financial service company and Rs 200 crore out of this loan was routed on the same day to Cineyug and Kusegaon Fruits and Vegetables, who in turn transefered the money on the same date to Kalignar.
CBI believes this money was the bribe for Raja and Kanimozhi
The court has summoned Kanimozhi on May 6 and it's on that day that special CBI judge would decide if she would join A Raja in Tihar Jail.
CBI chargesheet says that Amaal, who is Karunanidhi's wife and union minister Alagiri's mother, was a ghost director given that position only to complete the quorum.
Reality Views by sm-
Monday, April 25, 2011
Keyword Tags - CBI 2G spectrum Scam second Chargesheet filed Kanimozhi charged
Who is Dayalu Ammal
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Suresh Kalmadi Arrested in CWG Scam
Suresh Kalmadi Arrested in CWG Scam
Updated Monday, April 25, 2011 – 4.30 PM IST
Today CBI arrested Suresh Kalmadi in scam related to Baton Relay.
In September 2009 Common wealth Games started in London with The Queen's Baton Relay
A London-based firm named AM Films was hired by Mr. Suresh Kalmadi to provide taxis, portable toilets and massive public TV screens for the ceremony.
He sanctioned transfers of huge amounts of cash to AM Film and its owner, Ashish Patel, even though there was no signed contract.
It’s reported that 2 Member CBI team went to London and they met with the Ashish Patel and is encouraging him to turn approver.
The financial track record of Mr Patel proved to be dubious.
It has also discovered that three other bids made by other UK firms for the Queen's Baton Relay function were forged to give contract to this firm.
In past OC members told that three other bids for Queen's Baton Relay were not competitive enough thus the Contract was given to the AM Films.
The bids attributed to three London-based companies - have turned out to be forged.
The three firms, all based in London - SD Displace, 3 Dots Vision and Movie Tech
But all the three companies said that OC never contacted them and they have never never bid for the baton relay contract.
According to media reports the CBI has got the video recordings of Organising committee (OC) meet in the capital where Kalamdi and his associate, VK Verma announced the awarding of time scoring equipment contract to Swiss timing.
The CBI has suspected Swiss timing's India representative, Gem International, of facilitating the kickbacks to Kalmadi.
Suresh Kalmadi has been arrested under Sections 120 B and 420 (criminal conspiracy and cheating) of the Indian Penal Code in the Commonwealth Games Time Scoring Equipment scam.
Still CBI has not confirmed this news waiting for confirmation but Media has said that CBI has arrested Suresh Kalmadi.
The Lawyer of Suresh Kalmadi Hitesh Jain said that he is not aware of the arrest.
Updated Monday, April 25, 2011 – 4.30 PM IST
CBI confirmed that Suresh Kalmadi is arrested by CBI.
The Congress suspended former CWG Organizing Committee chairman Suresh Kalmadi following his arrest by the Central Bureau of Investigation in the Commonwealth Games Time Scoring Equipment scam.
Two other senior officials of the Organizing Committee,Surjeet Lal and ASV Prasad have also been arrested in the Time Scoring scam.
Now it is expected that Kalmadi will be sacked, fired, removed from Indian Olympic Association as he is President.
Reality Views by sm –
Monday, April 25, 2011
Keywords Tag – Suresh Kalmadi finally arrested in CWG scam Kalmadi arrested
Updated Monday, April 25, 2011 – 4.30 PM IST
Today CBI arrested Suresh Kalmadi in scam related to Baton Relay.
In September 2009 Common wealth Games started in London with The Queen's Baton Relay
A London-based firm named AM Films was hired by Mr. Suresh Kalmadi to provide taxis, portable toilets and massive public TV screens for the ceremony.
He sanctioned transfers of huge amounts of cash to AM Film and its owner, Ashish Patel, even though there was no signed contract.
It’s reported that 2 Member CBI team went to London and they met with the Ashish Patel and is encouraging him to turn approver.
The financial track record of Mr Patel proved to be dubious.
It has also discovered that three other bids made by other UK firms for the Queen's Baton Relay function were forged to give contract to this firm.
In past OC members told that three other bids for Queen's Baton Relay were not competitive enough thus the Contract was given to the AM Films.
The bids attributed to three London-based companies - have turned out to be forged.
The three firms, all based in London - SD Displace, 3 Dots Vision and Movie Tech
But all the three companies said that OC never contacted them and they have never never bid for the baton relay contract.
According to media reports the CBI has got the video recordings of Organising committee (OC) meet in the capital where Kalamdi and his associate, VK Verma announced the awarding of time scoring equipment contract to Swiss timing.
The CBI has suspected Swiss timing's India representative, Gem International, of facilitating the kickbacks to Kalmadi.
Suresh Kalmadi has been arrested under Sections 120 B and 420 (criminal conspiracy and cheating) of the Indian Penal Code in the Commonwealth Games Time Scoring Equipment scam.
Still CBI has not confirmed this news waiting for confirmation but Media has said that CBI has arrested Suresh Kalmadi.
The Lawyer of Suresh Kalmadi Hitesh Jain said that he is not aware of the arrest.
Updated Monday, April 25, 2011 – 4.30 PM IST
CBI confirmed that Suresh Kalmadi is arrested by CBI.
The Congress suspended former CWG Organizing Committee chairman Suresh Kalmadi following his arrest by the Central Bureau of Investigation in the Commonwealth Games Time Scoring Equipment scam.
Two other senior officials of the Organizing Committee,Surjeet Lal and ASV Prasad have also been arrested in the Time Scoring scam.
Now it is expected that Kalmadi will be sacked, fired, removed from Indian Olympic Association as he is President.
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Monday, April 25, 2011
Keywords Tag – Suresh Kalmadi finally arrested in CWG scam Kalmadi arrested
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